Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, and then rushed out of a brilliance in the eyebrows. This Guanghua rushed out of Xu Ziyan's knowledge of the sea and turned into more than two thousand ray of light into the eyebrows of more than two thousand monks.

Xu Ziyan saw that more than two thousand monks were sitting cross-legged at this time. After reading the loneliness in the gods, they nodded to the cold and other people, gently moved the lotus steps, slowly left, and trained these monks. The killings were handed over to the cold and others. Her only task now is to cultivate, as soon as possible to upgrade to the holy level, and then to understand the world's holy heaven, then will leave here, return to the mainland.

After four hours, the monks woke up one after another, and then cold, Zou Peng and others began to train all the monks of the Star Adventures to learn the lore, and the whole star adventure group raised the voice of the monks.

However, from the third day, cold and cold will hand over the training of the lore to Zhou Peng and You Sihai, and he is receiving the monks from time to time. These monks are gods-giving groups. The monks, who were all friends who were cold when they were in the Tianci adventure group, heard the cold and cold willing to recruit them and rushed over. Of course, some monks had a relationship with the cold and cold, but in the end they chose to leave the Tianci Adventure Group and go to the Godsend Adventure Group.

For these monks, cold and cold are very enthusiastic, but they did not teach them to kill. It’s not cold and cold, not trusting them, but cautious. If there is really a spy on the God-given adventure group, after learning the loneliness and leaking it to Kong Zhi, the group battle is dangerous.

Of course, the cold is not ready to conceal them for a lifetime, as long as the end of the group battle, cold and cold will naturally pass the lore to them. And those monks who come to work are also people of interest. Knowing that this time they are not suitable for the study of lore, not only is not suitable for presentation, but also to take the initiative to avoid suspicion. So although they heard the square every day, they heard the earthquake, but no one came close. They are far away from each other and don't look at it, so although they know that it must be prepared for the group battle, but they don't know how to prepare.

Time soon arrived on the tenth day.

The Star Adventures are ready to go. The monks who came to the battle also followed, and they also wanted to see how the Star Adventures won the battle. Their hearts have already determined that the Star Adventures will win this group battle before they go to the Star Adventures, otherwise they will not go. Because they feel that if they are not sure, the cold will not propose a team battle, but they do not know how the Star Adventures will win the team battle. Watching the repairs of these monks in the Star Adventures is not a godsend!


Why are each of them wary, with no fear on their faces, only excitement.

What is the secret of the Star Adventures?


They have been training these days. What are they training?

The more I think about my heart, the more difficult I am, so I am going to fight in a group, which makes them endure the urgency of their hearts.

They have not yet stepped out of the gate, they will see that the nose of the sea is not the nose, not the face, and the coldness sees his look.

"What are you doing?"

"The duel field is too inconspicuous!" said the four seas hate and said: "The odds for giving us the Star Adventures are 60%, which means we won. Only then can we win the 660 billion best fairy crystals, even The odds of one to one are not given."

Cold weather is also a glimpse, it is reasonable to say that the odds of the Star Adventures should not be so low. The Star Adventures is a newly formed adventure group, and the Tianci Adventures is an old-fashioned adventure group. And from the appearance of strength, the Godsend Adventure Group definitely exceeds the Star Adventure Group, cold and cold to be sure, if there is no lore, the Star Adventure Group is definitely not the opponent of the Godsend Adventure Group.

"What is the odds for the adventure group that day?"

"They have no odds, no more than one to one, but 70%. More than us."

Cold cold shook his head. There was a bitter smile in the eyes: "The duel is cautious."

Xu Ziyan thought a little and then understood that what happened to his group in Star City did not know that Tiangong should know clearly, if not now the Star Adventures Group has just been formed. The strength of the monk is still low, I am afraid that the odds of one side will be even lower.

"Let's go! Some wins are better than no wins. Sixty-six billion is enough for us to use for a few years."

"Ziyan, six hundred and six billion is a lot, how can it be used for a few years? I think our entire star adventure group has been used for hundreds of years." Cold and cold looking at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan said as he walked forward: "There are not many 660 billion. We still need to continue to recruit monks. Since we have four instruments, we have to equip each monk with a good equipment." At the very least, there is a genre of defensive fairy and offensive type. Do you have to provide the medicinal medicinal herbs to the monks in the regiment? Do you have to distribute a few plaques to the monks in the regiment? You said that the 660 billion best ?"

