The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2832: Musen visit

"Ziyan, you are at the peak of the blue level, and the pressure on us is great!" Zhou Peng looked at Xu Ziyan with a smile. The cold and the face of the four seas are also bitter.

"What?" Shi Xiaotian, Tian Heng and Mei Xiaohan stunned and said: "Blue level... medium term... peak..."

Xu Ziyan smiled and came to his seat to sit down, and Du Fu also came in and sat in his seat. Cold and cold, Xu Ziyan grabbed the head and said:

"Ziyan, I don't think it will take long for you to repair more than me!"

I went around and said a white eye: "It’s just you, I don’t think it will take long for me and Zhou Peng to be left behind by purple smoke."

Zhou Peng carefully looked up and down Xu Ziyan, and finally cautiously asked: "Ziyan, I have never seen you encounter bottlenecks, repairing is always a thousand miles, you will not have any bottleneck when breaking through the purple level? ”

Xu Ziyan thought a little bit: "There should be no bottleneck when breaking through the purple level, but it is not so easy to continue to break through at the purple level."

"Oh..." All the people took a breath of cold air: "Is this not to say that as long as you give time, you will become a purple monk?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "And this time will not be too long!"

"Who is your master?" The four seas enviously looked at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan laughed and said nothing.

The people were shocked for a while and put this thing aside. Xu Ziyan is their friend, the stronger the better, and the mystery of Xu Ziyan. They also know that they can't be embarrassed, so they have decisively forgotten this thing, and then talked with Xu Ziyan about what Musen came to visit.

However, after a long period of discussion, it was not clear what Musse’s intention was. But everyone knows that Musen is preparing to show off with them. The result of the deliberation is that everyone can talk openly and honestly, as long as they can accept the conditions they can accept. After all, today's Star Adventures are still in a weak hour. Although it is already very powerful compared to other adventure groups, it is still weak compared to the entire adventurer league.

Of course, there are deep backgrounds behind Zhou Peng, but don't say they are not willing to rely on their own background. That is, they want to snuggle, and the background behind them does not necessarily take care of them. Since they had gone out to practice themselves, they must have all the enlightenment they faced, and the big forces cultivated their disciples in this way.

Nowadays, the future of the Star Adventures has become an assessment of their strength behind them. If they fail, they will basically lose the chance to compete for the lesser and lesser. And like Tang does not. Although Dingxiang and Fuhua language did not compete with them for the lesser owners, they would cast a shadow over their future. Maybe at this time, he would jump out and compete with them for the seat of the less lord.

Although he did not have the idea of ​​vying for the position of the Shaogong Lord, he did not want to return to the Heavenly Palace. So they are very cautious about the upcoming events of Musen.

The time of two hours passed quickly, and a knock on the door came. Xu Ziyan and others immediately got up and all came to the gate. Open the door and look out the door.

There is only one person outside the gate. A middle-aged monk who looks like a person. However, everyone knows very well that the age of the other party is definitely not middle-aged, but the purple-level monks will be very young unless they are exhausted. When Xu Ziyan's mental power was swept away, he knew that the other side was a purple-level second floor, and he still just broke through to the purple-level second floor.

"I have seen the wood lord!"

"I have seen the master of the curtain!" Xu Ziyan and others also handed a gift.

"Oh... no need to have more gifts!" Musen said with a smile, then went to Xu Ziyan alone and said: "I have seen Xu Zongshi."

Among these people, in addition to Xu Ziyan, this master can be equal to the purple-level monk. The rest of the people are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the purple-level monks, even if Zhou Peng and others have a deep background.

"Mu Mengzhu please!" Xu Zi smoked the air.

Musen smiled and walked. But that step just took out, the eyes were fretting, and then the smile on the face was even more prestigious:

“Congratulations to Xu Zongshi for breaking through.”

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "It is worth noting that compared with the Mu League master, the repair of the purple smoke is still far away."

Musen’s eyelids twitched, and he said in his heart: “How many years have I practiced? How many years have you cultivated?”

Shake his head slightly, and walked into the reception room under the invitation of Xu Ziyan and others. Everyone was separated and the host was seated. Everyone did not speak and kept their duty. After all, the head of the group was cold. Cold and cold also knows his role, the Star Adventures will eventually be picked up by him, Xu Ziyan, Zhou Peng and others will eventually leave. So cold and cold are not humble and say:

"Mu Mengzhu, I don't know what to visit today, what advice?"

