The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2794: challenge

"You don't know this? Dan Meng is behind the Star Adventures. The Starlight Adventure Group and the Tianci Adventure Group have offended the Star Adventures. Now all the shops belonging to Dan League on the entire Starlight continent refuse to sell these two. Any adventure group of any drug."

“No wonder there are so many adventurers joining the Star Adventures, or will we try?”

There is a silence around, and many adventurers are in the heart.

"Look, the people of the Starlight Adventures are coming!"

The eyes behind the cold mask in front were cold, and the eyes fell on the face of Wu Siyue, the head of the Starlight Adventure Group coming from the opposite side.

Xu Ziyan and the aunt walked behind the cold and other people. The two men chatted while walking, feeling that the atmosphere was getting cold. Xu Ziyan couldn't help but look at it, and he saw Wu Siyue, who was slowly moving across from him.

The eyes of Xu Ziyan were not cold, and the face of the staff was not sinking. At the beginning, Luo Yin ambushed, but they still remember this hatred in their hearts. Moreover, in the eyes of the aides, if there was no arrangement in the original purple smoke, I am afraid that they all died in the murder of the masked man and the starlight adventure group, so he looked at Wu Siyue’s eyes and flashed his killing. .

Wu Siyue also heard that the Star Adventure Group returned to the Nissau City, which was led by Wu Siyue and wanted to stop the Star Adventure Group from threatening it. These days, their days are very bad. Dan Meng refused to sell the medicinal herbs to them. Not to mention the problem of cultivation, that is, the medicinal herbs that were not treated after the injury caused them to lose a lot of monks. Now there are no monks who are willing to join again. Starlight Adventures, if you go on like this. Only losses, and no supplements, the Starlight Adventures will quickly decline and even disband.

But when Wu Siyue saw more than two thousand monks. The look can't be changed. When he sees the curtain again, his face changes. In this case, he naturally did not dare to stop the Star Adventures. If you anger the aides, their days will be even worse.

He didn't understand why Dan Meng would support the cold. He hadn't investigated it for more than a year, but he didn't investigate anything. At this time, only the people with the starlight adventure group flashed. On the one hand, bowing to the aides, the aides faintly looked at Wu Siyue, and snorted coldly. I will not take care of him anymore.

Wu Siyue’s look was stunned and his heart sighed. Knowing that the original plan to threaten the Star Adventures is no longer feasible. If you want to get the understanding of Dan League, you must pass the Star Adventures. So I turned to the cold and cold hand:

"Cold leader!"

Cold and cold, and the cold eyes looked at Wu Siyue.

"What is it?"

The indifference of coldness caused Wu Siyue’s heart to rise with an anger, and the Holy Land and the Heavenly Palace gathered far away, one north and one south. Moreover, there is no communication jade in the starry mainland, so the incident of Luo Yin’s attack on the Star Adventure Group has not yet been passed to the Rizhao City. Don’t say that this incident has not been passed, that is, the events of the Star Adventures in Star City have not yet been passed. Come over, although some big forces already know it, but they haven't spread yet. It's impossible to know the low level like the adventure world. Otherwise, Wu Siyue will not think about the understanding of Dan League through the Star Adventures.

Wu Siyue took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart. His face was filled with a smile:

“Everyone is an adventurer. Are we looking for a time to have a drink?”

Coldly and coldly, I watched Wu Siyue have a good time. This nodded:

"Good. Waiting for me to be free, everyone will choose a time."

If you fall, cold and cold will move forward, and you will never look at Wu Siyue again. It’s just that the eyes are even more cold. Wu Siyue looked at the cold back and his face was flushed. He had never been so cold by an adventurer. Just think of the situation of the Starlight Adventures. Have to endure the anger in my heart. An adventure group behind him whispered:


Wu Siyue looked back at him and whispered: "Let's go!"

The crowd walked to a crossroads, Xu Ziyan and others and the aides left, and the curtain Dingxiang stayed, and the monks continued to walk toward the Alliance of Adventurers.

Shortly afterwards, there was a sudden commotion in front of him, and then the pedestrians in front of them flashed toward the sides, and hundreds of people came from the opposite side. The leader of the Tianci Adventure Group was Kong Zhi.

Things have not been passed in Star City, but things have been passed down in the Great Wilderness. After the news that the 500-person adventure group killed by the Star Adventure Group let Kong Zhi know it, he was furious and vowed to remove the Star Adventure Group. Even if it is completely offended, Dan League will not hesitate.


