The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2809: Purple-level nine-layer chaotic beast

I am very grateful to Jie Ji students (200), Jinniu Feifei _ classmates (200), not the old death classmates (100) reward!


The eyes of the monks looked at Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan’s eyes gambled: “Don’t say whether you can crack the lines on the door. Are you sure you want to crack it?”

"Xu Shi... What do you mean?"

The main look of the Temple of Heaven is fretting, looking at Xu Ziyan: "What did Xu Zong know?"

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly: "I have a supernatural power called 鲲鹏目. The gaze can penetrate this door and see the situation inside."

The monks’ faces were all happy, and the palace palace owner could not wait to ask:

"Xu Zongshi, what is the fierce thing inside?"

"Chaos Beast!"

"Chaos beast?"

The monks, look at me, I look at you, and there is a faint color in your eyes. From their look, Xu Ziyan can conclude that they do not know the Chaos Beast. If you think about it, if you don’t have a Yanshan soul on the Yuanyuan, I am afraid no one knows the Chaos Beast. So, Xu Ziyan condensed the channel:

"No matter what the chaotic beast is, but the chaotic beast there is equivalent to a purple-grade nine-level beast. I have observed it. Even if it is weak now, it should have the power of the purple level nine."

“Weakness? Purple stage nine early stage?” The main look of the Tiangong Palace changed: “Do you mean that the Chaos Beast was originally more than the purple level nine?”

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "The chaotic beast wants to absorb the chaotic gas. There is no chaotic gas here, so its strength has been falling. If the speculation is good, its original strength should be equivalent to the purple grade nine. peak."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept through the crowd: “The question now is whether we want to open this door. If we open it, can we kill a beast that is equivalent to the purple stage nine?”

The Lord of Heaven Palace was immersed in contemplation. Now his cultivation is his own mid-level peak. If he is a chaotic beast, he is definitely not an opponent. But now there are two purple level three masters, Tang Bu and Rune, and hundreds of blues. The monks of the late and late peaks. It is not necessarily impossible to fight the chaotic beast.

"Xu Zongshi!" Lord Horan, the head of the Temple of Heaven, looked up: "Is it trouble to see what treasures are there?"

Xu Ziyan nodded and opened the head of Peng Peng again. His eyes were carefully looked up from top to bottom, and then he took up the eyes of Peng Peng:

"This thick earth palace has three layers in total, and there are many treasures inside. It is nothing more than some medicinal herbs, scorpions and fairy wares. And the grade is not low. Of course, there are some things like celestial crystals. In addition to the chaos in the first layer In addition to the beast, there is also a woman's body. If there is no guess, she should be a thick fairy. It should be the device that opened the gate at the time of death, and the chaotic beast was also locked in it.

On the third floor there is a golden mask, and there are some high-quality treasures inside the mask. It should be the most treasured treasure of the thick earth fairy. ”

The monks heard that their hearts were moving, and the eyes were not flashing. The heart of the Tiangong Palace was also struggling fiercely, and finally made a decision in the middle of the ring. The eyes swept through the runes, Tang did not and the curtain:

"I decided to fight, how do you decide?"

The runes, the features of Tang and the aides have gradually become firm and nodded. The Tiangong Palace Lord saw three people nodding, and his face was a happy one:

"At the time, the four of us were facing the fierce beast. Our men formed a lore to attack on the left and right sides. The people in the Star Adventures acted on the plane."

Rune, the aunts and the Tang dynasty are nodding. In fact, this is the Tiangong Palace owner to let the Star Adventures hide at a time to escape, after all, their children are in the Star Adventure Group.

Xu Ziyan naturally has no opinions. Can you hide from the side and do not want to do something like this? Who is not willing to do it?

"How is the treasure inside?" Runi said. This is a problem that cannot be avoided. It’s a big fight when it’s time. It is better to be determined here.

The Lord of the Palace Palace said decisively: "Which other treasures are counted, everyone on the third floor is equally divided."

"it is good!"

The three great monks nodded, and the Tiangong Palace owner looked at Xu Ziyan: "Xu Zongshi, you are also dividing the treasures. Please also break the pattern on this door."

Xu Ziyan is not as confident as they are, but she has fought with the Chaos Beast. Knowing that these chaotic beasts have no magical powers, the body is very powerful. But she also knows that she can't stop it. She has already come here, even if she is not willing to go back.

So I no longer quit, and I walked toward the gate. The Lord of the Palace Palace immediately shouted:


The monks of the Heavenly Palace, the Fumeng, the League, the Dan League and the Star Adventures each set up a lore. The look looked nervously at the gate, forming an encirclement, while the Tiangong Palace Lord, Rune, Musashi and Tang did not stand in the forefront.

