The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2798: Group out

Xu Ziyan saw the change of their faces, and they knew the voice:

"Four seas, no equipment, what is wrong?"

"Ziyan, my big brother is coming."

Xu Ziyan heard the words: "There are no strange things in the world. Your eldest brother probably knows your identity long ago, and now it is even more impossible to hide. But he just sat in the stands and never looked for you before. Explain that he still doesn't want to bother your life. What are you worried about?"

"Yeah!" The four seas reacted and stopped looking at his older brother. The look on his face calmed down.

However, the words of Tang did not make Xu Ziyan a surprise: "Ziyan, my old man came."

"Your old man? The owner of the alliance?"


Xu Ziyan thought a little, and also understood the mind of the ally of the ally. This group battle is very dangerous. I don’t think that the ally of the ally has no bottom. I don’t want to see it myself, but I can’t sit at home. Then he said to the Tang dynasty:

"No, it is the uncle's concern for you. I am afraid that you are in danger, but you also know that we can't be in danger. Maybe after we win, my uncle will quietly leave."

"That's right!" Tang did not get up again: "In any case, he let me go back and I will not go back."

At this time, the monk of the duel screamed: "Star Adventure Group, Godsend Adventure Group, are you ready?"

"Yes!" Cold and Confucius answered in unison.

"Admission!" The monk was very crisp and neat.

Kong Zhiyi raised his hand and said: "Go!"

Cold and cold also shouted: "Go!"

Xu Ziyan took the remaining stars and the adventure group to stand on the wide aisle, and his eyes fell to the mustard space in the center.

The Star Adventures and the Tianci Adventures enter from two entrances and stand opposite each other.

As soon as the Tianci Adventure Group entered the mustard space, it made a desperate gesture. The Star Adventures is a lore.

The whole stand is a quiet, although they do not know the lore, but they can feel the utmost danger in this battle.

To know that the monks who can enter here to sit in the stands are not low, that is, some of the second ancestors are lower. But the horizon is not low. At this time, everyone can feel that the 276 people of the Star Adventure Group seem to condense into a whole, as if an ancient beast, exudes an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

"What is this?" Seeing almost all the monks in the sky are changing. The eyes glanced at the Star Adventures.

"What is this?" The grandson of Tiangong looked at him.

"What is this?" The look on the face of the ally of the ally is slightly moving.

"What is this?" Wu Siyue, the head of the Starlight Adventures, wrinkled tightly.

"What is this?" Kong Zhi's face in the mustard space has completely changed, and even a hint of fear has risen in his eyes.


A bell rang and the duel began.

"Treading step..."

The footsteps of cold and cold people rang and forced the past toward the opposite side. Kong Zhi took a deep breath and looked at the space in his eyes. He suddenly screamed:


The first to shock the past to the cold and other people, behind him is 275 people, also rushing toward the opposite side. At the same time, an attack was issued to the opposite side.

Cold and cold, and other 276 people’s faces all showed a sardonic smile. They suddenly put one hand on the shoulder of the person in front, two hundred and seventy-six were connected into one whole, and the other Hand pulls the fairy.


A huge hurricane was formed, wrapping 276 people in the middle and hovering in the air, forming a huge wind column. The attack of Kong Zhi and others was blocked, and the attack of the other side was removed as the hurricane circling. Then the palm of the two hundred and seventy-six people suddenly printed forward, and the hurricane screamed toward the opposite side.


Only in an instant, the hurricane rushed into the middle of the 276 people, and 276 people were hit by seven and eight, and their stature was unstable.


Cold and cold, and took out the fairy in his hand and shocked the past. Two hundred and seventy-six people formed a whole, like a mountain peak, slammed into the other's camp, and like a huge meat grinder.

There was silence throughout the stands.

The result was that they did not think that most of the monks in the stands thought that the Star Adventures team had lost. After all, from the perspective of surface strength. The Star Adventures has no advantage. So they all bought the Godsend Adventure Group to win. Only a small number of people bought the Star Adventure Group to win. This small group of people has some insiders, some analyze the odds, and some are the big luck.

There was a happy smile on the face of the staff. He doesn't care about anything else, as long as his daughter is fine. As long as the Star Adventure Group wins, the rest is not related to him. He is an alchemy teacher, not a pure monk.