Now that Dan Meng has blocked the Tianci Adventure Group, what else do they need to consider? The most important thing is that the Godsend Adventure Group lost 500 monks. This is not only a loss of strength, but also a reputational loss. Now their situation is worse than the Starlight Adventures.

The Starlight Adventures just didn't have to join him, and the Godsend Adventures had already begun to have monks to break away and join other adventure groups. Now their number has dropped to the number of the B-level adventure group. If one year can't raise the number, even if their points are enough, they can only drop to the B-level adventure group.

It was already a deadly situation that was killed by the other side. Confucius had no scruples. The Tianci Adventure Group and the Star Adventure Group could only survive.

Therefore, when he heard the Star Adventures return, he hurried with more than 100 people. Although he heard that the Star Adventures recruited a lot of monks in the Great Wilderness, he already had the number of Class A adventure groups, but he did not believe it in his heart. He does not believe that a Ding-level adventure group will be so attractive. Even if it is so attractive, he does not think that a Ding-level adventure group will have such financial resources to support so many people.

But when he saw the cold and cold followed by more than two thousand people, his heart was so stupid.

"How is this possible? This is not just the number of a Class A adventure group, but it is far more than this. How can this cold and cold, even in such a short time, pull up such an adventure group? ”

The angry heart rose again, and the cold eyes were full of fierceness. Then the look is another.

"This is this... What is it possible? How can the cold and cold repair be the blue mid-term eight?"

His eyes were sharp, and he saw the cold and cold cultivation. His heart was more determined to kill the cold and cold mind, and stopped to look cold and cold.

Cold and cold also stopped, the whole street was quiet, and countless monks around were exposed with excitement and looking at the two teams.


Only excited, no fear!

Because they know that it is not allowed to kill in the city of Rizhao, but they also heard that the Star Adventures killed the 500-day-old adventure group in the Great Wilderness, and this adventure group will not endure it. Both sides will definitely fight.

Ri Yaocheng is not allowed to kill, but there are uncontrollable things happening, everyone can solve it through duel. This happened almost every day in the duel, but such a large duel between the two big adventure groups was rare, which made the busy monks excited. First, you can watch the big excitement. Secondly, such a big duel gambling game must be big, and maybe you can win a game in this game.

There is a team of law enforcement teams standing in the city of Rizhao. They look at the two teams indifferently. If the two teams dare to kill the street, the law enforcement team in the city will immediately concentrate on it and kill the two adventure groups. .

"Cold hatred, have you killed us 500 people?"

Looking at the twisted face of Kong Zhi, the cold and faint nodded and said: "Yes, they want to kill me, I naturally want to kill them."

"Good! You admit it!" Kong Zhi said coldly: "Our Gods-giving adventure team will fight with your Star Adventures team, and only one of our two adventure groups will survive."

Cold cold frowned slightly, but then unfolded his brow and nodded: "Good!"

When I heard the cold and promised, Kong Zhi’s heart was certain: "After ten days, we were in the duel, each side sent ten people to fight, and the loser side disbanded the adventure group."

Kong Zhi’s face showed a sneer, although the Star Adventures developed very fast, but he firmly believes that the Tianci Adventure Group’s heritage is better than the Star Adventures. At least one of the ten games will win six games. Killing the cold in the duel, and then forcing the Star Adventures to disband, the God-given adventure group not only removed the cold and cold enemy, but also became famous and completely got rid of the predicament.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed, and the gods said: “Cold and cold, is it sure?”

Cold and cold also knows the voice: "I don't know, we lose a big face. Although we are developing very fast, but the foundation is still a lot different. But ... people have already pushed to the front, can not fight."

"Only the way of this kind of duel?"

"No, there is another kind of team battle..." The cold eyes suddenly brightened: "We can fight in a group."

"What is the group battle?"

"It is a large battle between two adventure groups. The adventure group with a small number of people is the subject. For example, the Tianci Adventure Group now has a thousand people. We can only have one thousand people here, and then these two thousand people will fight together and kill. The last person to die is only able to win. This is the most cruel form. The losing party is not disbanded, but completely destroyed. Purple smoke, we have a lore, we can completely fight."

"Then a group battle!" Xu Ziyan hammered the sound.

Seeing the cold and cold did not immediately agree, Kong Zhi’s face showed sarcasm: "What? Don't dare?"

Looking cold and looking at the opposite Kong Kong, there was a trace of pity in his eyes: "No, I agree with the duel, but I don't agree with the way of the duel."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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