The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2812: Void character

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The puppet exploded, and the whole sky turned into a huge black hole. The main body of the palace, Rune and Tang Zhu, fled in the distance. There was a screaming scream in the air, and everyone looked into the air, but the air was in chaos, and a huge black hole was created. It was only able to hear the screaming of the chaotic beast from the black hole, but could not see the figure of the chaotic beast.

The monks looked nervously at the black hole in the air.


The figure of the Chaos beast rushed out of the black hole, a right leg had disappeared, his eyes were fierce, and he finally locked Xu Ziyan.


The Chaos beast screamed and swept a shadow in the air, and slammed it toward Xu Ziyan. That speed is not the reaction of Xu Ziyan, not to mention the fact that Xu Ziyan’s power is running out, and he is sitting on the ground, and he has no power to move. He looks at the figure of the Chaos beast in her eyes. amplification.


A figure appeared in front of Xu Ziyan. It was the head of the Temple of Heaven. The sword in the hand and the fist of the Chaos bet hit a place. The figure flew backwards like a meteor and extended. The left hand grabbed Xu Ziyan and threw Xu Ziyan to the left.


Rune, Tang Zhu and the monks on the ground madly attacked the Chaos beast, and the big feet of the Tiangong Palace also stepped in the air. I rushed to the Chaos Beast again.


Xu Ziyan fell on the ground, and did not pay attention to the battle situation in the air. He immediately took out a lot of Xiandan swallowing and operated the refining of the elixir.

Xiandan has not refining five layers. Xu Ziyan was forced to look up and look into the air. Because she heard the roar of the air getting closer and closer to her.

Looking up, I saw the eyes of a chaotic beast staring at myself, struggling to approach her. One of its legs was blown up by the scent of the purple smoke, and the human being fought for so long without being hurt. It remembers Xu Ziyan. At this time, there is only one thought, that is, killing Xu Ziyan and stepping Xu Ziyan into a powder.

All the monks struggling to stop the Chaos beast under the leadership of the Heavenly Palace, but the Chaos Beast is still approaching Xu Ziyan step by step. Even in spite of the added injuries, the four fists opened and closed together, and the heavenly blade will fly and the Tiangong Palace will be the master. Rune and Tang can't help but retreat.


The Chaos beast screamed. The four arms straightened and swayed, like a windmill rolling up a hurricane rushing toward Xu Ziyan.


The head of the Temple of Heaven, Fu Wen and Tang Zhuo flew out, especially the runes of Tang Wen and Tang Zhu were on the side of a broken kite, rolling in the air and falling heavily on the ground. Struggling twice, but unable to fall, the two have lost the ability to fight.

The body shape of the Tiangong Palace flew over the head of Xu Ziyan. He stretched out his hand and tried to grab Xu Ziyan, but he did not catch Xu Ziyan at the distance of the inch. The figure flew and flew out.

The huge figure of the Chaos beast is like a mountain pressed against Xu Ziyan, and the power of oppression is suffocating. Xu Ziyan’s eyes also showed a whirlpool, and the eye of time and the eye of space opened at the same time.


The shape of the Chaos Beast in the air is a meal, and the shape of Xu Ziyan becomes distorted and then disappears. The other side appeared.


The time is at rest. The Chaos beast hit a shadow on the residual image left by Xu Ziyan.

In the distance, Tang cast struggling to sit up and sacrificed a small tower. The exquisite little tower was enlarged in the air and covered with the chaotic beast.

Two heads of the chaotic beast are raised. Four eyes burst into fierce light, and four fists bombarded the tower at the same time.


The tower created a whirlpool. The force that erupted from the chaotic beast was absorbed, and then landed, and the chaotic beast was covered.

Xu Ziyan's hands were continually raised, and a spurt of the flag was rushed out. An array of tactics was again placed around the tower. She knew that the tower could not trap the chaotic beast, otherwise Tang Zhu had already sacrificed it, but only hoped that it would last longer.

Then Xu Ziyan raised his hand and threw a piece of elixir, rushing toward each monk. The monks swallowed Xiandan and watched the tower in a nervous way. They all reached the limit at this time. They hoped that the tower and the large array of Xu Ziyan could last longer, so that they could recover more. .

In the time when the monks recovered and repaired, Xu Ziyan did not restore Yuanli, but took out a jade bottle. The jade bottle contained the blood of the purple-level fusion beast. At this time, Xu Ziyan could not use the force to outline the void. The character of the painting, even if it can be outlined by Yuanli, will not be used. Compared with Yuanli, the power of Xu Ziyan’s **** is much higher.

