The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2799: Xu Shi

I am very grateful to the 629 students (588), Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200), **** classmates (200), the dull little classmates (100), and Anhy classmates (100).


After the seat was over, the aides did not immediately speak. He knew that he could not accept the favor of Ziyan in such a vain manner, so that he would not get the long-term guidance of Xu Ziyan. Everything is an interest. Only if the interests are enough, can he get the other party’s Sincerely pointing. Otherwise, why do you now point you out with no regrets?

Dan Meng is lending Xu Ziyan one hundred billion yuan to the fine crystal, but now it has been returned, and has also pointed out their alchemy division before, strictly speaking, Xu Ziyan has not owed them. The behind the scenes thought about it:

"Xu Zongshi, you are willing to point us to alchemy, you can say that you are our master." Seeing Xu Ziyan want to speak, the staff hurriedly said:

"Xu Zongshi, you should listen to me first."

Xu Ziyan nodded and no longer spoken. The aides continued: "Even if it is not our master, it is our half division, so we Daniel still has to come up with some teacher gifts."

Seeing that Xu Ziyan did not refute, he breathed a sigh of relief and stood up and said:

"I have prepared two apprentices, the first apprenticeship, that is, please allow us to call you a teacher!"

Xu Ziyan was slightly surprised, don't just regard this as a name.


This title does not usually distinguish any interests of Dan League, but with this title, if Xu Ziyan has any trouble. They have to do their best to help Xu Ziyan, as long as Xu Ziyan agreed to this title, she and Dan Meng have an inseparable relationship. In other words, Xu Ziyan usually does not take a little benefit from Dan League. But once Xu Ziyan needs, the interests of Dan Meng are all purple, the same reason is, if Dan League is difficult. She can't look at it anymore.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned. She didn't want to have such a deep connection with Dan Meng, so she thought about it:

"After, I just pointed you to a few Dandao!"

Xu Ziyan’s words are very clear. I can promise you to call me a teacher, but I only have a relationship with you and have nothing to do with Dan League.

In other words, Xu Ziyan will never get any benefit from Dan League. Even if Xu Ziyan has trouble in the future, the aides and others want to help, and only a few of them are doing their best to help. It is not Dan Meng’s full help. For example, if Xu Ziyan needs a large number of fairy crystals, it can only be used by the aides and several church owners to use their own body to make up, can not use a piece of fairy crystal of Dan Meng. of course. If Dan Meng is in trouble in the future, Xu Ziyan only needs to protect the staff and other people who are not dead. The existence of Dan League has no relationship with Xu Ziyan.

I am very happy to be able to get this result. One by one stood in front of Xu Ziyan and bowed to Xu Ziyan. Of course, this is not the real power of the teacher, but the power of the half division.

Then the aides looked at several church owners and said: "I just thought about taking 100 shops from Dan League to give him a license, but now these 100 shops can only be made up by a few of us. ”

"No problem!" Several of the owners quickly nodded.

Xu Ziyan nodded slightly after thinking about it, and then looked at the curtain Dingxiang Road sitting on the side:

"Dingxiang, this matter will be handed over to Dantang to do it. After finishing the shops of the 100 Yiyaocheng, it will be temporarily handed over to Danmeng for help, as for the benefit sharing. You will discuss with them. Wait until Dan League has developed and gradually recovered completely. We are operating by Dantang itself."

"Yes!" Mu Dingxiang's face is full of joy, Dantang finally has his own shop.

Xu Ziyan turned to the staff and asked: "No problem?"

"No problem, everything is told by the Master."

"Good!" Xu Ziyan took out a jade slip. Beginning with the elixir technique from the beginning of the product to the beginning of the next product, and some Danfang and his own experience. Then handed it to the curtain:

"You take it and understand it. If you don't understand, you can go to me and ask."

The aides took over the jade, and excitedly prayed to Xu Ziyan again: "Thank you!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and said: "Okay, I am going back."

"Send a teacher!"

Xu Ziyan went back and left the curtain Dingxiang in the Dan League to handle the 100 shops. When he returned to the station, the cold, Zhou Peng and the four people in the four seas have returned to the camp. As soon as I entered the hall, I was excited and said:

"Ziyan, the station of the Tianci Adventure Group has been accepted, and has been hung in the Alliance of Adventurers. According to the deacon there, there are several buyers who will be able to contact tomorrow."

"Okay, let it be shot as soon as possible, and it will be useless for us to keep it."

"Yeah! So we have another 40 billion or so, and we have won more than 660 billion."

