The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2815: Tian Tianshi

PS: I want to hear more of your voices. I want to receive more suggestions from you. Now I will search for the WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it, and give more support to "The Best Female Fairy"!

I am very grateful to Jie Jie (200), the little Mei Zhang students (100), and the rest of the 123 students (100). Xiu Xian is no longer a legendary classmate (100)!


Everyone around the mask did not do anything, and they all looked to the Tiangong Palace Lord. After all, his cultivation was the highest, and the Houtu Palace was also discovered by him. Of course, he was the first to pick. The main road of the Temple of Heaven:

"Let's take it out first!"

When the words fell, a large hand reached out and explored into the mask.


His hand was bounced back, and the look of the Lord of the Palace was a stagnation, and then the condensed cultivation was once again explored.


His hand was once again bounced back. This time his look was a lot heavier, adding repairs little by little, and looking back and forth at the mask again and again.


After countless times, the Emperor of the Palace of Heaven had already upgraded the cultivation to the peak, but still could not break the mask, and could not help but frown.


After the curtain, Rune and Tang Zhu also experimented once, but they all failed and returned. Xu Ziyan also experimented once. With the strength of her seven-level body, she could not explore the colorful mask.

This can't help but let everyone face each other and stay there for a while.

Rune went forward and began to watch the colorful mask carefully. On the colorful mask, there was a faint rotation of the road. But those characters are too mysterious, the runes can not be cracked, the runes can not help but look at Xu Ziyan, the master of the palace. The eyes of the three men behind the curtain and Tang Zhu also looked at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan stepped forward and carefully watched the mask in front of her eyes. Gradually her face became dignified, and the faintly rotating symbol in front of her eyes exceeded her cognitive ability. Xu Ziyan’s heart could not help but jump.

This is definitely beyond the grade of the inferior fairy charm, faintly hidden in the world. The current state of Xu Ziyan cannot be solved at all.

Sink into the gods. Said to Xiaomumu, who has been staying in the sea for a long time:

"Small wood, can you go in?"

Xiaomumu looked through the eyes of Xu Ziyan, and then there was a burst of exclamation:

"This is this... this is Tianshishi!"

"Take Tianshi? What is that?"

"Titianshi is a kind of treasure that can make up the sky. When there is a big crack in the space, Tianshishi can make up for the big crack, which is to make up the sky."

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a jump: “Good things!”

"Small wood, what is that mask?"

"That is the enchantment released by Tianshi."

"Can you take it out without revealing the trace?"

"Can!" Xiaomumu nodded in the sea.

Xu Ziyan was overjoyed and turned to look at the head of the Temple of Heaven. Behind the scenes, Rune and Tang Zhudao: "I want that colorful stone."

The four great monks looked at the face of Xu Ziyan, especially the Tiangong Palace Lord. He was the first to be able to pick treasures. If the stone had special features, he did not want to let it go. Rune sinks into a bit:

"Xu Shi, are you sure to take out the stone?"

The monks once again looked at Xu Ziyan. The meaning of the gaze is very obvious. If you can't get into the mask, everything is white.

Xu Ziyan gently nodded: "There should be no problem. If I didn't speculate wrong, this mask is released by the colorful stone."

All the monks were shocked in their hearts, and looked carefully at the colorful stones in the mask. But they can't see the mystery. In fact, let alone they are the ones who are proficient in Xu Ziyan. Rune Cong asked:

"Xu Shi, you know what the colorful stone is? What mystery is it?"

"I don't know what it is, but I feel that he has a mysterious way. So I want to stay and study."

Lord of the Palace of Heaven. When the aides and Tang Zhuyi heard that they had a relationship with Fu Da, they lost the heart of the competition. Such things were precious and they were useless. However, they still looked at the mask for a while, and saw that there was a faint floating symbol. The heart believed in Xu Ziyan, and three people nodded. I agree that the colorful stone is given to Xu Ziyan.

So the rest of the rune is alone. At this time, his heart is very entangled. He is also very yearning for the treasures of the Tao. He wants to be his own, but he also knows that he can’t understand his own realm, let alone Understand, even the methods of charging are not available. If he disagreed at this time, Xu Ziyan would not be able to collect the colorful stones as long as he stood by and watch the palace, the aides and Tang Zhu. To know that this colorful stone is not collected, you can not get the treasure inside, and finally some unwillingly nod.

Xu Ziyan turned his head again and looked at the colorful stones in the mask. He knew the small wooden wood in the sea:

"Small wood, hands-on!"

Xiaomumu immediately turned into a green light and got into the arm of Xu Ziyan. Only in an instant, Xu Ziyan’s arm turned green and spread forward along the arm, and soon one hand turned green.

