The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2793: Return to Ri Yaocheng

I am very grateful to Jie Jie (200), the green tea control classmate (100) for the reward!


How can the two not move, I hope that the purple-level monk who shot the shot let them go. Their eyes are on the big cloud group. The two of them can be sure that the purple-level monk must be the cloud, because in the chaotic battlefield, if it is an ordinary cloud, It has long been broken up and disappeared, but now there is a cloud suddenly appearing there, not what is the purple-level monk shot?

Inside the cage.

At this time, Xu Ziyan has killed all the blue-level late monk monks, and then she no longer hands, but the monks and the star-light adventure group monks are given to them, which is also a star adventure group. A rare opportunity to experience.

Time passed by in silence, and after half an hour, all the masked people and the Stars adventure group have been killed. Xu Ziyan's hands were handcuffed, and then the walls of the road were constantly changing. The monks of the Star Adventures came out, and finally they became a hall. All the stars and adventure groups gathered here.

Xu Ziyan had a single-handed move, flying a stream of light from one monk. It was more than two thousand jade slips. Xu Ziyan collected the knowledge of the jade, and then collected the jade.

"Ziyan, your thing called the tactics is really amazing!" The eyes of the four seas said with bright light:

"There is no plan to accept the apprentice, I want to learn."

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head: "The formation is a small road, cultivation is an avenue, but..."

Xu Ziyan suddenly moved in the heart. Her circuit is not high, but the starry mainland has no inheritance, and it is better to leave a legacy here. Slightly thought about the moment:

"After going back to the Nikko City, the Star Adventure Group will set up another hall. I will resign as the deputy head of the group and serve as the head of the hall. Then I will go to the mountain with Fuhua, Mu Dingxiang and Tang Buzhi. All the stars. The monks of the adventure group can sign up for the assessment. After passing the assessment of the four of us, they are four disciples."

"Good!" Leng Han heard the words and smiled: "It's just that our Star Adventures team is less and less like an adventure group."

"Ha ha ha..."

The monks not only laughed, but Xu Ziyan laughed: "Clean the battlefield!"

The crowd began to collect a storage ring, and then handed the storage ring to the cold, cold cold will classify these loot, and then distribute some bonus points to each monk.

Xu Ziyan moved the fairy with his hands, and a flag was flying toward Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan was put away. The monks found that the surrounding environment changed rapidly, and they returned to the blue sky and white clouds.

The hearts of the two monks in the distance suddenly tightened, because they found that the cloud changed, but disappeared in an instant, but the people of the Star Adventure Group appeared, but those who were masked and starlight adventure groups But I have not seen the trace.

Do not!

Not missing the trace, but...


One by one, the body fell from the air toward the ground. It was the body of the more than 4,000 masked people and the body of the monk in the Starlight Adventures.

"All... dead..."

The two monks were frightened and frightened, and even more afraid to move, even the breath was blocked. The purple consciousness of Xu Ziyan spread out. Naturally, I saw the two people, but at this time there are still many monks in the distance. Xu Ziyan will take back the gods and ignore the two monks. I can’t watch those. Or the monks who are on the way are all killed.

The fairy boat of Xu Ziyan and others did not destroy a ship. Fortunately, he got a ship from the Starlight Adventure Group, and everyone entered the fairy boat. Continue to fly in the direction of the Rizhao City.

After this battle. Everyone has realized that one by one is retreating within the fairy boat, and Xu Ziyan is no exception. It’s just that her cultivation is growing faster than others, and others just keep accumulating. And she is a breakthrough.


The cup in the hands of Zhou Wei fell to the ground and became a fragment. His eyes were somewhat lost. Keep whispering:

“How could this be? How could this be?”

He suddenly jumped out of the chair and said: "Impossible! It is absolutely impossible for a purple-level monk to take a shot. There must be a reason why we don't know. You two will immediately tell me carefully about the process. Listen, there is no need to have a little omission."

"Yes, Dagongzi..."

At this time, standing in front of Zhou Peng is the two monks who monitored Xu Ziyan. The two men tried to recall each process and reported to Zhou Wei.

When the two of them finished speaking, Zhou Wei slightly closed his eyes and pondered for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes flickered, condensing:

"It’s not a purple-level monk’s shot. It must be related to the small flags that Xu Ziyan originally threw. Please check with me. Must check with me what those small flags are?”

Starlight Holy Land.

