The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2797: Fight

Thank you very much for the reward of the **** classmate (200)!


"But bet?"

"Well, it’s over. Just..."

"Just what?" Kong Zhi’s heart rose a little badly.

"Just... the duel has adjusted the odds..."

"Ha ha ha..." Kong Zhi released a big laugh: "The duel is finally aware of our power! Say, how much has we adjusted our odds? How much lower than the Star Adventures?"

The monk swallowed a spit, and the expression on his face couldn’t tell what it was, whispered:

"The odds of the Star Adventures have not changed, and we have adjusted our odds to one to one."


Kong Zhi’s body swayed a little, almost squirting a blood, and his eyes were a little lost. This odds will indicate that the duel field is not very optimistic about the Godsend Adventure Group.

"How could this be?"

"The head of the hole!" At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the crowd: "I want to know clearly. I won't participate in this group battle. I am now out of the Godsend Adventure Group."

"You..." Kong Zhi’s eyes spit.

However, at this time many monks have already reacted, and the odds of the duel are usually very accurate. Like the odds of such a big difference, according to past experience, the Star Adventure Group has a great win. This is not a general bet for them, they bet on life. If they lose this group battle, their fate is death.

No one wants to die, so many monks immediately quit the Godsend Adventure Group, just less than a quarter of an hour. The Tianci Adventure Group has less than 300 people left. These three hundred people are the true shackles of Kong Zhi. Kong Zhi looked at the three hundred people in front of him, and his eyes were red and bloody. Condensed and shouted:

"Everyone is an old brother who has been with me for a long time. If I don't have extra words, I won't say it. Today we will kill our enemies, not for group battles, not for Xianjing, or for killing! Kill! Kill!"


Nearly three hundred disciples shouted in unison. The sound of the earthquake was nine, and the surrounding passersby was shocked.

"What crazy are these people?"

"You don't know, they are godsend adventure groups. Today I have to fight with the Star Adventures."

"I remembered it, but how are the people of the Godsend Adventure Group so little? Isn't the group of warriors going to the whole regiment? Are there fewer than three hundred stars in the adventure group? ?"

"You...there is really nothing in the window! The Star Adventure Group is not the only one. It is said that there are already more than 2,000 people. There are fewer people in the Godsend Adventure Group. It is just a little bit."

"I have read the book. You don't lie to me. The God-given adventure group is a veteran A-level adventure group. How could it be that there are only a few people?"

"Is such that……"

There was a discussion around, and Kong Zhi’s heart was full of anger. There is only one word in the heart at this time.


The back of the duel field.

The Tianci Adventure Group saw a huge team coming over from far away. There were more than 2,000 people. It was cold and cold, Xu Ziyan and others who walked in front.

The footsteps of both sides are at the same time, only a hundred meters apart. At the same time, the other side despised the past, and the air was filled with a hot atmosphere.

Although there are hundreds of thousands of people around, it is still silent at this time.

"Treading step..."

A footstep came, and the Starlight Adventures came from another street under the leadership of Wu Siyue. It was just the other corner of the triangle. The three adventure groups formed a triangle.

The Godsend Adventures are full of killings, and Kong Zhi is staring at the cold. If the eyes can kill, the cold is already late. The momentum of nearly three hundred people condensed together, like an injured wolf.

The Star Adventures is highly wary. The team of two people is very long. The war is united together like a dragon. Cold cold, Xu Ziyan, Zhou Peng, swim around wherein. Curtain Dingxiang, Fuhuayu and Tangzi are standing at the forefront. The look is calm and the old well does not wave.

The Starlight Adventure Group also has more than 1,500 people, and it is inspired by the momentum of the Tianci Adventure Group and the Star Adventures. But Wu Siyue, who stood at the forefront, was a smile, but the smile contained a hint of coldness. There is already a plan in his heart. If the Tianci Adventures won this group battle, then the Star Adventures must be disbanded. This is the rule of the team battle. At that time, he would send a monk of the Starlight Adventure Group to encircle the monks of the Star Adventures, completely severing the chance of the resurrection of the Star Adventures.

If the final Star Adventures wins, but it is seriously damaged, he will make a team battle to the Star Adventures and completely kill the Star Adventures.

Don't look at the fact that there are only three hundred people left in the adventure group today, but it is less than three hundred people who are the elite of the God-given adventure group. And the rules of the group battle, the Star Adventures can only be the same number as the Tianci Adventure Group, just look at the strength of the Star Adventure Group, even if they pick out the strongest monk in the 300 group, repair is also There is no Godsend adventure, so he thinks the Godsend Adventure Group won. Even if the Star Adventures had any reliance, and finally won the game, it would be devastating. At that time, the Star Adventures had no strength, and their cards were clearly seen by themselves, and then they launched the head of the Star Adventures, the Star Adventure. The group can be destroyed.

