The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2807: remains

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Even if Xu Ziyan is a little lower, it is only a green level...

The eyes of the Lord's Palace suddenly shook slightly, and then the face appeared a smile:

“Congratulations to Xu Zong as a breakthrough!”

The voice of the Lord of the Palace of the Palace fell, and all the monks in the hall looked at Xu Ziyan, and then the eyes were all moving.

"The first two blue grades!"

Du Fu shouted his hand and shouted in his heart: "This is catching up with me. Can you still have a good time together?"

“Not worth mentioning!” Xu Ziyan said modestly: “At the very least, my cultivation is the lowest in this hall.”

In addition to the Tiangong Palace Lord, the rest of the people neatly turned a blank eye, one by one in the heart:

"You are the lowest. But your cultivation is the fastest!"

Xu Ziyan asked the Tiangong Palace to sit down, then sat down on the chair and looked at the courtesy of the Tiangong Palace:

"You are here, are you going to visit the palace?"

"The old man came here to ask Xu Zongshi, as well as the curtain lord, the Fumeng master and the Tangmeng master to explore a relic."

Xu Ziyan’s look is a glimpse, and then his eyes reveal a mystery: “The palace master, the purple smoke is repaired...”

The main shrine of the Tiangong Palace waved: "Xu Zongshi, you have to ask that you have nothing to do with cultivation. You are a master of the road. Maybe there will be some barriers such as plaques."

Xu Ziyan nodded and understood that she was naturally interested in the remains of the world. I have been in the Starlight continent for almost two years. I have never explored the remains of this world, and there are curtains, slogans and Tang Zhu. She is also more assured. So I quickly nodded:

"Well, when will you leave?"

"After seven days, we gathered at the East Gate of Rizhao City."

"Good! Can I bring some people?"

"Of course!" Tiangonggong nodded, then his eyes showed a hint of curiosity: "You don't ask what is the remains?"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes lit up: “Is the owner of the palace already knowing that it is the origin of a relic?”

The main palace of Tiangong nodded. Looking at the curtains again, Rune and Tang did not have three humanities: "The three brothers also listened, and then decided whether to go with them."

"Going is a certain requirement, but I also want to know the origin of this ruin!" Tang said with a smile, and Rune and the aides also nodded lightly.

"Three people should have heard of thick earth fairy?"

"You are talking about the thick soil palace of the thick earth fairy?" The curtain, the look of the three lords of Rune and Tang, is a change.

The Emperor of Heaven Palace nodded and nodded. "If I guess it is not bad, it should be a thick earth palace."

"That is going to see!" The faces of the three people showed excitement, and the faces of the monks in the Star Adventures also showed excitement. Only Xu Ziyan looked calm because she didn't know who the thick fairy was.

"However, the ugly words must be said first!" The main look of the Tiangong Palace is serious: "If you get a thick soil book, I can allow a few to copy one, but the real book belongs to the Heavenly Palace."

The aides, Rune and Tang did not nod, and this ruin was found in Tiangong. Allowing them to copy one copy has already made a lot of concessions. Xu Ziyan does not matter, but I can look at the thick earth book, but it is not bad to learn from it, so I also nodded quickly.

"As for the other treasures, whoever gets it is."

The people nodded again. The Lord of the Palace is also a simple person, and immediately stood up:

"Then see you after seven days."

Xu Ziyan and other people sent the Tiangong Palace to the gate, waiting for the Tiangong Palace to leave. The Rune, the Cursor and the Tang Dynasty also gave their words and went back to make some preparations. Pick some monks.

Xu Ziyan and his party returned to the hall. Looking cold and looking at Xu Zi flue:

"Ziyan, do you see who we are going to? Is it necessary to pick some monks?"

Xu Ziyan slightly thought about it: "This time, the ruins of the thick earth palace are mainly based on the Tiangong, and Dan Meng, the ally and the Fumeng will also bring a lot of monks. I don't think we need to bring the monks before. And in front of the four forces. All we have to do is to grow some of our knowledge, we want more treasures, we are not strong enough, even if we take the entire adventure group, it will be useless, and we will not let the adventure group suffer. It is better to go with us."

"Let's all go?" Cold and hesitantly said: "Isn't there anyone in the group who is sitting in town?"

"This thing is voluntary. If you want to go, you will leave. If you don't want to go, you will stay. As for the adventure group, you don't have to worry. There is a protection of the formation. There will be no problems. Now my disciples have been able to control the formation. When you are the head of the team, you can arrange a temporary responsible monk. Of course, if anyone does not want to go, who will be responsible."

The cold cold eyes swept through the crowds and saw that the monks did not withdraw, and they waved their hands:

"Then we all go!"

Seven days later.