"Yes... not much..."

Cold and cold only feel sweat on my forehead, where is this a risky group? This even the average small sect is not as luxurious as the Star Adventures.

Zhou Peng glared at the cold shoulders: "Looking farther, if there is a good place in the future, we will take it down and build a sect that truly belongs to us."

"Good!" The cold fighting spirit also rose up: "For our future sect, we must get the 6.6 billion fairy crystals today."

"Yes! Win the fairy crystal!"

"That Xianjing goes!" The monk of the more than two thousand stars adventure group shouted.

The followers who followed in the back looked at everything that happened in front of them, but the mind only calculated a little, and the shock in the heart was even worse.

"This is this... This star adventure group has more than one billion billion fairy crystals? And they have all been gambling? If they win, they can get 660 billion best crystals?"

"This is this... The Star Adventures are much richer than the Godsend Adventures..."

"But do they think they can win?"

Ri Yaocheng.

Duel field.

At this time, both inside and outside are crowded.

This duel field is a mustard space, but it can only accommodate 500,000 spectators. I heard the two major-level adventure groups fighting, but sold out in one day. At this time, the audience in the duel field was full of people, and there were millions of people outside the duel field. There were four huge water curtains on the four sides of the duel field.

In a room in the duel field, a monk hurried to the front of the door, raised his hand and gently knocked on the door. There was a majestic voice inside:

"Come in!"

The monk pushed in and then closed the door with his backhand, looking respectfully at an old man sitting opposite:

"Elders, the second son has just put in the 110 billion best fairy crystal."

“Well?” the elder, who looked up at the monk, then lowered his eyes and said, “Know it! Go out!”


The monk retired silently and closed the door. The elder thought for a while, and his face showed a smile:

"This stinky boy, even sent them to the adventure group's fusion beast to get the fairy crystals, and it seems that the confidence of the Star Adventure Group is not small! Is there anything I don't know? No, in this case, It is necessary to readjust the odds."

Tianci Adventures Station.

Kong Zhi’s face was very gloomy, looking at the more than 700 people in front of him, secretly biting his teeth. At the beginning of the day, the adventure group had nearly 2,000 people, and nearly 500 people died in the forest. The original Tianci adventure group was greatly hurt. However, after the death of 500 people in the Great Wilderness, the number of people in the Tianci Adventure Group was just over a thousand. Later, there were some monks who left the adventure group. In the end, there were hundreds of monks who went to the Star Adventures. Now there are only over 700 people left.

He grabbed his fist and looked at the more than 700 people in front of him: "You brothers, we must win this battle. As long as we win, the Star Adventures will vanish, and our good days will come. My Confucius is here. Swear, as long as we work together to win this fight, everything in the future will be shared with you."


The door was pushed open and the shape of a monk swelled.

"Head of the head, the four adventures of the Star Adventures in the duel field under the 110 billion best fairy crystal!"

Kong Zhi’s look is even more gloomy, which is undoubtedly the confidence to show the stars’ adventure group. At this time, he must upgrade the momentum of the God-given adventure group, and immediately took out a storage ring and handed it to the confidant monk:

"There are three billion billion crystals here, you go to us to win!"


The monk turned and left, but he was stopped by Kong Zhi: "What are the odds?"

"The odds of the Star Adventures are 60%, and our odds are 70%."

"Bastard!" Kong Zhi couldn't help but swear, his face was as dark as rain. He didn't think that his odds of the adventure group was high by the Star Adventures. It seems that the duel field is also optimistic about the Star Adventures, although the scale is good. Not big, but that is also optimistic. Looking at the more than 700 people, I saw that the monks had just raised their momentum because of their own bet on the 30 billion yuan.

"Good!" Kong Zhizhen made a big speech: "Then let them win this group battle, and also win this fairy crystal. Since the duel field will give us 10%, then we will laugh." set off!"

The Godsend Adventures set off in a rumble, heading for the duel, and the momentum of decline has improved. But when they walked halfway, they saw the monk flying over again. Before coming to Kong Zhi’s body, Kong Zhi’s face tried to show a smile:

"But bet?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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