The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2810: Sleepy beast

For a time, a huge roar burst and burst, and Yuan Li broke out between three people and a chaotic beast, and slammed around. The entire ground began to break, and a crack appeared in the top of the top of the cave. Then the cracks expanded rapidly, spread, and eventually collapsed.


A figure rushed from the ground to the sky. Breaking the ground. The five-party monk rushed out of the ground and then landed on the ground and looked into the air. At this time, in the sky, the palace of the Heavenly Palace, Rune and Tang Zhuzheng were together with the Chaos Beast. These people could not insert them at all. Only the three great monks and a chaotic beast broke out and they could not get them close. .

Xu Ziyan looked at the air in the air, and measured the outcome in his heart, thinking about whether he should go up. At this time, the Lord of Heaven Palace, Rune and Tang Zhu have fallen to the bottom, although the disadvantages are still not obvious, but Xu Ziyan believes that as time goes by, this disadvantage will gradually enlarge and eventually become a defeat.


Xu Ziyan decided to start, but she did not rush to go, but with the knowledge of the gods to control the virtual sword to the air of the chaotic beast volley.


A chaotic beast will punch a virtual sword, but the virtual sword also left a scar on the fist of the Chaos beast. This made the Chaos beast angry and waved a punch to the past with the purple smoke on the ground. In the air, there is a gas column that breaks through the space and slams into the purple smoke.


In fact, there is no need to scream at the purple smoke. The monks around him flashed in no flash, and the shape of Xu Ziyan also appeared on the other side.


The ground was blasted out of a deep pit, which was not at the bottom. Xu Ziyan’s heart is a glimpse. If the attack was bombarded on her body, she would not die, but she was seriously injured. I am afraid that the body strength of Xu Ziyan will not be able to withstand the three or five fists.

Xu Ziyan, who had a cold sweat, did not retreat. Her heart is very clear, this is the moment of life and death, if the Chaos beast defeated the three masters of the Temple of Heaven, they can not run the chasing beast. Therefore, we must help the three people of the Tiangong Palace, even if it is a containment, then it may give the Tiangong Palace Lord the opportunity to kill the Chaos Beast.

With the intensity of the gods of Xu Ziyan, the control of the Taixu sword can definitely cause damage to the Chaos beast. In the middle of the 9th floor of the Holy Class, the supernatural innate sword is too virtual, and in terms of the power of the gods, Xu Ziyan is not weaker than a holy nine-level mid-term monk.

It is only the long-distance attack of the gods and swords that will give the other party time and space to guard against them, especially the other party is still a purple-level nine-layer chaotic beast. Moreover, after careful attention to Xu Ziyan, Xu Ziyan's too virtual sword can only play a role of harassment.

The chaotic beast vacated one hand and smashed the imaginary sword, while the other three hands were still attacking the three people of the Temple of Heaven.


Xu Ziyan's too weak sword could not stop flying by the Chaos beast, but the Taixu sword did not hurt the Chaos Beast again. Moreover, the chaotic beast is still flying into the gap of the virtual sword, and occasionally slams a punch to the Xu Ziyan, so that Xu Ziyan is constantly avoiding the attack of the chaotic beast while the sword is attacking the chaotic beast.

The Lord of the Palace Palace gave up the attack of the left-handed fairy, and his body quickly approached the Chaos Beast. At this time, he also knew that it was difficult to injure the chaotic beast only by the immortality. Only the chaotic beast was close to him, and the chaotic beast was killed by the sharp sword in his hand.

What the Lord of the Palace did not think was that the Chaos Beast did not take the fairy sword in his hand as one thing at all, and extended a large hand and even directly caught the sword in his hand.

The head of the Temple of Heaven was stunned, and the direction of the sword in his hand did not change. He still stabbed the other side quickly.


The big hand of the Chaos beast grabbed the sword of the Lord of the Temple of Heaven, and there was a sneer in the eyes of the Lord of the Palace. The whole body of the force rushed into the right arm and rushed into the sword through the right arm. In an instant, the whole body was repaired and the sword was pierced forward.


The sound of metal friction is sour. The sword cut through the big hand of the Chaos Beast and pushed forward into the body of the Chaos Beast. Mercury-like blood is shot from the body of the Chaos beast. The big hand of the Chaos Beast suddenly slammed, and the other fist slammed the rune and slammed it toward the door of the Temple of Heaven. Wherever the fist passes, the layer space is broken. With great power.

The right hand of the Tiangong Palace slammed the sword back, but was caught by the Chaos beast, and his fist was approaching rapidly. The left hand of the Tiangong Palace suddenly slammed into the fist of the other party. As the fist hit, a whirlpool of rapid rotation was produced in front of the fist. The layers of the force of the chaotic beasts were cut, and the fists of the two men ended. Bombardment together.


