PS: I want to hear more of your voices. I want to receive more suggestions from you. Now I will search for the WeChat public account "qdread" and pay attention to it, and give more support to "The Best Female Fairy"!

I am very grateful to Jinniu Feifei _ classmate (588) for the reward!



More than four thousand monks exploded at once, and there were only ten days inside, and ten days outside. What does this mean?

This means that it took only ten days in the battle with the Starlight Adventures to become 100,000 days. 100,000 days is more than 270 years. With this nearly three hundred years, even if they are pigs, will they upgrade one or two small grades? It can even break through more grades.

"The time array method is just the mask, and in the inside of the mask, I have a poly element array. You can also see that the concentration of the elements inside is very high. I can tell you clearly that the yuan inside. The force concentration is ten times that outside."

The next four thousand monks have boiled up again. With such a concentration of strength, I am afraid that they can double their grades for improvement. A pair of eyes looking at Xu Ziyan's gaze became eager.

"I will also distribute to you one hundred blue-level elixies!"

There was no sensation this time. More than 4,000 monks were stupid. Even the minds were a little bit unmovable. They just knew they had made it. By the time they come out of the time array, they will definitely be reborn.

"And I will give you a little one!"

Xiaotiandao Dan is a kind of medicinal preparation that Xu Ziyan prepares to be reduced according to Tiandaodan. After all, Tiandaodan is suitable for the purple-level monk to take the elixir, which is not suitable for the blue-level monk. Therefore, Xu Ziyan is ready to improve Tiandao Dan. Cut this Dan into a kind of elixir suitable for blue-level monks.

It is not difficult to cut down Tiandao Dan with the Dan Dao realm of Xu Ziyan. Just give her some time to deduce and then spend some time practicing several times. There is a time array in her time is not lacking.

Why do you want to give these people a little heaven, because it will shield the heavens in the time array. And Xiaotiandao Dan is just able to solve this problem.

"But!" Xu Ziyan said with a sigh: "You must swear by your soul that you should not divulge the matter, and you must swear allegiance to the Star Adventures with your soul."

What are the concerns of the monks at this time? Such a big interest is placed in front of us, just to let them not leak, loyalty to the Star Adventure Group. This is not a condition at all. So one by one immediately swears by the soul, but Xu Ziyan still let Zhou Peng, swim around the world, Tang does not, the curtain Dingxiang and Fuhua language just swear by the soul can not reveal this secret, and did not let them swear allegiance to the Star Adventure Group, after all, their Different identities. After all the people swore, Xu Ziyan shouted:

"Into the battle!"


All the monks immediately rushed into the battle. As soon as they entered the battle, the rich Yuanli took the initiative to drill into their sweaty pores, making them feel as if they were floating in the clouds. I took a deep breath and my face was full of happiness. At this time, they naturally refused to waste a little bit of time, one by one and immediately sit cross-legged.

Xu Ziyan’s knowledge enveloped the entire space, his hands flying, and a jade bottle fell in front of each monk. There are a hundred blue-level elders stored inside.

After the monks swallowed the elixir, they entered the cultivation. Xu Ziyan began to promote Tiandao Dan. About ten days later, Xu Ziyan began to take out the alchemy furnace and tried alchemy. Her medicinal materials are not lacking in her storage ring. She prepared a large amount of medicinal herbs, and she also obtained a large amount of herbs from Rune in the Houtu Palace.

Three days later.

Xu Ziyan finally succeeded in refining Xiaotian Daodan, so Xu Ziyan began to refine Tiandao Dan. One month later, Xu Ziyan refining 5,000 small Tiandao Dan, and distributed it to each monk after a small Tiandaodan. Xu Ziyan left the time array. Going back to my room and taking a shower, I changed my body and then left the Star Adventures and walked toward the duel.

There are really many people around the Star Adventures. After seeing the Star Adventures fully launch the Magic Array, they all wondered what the Star Adventures would do in ten days.

At this time, I saw Xu Ziyan coming out from the inside. One by one, they couldn’t help but look at Xu Ziyan, and then they followed behind Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan ignored them and walked to the duel with a smile on his face.

When I came to the duel, I saw the odds. The odds of winning the Starlight Adventures are 50%, which means that you will have ten celestial crystals. If the Starlight Adventures wins, you can win five celestial crystals. The winning odds of the Star Adventures are one to one, that is, the next ten fairy crystals. If the Star Adventures wins, they will get an additional ten crystals.

"It seems that I am still not optimistic about the Star Adventure Group!" Xu Ziyan said in the heart: "But this is also good, just let us win more."

Xu Ziyan stood at the counter betting and looked at the monk with a smile: "I bet! The Star Adventures win."

