The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2811: Life hanging a line

I am very grateful to the students who are not old (200), the students of Yinxiu (100), and the classmates of W Linger (100)!


Xu Ziyan shouted to the monks on the ground: "Sit in one place."

At this time, those monks were at risk and stood up and instinctively obeyed the command, and the figures flashed. Only a few hundred monks gathered in one place for a moment. Xu Ziyan’s hands were rising, and the flag was spurred to the feet of a monk. At the foot of each monk, a picture was formed. Each picture was connected to each other and finally connected. In a picture in front of them.

Xu Ziyan reached out and grabbed the blood of a drop of chaotic beast that fell on the ground. She grabbed it and placed it in the frontless map.

This array is called Wanliuguiyi. Each monk will be repaired into a map that is injected into the foot, and then it will be gathered into the array that merges the blood of the chaotic beast, and the array is called the locking blade. The blood will lock the chaotic beast through the blood, and the forces that will come together will gather together a sharp blade to bombard the chaotic beast. As long as the monks keep injecting the force, the sharp blade will continue to blast.

Xu Ziyan looked up at the cage in the air and shouted: "When the chaotic beast appears again, you will continue to infuse it into the map under your feet."


The prisoner in the air was broken, and the huge figure of the Chaos beast appeared again in front of everyone, and the fierce eyes looked at Xu Ziyan.


The Lord of the Palace Palace drank aloud and rushed to the Chaos Beast. At this point he has realized that Xu Ziyan may be the key to victory and defeat, although her cultivation is not high. But the means are endless.

On the ground, hundreds of monks poured their own repairs into the map under their feet, and saw the locked blade in front of the brilliance. A light knife condensed by Yuanli exudes a purple-level wei Can go to the air of the chaotic beast volley.

The light knife tightly locked the chaotic beast, and the road continued to attack toward the chaotic beast. At the same time, Xu Ziyan also sacrificed a virtual sword. In the sky, the Lord of Heaven Palace, Rune and Tang cast circling. A fierce attack around the chaotic beast. In this way, the Chaos Beast is like being besieged by five purple masters, and the two sides are deadlocked together.

Today, the most embarrassing situation is Rune and Tang Zhu. Both of them are purple-level three-layer. This is already a master on the Starlight continent, but in the face of the Chaos Beast, it is stretched and frightened. They simply can't resist the attack of the chaotic beast. Only eight points of energy can be used to dodge, two points of energy used in the attack, the role played is only harassment, the Chaos beast can not do the slightest harm.

The rune had a little bit of dodge a little slower, and was almost hit by the Chaos Beast. The symbol in his hand was thrown out, which was to resist the moment for these moments. Let him escape the attack of the Chaos Beast in danger and danger. His eyes are full of anxiety, he knows that he must make his role bigger, otherwise it will not change the result of falling.

The rune's hands suddenly threw out layers of plaques, and the plaques wrap around him, quickly forming a huge futuristic, enveloping the runes in the middle, and the huge avatars are distributed under the control of runes. Out of the purple level five power. Among the Furen, the rune's hands kept changing the handcuffs, pulling out the shadows in the air, and the huge Fuman approached the past in the air toward the Chaos. Fierce and chaotic beasts. Although every time the bang is a fuss, and the temperament of the person is constantly falling, but this is the power of the scorpion, the rune has been desperately attacked. I hope that I can win a chance to win for the Tiangong Palace.


The huge futuristic man was smashed, and the rune's body flew out. However, on the way to the flight, he refused to shed blood, and his hands continually sacrificed the plaques again, constructing a person, and then rushed to the Chaos beast again.

Constructing a character requires a lot of symbols, and facing the chaotic beast is not an ordinary symbol, which requires a high-grade symbol, the character of the rune is full of anxiety, this person is already the last character he can construct. Man, the remaining symbols in his storage ring are not enough to construct a person.


Furen and Chaos beasts are constantly slamming.


A huge whip shadow shattered the space and pumped it toward the actor's volley. It was the huge tail of the Chaos Beast. Furen's hands greeted the tail of the Chaos beast, grabbed the tail of the Chaos beast, and the whole figure was drawn out, but the Furen still clung to the huge tail.

He wants to pick up the chaotic beast. However, the tail of the chaotic beast has a tremendous power. He not only did not pick up the chaotic beast, but was smashed by the chaotic beast.

At the same time, one foot of the Chaos Beast smashed toward the Furen. The Rune knew that if this foot really hit the person's body, the Fuman would be abolished. Controlling the Furen to loosen his hands, the huge body of the Charity tumbling toward the distance.

