The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2820: Purple smoke array

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Xu Ziyan smiled and looked at the aides and runes. The face of the staff was full: "Xu Shi, I decided to let Dingxiang stay. With our relationship, I will not help you? Go, I am going to have some confession on Dan Dao, please ask the teacher."

Rune shook his head in a good and funny manner, and went forward to Xu Ziyan's hand: "Xu Shi, flower language left."

"Thank you!" Xu Ziyan arched the hand: "Please inside!"


You can't help but swing your hand: "Go back, I am here."

The words fell on the left side of the gate.

Zhou Pengyi went to the right side of the gate: "I will wait!"

Everyone laughed and walked toward the inside.

Zhou Peng and Yu Sihai are on both sides of the gate, and this waits until dusk.

Temple of Heaven.

The four sides of the tour looked at the main road of the Temple of Heaven: "Father, he is a sea..."

The Lord of the Palace Palace glanced at the four squares: "What do my son want to do when he wants to do something, and it is not possible for others to make irresponsible remarks. Mussen's interest is not important for the growth of my son."

Starlight Holy Land.

The Lord looked at the back of Zhou Wei’s departure, and his brow wrinkled slightly.

"The child's temper is getting worse than Penger!"

The next day, dawn.

Tang Zhu, Rune and the curtains went away together. The crowd gathered on the main hall again, and the cold smiled:

"Zhou Peng, Sihai, are you two waiting?"

Zhou Peng and the four seas shrugged: "We are abandoned!"

"Ha ha ha..." everyone laughed loudly.

Wait until the laughter falls. Looking around the sea, looking at the Xu Zi flue: "Ziyan, do you still have to leave the battlefield?"

"How is the battlefield only enough?" Xu Ziyan's mouth appeared a smile.

Everyone listens to the look of the gods, and then the eyes are all bright, is there any powerful card for Xu Ziyan? So a pair of eager eyes looked at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept through the crowd: “The battlefield is only the combat power to enhance the cooperation of the monks. But the most basic is the cultivation of the monks. For example, if you let a group of red boys lay down and kill you, you think Will they succeed?"

"Nature will not!"

Everyone shook their heads, and at this time they already understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan. The Starlight Adventures is a top adventure group. It’s not that Xu Ziyan can compare this kind of start-up adventure group. Yes, the highest in the Starlight Adventures is the blue-level late stage of Wu Siyue. It is not the peak of the late blue level, but the Star Adventures has a blue-level late peak, but the solitary is only one. People, the overall strength of the Star Adventures team is much worse than the Starlight Adventure Group.

In addition to the solitary guest, the Star Adventures team now has only two late-stage blue-grade products, Zhou Peng and You Sihai, while the Starlight Adventure Group has many blue-level late stages. There is no one who knows more clearly than cold and cold. According to his knowledge, there are 11 monks with blue-level late revisions in the Starlight Adventure Group. In addition, there are a lot of blue-level mid-term and blue-level initials. .

And the most important thing is that the Starlight Adventure Group has no military squad, just like the original Tianci Adventure Group, there are only a few hundred people left, and the strength is not strong, and now the Starlight Adventure Group has learned the lore, in this way In front of the strength. As for the damage to the purple smoke, there is a way to crack the lore, and it is necessary to have the monk of that strength to break the battle, otherwise everything is empty talk.

However, Xu Ziyan also made a fuss this time. Since she entered the Starlight continent, she has never used the time array method, because she wants to fully experience the heavens of this world, and really wants to perceive everything in this world. She did not use the time array method for cold and cold, and she did not want to make a group of high-ranking monks on the star-light continent. After all, it is unclear whether the mainland and the star-light continent are enemies in the future.

but. Now it is forced to a dead end by Wu Siyue. Xu Ziyan also can't take care of it. Let's talk about it beforehand.

"When Wu Siyue set the duel time is that day?"

"After the day!" Cold road: "But we have not answered yet."

"Promise him!" Xu Ziyan said with a slap in the face.

Cold cold nodded, did not ask Xu Ziyan's card is what he has seen from the eyes of Xu Ziyan. I know that Xu Ziyan is determined to pull out the Starlight Adventure Group. Although I don't know what Xu Ziyan's card is, I think of Xu Ziyan's endless means in the thick earth palace. Suddenly, my heart was filled with confidence and excited. He finally had revenge.