The monk naturally knew Xu Ziyan, and he smiled and said: "Xu Zongshi, how much are you?"

At this time, Xu Ziyan had a total of 90,500 billion yuan, and nine trillions were adventure groups. Five billion yuan was made by all the monks. Xu Ziyan naturally did not use his own fairy crystal bet. There are too many fairy crystals on her body. It is meaningless to be absent. It is too much and too conspicuous. So simply don't go.

"90,500 billion!" Xu Ziyan handed over a space fairy.


The monk is a glimpse, not just his jealousy, but also those who watch the excitement around him. This number is really too scary. The monk did not dare to be the master, and revealed a bit of a bitter and ugly smile toward Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Zongshi, you... wait a moment!"

When the words fell, they rushed to the back, and the people around them looked at Xu Ziyan and whispered.


"Yeah, more than 90 million!"

“No wonder people’s Star Adventures don’t care if their shops are going to buy them. People can’t sell them, sit and eat. It’s enough for hundreds of years!”

"You said where they came from so many crystals?"

"Who knows this?"

"The Star Adventures dare to make such a big bet, so that they are sure to win? Or do we follow?"

"It's hard to say, you have to know that they are a group battle. If the Star Adventures team loses, they will all die, so it is useless to keep the fairy crystal. It is a fight. I don't believe you watch, it won't take long, starlight. The adventure group will also bet. And it will be indispensable."

"It’s hard to do this. I really don’t know who to take?”

"I think it's still a star-studded adventure group. After all, the strength of the Starlight Adventures is stronger than the Star Adventures."

"Yes, I see it too!"


At this time in a room in the back, an elder of the Temple looked at the monk like his obituary, and his face was incredible:

"What do you say? Xu Zongshi bet more than 90 million?"

"Yes!" The monk looked at the elder with sweat.

The elder quickly recovered calm, thinking about the beard and saying, "Let her go!"

"Elder!" the monk said weakly: "Do you want to adjust the odds?"

"No need!" The elder waved a big hand: "If you adjust the odds, you will be considered to be optimistic about the Star Adventures, and you will keep that odds. As a result, there are many people who end up betting on the Starlight Adventure Group. We can't pay, just make a little less."

"Elder wise!" The monk gave a thumbs up.

"Go!" The elders waved their hands and were very powerful.

But when the monk left, he couldn’t understand why the Star Adventures did so, and they were sure to win. Still breaking the can?

"No, I have to report to the palace." The elder hurried away.

At this time, Xu Ziyan’s bet on more than 90 million yuan was passed on to various forces. Everyone was stunned by the news. That Wu Siyue also immediately came to the duel field to bet on the five trillion yuan of fine crystal. Only at this time, Xu Ziyan has left and returned to the Star Adventure Group.

Xu Ziyan did not enter the time array method, but returned to his room to start practicing. When she came to the Starlight continent, she had to understand the heavens here. She did not care much about the improvement of cultivation.

Since Xu Ziyan has revealed one side in the duel field, no one has appeared in the Star Adventure Group. No one knows what the Star Adventures are doing, but as time approaches. The eyes of all parties have paid attention to it.

This team battle is far-reaching. It is a confrontation between the old and new forces. The Star Adventures can be said to have been forced into the corner, or to be destroyed, or to fly.

However, after a detailed comparison of most forces, they still prefer the Starlight Adventure Group to win. So they are interested in the Holy Land once the Star Adventures are killed. What is the reaction of Tiangong, Dan Meng, Uyghur and Fumeng? After all, their children are in the Star Adventures.

If they don't respond, isn't that their children died?

If all of them react, it is a big event, and I am afraid that the Alliance of Adventurers will experience an unprecedented storm.


The Starlight Adventure Group will leave Zhou Peng in the battle of the group, swim around the world, Tang Duo, the curtain Dingxiang and Fuhua language life. After all, they have the strength to destroy the Star Adventures without hurting those prominent background monks.


It must be like this!

This eliminated the Star Adventures and gave the five major forces a face, and the Adventurers Alliance will be safe. No wonder the five forces have not taken their children back, they must have seen this.

Ugh! Still people with backgrounds are good! The most pitiful thing is that we are helpless people!

There was still one day left before the team battle. Xu Ziyan came out of the room. Her repairs were still the first five products of the blue class, and there was no breakthrough. When I came to the square, I stepped into the time array, then flew in the sleeves and collected the Ju Yuan. One monk immediately felt that Yuan Li gradually thinned up, and could not open his eyes one by one and looked around.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


* (The novel "The Best Female Immortal" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will be a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" in the top right to "Add a friend", search The public number "qdread" is concerned, the speed is fast!) (To be continued~^~)

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