Guo Qiang’s eyes looked at the door with some empty eyes, and a voice shouted in his heart:

"How could this be? Is the Star Adventure Group really capable? Is this to say that they have the power to kill me, then I will never be able to leave the Holy Land in the future?

And some of the monks who lost this time are my people, and now the power in the Holy Land is also greatly damaged. What should I do? ”

The fairy boat flies above the clouds.

When the way was wild, Xu Ziyan did not stop to go to the Great Wilderness to see the fusion beast. The fairy boat did not stop, but continued to fly toward the Sunshine City. At this time, Xu Ziyan had already broken through to the middle class, equivalent to The beginning of the fairy king.

This cultivation can no longer be regarded as a weak person on the mainland of the star, but it is only at the bottom of the level of the strong. The monk of the Star Adventures looked at Xu Ziyan, who had come out to take a break, and his heart was silent. The original purple purple that was originally repaired in the Star Adventure Group has quietly surpassed some monks. It’s the cold and the cold, and the people watching Xu Ziyan’s speed of ascension are also helping the amount, and the mouth whispers:

"I want to die!"

It took more than two months from the Great Wilderness to the Sunshine City. There was no danger in this road. There was no action against the Star Adventures. Two months later, they arrived at the Rizhao City. In the past year, the cold, the four seas, the Fuhua language, Zhou Peng and the curtain Dingxiang finally got a breakthrough.

Zhou Peng and You Sihai broke through to the late blue-level product, and the cold-cold breakthrough to the blue-level mid-eight products, the curtain Dingxiang and Fuhua language broke through to the blue-level initial five products, Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng and Mei Kuihan because of the Dan drug grade It’s worse, so it’s just a breakthrough in the early seven stages of the blue-level mid-term. It’s already behind the cold in the repair, which makes them feel shocked by the cold and cold, while also fearing the cold and cold, especially In the face of the Lord, cold and cold can be the first to stand up and maintain the rules of the Star Adventures, so that they have already recognized the status of the cold as the head of the group. Du Fu's repairs are not much upgraded, but only reached the blue level of the initial four products, and upgraded a small order, while the solitary still has no improvement, want to break through to the purple level is not a problem of accumulation of strength, but need to The understanding of heaven. And Xu Ziyan is undoubtedly the fastest to repair, and now his cultivation is already the first five grades of the Qing Dynasty, which is equivalent to the middle of the Xianwang, not far from the late Xianwang.

The monks looked at Xu Ziyan’s heart and couldn’t help it. Although their cultivation was higher than that of Xu Ziyan, they all had no sense of superiority in front of Xu Ziyan. They did not say that Zi Ziyan was a master and alchemist, and he was able to What kind of formation is made, that is, the speed of the promotion of Xu Ziyan also makes them speechless.

Standing at the gate of the city of Rizhao, the cold and other people are very excited. The experience of this year has never been seen in their lifetime. Although they are different from adventurers and backgrounds, there have been many experiences that others have never had in their lifetimes, but in more than a year they have hunted the fusion beasts worth 100 billion yuan. This has not happened before. In a year's time, a newly established Ding adventure group was brought to the Class A adventure group. This has not happened.

It has never been respected by the sects and patriarchs of all parties in the form of a risky group. As a group of adventurers, they were invited to the banquet by the Holy Land. If someone said this before, they would never believe it.

"Are you crazy?"

Surrounded by nearly 5,000 monks, it was unimaginable to kill all the enemies without much loss.

These experiences have changed their temperament, and they are fearless and full of confidence.

"We are back!" The four seas shouted loudly toward the city, and everyone laughed and walked toward the city.

More than two thousand people walked into the Rizhao City and followed the street to the adventure group. Such an unfamiliar adventure group entered the Yoshiro City and immediately caught the attention of many people, especially the attention of the adventurer. When they saw the cold, after swimming around the sea and Zhou Peng, one face showed a shocking color.

They are both adventurers. Naturally, they know the cold, Zhou Peng and the four seas, and they watched the team of more than 2,000 people who had passed by them. They could not help but whisper:

“Is these people the new adventurers of the Star Adventures?”

"It should be! Otherwise it is impossible to come together."

“Did they want to upgrade directly from the D-level adventure group to the A-level adventure group?”

"Isn't this possible? I want to upgrade to a Class A adventure group. It's not just a number of people. I have to look at the points. How long has the Star Woolen Group been established? Is it more than a year? It is absolutely impossible to have that. More points."

"Look, that person seems to be the Dan League lord?"

"Not bad! How did the Dan League ally and the adventure group come together?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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