The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2795: Team battle

I am very grateful to Mo Qianzhuan (1888), why are you lacking? Desire classmates (588), Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (588), Jie Jie classmates (200), dull little Meizhang classmates (100), book friends 141400110703901 classmates (100), really can not care about classmates (100 ), green tea control classmates (100), book friends 150102100711825 classmates (100) reward!


Kong Zhi’s gaze was a contraction. He immediately remembered the group battle because there were only two ways to fight.

"You want to fight?"

"Yes! Do you dare?"

"Good!" Kong Zhi decisively said: "I promised!"

He can't help but promise that the duel is what he proposed. If he refuses at this time, he will not need to mix in the adventure world.

"After ten days, we will see you in the duel!"

If you are cold and cold, you will move forward. Kong Zhi's face flashed to one side. The two teams gradually approached, and the cold suddenly stopped and looked at the Tianci Adventure Group. There was a trace of complexity in his eyes. After all, he stayed in the Tianci Adventure Group for more than three years, and there were some friends there. His look was slightly hesitant. Then, Lang said:

"Dear friends, we are no stranger to each other. The cause of the duel is also clear to you. I have no intention of being an enemy of the Godsend Adventure Group. But when things get to this point, I have a few words that I hope you will bring back to other friends. All friends are welcome to join the Star Adventures before the duel, and the door of the Star Adventures is open to you."

"Cold cold, you mean!" Kong Zhi looked angry.

Cold cold just looked at him faintly. Then walk towards the front. After half an hour, they came to the Alliance of Adventurers and sold all the fusion beasts to the Adventurers Alliance. The Star Adventures had more than 110 billion best crystals. At the same time, the points also reached the qualification of the Class A adventure group.

The next step is to count the number of people, register and create a book. The number of stars in the adventure group now totals 2,168, which is fully qualified for the Class A adventure group. So the Star Adventures re-registered the ranks in the Adventurers League. Become a Class A adventure group.

The monks rose out of the Alliance of Adventurers, and the monks in the Alliance of Adventurers showed their stunned eyes and looked at the cold and others disappearing at the gate.

A Ding-level adventure group has been promoted to the A-level adventure group in a year, which is simply unprecedented. This is a legend.

Before I entered the base, I saw that Tang did not stand with some people at the gate, and saw that the cold and so on people strode forward.

"Ha ha ha... I heard that you are back, how? Look like we are a Class A adventure group?"

"Of course, the Great Wilderness is not going to be white!" Stretching out his fist and punching a few fists on the shoulders of Tang’s:

"Not bad! You broke through? Don't lose to Dingxiang them, yes, hahaha..."

Everyone laughed and walked into the base. Shi Xiaotian and others came here for the first time. On the way, they heard that the Star Adventures had a very large base. Their hearts still had a trace of suspicion. Now they see the real Base. I know in my heart that the conditions here are better than they think. One by one, I couldn’t help but feel excited. With such a family, the future of this star adventure group can be imagined.

After arranging more than 2,000 people, cold, Xu Ziyan, Zhou Peng, swim around the world, Fuhua language, curtain Dingxiang. Tang does not have a device. Du Gu Ke, Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng, Mei Kuihan and Du Fu sat in the hall. Cold cold looked at Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan. When will you return 100 billion of the best crystals to Dan Meng?"

"No hurry!" Xu Ziyan waved and smiled: "After waiting for the duel with the Godsend Adventure Group."

"This..." Cold cold slightly frowned and said: "Is this suitable?"

"Nothing is not appropriate, we are not not. It is only a delay of ten days. I am useful for these fairy crystals."

"What use?" Everyone looked curiously at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "We went out for a year, then we should take a break, but such a big adventure group needs to feed, so we have to go out and do the task to earn Xianjing. But now there is an opportunity to let They don't have to worry about Xianjing in the next few years, they can calm down and cultivate here."

"what chance?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the four seas: "Is the duel belong to that power?"

"Nature is the Heavenly Palace."

"Then we should have a gamble with the team of the Godsend Adventures?"

"Yes!" You can see the look of the four seas, and then suddenly say: "You want to..."

“Not bad!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “We will press all of our homes to win, so we have the crystals that we need in the next few years or even ten years. We don’t have to go out to complete the task.”

Cold and cold, the eyes of the four seas and other people showed a happy color, but Shi Xiaotian and others were worried. After they decided to reach a group battle from Cold and Kong, they were filled with worries along the way. They are also adventurers, and they are also very familiar with the Godsend Adventures. In their view, the Star Adventures are not as strong as the Star Adventures. In the Great Wilderness, they can kill the 500-day-old adventurous monk. Because of the help of the purple-level fusion beast, now there is no help from the purple-level fusion beast. How can the Star Adventure Group be the opponent of the God-given adventure group?

