The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2808: Thick earth palace

Tang cast a smear on the storage ring, and there was a shackle in front of him. It was a human figure with two tall people, holding a giant sword in his hand. The sly look looked at the passage and then walked toward the front.

The huge dragonfly walked inside the passage and did not make a rumbling sound, but the footsteps were light. Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked up and down, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

The world's refining technique is extraordinary. This awkward attack and defense is absolutely powerful, but I don't know how strong it is. However, Xu Ziyan also sees that this kind of cockroaches cannot be mass-produced, and the materials needed are too precious. . Then turned to look at Tang:

"No, how many of these things are there in your alliance?"

Tang did not directly turn a white-eyed road: "How many? This kind of shackles is not refining today. This is the refining of the previous generation of the lord, exhausting the materials of the then genre, only refining Come out two. One stays at the headquarters of the League, one is carried by my father. My father always wants to refine one of these flaws, on the one hand, his refining technique is still worse, on the other hand The stock of materials is not enough to refine a flaw. You should not underestimate this flaw, his attack and defense have reached the peak of the blue level."

He walked in front, and everyone followed him after a hundred meters. Xu Ziyan looked around and looked around. This passage is a manually opened square box with a length and width of ten meters. The walls and the ground are all patterned. Xu Ziyan’s gaze was swept from a pattern of symbols, which was a ban on reinforcement. With Xu Ziyan’s realm on the road, she only looked at her eyes and her face changed.

Because he saw that the reinforcement ban was very extraordinary and the grade was very high. Even the purple-level three-layer monk can not make the slightest damage to the strong blow.

what does this mean?

This means that there must be danger ahead, and this danger is equivalent to the purple level three, or stronger.

Xu Ziyan's body shape accelerated toward the front and flew away. The people in front heard the sound of the clothes plucking. I couldn’t help but look back. I saw Xu Ziyan, and I couldn’t help but frown.

What do you do in front of a blue-level second product?

The Lord of the Palace and other people also saw Xu Ziyan, and they could not help but reveal a look of eyes to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan caught up with the monks and condensed the voice:

"Everyone, there should be a danger above the purple level."

The monks immediately stopped and the one who walked in front stopped. Without waiting for everyone to ask, Xu Ziyan took the initiative to say:

"You saw the signs on the wall?"

The crowd nodded. I also looked at the runes. Rune hurriedly said: "Xu Zongshi, I have checked these symbols, they are all reinforcements, no danger."

"I know that these symbols are not dangerous." Xu Ziyan condensed: "These symbols are the worst to withstand the attack of the purple three-tiered attack. What does this mean? I think everyone should know."

"What? Is this the purple three-layer symbol?"

Rune looked at the sign on the wall with surprise, but with his current realm, he can only see that these symbols are reinforcements. However, it is difficult to distinguish the grades above the purple level.

The eyes of the main palace of Tiangong Palace were severely uplifted. Tang Zhu immediately took the scorpion and took out a scorpion. This cockroach had only one normal person and the grade was not high. Since he knows that there will be a purple-level danger in front, Tang Zhu naturally refuses to let the first one lose so. Since it is a loss, it will lose a worse one.

The monks went forward again, and the weaker cockroach walked in the front, and the monks were about a hundred meters away from it.

The team became more silent. The low humming sound disappeared before. A tense atmosphere spread out.

Walking about a quarter of an hour, the monks' footsteps were all a meal, and there was an exit in front of them, but a human-sized ball of light floated in the center of the exit.

The eyes of the monks are concentrated on the skeleton. Under the control of Tang Zhu, the cockroach went to the ball of light. When entering the distance of 100 meters from that light ball. The ball of light suddenly shot a sword.

The cockroach's response was extremely fast, and the fairy sword in his hand quickly smashed out and greeted the sword. But it was as fragile as paper, and the sword did not stop at all, and then saw that the body separated from the middle and fell to the ground.

Seeing that collapsed, everyone's look was loose. Looking at the head of the Temple of Heaven, it is obvious that they all saw that the sword is very strong, but it is far from the Tiangong Palace.

The Lord of the Palace Palace smiled slightly, and the figure plunged toward the ball of light. A sword is intended to spur the main palace of the Temple of Heaven. The Lord of Heaven Palace only extended a big hand and slammed the sword toward the sword. The sword was instantly broken, and the body shape of the Tiangong Palace quickly approached.