Before Xu Ziyan stood in front of the gate, he opened the head of Peng Peng and carefully looked at the pattern on the door. The pattern is very complicated. It belongs to the peak of the last rune, eight steps of the lock. But for Xu Ziyan, cracking it is not a problem.

About a quarter of an hour later, Xu Ziyan cracked the eight-step lock on the gate and left the last step. At this time, Xu Ziyan stopped his hand and looked back at the Tiangong Palace and other humanities:

"Be careful!"

All the monks looked a tight, clenched the fairy in their hands and stared at the gate. One of Xu Ziyan's fingers fell down and placed on the last node on the pattern, and then his body swiftly swept toward the rear, falling into the lore of the Star Adventures.

There was a brilliance on the gate, like a wave of water, and at this time, there was a huge roar from the door. This roar was straight through the soul, and the soul could not help but produce a trace. Trembling.


A loud bang, the door instantly turned into countless pieces and slammed into the outside, attacking the monks' defensive shields and making a squeaky voice. It was only the attack of the door debris that made the monks sink in their hearts. Although the attack did not break their defensive shields, they indirectly made them feel the power of the beast.

In addition to the Tiangong Palace Lord, Rune, Tang Bu and Xu Ziyan, all the monks face a white, that is, the aides are no exception, after all, the repair of the aides is not a holy level, it is the door debris is inside The fierce beasts smashed into pieces and they felt an irresistible power.

A huge figure emerged from the door, turned out to be a humanoid chaotic beast, but with four arms on his body, two heads, and a long tail behind him.

It has no weapons in its hands, but its height is more than five meters, and the four fists are as big as a hammer. Looking at the crowd, suddenly shouted. It was just this shouting, and the enormous pressure that pushed the surrounding monks down took a step back.


The Lord of the Palace Palace suddenly broke off and interrupted the shouting of the Chaos Beast. The body shape spurred toward the chaotic beast, and a sword in his hand smashed a sword that was enlarged. The power that the swordsman showed showed the monks to restore their confidence, and even the purple smoke could not help but gaze, and the power of the purple-level eight-layer mid-peak peak was extraordinary. All the monks are in the hands of the fairy, and the eyes are tightly locked to the chaotic beast, looking for the opportunity to attack.

At this time, the Chaos Beast extended a hand.

Not bad!

Only one hand, one of the four hands, grabbed the swordmans that had spread from the road, and the swordsman was broken in his hand, like the sun shining in the water was hit by a stone. Broken in an instant.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a glimpse. She knows that this chaotic beast wants to attack him with swordsman and so on. He has no harm to him. Only the powerful fairy, or the real attack of the fairy can be on it. Inflicts damage on it.

At this time, not only the purple smoke felt, but the rest of the monks also felt this, not to mention the Tiangong Palace.

The Lord of the Palace, Rune, Tang Zhu and the aides attacked the Chaos Beast. The Heavenly Palace, the Fumeng, the League and the Danish monks also formed a lore killing from both sides. As the most powerful, the blue-level mid-term star adventure group only stood behind and nervously looked at the battlefield ahead.

Opposite the attack from the Quartet, the Chaos Beast straightened the four arms and then rotated like a windmill.


The two sides of the four-way monk retire backwards, just a face-to-face, they spurt their noses and noses, this is still a lore to gather hundreds of people to repair, otherwise it will not be just as simple as blood spurting,

The front of the Tiangong Palace retreats three steps, the face is red, and it is the main force of the Tiangong Palace. Rune and Tang Zhucai can still stand at the left and right of the Tiangong Palace at this time, and the staff has already had nose and mouth at this time. The spurt flew out.

After all, the Lord of Heaven Palace is a purple-level eight-layer mid-peak peak, which is not much different from the chaotic beast that has fallen to the early stage of the purple-grade nine. The sword in the right hand is once again stabbed, while the left hand is quickly swaying the handcuffs. A great power can be generated in the hands of the fairy, and it is attacked by the chaotic beast opposite.

Seeing that the main palace of the palace can block the chaotic beast, Rune and Tang Zhu also restored their confidence. The two of them repaired the distance and released the fairy. The chaotic beast would not hurt at all. Only the sword in the hand Only then can they really hurt the Chaos Beast, so the two people also cast their speed and body to the extreme, with the Tiangong Palace Lord attacking the Chaos Beast.

A purple-level eight-layer mid-peak peak, two purple-level three layers around a chaotic beast. In this battlefield, the Chaos Beast and the Tiangong Palace Lord are the absolute protagonists. Rune and Tang Zhu are only auxiliary. The power of the two people is not as good as that of the Tiangong Palace.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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