The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2801: Law enforcement hall

I am very grateful to Susuer (588), Green Tea Control (588), Jie Jie (200), Xia Xia (100), eagle Zhou (100), lazy $_$ classmate (100), Take a break from the 123 classmates (100)!


The major sects and families have seen the Star Adventures have completely excluded them, and they know that the Star Adventures have been wary of them, but this is also a helpless thing. You can’t ask the Star Adventures for this matter, and choose the disciples. It is the matter of the Stars Adventure Group, so I can only stop paying attention to this matter. Moreover, Xu Ziyan’s identity as a great master is there. They are not good at such a small incident. However, some of the lords and patriarchs came to visit Xu Ziyan, hoping to find some purple-level symbols from her.

For this point, Xu Ziyan did not deny it. After all, these people are also the heads of a lord or a family. Although not as prominent as the Lord of the Stars and the Lord of Heaven, they are considered giants for the current Star Adventures.

So Xu Ziyan quickly agreed, but every sect and family she only refining a symbol, clearly telling these lords and patriarchs, she needs time to practice, there is no time to refine so many purple-level symbols, and even It is these purple-level symbols that also take a long time to refine, and the time is sent after one year.

In fact, refining these purple-level symbols can not use Xu Ziyan for a long time, but there is no purple-level clerk at this time. It is time-consuming and laborious for them to refine a purple-grade symbol, so they are very understanding of Xu Ziyan's explanation. And they have a purple-grade symbol as the treasure of the town or the treasure of the town. They are already very satisfied. It’s just that these purple grades make Xu Ziyan make a full pot.

For one month's recruitment of disciples, the Fuhua language's Futang received a total of one hundred and seven monks, and these monks did not understand a little skill, the lowest monk is also the emperor. And eight of them are the Qing dynasty, and the strongest one is the Qing dynasty. These qualifiers also came to see the syllabus of the flower language. The most important thing is that the identity of the flower language has been exposed. Everyone knows that she is the daughter of the ally.

Tang’s instrumental harvest is also excellent. A total of 98 monks were collected, and the 98 monks were also instrumentalists. The highest level was a young master. They are also rushing to Tang, because the background identity of Tang is not exposed. Everyone knows that he is the ally of the ally, and he did see the refinement of Tang in the assessment. Level, let them be convinced.

Curtain Dingxiang also recruited one hundred and one Dan teacher. Yes, this one hundred and one monks are Dan Shi. The highest level is a green-level Dan Shi, these people are also the same as the daughter of the Dingxiang Xiang, the main daughter of the League, and finally by the Ding Dingxiang's alchemy level.

With such a group of horizontal monks joining, Dantang, Futang and Yitang's shelves were immediately built. Let the Star Adventures get up and down with their mouths. With Dantang, Futang and Yitang, not only will they not lack remedies. Fu Yi and Xian Yi, and these three churches will bring great profits to the adventure group every year. Which adventure group has such a heritage?

In their hearts, they have already understood that the Star Adventures are still called adventure groups. In fact, they have already left the scope of the adventure group, and the future is full of light.

Nowadays, every monk of the Star Adventures team walks in the city of Rizhao, not to mention that the monks of other adventure groups have seen their faces full of envy, and they want to introduce them to the Star Adventures, those who are Zongmen. The disciples of the family saw them though they were still disdainful. But they can feel that those people's eyes have changed a little.

Therefore, the monks of the Star Adventures are walking in the city of Rizhao. A proud look. Of course, they don't have much chance to go to the streets because they know that the Star Adventures have such a connotation and bring about fierce competition. Only the higher the cultivation, the greater the contribution to the adventure group in the future. There will be more points, only more points will be able to purchase the resources you need. and so. Every monk stayed in the base for most of the time.

In a month's time, Xu Ziyan was rewarded and disappointed. The harvest was the breakthrough of Xu Ziyan's repair to the peak of the late Qing Dynasty, which is equivalent to the late stage of Xianwang. However, there are only eight people who have been recruited.

Disappointing is the number of people, but Xu Ziyan is very satisfied with the qualifications and understanding of these eight people. She hopes to leave a legacy for the Starlight continent when she leaves. Although his level is not high, that is, the realm of the late peak of Jiu Pin Xian, did not reach the realm of a congenital squad, but here the starry continent, there is no inheritance of the martial arts, so the evangelism fundamentally no problem.

