The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2813: Curtain of opportunity

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The heart of the Tiangong Palace is a glimpse of the high point of Xu Ziyan. His eyes rushed away from the empty picture in the air, and then looked at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan was extremely weak at this time, his face was pale as paper, and the seven sputum oozing a trace of blood. Her power of the gods at this time still consumed 90%.

"Xu Zongshi!" The main body of the Tiangong Palace was swept away, and stood by Xu Ziyan: "How are you?"

Xu Ziyan was weak and smiled: "I can't die!"

The Lord of the Palace Palace gently breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the chaotic beast that was striking the array:

"Can this void character hurt the Chaos Beast?"

Xu Ziyan nodded in a weak place: "It should be able to reinvent it, and then look at the palace owner."

The Tiangong Palace Lord tightened the sword in his hand: "Give it to me!"


Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and used the last glimpse of the gods to control the void paintings to float toward the formation. Soon it floated to the sky above the battle, and hovered there.


After a dozen more breaths, with the roar of the Chaos beast, the entire formation collapsed. At the moment of the collapse of the formation, the empty picture in the air shrouded the chaos. The huge powers caused the roaring beasts to stop, and the four eyes showed fear and looked up into the air.

But... it’s too late!

I haven't waited until it sees what's in the air. The void character wraps it like a bag and then hides it in its body.

The look of the Chaos Beast is a glimpse, looking down at your body, there is nothing at all. As if nothing happened.

The surrounding monks were nervously watching the chaotic beast. They knew that the purple paintings that Xu Ziyan exhausted the gods would never be a flower shelf.

The eyes of the Chaos beast looked at Xu Ziyan and instantly became fierce. It no longer thinks about the magical void character, only remembering to kill Xu Ziyan.


The Chaos beast opened two angry mouths toward Xu Ziyan and made an angry roar. But I saw Xu Ziyan sitting cross-legged on the ground with one hand and gently gripping.



The whole space was shaking, the earth was cracked, and a huge gully appeared. The surrounding giant mountains began to collapse. The weak runes and Tang cast were directly shaken out, and the hundreds of monks were also shaken. Got into the air. Only the main palace of Tiangong Palace was firmly rooted in the earth, and the earth under his feet did not move, and there was no collapse. He clasped the sword with one hand and pressed one hand on the shoulder of Xu Ziyan, maintaining the stability of Xu Ziyan's body. The dust is flying, and the big stones are flying. On the heads of the Xu Ziyan and Tiangong Palace, the sides of the body roar past each other. The boulders flying to their two bodies are easily bounced off by the defensive shield released by the Tiangong Palace.

In the vision of the monks. The chaotic beast fluttered, and only the remaining leg became a powder. There were two left in the four arms, one in the two skulls, and one third missing.

"Xu Zongshi, you are careful!"

The main palace of Tiangong Palace snorted, and the body shape rushed to the chaotic beast like a meteor. In the hand palace of the Tiangong Palace, the body of Xu Ziyan was shaken by the vibration of the space. Go out.


A blood spurted between the nose and mouth, and the figure fell toward the distant ground.


The body shape of the Tiangong Palace has come to the front of the Chaos Beast. The sword in his hand went to the neck of the Chaos beast. The Chaos Beast has not yet recovered from the dizziness. A skull was flying by the head of the Temple of Heaven.


The sword of the Lord of the Temple of Heaven is like a storm, and it is constantly on the body of the Chaos beast.

"Oh la la..."

The body of the Chaos beast broke open and became a broken body.


The main palace of Tiangong Palace fell to the ground, shaking his body and looking at the broken meat on the ground. I spit out a long breath and turned to look at Xu Ziyan.

But I saw Xu Ziyan sitting on the floor with his knees at this time. In the hands of his body, he projected a banner on his face, and then the shape of Xu Ziyan disappeared.

The eyes of the Tiangong Palace shrank, and I knew that Xu Ziyan did not trust himself and others. Protect yourself with that mysterious array.

His eyes flashed a bit, and he was really curious about Xu Ziyan's mysterious array, and he also had some taboos about the endless means of Xu Ziyan.

Seeing that Xu Ziyan had already set up the law at this time, he shook his head with a funny smile. I don't think about the caution of Xu Ziyan. Do you have a purple-level eight-story master who will have a heartfelt wish for her blue-level second-class monk?

Although Xu Ziyan’s cultivation was promoted very quickly, but it was not placed in the heart of his Tiangong Palace. As a purple-level monk, he knew that the speed of upgrading before the purple level did not mean anything. Breaking through the purple level is not easy. Don't look at Xu Ziyan. Now it's a quick upgrade, but it takes a very long time to upgrade to a level that threatens him. Maybe the purple smoke will be stuck in the purple level forever. on.

