The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2816: reward

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Inside this jade box is an independent small world with a radius of millions of miles. Not only can you plant herbs here, but you can also raise the spirits, and when the ancestral catastrophe, you can move the human race here, this is definitely a good baby. And at this time there are already a variety of rare and precious herbs.

However, after the five great monks shocked the big earth fairy, they returned to the normal state. They just shocked the thick-skinned fairy, but they did not care much about this small world. After all, all of them have cultivated their own inner world, especially Xu Ziyan. Her body is not like the Tiangong Palace. They are just a continent but a universe.

The head of the Temple of Heaven will cover the lid of the jade box, and then point to a book that looks like gold and gold like jade and jade:

"This should be a thick earth book!"

The four great monks took a deep breath and restored calm, but the heart was filled with excitement. This trip to treasure hunt is worthwhile. The aides, Rune and Tang Zhu are looking to the Tiangong Palace, waiting for the Tiangong Palace to take the lead. The Lord of the Palace Palace frowned slightly, and his heart was very entangled at this time. Some hesitated to collect which treasure.

Dan Dao inheritance and Yao Ding will definitely not want it. He also gave up the small world jade box, so that the Tiandao Dan and the red lotus are left. In the end, he still took the Tiandao Dan under his hand and took it away. The other three great monks showed the envy of their eyes, but Xu Ziyan’s mentality was peaceful. Today, her state of mind has reached the peak of the nine-tiered mid-level, and is at the critical point of breaking through the late nine-tiered stage. She does not need the heavenly Dan.

"Congratulations to the Lord of the Palace, I am sure that the Lord of the Palace will soon break through to the eighth floor of his own!" Rune and Tang Zhu have all congratulated each other.

The face of the Lord’s Palace also showed a smile on his face: “With the joy, it’s your turn to collect treasures.”

Rune and Tang Zhu looked at each other, and the two of them were the same, and there was no difference in the effort to fight the chaotic beast. So who is the first to be a problem. Tang Zhu sank a bit:

"Fu Meng, I want that red lotus, how?"

Rune nodded, in fact, he is in a bad mood now, these treasures were taken away by Tiangong Palace and Tian Zidan and Xu Ziyan took away the colorful stones, then there is nothing too much to attract him. Therefore, Tang Zhu has no opinion on taking away the fire.

Tang Zhu heard great news and immediately took the jade box with the different fire and retreated to the side. The remaining runes are tangled there.

Dan Dao inheritance and Yao Ding he simply did not use. When I think about it, I have to collect the small world jade box. No matter how many precious herbs are there, and the power in this small world is very strong, it is not bad to go back to the Fumeng disciple as a medicine garden and cultivation holy place. .

So there is the Dan Dao inheritance of Yu Jian and the drug tripod, he wants both things. Can not look at the eyes of the Temple of Heaven and other people. The Tiangong Palace Lord sank a bit:

"The master of the curtain, this Dandao inheritance and medicine tripod are of no use to us. But they are also treasures. You can give it to you, but you have to give us some compensation. So, I think you will choose the Dan first. The Tao inherits, then you come up with the treasure of the medicine and the equivalent."

The face of the staff was a joy, then frowned. They are all people with super-excessive eyes. The drug tripod is not a general treasure. What kind of treasure is it for?

After thinking for a while, the eyes of the aunt turned bright and turned to look at Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Shi, that Dan Dao inherits Yu Jian, I can let you copy one. You bring out some treasures to the Tiangong Palace Lord. How do the Fumeng and Tangmeng masters, medicine Ding and Yujian belong to me?"

Xu Ziyan couldn't help but laugh, this is really a good calculation. However, Xu Ziyan was not interested in the drug tripod, but he had a strong interest in the Dandao heritage. At the very least, there should be a Danfang of Heavenly Way, but that Dan is worthy of exchange of purple smoke. Then he nodded. Slightly thought about it:

"The lord of the palace, the singer of the squad, the lord of the Tang dynasty, I used to send you the kind of medicinal herbs when I was fighting with the Chaos beast. How about each one?"

The Lord of Heaven Palace, Rune and Tang cast are just a move. The kind of elixir is a good thing, not only can it quickly recover when Yuan Li consumes cleanliness, but they can also perceive if they wait until they reach a breakthrough. Guan, the kind of remedy can definitely improve the chance of breaking through.

Being able to recover the force quickly will almost give them a life-saving card, not to mention the chance of a breakthrough, so the three great monks are immediately tempted. It’s just that these three people are all generations of tyrannical giants. They look at each other and the main palace of Tiangong Palace:

"Yes, but not one per person, five per person!"