On the other side of the Chaos Beast, Tang Zhu has released ten gongs. The ten strongest ones are the blue peaks, and the remaining nine are only the blue mid-level peaks. It’s just that these are not afraid of life and death. Although they are not dangerous to the Chaos Beast, they can resist some attacks for Tang Zhu.


A cockroach was kicked by a chaotic beast. Tang casted one hand and raised a rope. The rope was turned around the chaotic beast for a few laps, and the chaotic beast was tied up.

The Chaos Beast stretched out a large hand and grabbed the rope tied to the body.


The rope collapsed and the debris spurred around the air.

On the ground, all the monks swallowed the medicinal herbs in the mouth, while constantly injecting the force into the image of the foot, and the singular blade generated by the tens of thousands of images was accurately pointed to the chaotic beast in the air. Hundreds of monks gathered together, and the power generated by the tens of thousands of streams has exceeded the Rune and Tang cast in some way, because they do not need to dodge, but have the blade of locking, the attack is more accurate. .

A ray of light around the chaos beast keeps squatting, and these light blades are numerous, but they have a locked blade map. They will not accidentally injure the lord of the palace, runes and tang casters. Wen and Tang Zhuqiang have made a lot of things.

The Tiangong Palace Lord has become crazy at this time. He knows that if he wants to escape, he can completely escape, but these monks will be killed by the Chaos Beast. And once the Stars continent loses these monks, it will fall into a realm of strength. At the same time, this chaotic beast will appear in the starlight continent, and eventually it will have to face it. So today is not killing this chaotic beast here, it is killed by this chaotic beast.

At this time, as a purple-level eight-layer mid-level peak, the monk has already been bathed in blood, and he is hard to touch the chaotic beast. Although it was repulsed by bombardment once and for all, as a self-eighth mid-level peak monk, it is impossible to be bombarded in the air like Rune and Tang Zhu. Every time I stepped back, it was only a few steps, and then I suddenly slammed it up again. The sword in my hand kept cutting the body of the Chaos Beast, and the Chaos Beast was also constantly hurt.

This kind of undead play makes the Chaos beast also frequently injured, so that the Chaos beast roars. The fierce flame on the body seems to burn the entire sky.

Xu Ziyan's brows are deep and wrinkled. She sees that the situation is gradually pouring down. The hundreds of monks are getting lower and lower through the flow of tens of thousands of people. This means that the power of those monks is rapidly depleting. Even if the drug supplement is not enough to consume the speed.


The last character of the rune was blasted.


Another scorpion of Tang Zhu was crushed by the tail of the Chaos beast.

Xu Ziyan was anxious, knowing that he could not be harassed with too weak swords. The two sleeves fluttered, and a piece of Zhang Fuyu layered around Xu Ziyan, fascinated.

These purple scentes of Xu Ziyan are not the characters of the runes, but the blue-level nine products, but the purple-level peaks, which form a fuss in a moment, enveloping the purple smoke in the middle, exudes a purple-level power, Xu Ziyan The face turned pale in an instant.

Although this person is controlled by God, but it requires the injection of Yuan Li, but the power of the purple smoke is instantly taken away, and her realm is still too low.


Xu Ziyan’s mouth and nose spurted a blood, and the futuristic swayed toward the air, only to release the purple-level five-layer power, and Xu Ziyan knew that she had only one chance, because her strength could not support the second. Secondary attack.

The huge futuristic man swayed toward the chaotic beast. The main eyes of the Tiangong Palace were shocked. He did not think that a monk in the early stage of the blue-level can actually make a purple-like five-character. Master. But when he saw the staggering appearance of the Furen, he knew that Xu Ziyan had only one blow.

One of the heads of the Chaos Beast suddenly turned to Xu Ziyan, and the fierce gaze surprised Xu Ziyan, and even saw a big foot of the Chaos Beast smashed toward the Fu Zi smoke control.

Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart, there is no chance to be close to the Chaos Beast. She originally thought of bringing this person into a chaotic beast and then detonating this person.

Don't look at this Furen now only the purple five-layer power, it is because Xu Ziyan is not enough. If Xu Ziyan detonates this futuristic, the power of the super-character is not only the purple six-layer, It is completely capable of erupting the power of its nine layers.

The sweat of Xu Ziyan ran down like a creek. The consumption of Yuan Li had almost prevented her from flying. The figure was transmitted from behind the person and quickly landed on the ground. A big foot of the Chaos Beast has already reached the forehead of the Furen.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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