The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2814: Treasure

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However, Xu Ziyan’s face is also filled with a smile, because after this war, her mood has improved, and the power of the gods has truly reached the critical point of breaking the late 9th grade, as long as the time goes by, slow Slowly comprehending the heavens, her power of the gods will surely break through to the late 9th grade.

"How...what would it be?" He looked at Xu Ziyan with a curtain: "How do you break through a product?"

"Purple smoke quality is worse!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

All the monks around have turned a blind eye neatly. Are you qualified? Will it be a day to practice? Don't lie to us, okay?

The Tiangong Palace Lord, Rune, Tang Zhu and the Curator are thoughtful. They think that the speed of Xu Ziyan's cultivation should gradually slow down with the improvement of cultivation. What is happening in front of him is an evidence. Want to understand this, these four people also quietly breathed a sigh of relief, this time they only found out that they have a little jealousy about the speed of Xu Ziyan's cultivation.

"That's it, it's normal to be like a human being!"

The four great monks in the heart of the dark, the Tiangong Palace master waved: "We can go to the thick earth palace."

At this time, the earth has been gully and sloping. Through the gully, they have been able to see the thick earth palace in the depths of the earth. The master of the Tiangong Palace stretched out his hand to the ground, and the ground was caught by him and thrown away. In front of their eyes there was a broad avenue extending towards the ground and extending to the gate of the Palace of the Thick Earth.

The head of the Temple of Heaven was the first to fly toward the thick earth palace, and the rest of the monks immediately followed. Soon, the monks once again stood in front of the gates of the Houto Palace.

At this time, the gate of the Houtu Palace has been broken. The scene inside is exposed.

Inside is a huge hall, with a body in the hall, and the monks enter the hall and stand in front of the body.

That is the body of a woman. Although it is dead, the whole body is almost intact. Although there are signs of biting on the body, it does not cause much damage to the body. The hearts of the monks could not help but sigh. It is rumored that this thick fairy is the cultivation of the peak of the purple grade nine. Although he did not know why, he was finally killed by the chaotic beast, but the chaotic beast could not destroy a purple grade nine. The body of the monk in the late peak. It can be seen how strong the body of a purple monk is in the late stage.

"Oh..." Tiangonggong sighed a bit: "It is estimated that the thick fairy should have been seriously injured before. Otherwise the chaotic beast will not kill her. She also started the seal of the gate when she died. The Chaos Beast is inside, and it is not letting it go out of trouble with the Starry Continent. We buried her!"

"it is good!"

The crowd nodded, and Xu Ziyan walked up as a woman, took the storage ring on the finger of the thick fairy, and then picked up the body of the thick fairy to walk out of the gate, and the figure flew into the air. Looking around on Monday, I flew to a distant mountain range. After I chose a place with good wind and water to bury the thick earth fairy, I went to the cemetery three times together with the Tiangong Palace and others. The monks returned to the Houtu Palace again.

On the first floor, there are four doors, and the monks will go to the four gates. Tiangong, Dan Meng, Yimeng and Fumeng each choose a door, while the Star Adventures are standing in the middle of the main hall without going to four. Inside the door.

The monks are very tacit, and you have already got the storage ring of the thick fairy. Don't fight for treasures on this level. Xu Ziyan is also naturally interesting. Standing in the middle of the main hall, you can see through the storage ring of the thick earth fairy.

There was a slight disappointment on the face, and there were many things inside, which were also very precious. The space inside this storage ring is very large. The crystals inside are piled up like mountains, and these fairy crystals are there. Don't say that the thousands of people in the Stars Adventure Group don't have to do tasks for a few years, that is, they don't have to spend a lot of tasks for hundreds of years.

Of course, there are some kinds of materials in it, which are large and precious. There are also some medicinal herbs, scorpions, celestials and the like, but these things are not visible to the purple smoke.

Xianjing Xu Ziyan is not lacking! She has too much, but she has not taken it out. The material Xu Ziyan is not lacking, and there are only ten kinds of purple smoke in these materials. The rest of the purple smoke has, and the quantity is many. As for the medicinal herbs, Fu Yi and Xian Yi, Xu Ziyan looked at them one by one. Dan medicine and Fu Yi did not need to say, the grade is not as refined as Xu Ziyan himself. The fairy is naturally not as refined as the Yanshan soul, so Xu Ziyan is lacking in interest. After collecting the dozens of materials into their storage rings, handed the ring to the side of the sea:

"Everyone present is picking up ten private items from inside, and then the rest is handed over to the head of the team as a risky group. Don't pick the fairy crystal, it's not worth it."