The face of the ally of the Allies also showed a relaxed color, and the hanging heart finally returned to the stomach. When he knew that Tang did not want to participate in the group battle, he couldn't wait to get him out, but he knew that if he did, he would probably ruin his son's heart, so he was patient. However, in my heart, I have been gnashing my teeth:

"When the end of this group battle is over, if this stinky boy is still alive, he must bring him back to the League. The son of the Allied League is joining the adventure group."

Now that I saw my son, I will finally have nothing to do. In my heart, I am more determined to take my son away. He can't take this kind of worry, a mechanic is a good refiner, what risk?

The bright light of the twins of the Tiangong Dagongzi, he and the League, Dan Meng thought differently. The Tiangong was originally a force that was completely different from the Dan League. The best achievement of Dan League is alchemy. The highest achievement of the League is the refining device, while the Tiangong is capable of fighting. The Tiangong and the Starlight Holy Land are the paradise of pure monks. Therefore, the Dagongzi of Tiangong can see the power of this battle.

Although he did not know that this thing was called a battlefield, he saw his extraordinary. The battlefield composed of a group of monks who are not as good as each other, but the other side is killed, you can see the power of this battle. If Tiangong masters this battle, it can completely suppress the starlight holy land.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the mustard space was quiet, and the 261-day adventure group was all killed, and none of the Star Adventures was killed or injured.

There was no cheer in the stands, and there was silence.

Although the group battle is not always there, it has been occasionally seen several times, but the group battle has not seen such a side, it is completely a massacre.

This makes the audience very uncomfortable!

Cold and cold people have already stepped out of the mustard space, Xu Ziyan greeted the monks with the Star Adventure Group, and both sides showed a happy smile on their faces.

"Go, let's go to the gambling, and then go to the station of the Godsend Adventure Group."

"Okay, we made it this time. Hahaha..."

The group smiled and walked toward the outside. At this time, the roar of the "bang" in the stands gave a roar and there was a lot of discussion.

Taking the gambling, Xu Ziyan took a hundred billion yuan of fine crystals and curtain Dingxiang to Dan Mengxing, while Leng Han and Zhou Peng, two people from the four seas went to the Tianci Adventure Group to accept the resident property. After the team battle won, everything in the Tianci Adventure Group also belonged to the Star Adventure Group. Although the resident of the Tianci Adventure Group does not have a large resident of the Star Adventures, it is worth about 40 billion yuan. After Leng Han and others decided to accept the station, they hang this station in the Adventurers Alliance, so they have a total of 40 billion yuan.

The Fuhua language is the monks who led the Star Adventures to return to the station. Everyone laughed and laughed along the way. They all know that after winning this game, they can practice for a few years. As an adventurer, I live on the edge of life and death all day long. I am almost doing tasks every day. Where has a long period of cultivation time? Not to mention that in the next few years, you don't have to go out to do the task, you can calm down and practice.

Xu Ziyan and Miao Dingxiang came to Dan Meng, and the aides have already returned. When I heard Xu Ziyan coming, I immediately came to the door of the mountain to greet, and all the princes also appeared, and Xu Ziyan was surrounded by a group of Xu Zongshi. The eyes were full of fanaticism, as if a group of apprentices saw the teacher. This situation made the disciples in Dan League look stunned until Xu Ziyan and other people's body shape disappeared.

When I came to the hall of Dan Meng, Xu Ziyan returned 100 billion of the best celestial crystals. The aunts collected the storage ring and smiled with a smile on his face:

"Xu Zongshi, it is not easy. Today, the formation should be the one you said in your mouth?"

Xu Ziyan nodded: "Not exactly, the real name should be the battle."

"Great, really powerful!" The curtain erected a thumbs up, and the rest of the priests also congratulated: "Xu Zongshi, this sub-star adventure group has earned a lot! So you don't have to go out and do the task frequently. ?"

“Yes!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “The next few years, the Star Adventures team is ready to practice with peace of mind. Of course, I will occasionally go out and do some tasks as an experience.”

"Great!" The aides screamed: "So we can get the advice of Xu Zongshi."

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment: "I will also retreat next, but I will not be able to retreat for a few years. As long as there is time, Ziyan is happy to communicate with you."

"Thank you!"

The masters of the aides stood up and saluted Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan is also very hard, she has decided to give pointers to their alchemy, so this time it is not polite. When the staff of the staff and the public saw Xu Ziyan being politely, the heart was even more happy. They know that this is Xu Ziyan who has promised to point them in their hearts.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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