The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2806: Tiangong Palace Lord visits

He practiced quietly in the room, and the whole starry continent was boiling up. The Star Adventures’ sale of the loneliness swept the entire starry continent. As Xu Ziyan expected, as long as there is a purchase, other Zongmen and family are bound to buy.

At first, those sects and families who proposed to the Star Adventures did not allow them to be taught and sold like other forces, but the Star Adventures could sell them as well. But when they heard the Heavenly Palace, Dan Meng, Fu Meng and the League of All agreed to the rule to buy the lore, this criticism disappeared.

In three months, the Star Adventures earned a lot of pots and earned more than 300 billion yuan. Let the cold and other people smile and close their mouths.

Zhou Peng’s father also sent people to buy the lore, but after listening to Zhou Peng’s words, he did not need to spend the fairy crystal, but just announced to the world, naturally happy to return to the Holy Land with the loneliness to announce the world, which also makes Zhou Peng Going to a heart disease, happy.

In three months, Xu Ziyan broke through to the late Qing Dynasty. After breaking through to the late Qing Dynasty, Xu Ziyan stopped practicing and prepared to relax.

After coming out of the room, it is natural to go to the hall first, to assess and teach eight disciples. These eight disciples are all carefully selected by Xu Ziyan, and they are well versed. Under the teaching of Xu Ziyan, they have already entered the field of martial arts, making Xu Ziyan happy.

In the following, it was natural to run with Fu Wen, the aunts and others to prove Dan Dao and Yi Dao. I didn’t think that after Tang Zi’s seeing Xu Ziyan’s exit, he hurriedly informed the father that there was no day, Tang Zhu and Zilin. The arrival of the company. then. Xu Ziyan and Dan Meng, Fu Meng, and the three high-level officials of the League of Experts all day, this not only makes the three high-level leaders have their own progress in their own fields. It is Xu Ziyan also has a lot of gains. Gradually, Dan Dao, the Tao Dao and the Fu Dao were merged. Xu Ziyan had already made a decision in his heart and waited for him to return to the mainland. Be sure to study well with Yanshan Soul, and finally integrate the four symbols of Danfu.

This day!

Xu Ziyan was talking with Dan Fufang on three sides, but was told that the solitary lord came back. Xu Ziyan heard the big joy in his heart and apologized to the monks, and hurried to the hall.

As soon as I entered the hall, I saw that everyone had arrived. The solitary guest was talking and laughing with everyone. There was an open box in the middle of the ground. Inside is Guo Qiang’s head.

"Ziyan is coming!" Everyone smiled and Xu Ziyan greeted him.

Xu Ziyan glanced at Guo Qiang’s head in the box and made his seat on the road:

"We can declare the world, the traitor Guo Qiang of the Star Adventures has already been in the air!"

"Exactly!" Leng Han smiled.

Mei bitter cold glanced at Zhou Pengdao: "Does this make the Holy Land feel lost and take revenge?"

Zhou Peng waved: "The face is definitely lost, but it is not too big. After all, I am also in the Star Adventure Group, outsiders will only regard this as the result of my struggle with my eldest brother, and my father said It’s a matter of young people. I don’t care. As for the big brother, I don’t care.”

Everyone listened and nodded, and completely let go of the worry in their hearts. Xu Ziyan looks to the cold road:

"Now two people in Long Jihai have not yet traced?"

"No!" Cold and chilling: "Maybe the two people are dead. Let us not find the clues."

"Then let go of this for the time being, what happened in the past three months? Our shops are going well."

"That is natural!" When it comes to this matter, the cold cold eyes reveal a smile: "Now we also have 800 shops, which is already a small force. Five hundred Star City, three days of Sunshine City And we are all working together in Dan League, the League and the Fumeng, there is no trouble."

“This is all right!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “In fact, there are 800 shops, which are enough to provide cultivation resources for all the monks in our adventure group. There is no need to go out to do the task for survival. I think we should set up another one. Separate."

Zhou Peng’s gaze was moving: “Do you mean setting up a contribution hall?”

“Not bad!” Xu Ziyan nodded: “We will post the task in the future by our contribution hall. Each task will no longer be traded in Xianjing, but in points. Then the monks in the group can purchase the exercises they need through the points in the contribution hall. Resources."

"Yes, we have this strength now. The materials we received can be handed over to the four symbols of Danfu." The four seas also excitedly agreed.

"That's it. Let's discuss it!" Cold eyes looked at Du Fudao: "I propose to be the owner of the contribution hall by Du Fu."

Du Fu's face was immediately excited and red, Shi Xiaotian. Tian Heng and Mei Qinquan are all envious of the Du Fu.

"Agree!" Xu Ziyan said.