There are countless geniuses in the history of the Starlight continent, and they all end up in the late peak of the blue level, and have not taken that crucial step in their lives.

Shaking his head, no more words, immediately sitting cross-legged, swallowing Xiandan began to adjust interest rates. Rune, Tang Zhu and hundreds of monks also took medicinal herbs into the interest rate adjustment.

Surrounded by silence, I only heard the sound of continuous breathing when adjusting.

This time all the monks consumed too much, and after nine days passed, some people woke up in succession. On the fifteenth day. Rune and Tang Zhu also completed the adjustment, and returned to the peak state, and both of them showed a smile on their faces. Both of them felt that there was a slight improvement in both the state of mind and the cultivation. Although it is far from the degree of breakthrough, after entering the purple level, it is not easy to have a slight increase.

The aides smiled happily, and Fu Wen looked at the aides. The gaze is a movement, the smell of the staff behind the curtain can not be seen, but how can the purple rune not see? It is a hint of purple.

"You touched the door?" Rune looked at the aide in surprise.

The aides smiled happily and said: "I just saw a gap and it was still a long way off."

Although he was modest, his face was full of pleats, like a chrysanthemum. The owner came over and smiled:

"As long as a gap is opened, the rest is to use time to slowly push the door completely away, congratulations to the brother."

"Oh, huh..." There was excitement on the face of the aunt.

The blue-level late peak monks around are looking at the abundance with envy. They were the same as the aides, but they did not directly participate in the battle with the Chaos Beast. They just stood on the map and poured in the power, so they got less.

At this time, only the two people of Tiangong Palace and Xu Ziyan have not regained consciousness. This time, the two people of Tiangong Palace and Xu Ziyan can be said to have made great contributions, but the consumption is also huge.


The Lord of the Palace Palace spit out a breath, and two spurts in the nostrils spread like two dragons to the front. I saw the Lord of the Palace and opened my eyes. Rune looked at the head of the Temple of Heaven and asked:

"How about the harvest?"

The Tiangong Palace owner shook his head regretfully: "Although there is some insight, the distance is far from being broken. The more difficult it is to cultivate later!"

Speaking of this, I nodded to the aides: "Congratulations to the old man."

"Thank you, huh..."

The head of the Temple of Heaven will look at the identity of where Xu Ziyan is located, and the color of curiosity appears in his eyes:

"I am afraid that Xu Master will benefit the most!"

Everyone is nodding, this practice is more difficult to go back, especially after entering the purple level, it is difficult to step by step. However, it is much easier before the purple level, which means that the faster the repair is, the faster it will be. If you have any big chances. There will be a rapid breakthrough.

For example, the edge of death experienced by the Chaos and the Beasts has a big horror, and it also has a big chance. What's more, Xu Ziyan itself is very fast in cultivation, so at this time the Tiangong Palace Lord, Rune. Tang Zhu and the aides are very optimistic about Xu Ziyan.

"Why do you say that she will wait until Xu Zong teacher comes out?" The aunt said with meditation: "She has a purple-level remedy. I am afraid that he can at least break through two grades and become the first four blue-grade products. Monk."

"Tang Zhu thought about it. When I was with her, I saw her breakthrough with her own eyes. Her qualifications and understanding are really strong. In my opinion, she can break through the early blue products."

Rune also nodded on the side: "It is the ultimate to be able to break through three grades in a row."

The words of the three great monks looked at the head of the Temple of Heaven, and the Lord of the Palace Palace said:

"more than!"


"With her endless means, she might be able to break through the six early blue products."

Everyone thought for a moment, thinking of the endless means of Xu Ziyan, could not help but nod.

At this time, I saw that the formation was scattered, revealing the figure of Xu Ziyan. Four people, including the Tiangong Palace, rushed to the Xu Ziyan to investigate, and then looked at Xu Ziyan in a sluggish manner.

They were in a daze not because Xu Ziyan’s breakthrough exceeded their expectations, but was much lower than their expectations. Xu Ziyan only broke through one product and broke through to the blue level.

In fact, the condition of Xu Ziyan is different now from all the monks on the mainland. She does not have a checkpoint in the realm, because her power of the gods is far beyond the cultivation, and there is no checkpoint of the strength of the body. The strength of the body is far beyond the cultivation. All she needs is to continuously accumulate strength. At her current rate, with the help of the drug, it is an average of ten days to upgrade a grade. There is no sudden increase in mood, and then the situation of the heavens and the earth is repaired as a surge, unless there is a situation like the original pottery in the Star Tower.

However, obviously there is no such condition here.


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