I am very grateful to Jie Jie (200), who is rewarded by Liu Yuchen (100)!


Hearing the rune, Yun Qianli and the staff and the like all looked at Xu Ziyan, and there was a trace of surprise on his face. A few months ago, Xu Ziyan was still green at Star City, and this was a green level. ? And still in the middle of the green!

The middle of the middle age is really nothing to them, but the speed of Xu Ziyan's cultivation can't help but shock them. Only a cold side, Zhou Peng and other people's faces are not surprised, they have adapted to the enchanting Xu Ziyan.

"Well, it didn't take long to break through!" Xu Ziyan said carelessly. Her heart didn't care. Her own situation knew that the breakthrough was only a matter of time, without any obstacles. So whether it is her look or tone is very dull.

A group of people came to the main hall of the main hall when they talked. The curtain said with a smile: "I heard that you went to help the Tangmeng masterer?"

"I just want to get started!" Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "The Tang Mengzhu has now become the blue master of the nine-grade refining instrument."

The aides and the runes looked at each other, and there was a shock in the eyes of both people. They were shocked by Xu Ziyan, but they were also proficient in addition to Fu Dao and Dan Dao. Two people could not help but admire:

"Xu Zong Shi Da Cai!"

"Xu Shi Dacai!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and waved his hand, but he was overjoyed in the cold and cold heart. Now the Dan League ally has called Xu Ziyan as Xu Shi, and the ally of the ally has also broken through to the blue grade nine products because of Xu Ziyan. Rune and Xu Ziyan are friends. The three major forces in the five major forces of the Starlight continent have made good friends with the Star Adventures, and the future of the Star Adventure Group is bright.

At this time, Rune stood up from the chair and prayed to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Zongshi. You have once reached the ninth floor of the Star Tower, and you are unparalleled in the field of Fu Dao. Since you are willing to point the screen to the leader of the Dan Dao, you can ask us to be a disciple and ask us to call you a teacher. ”

The look of Xu Ziyan could not help. Then a heart will calm down. She knows that she can't deny her. Since she has been allowed to call her as a teacher, it is impossible to launch the runes, otherwise they will completely offend the other. Moreover, they are far higher than their own realm, and even if they call themselves a teacher, they also have peace of mind, so Xu Ziyan did not deny this time, and nodded lightly:

"Okay, as long as I have time. I must learn from you."

"Thank you teacher!" Rune said happily: "Xu Shi, we are going to live here for a while, Xu Shi, you should practice cultivation, just point us in the free time of your cultivation."

The aides also stood up and said: "Xu Shi, we have lived here from today."

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Do you care about the things in the league?"

"No, there are others to manage."

“Alright!” Xu Ziyan said with a smile: “The Star Adventures is now a lot of rooms, you can choose the room at will. Then we can exchange for a few days. Then I will retreat.”

"Great!" The aides and runes exclaimed excitedly: "Xu Shi, then let's start now?"

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and let two people sit down, then looked at the cold road: "Isn't the solitary guest come back? Is there any news for Long Jihai? Nothing happened recently?"

The cold gaze was a little angry: "The solitary lord has not returned yet, and Long Jihai has no news, but we have lost a monk, and recently some sects and families have come to contact us and want to bid for us. A lore."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and the curtain said: "Xu Shi, we Dan Meng will never do this. And I also heard Dingxiang said. When she returned to Dan Meng, you allowed her. Bring the lore back to Dan League."

Rune also hurriedly said: "Xu Shi, we will never do this in Fumeng, and the flower language also told me. When she returns to Fumeng, you will let her pass the loneliness to Fumeng. ”

Tang did not open the door: "Ziyan. I have already said this to my father. My father promised not to do this despicable thing."

The four seas also said: "Ziyan, I have seen my older brother these days, and my older brother promised that I will not have any action on this matter."

Zhou Peng smiled and said: "I have no way to see my father at present, so I don't know if this matter is related to the Holy Land, but I don't think my father will do this. With my father's character, if you want this lore Array, you will discuss this with the purple smoke. You will not do this sneaky thing."

Xu Ziyan nodded, and she also agreed with Zhou Peng’s words. In the identity and cultivation of the Lord, she did not do such a thing. Her heart inexplicably appeared a name.

Wu Siyue!

I don't know why, she first remembered Wu Siyue. He felt that one of the two missing monks must have a relationship with Wu Siyue.

"Ziyan, and the Zongmen and the family who want to buy a lore, what do we do?"

Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile: “Head of the team, don’t worry about it. Don’t say that we are a small star adventure group, that is, the big forces like Dan Meng and Fu Meng. Now there are also digging walls. Do not believe you ask two The lord."

The aides and runes smiled nodded, and the faces of cold and cold people looked good. Xu Ziyan frowned and frowned, and now the lore must have been leaked out. Since there are Zongmen and the family to buy, it is better to sell. On the one hand, this storm can be calmed down, and the two forces that have won the lore are also in vain. In the second aspect, it is also considered to have made some sects and families. The most important thing is that today's Star Adventures are still too weak to withstand the toss. The third aspect is Xu Ziyan suddenly thought of it. Once the space cracks appear in the future, a large number of chaotic beasts will come in, and the star-light continent with the lore can also increase the resilience.

I thought about it all, Xu Ziyan condensed and said: "Sell, 10 billion yuan of fine crystal. And let them set up a vow of heaven, can only pass on their own sects and families, can not be imparted to other forces, also Can't sell to other forces. And who we want to buy is who we buy."

"Ziyan, is this OK?" Cold and hesitant.

"It must be!" Xu Ziyan's tone is full of self-confidence: "I believe that as long as there is a purchase, it will cause a sensation. After all, other Zongmen and the family have learned the lore, and they will not be at a disadvantage. So even if the Zongmen and the family that didn't want to buy before would buy it, we would make a fortune."

Old foxes like the singer and the runes only understood the heart of Xu Ziyan with a slight temper, and could not help but erect a thumbs up toward Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Shi, Gao Ming!"

Cold cold, Zhou Peng and You Sihai and others just understood later, and his face was not smiling. Xu Ziyan looked at the aides and runes:

"The master of the squad, the singer, I promised to spend the flowers and Dingxiang. This squad will be taught to you by them. The Star Adventures will not ask for a fairy crystal, but I also hope that the two will announce the Dandan and the Fumen respectively. It took 10 billion yuan of fine crystals to buy a lore from the Star Adventures."

"Xu Shi, Gao Ming!" The two men once again raised their thumbs.

Xu Ziyan turned his eyes to the four seas and the Tang dynasty: "The four seas, no, the two of you also immediately returned to the Heavenly Palace and the League, and passed the lore to the Tiangong and the League. The Star Adventures also had only one requirement. It is to ask Tiangong and the ally to announce to the world that they have spent 10 billion yuan of fine crystals to purchase the slayer from the Star Adventure Group."

"Good!" Touring the four seas and Tang is not happy to nod.

Xu Ziyan finally said to Zhou Peng: "Zhou Peng, if the Holy Land contacts you, please ask you to do this."

"it is good!"

Zhou Peng nodded, but his face was a little dignified. He knows in his heart that if the Tiangong, Danmeng, Fumeng and the League of Nations all declare the purchase of the lore, but the Holy Land does not say, there is only one explanation, the Holy Land has been obtained in some way. This made him nervous.

After no one has proposed selling the lore, the Star Adventures is not without the advantage. Cold cold, Zhou Peng and You Sihai and others are aware that Xu Ziyan must have some arrangements, and there must be a more powerful battlefield there.

"Xu Shi, in order to thank you, Fu Meng decided to take out 100 shops in Zhiyao City and give it to the Star Adventure Group." Rune Wen said when he saw the matter come to an end.

For this, Xu Ziyan did not deny it. Cold and cold immediately handed over the 100 shops to the Futangtang Master Flower Language. Naturally, they first cooperated with Fumeng. The income was 20%, and the remaining 80% turned into the adventure group. .

Xu Ziyan took out the hail sword and gave it to the cold. The cold and cold eyes immediately burst into the light, and the hands took over the hail sword. At that moment, the twinkles flashed with excitement, half a ring, toward Xu Ziyan. A ceremony:

"Ziyan, thank you!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "This is the refining system of the Tang League. I have the opportunity to thank him."

Everyone gathered around to watch the ice scorpion sword, and each face was full of envy, screaming for a while, and the things that sold the loneliness were handed over to the cold and so on, while the four seas and the Tang dynasty were also Immediately left the Star Adventures to go to Tiangong and the League, and both the aides and the runes announced that they had purchased the lore. Xu Ziyan came to the battle hall and checked the inheritance of the eight disciples before the squad, and assessed them. After the assessment, another day of guidance and further evangelism.

At this time, the runes and the staff of the staff had waited anxiously. When they saw the arrival of Xu Ziyan, they stood up happily. Xu Ziyan spent four days and exchanged with Fu Wen, the aides and others, and then retired.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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