The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2804: Hail sword

"You didn't lie to me?" Zilin waited for his eyes to look at Tang.

"How can I lie to you?" Tang did not have some grievances.

"But...but... a few months ago your father still said that he didn't touch the blue-level nine products!" Zilin murmured himself in confusion.

"It’s all the help of Xu Zong!" Tang did not have a chest. At this time, he felt that the most correct thing he had done in his life was to sneak out from the League and join the adventure group. If you don't sneak out and join the adventure group, how can you have a forest, and there is no forest, how can you encounter Xu Ziyan? Didn't encounter Xu Ziyan, how can I make my own cultivation and refining realm get a rapid upgrade? How could it help my father to hit the blue nine products?

Therefore, Xu Ziyan is his greatest pride, the greatest pride!

"Xu Zongshi?" Zilin looked like a sigh: "Which Xu Zongshi? He is a master of refining? What realm?"

"Xu Zongshi is my good friend, called Xu Ziyan. He is the deputy head of our Star Adventure Group and the head of the squad. My father is inspired by her and begins to attack the blue nine products."

"Xu Ziyan..." Zilin's look is even more confusing: "Is the sect of the sect of the sect of the singer and the singer of the singer?"

"Yes!" Tang did not have a chest that was quite good enough.

"She is still a refining master?" Zilin almost smashed from the ground, how enchanting it is. It turned out to be the master of the three fields of Dan Fu, is there such a person in this world?

"Is not good!" Tang did not grasp the head.

"What is it wrong?" Zilin has the urge to go crazy.

"Her's theoretical level is very high. I am now a young six-grade refiner. These are the instructions of Xu Zongshi, and my father also saw the road to the blue-level nine products after communicating with Xu Zong. Specially invited Xu Zongshi to come to the League to help him hit the blue nine products.

But I have never seen her refining device, I have asked her. She said that a girl who is a big hammer is very indecent, she is not willing to refine the instrument..."

"I don't... ya..." Zilin was a little messy. He had a lifelong ritual. He never thought that someone would be reluctant to refine because of indecentness.

“Is it very elegant to join a adventure group?” His thought flashed through his heart. However, even if he was simply opened, who cares about the problem of elegance at this time, it is the biggest thing to go to the refining room to watch Tang Zhu’s impact on the blue-grade nine products. Maybe he can get inspiration from it. Break through to the blue eight products.


Zilin grabbed the Tang dynasty, and disappeared with a bang. He appeared in the door of the refining room of Tang Casting in an instant, and put down Tang. Then gently push the door away and go inside.

As soon as I opened the door, I heard the extremely regular forging sound coming from inside. Tang Zhu was forging some materials. If you want to refine a blue-grade nine-piece fairy, you must forge all kinds of materials through forging, and drive out the impurities in the material. The cleaner the drive, the higher the quality. The higher the grade of the refinery.

These things are usually done by disciples with lower realms, and the refining divisions only take the shot when they really start to forge. But now as the master of the alliance, the refining master of the blue-level eight-product late stage is doing this thing personally. According to Xu Ziyan, each piece of material is forged by its own hand, and it will be more for each piece of material. Familiar with, it is helpful for the impact of the blue-level nine refining master.

Looking at the turn, I saw Xu Ziyan. At this time, Xu Ziyan and Tang Zhu had already exchanged, and Tang Zhu was there to quench the materials, and Xu Ziyan sat on the side to practice. These two months have come this way. Xu Ziyan took time to practice as soon as he was free. And she feels that she is not far from the breakthrough to the middle of the Qing.

Xu Ziyan’s move also made Tang Zhu very admire. At this time, he understood why his son Tang did not say that Xu Ziyan’s original cultivation was not strong, but the speed of promotion was very fast.

The look on Zilin’s face was messy again, in the late stage of a blue-level eight-product refinery. Can Xu Ziyan still be able to practice there?

Don't you know that your opposite is a blue-level eight-product late peak refiner?

Are you also a refiner? A refiner will face a blue-level eight-product late refinery master refinery indifferent? Sitting there to practice?

Ok! You are a beautiful woman and don't like refining.

But...but...that’s the blue-level eight-product late-stage refining master! Don't you understand awe? Don't you know how to be polite?

You don't like refining, you can leave! Don't practice in the face of a refining guru who is working on a refiner?

You do this... you do this... very arrogant, do you know?

And it is at this time. Xu Ziyan suddenly stood up, and as he swept, he flew out from the side of Zilin. Tang did not rush to the side of his father, put the storage ring on the refining platform, and then hurriedly ran out from the side of Zilin, leaving only the purple forest standing in the doorway.