The consensus was quickly reached, and Du Fu became a contributor. Next, everyone studied the specific issues of the establishment of the Confucius Institute. As a killer, there was no experience in this area, so they looked around without saying a word. Suddenly, I screamed and looked at Xu Zi’s flute in surprise:

"Ziyan, you... are you late in the Qing Dynasty?"

At this time, everyone noticed that Xu Ziyan’s cultivation was improved, and one of them exchanged a look, and all of them showed helplessness. They are all a grade-level upgrade, and Xu Ziyan is a step-by-step upgrade. When I first met Xu Ziyan, she was still a person who had not been cultivated. It has only passed less than two years, and Xu Ziyan has reached the late stage of Qing Dynasty, not far from them.

"There is nothing. It should be a breakthrough for so long. Do you have a breakthrough?"

Zhou Peng turned a white-eyed road: "Can our breakthrough compare with you? I have not broken a grade with the four seas, and I have worked hard to reach the peak of the blue-level late stage."

Cold and cold, some proudly said: "I have broken through to the blue mid-term nine products. Just broke through a grade."

The curtain Dingxiang and Fuhua language also smiled and said: "We also broke through a grade, from the early five products of the blue level to the early six items of the blue level. However, watching the trend of purple smoke, I am afraid it will take her long to be her. Metamorphosis catches up."

"You forget it. Well, you are already the first six products in the blue class, and after I broke through a grade, it is the first five products of the blue class. If the purple smoke catches up, it will catch up with me first." Du Fu said with a bit of depression.

"That is also a breakthrough grade!" Shi Xiaotian said more depressed: "I and Tian Heng, Mei bitter cold three consecutive grades have not broken. Reluctantly reached the blue-level mid-term seven peaks."

"Oh..." Tang did not grasp the head and smiled: "My progress is bigger, and now I am already the first eight blue-level products."

Although everyone complained about Xu Ziyan, they were all joking. Now they are improving faster than before. It’s a world of difference. This is undoubtedly the reason why Xu Ziyan provided them with medicinal herbs. Without the medicinal herbs that Zi Ziyan gave them, they could not have the speed of cultivation today.

More importantly, Xu Ziyan is not as good as them. However, the understanding of Heaven is incomparable, and it is often a problem that they have been confusing for a long time. After Xu Ziyan’s guidance, it will suddenly become more and more open. This is one of the important reasons for their improvement.

At this time, the monks began to ask Xu Ziyan the problems they encountered in the cultivation, and Xu Ziyan answered them one by one. Know the twilight time. The talents left with satisfaction.

Xu Ziyan returned to Rune, the aides and Tang Zhu, and a group of people invited a long talk. After seven days, Xu Ziyan returned to the room and began to retreat, while Rune, Musashi and Tang Zhu also retired and began to sort out the harvest of these days and Xu Ziyan.

This day.

Xu Ziyan in the retreat was awake by a knock on the door and slowly received the work. A long breath spit out, Yuanli swimming in the space. At this time, the repair of Xu Ziyan has been upgraded to the second grade of the blue class.

Going down from the bed, walking to the door and pushing the door open, I saw the curtain Dingxiang standing outside. It was a shock in my heart. She knows in her heart that if it is not a big event in the adventure group, it is impossible for people to wake her up from the retreat, let alone the people who are coming from the curtain.

"Dingxiang, but what happened?"

"No!" Curtain Dingxiang shook his head and said: "It is the Lord of the Palace."

"The Lord of Heaven Palace?" Xu Ziyan's heart was a surprise. The Tiangong Palace was one of the two major power giants in the Starlight continent, and it was a purple-level eight-story monk. How come to a small adventure group in person?

"What is he doing?"

"I don't know. I want to see you!" Curtain Dingxiang shakes his head.

"Go and see!"

Xu Ziyan walked toward the main hall and stepped into the hall. When he saw the aides, Rune and Tang did not sit in the hall. Of course, the top of the Star Adventures team is also there, and is accompanying a middle-aged monk to talk. Traveling around the world, sitting down and down, the eyebrows are low, and there is some tension between the other stars and the adventures of the monks. In the face of one of the two most powerful and authoritative people in the world, no one is nervous in the eight-story Tiangong Palace. It’s just that the faint pressure that comes out of it makes people feel uncomfortable, even the runes. The aides and the Tang dynasty are no exception, but the performance is much stronger than the monks of the Star Adventures.

Xu Ziyan does not have any feelings. Her power of the gods reaches the mid-level nine-story, which is higher than that of the Tiangong Palace. Naturally, she will not feel the pressure of the other side, and she will pray to the Heavenly Palace.

"I have seen the palace owner."

"Ha ha……"

The head of the Temple of Heaven also stood up. There was no contempt for the fact that Xu Ziyan was a younger generation. In fact, the two identities of the Master of Heaven and the Master of Dandao are enough to make the Tiangong Palace Master unable to support the big, not to mention the Tang Dynasty. Also know that Xu Ziyan is a master of the Tao?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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