The four great monks have been paying attention to Xu Ziyan's every move. When they saw that Xu Ziyan's right hand became green, his face showed a hint of color.

"What is this supernatural power?"

Then they saw Xu Ziyan lifted the hand and inserted it into the reticle.

Silent, the mask was like a lake, and the hand of Xu Ziyan stretched in. The arm was extended, and the Tianshi stone was grabbed. It was caught from the mask and immediately received the storage. Among the rings.

However, what surprised Xu Ziyan was that the mask still existed. Can not help but call the small wood in the sea. A green light withdrew from Xu Ziyan's arm and returned to her knowledge of the sea.


"How is that mask?"

"Take the Tianshi stone, although it is taken away, but the energy she left is still there. If it doesn't move it, it will be scattered in about twenty days. If you bombard it together, it will be scattered in about three or four days. go with."

Xu Ziyan stepped back a few steps and looked at the four people who looked at her Tiangong Palace with suspicion and said:

"This colorful stone has been taken away. But the energy he left is still there. If it is allowed to dissipate itself, it will take twenty days. If we do it together, it will take three or four days."

The main story of the Temple of Heaven, suddenly slammed into the mask, and then the gods carefully explored the mask, and realized that there was a trace of energy disappearing, and no longer added.

So I put down my doubts and slightly indulged: "With our strength, we are not afraid of anyone coming. Before the battle with the Chaos Beast, there are some comprehension and no digestion. We might as well let it dissipate itself. We cultivated for a while."

The aides, Rune and Tang Zhu nodded. Their situation was the same as that of the Tiangong Palace. Some of them had not yet had time to digest, and they all knew that the sooner the understanding was absorbed, the better they would sit on the ground. Enter into the comprehension. Xu Ziyan naturally continues to cultivate the non-attribute exercises. He hopes that the mask will break through to the early blue level before the mask is dissipated.

The time of sixteen days passed quickly. The breath of Xu Ziyan was fluctuating, and the heaven and earth Yuanli gathered toward Xu Ziyan. The repair of Xu Ziyan broke through to the early four grades of the blue class.

The four monks opened their eyes and looked at Xu Ziyan, and they closed their eyes. For the breakthrough of Xu Ziyan, they did not have the slightest surprise. They originally thought that Xu Ziyan had experienced the minimum of the blue-level initial four products after the war with the Chaos Beast, and even broke through the early six products of the blue-level. As a result, Xu Ziyan only broke through to the blue-level initial three products, which made them really surprised. At this time, the breakthrough of Xu Ziyan was seen as a breakthrough that Xu Ziyan had digested before the comprehension. It is normal.

It took another five days. On the twenty-first day, the mask finally dissipated. At the moment the reticle dissipated, the five monks opened their eyes at the same time and looked at each other. Standing up from the ground, I went to the treasures of the central government.

Xu Ziyan has already collected the Tianshi. Naturally, without the opportunity to regain the treasure, they stood by and watched. The Tiangong Palace first picked up the jade bottle and opened the jade bottle. A heavenly atmosphere was released. It was just a sniff, and it felt that the understanding of the heavens had deepened.

"This is... Tian Dao Dan!"

The faces of the four great monks were shocked, and the same was true of Xu Ziyan’s face. This day Dao Dan is just an early stage of the super-discipline, but whether it is on the mainland or on the starry continent, Dan Fang has lost the biography, that is, there is no such Dan in the inheritance of Xu Ziyan.

Tiandaodan is an medicinal herb that can help monks to understand the heavens, especially for the purple-level monks. In the eyes of the five monks, the heart of the light was revealed, but the eyes of Xu Ziyan suddenly disappeared, and she had lost the opportunity.

The head of the Temple of Heaven will cover the lid of the jade bottle, then pick up the jade slip, scan it with the gods and let it go:

"It’s just the Dandao inheritance left by the thick fairy!"

The aussie heard and heard, immediately bright eyes, like two small suns, Xu Ziyan also stunned in the heart, could not help but sigh:

"It's all good stuff!"

The Emperor of the Temple of Heaven will put down the jade slip and point to the medicine Dingdao: "This needless to say."

Then pick up the palm-sized jade box and gently open it. A red light spreads out, and the temperature inside the tower rises immediately. A red lotus-like fire rises from the jade box and is about to escape, but it is the main palace. Raise your hand and release a hood, put it back into the jade box, and cover it with a cover:

"This is a red lotus fire!"

The eyes of the aides and Tang Zhu are red, this is the treasure of alchemy and refining.

The main palace of Tiangong Palace put down the jade box, took the last one-inch square jade box, and gently opened the lid, then he stayed there, and the monks gathered together and looked into the jade box. The shock is the result of shock. The gods were detected and sighed on their faces.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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