The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2802: Owner

I am very grateful to Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200), dreams too long 999 classmates (100), creazebaby classmates (100), Xiaoqing Ruohua classmates (100) reward!


“Not bad!” said the cold cold condensate: “Who is leaking the secrets of our Star Adventures. We will destroy his Jiuzu, even if it is a powerful force, they will not die with him. Only then can our Star Adventures develop. Get up, otherwise you will only have one way."

"But..." Shi Xiaotian said with some hesitation: "Would this give us a feeling of being too arrogant? If there is a big power that is eyeing us, our current strength is simply not enough for the other side."

Speaking of this, his eyes swept over Zhou Peng, the four seas, the curtain Dingxiang, Fuhuayu and Tang's face. His meaning is very clear. If it is the Starlight Holy Land, Tiangong, Dan League, Fumeng, and the five major forces of the League, what should I do? And even if it is not these five major forces, the current strength of the Star Adventures team does not say that the big gates and big families, even the medium-sized Zongmen and medium-sized families are not as good. Even if people get your secret, how can you?

The curtain Dingxiang, Fuhua language and Tang did not have much change in the look. After all, these three people are behind Dan League, the League of Nations and the Fumeng. These three forces are mainly the alchemy refining instruments and the numerators. There is really no idea about things. What's more, Xu Ziyan promised to learn from Fu Meng, and it became the master of the Dan League ally and several lobby owners. Naturally, there would be no embarrassment to the Star Adventures.

However, the faces of Si Hai and Zhou Peng are somewhat unnatural, and they are the two sons of the Starlight Holy Land and the Heavenly Palace. However, I know what kind of forces are the Starlight Holy Land and the Heavenly Palace. They can't have no idea about this battlefield. Maybe the Dragon Jihai is sent by the Starlight Holy Land or the Heavenly Palace, and the suspicion of the Heavenly Palace is bigger. After all, the Starlight Holy Land is far from here, and the Temple of Heaven is closer to this place.

I went to the sea and pondered and said: "If this thing is done by the Heavenly Palace, I have to avoid it. But the Star Adventures will take any action on the Heavenly Palace. I will not have any opinions."

"Me too!" Zhou Peng said: "And we have to consider if it is not the Holy Land and the Heavenly Palace. Can we be fair with our strength?"

"Ziyan, what do you think?" Cold and cold asked, everyone's eyes also gathered in the look of Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan has revealed the ability and wisdom, so that they feel very mysterious to Xu Ziyan, but also very respectful. It is no exaggeration to say that the Star Adventure Group is today, and is inseparable from Xu Ziyan. The strength of the original Xu Ziyan is a short board. But now I have seen the speed of Xu Ziyan's cultivation as a promotion. They can foresee that it will not take long to say that the cultivation of Ziyan can surpass them, at least to catch up with them. Therefore, the question about Xu Ziyan’s cultivation has now disappeared.

Xu Ziyan looked at the solitary singer: "You are a solitary guest. You choose 200 monks from the battle hall and the ancestral hall. These 200 monks are not only required to be repaired. They must also know the roots and choose from the old people. In this regard, Zhou Peng and Sihai need to help."

"No problem!" Zhou Peng and You Sihai nodded immediately.

"Then I will pass on to the law enforcement hall another battlefield, called the slaying squad. During the practice of the murderous murder in the law enforcement hall, you will go to Star City alone, only one mission, kill Guo Qiang."

"Good!" The solitary guest readily agreed. He was originally a killer. There was no conflict between the opponent and the murder, and he was extremely confident.

"Good!" Cold nodded and said: "Just kill Guo Qiang. It is a powerful warning. In the next few years, the branches will stay in the base and practice well. In the next few years, we will fight for everyone. At least one breakthrough will enhance the overall strength of our Star Adventures."

"Can't you stay in the base for cultivation in the next few years?" The four seas are a temper, and some frown.

Cold and cold laughed: "Nature will not always stay in the base, the first to break through the monks. They can organize them to do the task in the battle hall and the ancestral hall, and the monks who have not made a breakthrough will stay and continue to practice. ”

"It's so good!" The four seas smiled happily: "There is movement and quiet. It is the way of cultivation."

"Zhou Peng, Sihai, Dingxiang, Huayu, no device!" Xu Ziyan's eyes swept through the five people: "You five are destined to stay in the Star Adventures forever, and when you set up the Star Adventure Group, you have already promised I will let you stay in the future. What I want to say is that when you leave the Star Adventures, you can take the lore."

Zhou Peng, the four seas, Dingxiang, Fuhua language and Tang Buyi's look is a glimpse. Xu Ziyan said this very clearly, that is, when they left the Star Adventures, they could pass the lore to the Starlight Holy Land. , Tiangong, Dan Meng, the League and the Union.