The monks heard the words and transmitted them into the storage ring. When they saw the treasure in the storage ring, they all took a breath of cold air, and their faces were distorted and their muscles were distorted. . Xu Ziyan snorted:

"Not so bad?"

Cold cold, Zhou Peng, You Sihai and other people all raised their heads and smashed Xu Ziyan with a look:

"We are different from you!"

"What's the difference? In addition to Shi Xiaotian's several people, are you all good ancestors? Is it true that the second ancestor is good?"

"That can't be with you. You have a master of alchemy, and there is nothing natural, and it is also a mysterious place like Ice."

"Too lazy to care for you!" Xu Ziyan walked aside and put on a look that did not recognize you.

Although the Tiangong Palace Lord, Rune, Musashi and Tang Zhu each entered a door, they also all gave a look at Xu Ziyan and others who were concerned about the center of the main hall. When they saw the appearance of Xu Ziyan’s lack of glory, they knew Although there are precious things in the storage ring, it is not precious enough to be against the sky, otherwise Xu Ziyan will not be thrown to others casually. At the same time, they also heard the words of Zhou Peng and others. The heart is also very curious about Xu Ziyan's master.

Soon, the people of the Star Adventure Group each selected ten treasures, and they coldly pondered:

"There are too many fairy crystals here, so it's better for each of us to divide the billions of fine crystals as private."

Everyone heard the words naturally agree. Xu Ziyan also admired the nod, and the cold and cold did so, undoubtedly to collect the hearts of everyone. And each billion billion of fine crystals are really nothing for the cluster of fairy crystals in the storage ring.

So Xu Ziyan also walked over, Zhou Peng said, "You have to!"

"Do not bite your hands!"

Xu Ziyan said faintly. Everyone is a big laugh. Each took a billion of the best crystals and collected them. At this time, the Tiangong Palace Lord, the Curator, Rune and Tang Zhu also came out from the four doors, and everyone walked toward the second floor.

The second floor is the same four doors. The people who watched the Star Adventures in Tiangong Palace said:

"Cold leader, your star adventure group, except for Xu Zongshi, the rest of the people have almost no strength. The storage ring is enough to satisfy you, you will not be too greedy?"

Cold and cold slightly sighed: "Our Star Adventure Group will not want anything more, but the purple smoke should continue to have the opportunity to acquire treasures in a private capacity."

"This nature!" The head of the Tiangong Palace turned to Xu Ziyan: "Xu Zongshi, this time can kill the chaotic beast, enter the thick earth palace, you have great merits. But you should not participate in this second layer. What are the three-tiered treasures that we all share?"

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan did not hesitate. The opportunity to be able to get a split on the third floor is already very satisfying. With his current cultivation, the Tiangong Palace is already giving himself a face. If there are extra requirements, it will bring disaster.

The Lord of the Palace Palace was also very satisfied with the attitude of Xu Ziyan, and the aides, the runes, and Tang Zhu each chose a door to go in. Xu Ziyan and others waited in the hall. Cold and cold people constantly look at the ten treasures they have received, hehe smiled, and Xu Ziyan was sitting cross-legged and began to cultivate.

After a long time. Lord of the Palace of Heaven. The aides, Rune and Tang Zhu led their men and walked out of the door and saw Xu Ziyan, who was practicing, flashing a glimmer of color in one eye. In the heart:

"It is natural to repair the speed of ascension. How can such a diligent person be able to improve slowly? And Xu Ziyan's qualifications and understanding are good!"

The master of the palace, the staff, the runes, the Tang and the caster could not help but glance at their children. Why did they not live up to expectations, and Xu Ziyan did not know the effort.

The four great monks walked up to the third floor, swimming around the sea looking at his father's back, shrinking his neck, and then whispering to Xu Ziyan:

"Ziyan, do you want to be so exaggerated? You can't do anything badly? You always do, can we still be happy together in the future?"

Xu Ziyan ignored the four seas and walked up the stairs. The four seas and other people stayed below, and the monks of Tiangong, Fumeng, Danmeng and the League of Arms also stayed on the second floor. Only the Tiangong Palace Lord, Rune, Tang Zhu, Musashi and Xu Ziyan took the first place. Three floors.

On the third floor, there is only one hall in the third floor, and there is no door. In the center of the main hall, there is a colorful mask with a radius of 100 meters. Inside the mask is a colorful stone with a human head size, and the colorful mask is released by the colorful stone.

In addition to the colorful stone in the mask, there is also a jade bottle, which is known to store the medicinal herbs at a glance, and there is a jade slip and a medicine tripside next to the jade bottle. On the other side is a slap-sized jade box, and there is a jade box next to the jade box. It is a book with a material like gold and gold.


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