Seeing that the group will be destroyed, still thinking about the dream of making a fortune here, is this going to be dead?

“How many homes do we have now?” The four seas are excitedly looking at the cold.

Cold and cold explored with the knowledge of the gods: "There is less than 120 billion yuan."

"Then we will be betting 110 billion celestial crystals!" The eyes of the four seas are shining.

"This is crazy!"

Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng and Mei Kuihan looked at each other with a glance at each other. They were very unintelligible in their eyes. The solitary singer was a look that didn't care, and he looked down like a piece of wood. At this time, Du Fu had already thought of a lore, and his face was naturally smiling.

"Four Seas!" Cold Cold threw a storage ring to the four seas of the tour: "The bet is handed over to you. Wait for the last day, then bet."

"No problem, give it to me." The four seas took the storage ring with a smile.

"Everyone takes a day off, and tomorrow I will pass the lore to all the adventurous monks. Then in these few days, you will lead everyone to practice the lore, and after ten days, the Tianci adventure team will be solved." Xu Ziyan said with a sigh.

"Good!" Cold and cold said: "Everyone has worked hard along the way, take a rest. We will start to get busy tomorrow."

"Xu Zongshi. What is the lore?" Shi Xiaotian asked Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "You will know when you get there."

Everyone dissipated, and Shi Xiaotian and other people left with confusion and anticipation. Their hearts were settled a lot. I thought that I might die in a group battle after ten days, but now my heart has raised hope. He saw that there were no worries in the faces of Xu Ziyan and Leng Han, which made their hearts settle down.

Xu Ziyan returned to his room and immediately began to cultivate. However, she did not practice until a quarter of an hour, Tang did not ran to knock on the door, Xu Ziyan reluctantly stood up and opened the door. Tang did not enter the house with great enthusiasm.

"Ziyan, I have some puzzles about refining. I want to ask."

Xu Ziyan smiled helplessly: "No, I really don't understand the refiner, but my master used to know a lot about the refiner. I have sorted out these days, and you take it back."

Xu Ziyan has long known that once he returns to the Nikko City, Tang will come to ask his knowledge of the refiner. However, she really didn't know much about the refining device. She recorded the knowledge about the inferior Xianbao in the relic of the Yanshan spirit and recorded it on a jade slip. Now she took it and handed it to Tang.

After Tang did not take over the jade, the gods swept away and his face changed. The inheritance of Yu Jian’s inheritance saw two or three sentences, but these two sentences gave great inspiration. He knew that this was definitely a collection, and he immediately took it up and stood up and walked towards Xu Ziyan. Road:

"Ziyan, thank you!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head. Tang did not go in a hurry. Xu Ziyan smiled and closed the door. Once again, I entered the cultivation.

The next day, Xu Ziyan concentrated the monks who had not learned the lore in the square. More than two thousand people looked at Xu Ziyan, and their eyes were full of excitement. They all know that Xu Ziyan will give them a battle. Called the lore.

Although they don't know what the lore is, they carry a "line". Presumably it is a kind of formation. They have all seen the pattern of Xu Ziyan cloth. At that time, it was the mysterious array that allowed them to kill nearly 5,000 masked people and the Starlight Adventures monk. Presumably this lore is extraordinary.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept over two thousand people in front of him, and his look became extremely serious:

"Today, I will teach you a battlefield, the name is the lore. Before you pass it on to you, I want to tell you about the rules of the Star Adventures. You all know that all the monks who join the Star Adventures are not allowed. If you leave the adventure group again, maybe you are very disgusted with this matter and think that they have bound your freedom. This thing has not been justified.

Today, I will tell you the reasons. In the Star Adventures, there will not only be other cultivation resources that the adventure group does not have, but also the support of the four symbols of the Danfu. You have got so many benefits, why do you want to come, want to go and leave?

More importantly, the Star Adventures will have a lot of secret skills, such as this killing, these secrets are absolutely not allowed to leak out, so if someone is out of the adventure group, we will only kill it. Similarly, whoever exposes the lore to the lore will be killed. Understand? ”


More than two thousand people responded with excitement. They have already felt from the rules of the Star Adventures that this is going to a sect road, which makes their hearts excited. There is no slight resistance to the rules of the Star Adventures, because the world’s sects and families are such a concept.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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