Leng Han wrote a written book and sent it to the Starlight Adventure Group. The Starlight Adventures and the Stars Adventures will spread the news of the battle in the duel field in the entire day. Upon hearing this news, the entire Sunshine City was paralyzed. No one thought that the Star Adventures would dare to fight. In their view, the Star Adventures Group has lost the advantage of the lore, and there is a difference in the comprehensive strength of the Stars. A lot, in this case, with the Starlight Adventures, you are simply and desperate.

After Wu Siyue received the essay, he burst into laughter.

At this time, the Star Adventure Group has closed the door. Under the cover of the Magic Array, no one can see what the Star Adventure Group is doing.

So what is the Star Adventures doing at this time?

At this time, all the monks of the Star Adventure Group stood around the square and looked toward the center of the square. Looking at the Xu Ziyan standing in the middle of the square, they did not understand what Xu Ziyan was going to do? Why not teach them a new battle, but stand alone in the middle of the square.

Just when they were curious, Xu Ziyan's sleeves fluttered and spurred out of the flag. In the eyes of her time, the flag was shot into the time node.

There are three hours of time, and everything is restored to silence. Xu Ziyan closed his eyes and his face was pale.

Suddenly, the entire space made a humming sound, the space was distorted, and then a huge mask formed a hemisphere that was buckled over the square.

The monks looked curiously at the huge hemispherical reticle and guessed what the reticle was. At this time, Xu Ziyan, who was inside the mask, had already sat down on his knees and swallowed the medicinal herbs to adjust his interest. It is a long time before they want to come to the purple smoke, it will take a long time to recover, but in their eyes. Xu Ziyan's face in the mask quickly became red, about a few moments of time. Xu Ziyan stood up from the ground and his face completely recovered.

Xu Ziyan just laid out a time array method. However, the time flow rate is only one to ten thousand. She did not lay out a larger time array. On the one hand, it is unnecessary. On the other hand, it also saves time. Even the flag that she has left now can only be laid out. Time array method.

In the vision of the monks, Xu Ziyan’s double sleeves flew again, and the best of the celestial crystals flew out, and Xu Ziyan was piled up everywhere. Although they can't understand it, they can feel the regularity of those crystals stacked. Then they suddenly opened their eyes. They saw that the force inside the mask was rich at the speed visible to the naked eye, but it was less than ten minutes. The concentration of the inside was already thick like a white cloud, which made people unable to see the scenery inside. The shape has disappeared into the clouds.

Xu Ziyan’s body suddenly flew out of the mask and extended his hand to the cold:

"Give me all the crystals in the group today!"

"Good!" Cold and cold did not say anything, took out a storage ring and handed it to Xu Ziyan. A side of the sea asked inexplicably:

"Ziyan. What do you want to do with Xianjing? Is it for the inside of the mask? If it is not enough, I will use some here."

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head. "No, I took these fairy crystals to bet. After this group battle won, I think we have enough resources for the adventures of the millennium."

When the eyes of the four seas were bright, I immediately took out a storage ring and put it in the hands of Xu Ziyan:

"I also have billions of best crystals here, you can help me bet."

"And I!"

"And I!"


Zhou Peng did not have to take out the storage ring, even the cold and took out a storage ring and handed it to Xu Ziyan:

"This is my private money."

Xu Ziyan looked at the eyes of the more than 4,000 monks around, and could not help but reveal a bitter smile. She knows the minds of these people. It is not that they think that the Star Adventures will win, but feel that they are participating in the head. Or win. Or die, these fairy crystals really do not have to be retained.

But Xu Ziyan didn't want to spend that energy, but it was thousands of people. It’s cold and cold:

"Head, you send someone to write down each person's name and bet. Then I will concentrate the fairy crystals together."

Cold cold immediately picked out a hundred monks, but it took less than half an hour to finish things. The list was cold and cold, and Xianjing was handed over to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept to the surrounding monks: “You, do you think that our Star Adventures team is a fierce battle?”

Except for the high-rises of the cold, the remaining monks did not speak, but the look on the face was obviously a manifestation of lack of confidence. Xu Ziyan pointed to the mask:

"Do you know what it is?"

Everyone was shaking their heads, looking at Xu Ziyan with curiosity. Xu Ziyan snorted and said:

"That is a time fairy!"

"Time fairy?"

All the monks showed a stunned color in their eyes. They never heard of the time fairy tales, but with the existence of the illusion of the base, they knew that this time the fairy tales should be a formation.

But what is the use of Xianji at this time? Is it related to time?

"The so-called time fairy squad is the difference between the time flow and the outside. The ratio is one to ten thousand, which means that you stay in it for 100,000 days, and only ten days have passed outside."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


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