"That's it!" Xu Ziyan replied very simply. In fact, each of the five trees is not a big deal for Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan knows clearly that each person has exceeded the value of the medicine tripod, and each of the five is absolutely The lion has a big opening. Although Xu Ziyan wants to get the Dan Dao inheritance, but it can not be expressed, and she is not accustomed to let people be a big head.

The three great monks in the Tiangong Palace were a stagnation. They did not expect that Xu Ziyan would refuse to be so simple. There was no room for it. Let’s talk about it.

"Xu Zongshi, the jade slip is the Dandao inheritance of the thick fairy."

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly: "Fu Meng, do you know what grade of medicinal medicine I gave you?"

"What grade?" The rune looks awkward. At the beginning, they were all in the fight. They didn't have time to see the grade of the drug. Now, I asked Xu Ziyan to ask, and I couldn't help but ask.

"Purple level!" Xu Ziyan said proudly: "I have been able to refine the purple-level elixir, and the Dan Dao inheritance is just to learn from it, there is nothing to do, nothing. For me, it is not too important. ""

"Purple level... Idol!"

The Lord of the Palace, Rune and Tang Zhu’s face showed a shocking color, and the curtain was even more shocking. He knows that Xu Ziyan has a high level of alchemy. But I did not expect it to be so high.

"That..." Tang cast weakly said: "Four people per person?"

Xu Ziyan turned his face to the other side and did not take care of him. Tang Zhu’s look is a bit embarrassing. The Lord of the Palace also could not help but say:


Xu Ziyan sighed softly, his face showed a helpless color: "Two, even if I give you a good relationship."

The three great monks knew that they could no longer force the purple smoke. I also know that I am already getting a big deal. So they all nodded:


Xu Ziyan took out six jade bottles and handed them to the Tiangong Palace, Run Wen and Tang Zhu. Then he reached out and grabbed the Dandao inheritance of the jade slip into the hands, probed into the gods, and quickly searched, and sure enough, there was a Dan Dafang in heaven, and his heart was a joy. I took a jade slip and took a copy of the inheritance. Then I handed the jade to the staff, but I saw that the aunt was holding the medicine in both hands and looked at her pitifully. Asked:

"The curtain lord, are you this?"

"Xu Shi, can you also give me an elixir? Just one!"

Xu Ziyan will copy the good jade slips. Then directly put the original jade into the hands of the aides.

"I... I sell it with Xianjing."

Xu Ziyan turned a blank eye.

"I... I will give you one hundred more shops in the city."

Xu Ziyan turned a blank eye again.

"I...I..." The aides hurriedly searched through their storage rings, and then looked at the purple smoke with pity. This appearance can not help but let the Tiangong Palace Lord, Rune and Tang Zhu dumbfounded.

"Forget it!" Xu Ziyan threw a jade bottle to the curtain and said: "You owe me a favor!"

"Good! Good! Good!" The aunt took the jade bottle with excitement and took the jade bottle, jade slip and medicine trip up, and his face was full of satisfaction.

The head of the palace called the thick earth treasure: "This kind of book can't be copied. Everyone only has to copy one. The original book is for me. You can start copying now. After copying, let's leave here. ”

"I will come first!" Tang Zhuling took the treasure, and took out a jade slip while opening the book. Ready to look at it. While using the knowledge of God to record in the jade.

At this time, Xu Ziyan turned to Rune Wendao: "Fu Guimen, can you sell me some herbs in your small world?"

Just now, Xu Ziyan’s knowledge of the hurried exploration found that there were many herbs in her purple smoke world, and she was ready to transplant it into the space fairy. Waiting to return to the Upper Yuan Dynasty and transplant it into the purple smoke space.

Rune’s eyes immediately lit up and raised a finger: “A purple-level elixir. Just go in and dig!”

Xu Ziyan is also very simple, directly take out a jade bottle and hand it to the rune, the rest of the people are envious of the rune. The rune is also simply, take the jade box and hand it to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan put the jade box on the ground, and then turned it into a streamer into the jade box. The gods instantly enveloped the small world. In less than a quarter of an hour, they locked the herbs they didn't have. Then they grabbed their hands and volleyed them. The herbs flew into the air with the mud below and flew over to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan took out a space fairy, took those herbs into it, and then piled up some fairy crystals in the space fairy, which took the space fairy up and turned it into a streamer from the jade box. The box was handed to the rune.

When I saw it, Tang Zhu was still there while looking at the thick soil book and recording it with the gods. Then she retreated to the side and sat down to practice.


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