After Xu Ziyan flew out of the gate, he sat on the outside steps and sat down. Tiandi Yuanli began to swarm toward her body. After more than two months of intermittent cultivation, she finally stepped out of the final step and broke through the green. A mid-term product.

Xu Ziyan broke through outside, and Tang did not stand behind her to protect him. Some monks in the League of Nations passed through and looked at them from a distance, and shook their heads disdainfully. A young monk breaks through the gate, is this obvious?

But when they saw that Tang did not stand behind and personally defended the law, they were shocked and left in a hurry.

Inside the refiner, Tang Zhu was forged in Ding Dang, and Zilin stood on the sidelines. Tang Zhuxin’s heart is like a side, as if he did not see the purple forest, he devoted all his energy to forging, and Zilin did not dare to speak.

For three days.

Xu Ziyan quietly cultivated outside, and Tang Zhu was forged in the interior.

The fourth day.

The refining room was quiet, and Tang Zhu had already tempered all the materials. Put down the forged hammer and sit down and sit down to adjust your weight. After two hours, adjust the state to the peak and open your eyes.

Zilin hurriedly asked: "Is the lord ready to start hitting the blue nine products?"

Tang Zhu looked at Zilin. With a smile: "No, I have to wait for the Master."

“Wait for Xu Zongshi?” Zilin’s mouth was loud and loud, and he asked incredulously: “ a refining guru?”


Tang cast nodded gently. I closed my eyes and stopped talking. Zilin opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but when he saw that Tang Zhu had closed his eyes, he still had no opening, but his eyes looked at the door from time to time, and his eyes flashed with suspicion.

After two more hours, the corridor outside the door was filled with footsteps, and the body shape of Xu Ziyan and Tang did not appear at the door. Tang Zhuyu opened his eyes and stood up. Laughing towards Xu Ziyan:

"Congratulations to Xu Zongshi!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "It’s just a mid-level product in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. It’s not worth mentioning before the Tang Meng."

Tang Zhu did not entangle the problem of Xu Ziyan’s cultivation. At this time, all his thoughts were above the refiner, and he immediately converted the topic:

"Xu Zongshi, old rules, we are demonstrating before the refining machine."

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan was not polite, and the two immediately began to develop the program and procedures for the ice sword. The tactics and other work opened up the argument. Zilin listened at the side, and the look that was still somewhat skeptical gradually became serious, then became dignified, then became respectful, and finally became worship.

After seven failures, Tang Zhu made a complete preparation and learned seven failed experiences. This time, he was more skillful and spent three days and three nights. Finally, I refined the sword of a blue-grade nine-piece. Hail sword.

Tang Zhu holds the ice sword in both hands, and the old tears are vertical and horizontal. Zilin and Tang are also excited to go forward.

"Congratulations to the lord!"

"Congratulations to my father!"

"Ha ha ha..." Tang Zhu laughed loudly. When the laughter fell, I looked at the opposite Xu Ziyan. Sincerely said:

"Xu Zongshi, thank you!"

"Congratulations!" Xu Ziyan smiled and shouted.

Tang casts his eyes on the ice sword in his hand, full of tenderness and reluctance. In the end, I still hold the hail sword to the front of Xu Ziyan with both hands:

"This is yours!"

"Thank you!"

Xu Ziyan took the ice sword with both hands, and the ice chilled between the hands, so Xu Ziyan could not help but blurt out:

"Good sword!"

Tang Casting’s face showed gratification and pride. Xu Ziyan took the ice shovel sword and turned it toward Tang Zhu:

"Tang Meng, the Lord is leaving!"

Tang Zhu has just broken through to the blue-level nine refiner, there are many things that need to be precipitated, so there is no purple smoke left, and Tang does not have a fart and stalks and leaves with Xu Ziyan. Tang Zhu not only did not stop, but also gave Tang did not have an encouraging look, which made a moment of envy in the purple forest standing on the side, and decided to wait for a few days to visit Xu Ziyan, must consult with Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan and Tang did not return to the Star Adventures. Just entering the gate, they saw a group of people coming across from the audience, but they were the aides and several Danmen elders, as well as Rune and Yunqianli. Xu Ziyan’s look is a glimpse. He hurriedly just wanted to speak, but he saw the aides and several elders of Dan League have already been praying:

"Seeing Master!"

"The curtain lord is not polite!" Xu Ziyan reached out and helped, and then looked at Rune Wen: "When will the Fumeng come? Purple smoke is not, it is rude."

Rune just wanted to open her mouth, but her look was a glimpse. Looking at Xu Ziyan’s look up and down, some horrified said:

"Happine teacher is in the middle of the middle class?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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