Everyone in the hall is shining. I thought that they borrowed 100 billion yuan of the best of the world, and now it only takes a year to pay off, not only to pay off the debt, but also has a hundred billion yuan, which is like dreaming. .

The cold eyes swept over the people in the hall and said: "This 100 billion best fairy crystal people are now discussing how to use it, which is related to our future development."

Everything in the hall was silent, and everyone was lost in thought. Zhou Peng, who traveled around the world, the curtain Dingxiang, Fuhua language and Tang did not have so many Xianjing when he was the identity of the second ancestor, but he was not surprised, but he was able to calm down and think about it. Du Gu, Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng, Mei Hu Han and Du Fu have seen so many fairy crystals? At this time, the heads are all embarrassing, and they simply can't think about it.

"I see this!" Xu Ziyan tweeted his fingers and gently tapped the chair armrest. "I said before, I have to set up a hall in the Star Adventures. So there are four halls, Dan. Symbol array. First take out the 80 billion best fairy crystals, each of which gives 20 billion silent fairy crystals."

Speaking of this, I hope to reach everyone inside, especially watching Zhou Peng and Wu Sihai smiled:

"The war hall and the ancestral hall don't have to be jealous. Although the 80 billion best celestial crystals are given to the four ancestors of the Danfu dynasty, the four ceremonial ceremonies serve the ancestral halls and the war hall. After all, this Eighty billion of the best celestial crystals were eventually spent on the battle hall and the ancestral hall."

"Oh?" Zhou Peng and You Sihai and other people's eyes are all bright, and they look at Xu Ziyan.

"I mentioned it before, when I return to the Rizhao City, we will start to accept the apprentices in four halls. I am planning this way, first from the inside of us. From tomorrow, all the monks in the Star Adventures Group want to join. You can sign up for the four halls of the Danfu Array, and then I will choose the disciples by me, Fuhuayu, Dingxiang, and Wudu. If the results are not very satisfactory, they will go to the whole Nishiyao City to be a disciple. After the end of the four halls of the genius, we will teach them the alchemy, the technique of the squadron, and then it will be time for the four halls to come out.

First of all, we must upgrade all the monks in the adventure group, and each set of two sets, one set of defense, one set of attacks. These will not be the masters of the church, with the refining of the disciples, through the refining of these equipment, I think the level of the refining equipment of the church can certainly be improved, even if it is not the owner of the church should also have improved. ”

Tang did not sit there and was happy to nod. As the saying goes, the refining device is good, the system is worthy, and there is alchemy and cloth array. This is all from the accumulation of quantity to the qualitative change. To put it plainly, it is piled up with the fairy crystal. It takes constant and repeated refining to make progress. With the help of 20 billion yuan, the Tang will not be sure that there will be a breakthrough in its level of refining.

"How much is the realm of your refining machine now?"

In the eyes of Tang, there is a grateful look at Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, thank you for your guidance to me, and now my refining realm has reached the sixth grade."

"Good!" Xu Ziyan was pleased to say: "This batch of fairy wares will be rehearsed by you as the disciple of the ancestral hall. You don't have to refine the scent of the six grades. Yes, I will not need any refining of the six grades in the main hall of the main hall. This speed can be faster. In this way, it will not be able to use 20 billion yuan of fine crystals, no matter the owner, you calculate How many fine crystals do you need?"

Tang did not have a quick calculation there: "It’s just a refining of this level of fairy, one person and two sets, probably about five billion yuan."

"Good!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "The remaining 15 billion yuan of the best crystals are left for you to raise the realm of the refiner, do not save the flowers, how to change the real name flower. But there are two requirements for you. ”

Tang does not have a straight body, looking at Xu Ziyan: "Please say."

"The first requirement is that you should upgrade your alchemy realm as soon as possible!" Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan took out a jade slip that had been arranged, which recorded the inheritance of the original product to the top grade Xianbao, and handed it to Tang. Road:

"There is no such thing as a master. This jade is recorded in the relics of all levels of the Qing Dynasty. You take it to comprehend."

Don’t have a bright eye, and he hurriedly took over the jade, excitedly said:

"Thank you!"

On the side of Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng, Mei bitter cold and the solitary guest are sluggish there.

"How? This Xu Ziyan is not only a master of alchemy and a master of the sacred, is it a master of refining?"

"No, I have one thing to ask."

"You ask!"

"Can your inheritance pass to Dantang disciples without reservation?"

"No problem!" Tang did not immediately nod. "As long as they have that understanding. To be honest, the inheritance of our church is not confidential, as long as it is not a blue-level inheritance, and it is not that anyone can inherit it." Master, this requires understanding."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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