The ball of light blasted thousands of rays, and the intensive sword was spurred toward the main palace of the Temple of Heaven. The owner of the Temple of Heaven is still the big hand to slap straight, and all the swords in front of him are smashed, then grab the ball of light, and the left hand hits a few handcuffs to seal the ball. Closed up.

The eyes of the staff and others all showed the envy of color. If there is such a sword and the light ball is placed on the mountain gate, it will be a defense. Even Xu Ziyan’s heart is envious. But this is what the Lord of the Palace has received. Others have nothing to say, only to congratulate them.

The face of the Lord's Palace also showed a smile of joy, and the monks were polite with each other. Everyone once again marched forward, and Tang Zhu took another one and walked to the front.

The monks walked out of the passageway, and there was a palace in front of them. There was a purple cloud floating above the palace. The clouds hang down and the whole palace was shrouded.

"Ground purple clouds!"

The curtain screamed and immediately propped up the defensive shield. When he heard the exclamation of the aussie, there was a buzzing sound in his ear. All the monks immediately propped up the defensive shield, and Xu Ziyan was no exception.

The purple cloud is a cloud of toxic gases that are difficult to see and is extremely toxic. This kind of poison can only form in the depths of the earth, and it can not be formed in tens of thousands of years. It must be at least 100,000 years, even hundreds of thousands of years.

At this time, the aunt took out a gourd, sacrificed the gourd in the air, and then moved the handcuffs to the gourd in the air. The gourd squirted a medicinal herb, and the medicinal spurt into the air. In the purple cloud, it was broken and turned into a powder.

As soon as the powder touched the purple cloud, the purple cloud immediately boiled up. With the boiling of the purple cloud, a white mist rose and eventually disappeared.

This situation lasted for an hour, and all the purple clouds disappeared completely, and the palace showed its true face.

The eyes of the monks looked at the aides, and the aides drove the handcuffs to collect the gourd, and then nodded to the head of the palace:

"No problem!"

The main palace of Tiangong nodded and took the lead to the front. In their vision, they saw a plaque on the threshold of the palace, and they were written in three characters:

Thick earth palace.

The quaint breath rushed to the surface, as if a dusty history was opening to them.

The head of the Temple of Heaven Palace walked in front of the thick earth palace, and reached out on the door, pushing the force toward the inside.


A muffled sound, like a thunder, but the door is not moving. The look of the Lord's Palace was stagnation, and then his body burst into a dazzling light, and one hand pressed the door again.


A louder thunder, but the door still did not open a gap. There was a hint of surprise on the face of the Lord of the Palace. The surprise was not dissipated on his face, and he heard a "beep" from the door. This voice is even louder than the voice of the Lord of the Palace, and the Tiangong Palace owner was stunned and took a few steps back.


The sound of the crash came from the door, and the door that was made of material did not know how to tremble slightly. The look on everyone's face became dignified. Although I didn't know what was inside, I knew that there must be a very fierce guy inside. That guy is very likely to be better than the Tiangong Palace.


The sound is still going on, the door is still shaking, as if the door will collapse at any time.

"What is inside? Why can't the door open?"

There was a bit of doubt in everyone’s heart. The Lord of the Palace Palace tried to transmit the knowledge of God, and his face was a joy. Here, the knowledge of God has returned to normal. But the gods touched the gate, but they were bounced back with a "squeaky" sound. The face of the Lord of the Palace is a stagnation.

"I will check it out!"

Rune went forward, carefully observed the door, and his face showed a hint of joy:

"There is a pattern on the door!"

Everyone looked a little, but there was not much joy. Because they don't know what is inside the door. If the pattern opens the door, the fierce object inside rushes out, I don’t know if it’s a fierce.

"Fu Meng, can you crack the above pattern?" asked the head of the Tiangong Palace.

"Let me see!"

Rune began to explore the pattern above the gate, time passed in the silence, Xu Ziyan stood aside, silently opened the eyes of Kun Peng, his eyes flashed blue, his eyes penetrated the door, his look was amazed, his eyes dispersed in the blue, The look became dignified.

At this time, Rune came back and looked at Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Shi, the pattern on the door is very advanced, only you can crack it."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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