Xu Ziyan, Leng Han, Zhou Peng, You Sihai, Curtain Dingxiang, Fuhuayu, Tang Buji, Du Gu Ke, Du Fu, Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng and Mei Kuihan came to the East Gate of Ri Yaocheng.

After waiting for less than 30 minutes, I saw Rune with a hundred monks walking towards this side. Each monk was in the late blue period, and even several of them had reached the peak of the blue level. This is because the headquarters of Fumeng is not in the city of Rizhao, but in the city of Starlight, otherwise it will be even more terrifying.

After five years of no-interest time, the aides brought two hundred blue-level late monks, and the number of monks in the late blue level exceeded 30. This is the trend of the general alliance in the city.

In less than three times, Tang did not reach the East Gate with 200 blue-level late monks, and the Blue Masters also exceeded 30 in the late peak.

In the end, the main palace of the Temple of Heaven led five hundred monks to arrive, including fifty of them.

The forces of the four parties formed a camp, and the powers dispersed around. The people around the city gate are far away from each other, and the eyes of the people are full of respect. Twelve of the Star Adventures are smiling, they are not only the least number of people, but also the lowest. The highest level of Zhou Peng and the tour of the four seas is only the blue mid-term, and the four forces are the lowest in the blue level, and there is no comparison. They are like twelve cockroaches mixed into the aristocratic circle.

In addition to Xu Ziyan, the eleven people were filled with stress at this time. Face the pressure of the master.

"You friends are coming!"

The Lord of the Palace Palace walked toward this side and smiled and said hello. Rune, Tang Zhu, Muyu and Xu Ziyan greeted them. Rune, Tang Zhu and the aunts are welcome to go, but Xu Ziyan, a blue-level second product, also greets the surrounding monks and monks, although they also know that Xu Ziyan is a master and a Dandao master. This is repaired as...

Still eye-catching!

The five people just exchanged a few words with each other. Immediately under the leadership of the Tiangong Palace, he flew toward the east. Xu Ziyan naturally returned to the side of the Star Adventures. They were the least, and they were the lowest. Naturally, they flew to the end. Just a simple exchange Xu Ziyan has learned that the thick earth palace is in the Dayan Mountain within the Tiangong territory, not far from here, with their flight speed. It is also the time of three days.

After three days.

The people arrived at Dayanshan, and under the leadership of the Tiangong Palace, they continued to fly deep into Dayanshan, and then stopped at a cave in the depths of Dayanshan.

The Lord of the Palace did not explain how to find it, immediately issued an order to let the hundred monks act as vigilance outside. Rune, the aunt and Tang Zhu also decisively reached the order, leaving 50 monks to be outside as guards. These two hundred and fifty monks immediately laid a tight realm outside the hole. And Xu Ziyan and his family of twelve will naturally not leave people outside, and follow the Tiangong Palace to enter the cave.

Not long after entering the cave, there was a cave house with a radius of 100 meters. A stone monument was erected in the middle of Dongfu. Three big characters in the book:

Thick earth palace!

Turned over the huge stone monument, revealing three roads behind. At this time, the Lord of the Palace Palace stopped and waited for the runes and the aides. Tang Zhu and Xu Ziyan went to the front:

"My people found this, and the three monks walked into the three ramps. They haven't come out after a month. What opinions do you have?"

Xu Ziyan is naturally closed and does not speak. She does not understand the world. Rune slightly thought about it:

"This should be a maze."

The main palace of Tiangong nodded: "What do you do?"

"Can't you live with us?" Tang did not spread the knowledge into it, and then the look was changed. It turned out that once the gods entered the maze, they could not extend another inch.

At this time, everyone also experimented. Knowing that there was a ban on the gods, the rune took out a stack of paper characters and threw it into the air, and turned into a thousand-foot-sized person, then divided into three. The parts go to the three roads. The eyes of the heads of the Temple of Heaven and the like all showed a smile, while whispering and waiting for the return of the person.

For a long time, after a half-day time, a group of talents came out from the fork in the road. Every time a symbol appeared, it turned into a paper sign and floated toward the rune. The rune will be a piece of paper floating over. The symbols are grabbed, placed in the eyebrows in turn, and the messages they get in the maze are read.

When the last piece of paper was put together, the rune’s face showed a smile:

"It's just a labyrinth, there is no danger inside, let's go!"

The words fell, the first run into the second road, the remaining monks immediately behind the Tiangong Palace, Xu Ziyan returned to his team, followed by the team into the second road.

All the way to go, the speed of the monks was very fast. After one and a half hours, the people walked out of the maze, presenting a huge passage in front of them. At this time, the rune stopped and looked at the Tiangong Palace. The owner of the Temple of Heaven shook his head and said that he was unknown to this place.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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