Moreover, this time, Xu Ziyan sketched the void character slowly, and the eyebrows transmitted the gods, pulling the blood of the purple-level fusion beast inside the jade bottle, and then began to sketch the complex void painting in the air.

The space has violently fluctuated, so that every monk who is trying to recover is unable to open his eyes and look forward to the past with fluctuations.

A singular pattern is gradually being generated. Although the void character has not yet been completed, the power of the possession has shocked everyone.

"This is the real way!" Run Wen looked up at the hollow picture that Xu Ziyan was sketching. He had already forgotten where he was, and all his spirits were attracted by the slowly-growing void painting in the air.

The body of Xu Ziyan seems to have just been fished out of the water. The gods are insanely injected into the air, sketching the void. The body began to tremble slightly, and the blood slowly oozes out within the seven gongs.

She is sketching the strongest piece of the void, completely outlined by the gods.

Every monk looks at the older, more and more empty, empty and empty. The eyes revealed shock and expectation.

They have never seen such a void of vanity, and under this emptiness, their souls feel tremors. It was the celestial palace that looked at the empty picture in the air, and the gaze was also revealed.

He felt that this void character was his purple peak eight-layer mid-peak peak can not resist. I am afraid that it will be seriously injured under its explosion. Looking at Xu Ziyan's gaze is a bit jealous, but seeing Xu Ziyan's laborious and slow movements, there is a touch of ease in my heart.

He knows that this kind of void character is impossible to generate in an instant, so it is impossible to use it in battle. Unless someone is in the front, get enough time for Xu Ziyan.

Thinking of striving for enough time, the look of the Lord of the Palace is a change, and immediately regained his gaze, and reinvented the elixir in the body. He didn't know how much time the Tang Dynasty's high tower and Xu Ziyan's array of methods could hold. If the Chaos Beast rushed out, the only one who could stand in front of Xu Ziyan was him alone.


All the monks were shocked in their hearts, and their eyes looked toward the spread of the voice. I saw a crack in the tower, and then the cracks began to spread around like a spider web...


The cracks in the tower have expanded and it has been able to see the body of the chaotic beast from the crack.


A roar broke out of the crack, and a wave of spirits spread from the snoring. All the monks understood the meaning of the scream at this moment.

"I want to kill you!"

Xu Ziyan looks like an ancient well, no slight change, but his face is paler. The spirit of the eyebrows is still drawing a line of streaks, perfecting the illusory void.

The head of the Tiangong Palace stood in front of Xu Ziyan, and looked back at the perfect void painting in the air, revealing shock in his eyes.

"How powerful is the vain void design!"

Tightly tightened the sword in his hand, his eyes fixed on the tower that was being cracked.

"I must stand up and insist that Xu Zongshi will complete the void painting!"

Rune and Tang cast swayed from the ground and walked toward the Tiangong Palace. They stood in front of Xu Ziyan with the Tiangong Palace.


Not yet waiting for the two of them to take three steps, the ear heard a "bang", the entire tower collapsed.

Hundreds of monks stood up. Always ready to inject some of the power that has just recovered some into the map under the feet. Rune and Tang Zhu are physically weak and sit on the ground, and they are struggling to get back up again.


The Chaos beast screamed, but it was still tied by the pattern of Xu Ziyan, and it was fiercely impacting the formation. There was a rumbling voice in the entire space. Deafening.

The Lord of the Palace Palace glanced at the runes and Tang Zhu, who were struggling to climb, and looked at the hundreds of monks who did not recover much. Sticking out his tongue and rubbing his dry lips, he knows that only one person can block the purple smoke for a while.

It was quite chest-high and the nerves were tight. At this time, the suffocation of one of the two masters of the Starlight continent broke out, and the eyes fixed on the chaotic beast in the formation. The sword in the hand swallowed the sword.

"All right!"

There was a weak voice of Xu Ziyan behind him. The Tiangong Palace Lord felt a weakness at that time. It was not a real weakness, but a weakness caused by the sudden relaxation of the nervous nerves. He hurried back, but did not immediately see Xu Ziyan, but looked at the symbol of the air.

People who are as strong as the head of the palace, when they saw the plaque floating in the air, felt a little dizzy. The void picture is too big, and it is extremely versatile, looking at it, or your own gods are faintly sucked away.


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