Therefore, Wu Siyue was very happy at this time, and his face was always smiling.

"Treading step..."

Leng Han and others raised their footsteps and walked toward the central gate.

"Treading step..."

Kong Zhi also led his men to the central gate, the door was very wide and walked side by side. Kong Zhi looked at his side and looked at the cold and cold screaming:

"Cold cold, today is your death."

"Hey!" Cold and cold snorted: "Since you sent people to kill us in the Great Wall, your head is no longer yours, just the things I have stored in your neck."

Kong Zhi’s eyes flickered, but he did not say anything, but the murderousness of his body spread without any disguise. The murderousness in the cold and cold body is also unrecognizable, and the murderousness of both sides fluctuates in the space.

霎 Time to kill the entire channel, like a sneaky ghost.

Entering the duel field, Xu Ziyan looked around curiously. In the middle is a huge enclosed space. The square is like a huge transparent platform. Xu Ziyan captures the air and smells it. He knows that it is a mustard space. To say that these people, the number of people can be accommodated ten times more. Around the mustard space is a wide open space, and then there is a layer of grandstands. At this time, the audience is full of hundreds of thousands of viewers.

The people in the duel field appeared in the air, overlooking the two adventure groups, and then opened:

"Star Adventures, do you want to fight with the Godsend Adventures?"

"Yes!" Cold cold replied immediately, without hesitation.

The monk nodded and turned his eyes to Kong Zhishen's voice: "Tianci adventure group, but want to fight with the Star Adventures?"

"Yes!" Kong Zhi said coldly.

The monk’s gaze swept through the Tianci adventurous group: “The Tianci Adventure Group has a total of 276 people, and the Star Adventure Group has selected 276 people for the team battle.”


A humming sound came from the stands.

"How can this adventure group leave such a small person? Are they not a veteran first-class team?"

"Yeah! I have calculated the Godsend Adventures, they should have more than 700 people!"

"Isn't it going to escape?"


Xu Ziyan did not intend to participate in the war. Although her cultivation on the Starlight continent is only the early five grades of the Qing Dynasty, she was a holy monk in the Shangyuan continent, and she was also a monk in the late stage of the Holy Class. The holy monk naturally has her pride. How can she come to the stage to give hundreds of thousands of viewers a look?

The holy monk is not a Chinese cabbage. How many can the Upper Continent and the Starlight continent add up?

For Xu Ziyan's choice, Leng Han and others have no opinion. In their hearts, Xu Ziyan is strong, but it has obvious shortcomings, that is, she is strong in the body, and the real cultivation is only the first five products of the Qing class. If Xu Ziyan is on the scene, it will be in the hundreds of thousands of people. In front of it exposed the short board of Xu Ziyan. And with the lore, they also have the absolute confidence to completely erase the Tianci adventure group from the starry continent.

Their self-confidence has swelled to the extreme. All the cold, Zhou Peng, the four seas, the curtain Dingxiang, the Fuhua language, and the Tang dynasty are all personally present, not to mention the solitary, Du Fu, Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng and Mei. Bitter cold and others.

Soon, 276 monks were selected, and these are the most powerful monks in the current Star Adventures.

On the VIP table in the stands, the curtains looked at the face of the curtain Dingxiang, although calm, but the heart was full of worry. In this death battle, is my daughter doing it? After all, she is just an alchemy teacher!

"The lord, the prostitute can't do it!" asked the elder of Danmen, lowering his voice.

"Of course!" Although the aides were worried, they were not on the surface.

"Lord, you really don't say that the prostitute's cultivation is improved! She will not put time on cultivation, and give up alchemy?"

The aides were not happy at the time, but he knew that the realm of alchemy in the curtain of Dingxiang grew rapidly. Besides, guarding an alchemy master Xu Ziyan, can the growth of the alchemy realm be slower?

The face is not allowed to show the color of pride: "Dingxiang's Dandao realm not only does not fall behind, but also progresses very quickly, not far from my realm."

"What?" The elder looked at the aides in a wrong way, and then looked at the curtain Dingxiang in the duel field below.

At the moment, Ding Dingxiang also saw the aides at the VIP table and smiled at the curtain. He smiled there, but there were two faces on the face of helplessness. One was Tang and the other was a tour.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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