The space between the two men's fists collapsed. The Lord of the Palace Palace released the hand holding the sword and flew backwards. The blood between the nose and mouth oozes, and the right hand moves the fairy. The fairy sword held by the Chaos beast suddenly becomes A stream of light flew toward him, and then turned into a sword on his head.

The chaotic beast was furious, and the double fists were separated by two cymbals. The swords of the runes and the Tang dynasty were blasted away, and the figure was like a hurricane rushing toward the main palace of the Temple of Heaven.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan flutters in long sleeves, too virtual sword is like a stream of light spurting toward the chaotic beast. The chaotic beast figure kept moving, and a big hand slammed into the Taixu sword.


That too virtual sword was broken into 12 swords, cut through the body of the Chaos beast, and instantly cut the body of the Chaos beast into a wound, mercury is blood.

Two huge heads of the Chaos Beast suddenly looked at Xu Ziyan, and stretched out a big hand and smacked it toward Xu Ziyan. The big hand extended infinitely to enlarge, covering the sky, completely covering the purple smoke.

Xu Ziyan showed a vortex in his left eye, which opened the eyes of time.


The big hand of the Chaos Beast is quiet in the air, and Xu Ziyan pushes all his potentials out of this moment and flies away from the distance.


The big hand in the air was shot in the place where Xu Ziyan was originally located, and the earth collapsed. The head of the Temple of Heaven is awkward, and his body is like a lightning, and it rushes to the Chaos Beast again. The Rune and Tang Cast on both sides are still bleeding, and they rush to the Chaos Beast. My heart is very clear, and now it is an endless situation.


The twelve-handed sword returned to Xu Ziyan and circled around her body. The monks on the ground looked at Xu Zi’s eyes with a shocked color. They did not expect Xu Ziyan, who was despised by them, to join this battle. .


Inspired by Xu Ziyan, these monks sacrificed their fairy wares to the chaotic beasts, but they were shocked that their fairy wares could not be close to the chaotic beast, far from the chaotic beast, and they were provoked by the air. The power of the power is shaken, not to mention attacking the chaotic beast, it is extremely difficult to control the fairy.

At this time, the monks understood in their hearts that although Xu Ziyan was repaired to a very low level, but the gods must be strong, and the worst is to reach the level of purple, otherwise they will not be able to attack the chaotic beast.

At this moment, they looked at Xu Ziyan's gaze, and no longer despised, but revealed a trace of respect. Everyone knows that the improvement of Yuanli is relatively easy, but the realm of the Yuanshen is difficult to improve. If the realm of Yuanshen is higher than that of cultivation, then this person’s breakthrough will not be related to the card. At this moment, they understood why Xu Ziyan’s cultivation was so fast.

However, understanding is understood, and the heart is focused.

At this moment, they realized that they could not help with their cultivation. The Tiangong Palace Lord, Rune and Tang Zhuming have already fallen into the wrong wind. Xu Ziyan can only play the role of harassment. I am afraid it will not take long. The moment when they died. Perhaps the Lord of Heaven Palace has a strong hope of escaping with a strong cultivation, but they...

At this moment, Xu Ziyan’s figure suddenly flew up, his hands were rising, and a stream of light flew into the air, hiding in the battlefield.

"What is she going to do?" All the monks stared blankly at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s figure was condensed in the air, holding the last flag in his hand, and yelling at the Temple of Heaven, Rune and Tang Zhu:


Although the three people in the Tiangong Palace did not know what Xu Ziyan was doing, the performance before Xu Ziyan gave their hearts a trust, so under the Xu Ziyan drink, the three people immediately flew backwards behind them. The Chaos beast screamed and chased the past toward the Tiangong Palace.

At this moment, the last flag of Xu Ziyan’s hands was thrown out.


There was a humming in the air, and a wave of squadrons formed, and the chaotic beast was trapped inside.


There was a sigh of relief from the cage inside the air, followed by a bang of percussion, and the sound of the air cages squeaking constantly, and the eyes would collapse. Xu Ziyan couldn't help but regret it. If he could study some arrays at the beginning, he would not be so embarrassed. And with her current rumors, she can't wait for the chaotic beast for a long time.

The hand throws out three super-inferior Xiandan shots to the Tiangong Palace Lord, Run Wen and Tang Zhu three people shouted:


All three people know that Xu Ziyan is the master of Dan Dao. He did not hesitate to take Xiandan down. He instantly felt that his body was in full force. The original momentum was healed, and the energy consumed was also restored in an instant.

"How long does it take to block it! You are ready to intercept it!"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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