Immediately, they understood the mind of Xu Ziyan. This is the father who asked them to look for opportunities to tell them, and don’t take the annihilation of the Stars Adventure Group. They will naturally bring back the loneliness. If the smashing of the 觊觎星辰冒险团, it will make their children difficult to do, and the Star Adventures will inevitably retaliate, regardless of whether the revenge of the Star Adventure Group will threaten the five forces, but this is a trouble. Since he must be able to get a lore, why bother to offend a star adventure group, to offend a master of the Tao, to offend a Dan Dao master, offend a master of the Tao, and offend a mysterious master?

The same thing is extremely beneficial to the Star Adventures. As long as the five major forces do not stare at the Star Adventure Group, the Star Adventure Group is much safer and does not have to face the oppression of the five forces. Today's Star Adventures is just a cockroach ant in the face of these five forces.

The hearts of the monks in the hall are also a relaxed, that is, Zhou Peng and the hearts of the four seas are also relaxed, even if the dragon is a holy place or a heavenly palace, they also have the confidence to convince their father to return to the Holy Land and the Temple of Heaven. Don't show the lore, so there won't be any problems.

The expressions of the people all left the hall with a slight relaxation. The solitary singer went to the battle hall and the ancestral hall to pick up two hundred monks in the accompanying Zhou Peng and the four seas. The rest of the monks returned to their rooms to continue their cultivation.

After another month, Xu Ziyan’s cultivation was upgraded to the peak of the late Qing Dynasty’s nine products. He opened his eyes in the room and spit out a long breath. Yuanli condensed into two dragons from her nostrils. Squirting, wandering in the air, gradually dissipating.

Pushing open the door and going out, I saw a monk standing outside the door. When I heard the door ringing, I turned my head and saw that Xu Ziyan rushed over to give a ceremony:

"I have seen Xu Tangzhu."

"Oh, you are?"

"Xu Tangzhu, I am a disciple of the Tangtang, Tang Tangzhu let me wait for you here, saying that after you leave the customs, please go to the temple."

"How long have you been here?"

"Seven days!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently and walked toward the instrument hall. He was wondering what happened to Tang, and sent a disciple to wait at his door.

When I came to the instrument hall, I came to a room outside the door of the disciple. The disciple said to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Tangzhu, Tang Tangzhu said that after you have come, please go straight in."


Xu Ziyan nodded lightly, and her heart was more curious. She really didn't know what Tang was not doing. When he reached out and opened the door, he saw that there was a refining room inside. At this time there were two people in it. The middle-aged man was pointing out something to Tang. One of them is Tang, and the other is a middle-aged.

Two people heard the door ringing and turned their heads to look at the door. Tang did not happily rushed over:

"Ziyan, are you out of the customs? Let me see, um, it’s really fast, the early nine grades of the early Qing Dynasty are peaking!"

"There is still a gap with you, hehe..." Xu Ziyan’s face was a little proud.

"Ha ha ha..." Tang did not laugh and said: "Ziyan, I will introduce you, this is my father, Tang Zhu."

Xu Ziyan’s look is a slight sigh, and then he swears toward Tang Zhu: “I have seen the Tang dynasty.”

"I have seen Xu Zong!" Tang Zhu also politely returned the ceremony, completely treating Xu Ziyan as a monk of equal status.

Xu Ziyan and Tang cast are seated, and Tang does not have tea for two. The two sides were just a few polite words, and naturally the subject of the conversation fell on the refining technique.

"Tang Meng, I don't know much about refining, and I only know it in theory. In fact, it is equivalent to a blue-level initial refiner, and it is far from the strong leader."

Xu Ziyan was originally a nine-product late-stage refining division, equivalent to the Qing-level late-stage refining division of the Starlight Continent, but since she came to the world and realized the heavens of this world, she also started from the four aspects of the Danfu Array. Therefore, her current refining realm is also reluctant to refine the inferior Xianbao, which is equivalent to the appearance of the first three products of the Qing Dynasty. However, Tang Zhu is a blue-level eight-product late-stage refining division, which is equivalent to the end of the best congenital Xianbao, Xu Ziyan and Tang Zhu are no longer on a level.

"Xu Zong Shi has been modest. I originally came to catch it. I didn't expect to know that you are also familiar with the refiner, and that under the guidance of you, the realm of refining is growing very fast. I I have communicated with you and found that your refining technique seems to have another origin."

“Yes!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “But I only occasionally hunted the refining technique and didn’t concentrate on it. I don’t know much.”

Tang Zhu took a look at Tang Tang, which means that people only occasionally hunted higher than your realm. Tang did not grasp the head, and smiled and did not speak. Tang Zhu did not have any doubts about Xu Ziyan's words. There are very few women in the refining device. There are many women in the alchemy and the tune. You make a woman with a squatting squatting a big hammer. This is indeed not suitable. . Then he asked:

"What is the master of Xu Zongshi?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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