In this month, the lineup of the Star Adventures is constantly expanding. Not only is the Danfu Array in the four halls recruiting disciples, the War Hall and the ancestral halls have expanded their lineups, and they have recruited nearly two thousand monks, and the stars have taken risks. The total number of the group has reached more than 4,000.

The monks who had been out of the Tianci adventure group also came to look for coldness. I hope that in the past, everyone would have been in the experience of an adventure group, but they were all rejected by the cold. The monks who had joined the Tianci Adventure Group were friends of friends who were cold or friends, and most importantly, they made decisions in advance. Nowadays, these people are fleeing from the battle, so that the cold is very distrustful to them. Can such a monk fight for the Star Adventures in the future?

Obviously not, then it will not take their value!

Refused by cold cold, these people have hatred in the cold and cold heart, but no one dares to say it face to face, one by one gloomy face left the Star Adventure Group.

The Star Adventures regained their calm, and every monk entered the cultivation. Anyway, the Star Adventures no longer have to go out to do the task.

However, it took less than twenty days to calm down. When Xu Ziyan broke through the eight grades of the early Qing Dynasty, the cold and cold gathered all the high-level people on the main hall, because the Star Adventure Group disappeared a monk.

This monk is called Long Jihai and is a scattered repair. I left the adventure group three days ago and never returned. The cold people sent him to look for him, but it was like a sinking sea. When everyone sat on the main hall, the cold and cold look said:

"Everyone, it’s not a matter of missing a monk, but don't forget that every monk in our Star Adventures will kill. The power of the lore has already been shown on the duel, compared to the starry continent. Every force at this time wants to get a lore. But we are always in the base, and there is a large array of purple smoke around the base, they dare not easily come in. And here is the Rizhao City, they I dare not brazenly **** us.

But they can send people to join our Star Adventures, and then learn to kill, then sneak away. So the secret of our loneliness will be mastered by other forces. Nowadays, I am not sure how many spies are among the newly added monks in the Star Adventures. How many people will be captured in the future, or be attracted to the defect to the Stars Adventure Group. ”

The cold and cold words made everyone in the hall feel the sinking of their hearts, and the look became serious.

Not bad!

The worry of coldness is not a worry. If such a thing develops, the Star Adventures will not be far from being dissolved.

"We have to figure out a way to prevent this from happening."

Zhou Peng thought about it: "In fact, there are various forces in the face of such things, that is, the Holy Land and the Heavenly Palace are no exception."

Having said that, Zhou Peng looked at the four seas and nodded his head and said: "Not bad!"

"There are only two ways to solve such a problem. One is to strive to enhance the cohesiveness of the Star Adventures. This of course includes the welfare of the Star Adventures, the inheritance of the exercises, and the personal charm of the head."

Cold and cold, smiled and shook his head: "All kinds of welfare, the practice of inheritance in the world of adventure, our Star Adventures are now top-notch, there should be no problem, but it is not just the adventure world that wants to get the best." Compared with those of the Zongmen family, we are not enough to take advantage of these benefits. As for my personal charm, I will not say it."

Zhou Peng nodded: "The first method is reward, the second method is punishment. We must punish those who defect in the Star Adventures, and the only punishment is to let them die. And for stealing our adventures There is only one goal of any power of law, that is, which door is obtained, we will destroy that sect, and which family will get it, we will destroy that family. Only in this way will those sects do not dare to take risks. ""

"But..." Du Fu said with some hesitation: "We don't have that big strength today."

You can't do it, but this decision must be made. If you can't do it in one day, you can't do it for two days, two years in a year, or even ten years, a hundred years."

"I support!"

"I agree!"


Within the hall, all the monks agreed to it. Seeing that Xu Ziyan had no words, everyone looked at Xu Ziyan and chilled and condensed:

"Ziyan, what do you think?"

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment: "We need to do a few things. The first thing is to set up a law enforcement hall. This law enforcement hall is both internal and external. I propose that the solitary guest should be the owner of the law enforcement hall."

The monks immediately agreed that among these people, the solitary cult is the highest, and the blue-level late peak is the most suitable for law enforcement.

"Secondly, we have to announce two things. One thing is about the sacred disciple Guo Qiang. The law enforcement hall issues a murder order. One is about the lore, telling the whole starland, no matter which power. If it is found that it will kill, our Star Adventures will come to the door to seek justice."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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