Musen indulged a bit, his eyes swept over Xu Ziyan and Zhou Peng and others, and finally fell on the cold face:

"Cold leader, this time the old man came with sincerity, I hope everyone can talk openly and honestly."

"This is what our Star Adventures hope." Cold and replied with a positive tone.

Musen’s eyes swept through Xu Ziyan and Zou Peng and others. When they saw these people’s eyes, they also showed their sincere color. Their faces showed a satisfactory color and gently nodded:

"So great!"

"Slow!" Cold and cold suddenly said: "Before we talk, there is a question under the question, which is the basis for our open and honest talk."

Musen looked faintly: "Say!"

"I would like to ask the Wood League Lord. Before the Starlight Adventures, and the adventurers in the three hundred shops of our Star Adventures, but related to the Adventurers Alliance?"

Musen looked at the cold cold deeply. The coldness didn't have the slightest position in his heart. It was only this cold and cold represented the Star Adventure Group. Therefore, if he wants to be open and honest with the Star Adventure Group, he must answer the cold coldly. The problem. And as a purple-level monk, as long as it is done, there is nothing to dare to admit. So, he nodded faintly:

"Yes, this is exactly what I told you, just want your stars and adventures to retreat!"

The cold and cold look has not changed, and it is still not humble and arrogant: "The wood lord, so you need to give us a statement!"

Cold cold does not really want Musen to give him a statement, but he wants to take the initiative in the negotiations, at least not to let Musen fully grasp the rhythm of the negotiations, Xu Ziyan and others can not help but cast cold Appreciative eyes.

Musen only slightly indulged in his time, and he still said with a faint look:

"Look at how the results of our talks are? If the results are good, I will give some compensation to the Star Adventures. If the results are not good, then I will not need to say."

Everyone has a tight heart, and Musen’s words are polite, but they are actually very strong. That is the result of the negotiations. If he agrees with him, how can he say that if he doesn't agree with him, he will use the means of the Star Adventures.

"Good!" Cold and cold did not argue with the tongue, and promised with a sigh of relief, and looked at Musen without humble.

Musen’s gaze also looked cold and cold, and he said: “The Star Adventures will be disbanded and I will give you a dissolution fee.”

"This is impossible!" Cold cold categorically refused.

Musen’s eyes glimpsed a little, and there was a glimmer of sharpness in his eyes. He thought that the cold would refuse, but he did not expect that the cold would refuse to be so crisp, without the slightest room for manoeuvre. Is there any reliance on his little blue-level monk? Dare to be fearless in front of my purple-level monk?

The reason why cold cold can be so fearless, naturally has a snuggle, and his reliance is Xu Ziyan. Now he has determined in his heart that the body strength of Xu Ziyan is purple, so that Zi Ziyan is also an alternative purple-level monk, not to mention Xu Ziyan is still a master of the road, so cold and cold have such a sigh.

Musen hides the sharpness in his eyes and stops looking at the cold. His goal was not cold, cold and cold had no place in his heart. The purpose of his coming here was to persuade Zhou Peng and others to leave the Star Adventure Group. As long as Zhou Peng and others left the Star Adventure Group, he would The Star Adventures is no longer interested. So his eyes swept to five people like Zhou Peng:

"The adventure group is always in the adventure world. It is impossible for the five forces to penetrate. For this reason, it is the price to pay for it."

Zhou Peng and others looked calm. They had had many discussions in the previous two hours. They had also analyzed the words that Musen had said, so their faces were not shocked. This kind of calm has made Musen’s heart slightly uneasy, and his heart is secret:

“Is this Star Adventures really cultivated by the five forces, specifically for the Adventurers Alliance?”

Just thinking of it, Zhou Peng did not humble and said: "The Mu League master, the Star Adventure Group has nothing to do with the Holy Land. And we can openly and honestly tell you that the Star Adventure Group has nothing to do with the five forces."

Musen’s heart is a loose, and he believes that Zhou Peng’s words are not lie. A person who is vying for the lesser Lord, who is likely to become a generation of the Lord in the future will not lie with his purple master. However, he is extremely jealous of the five forces, and he said:

"If your father suddenly asked you for something?"

Musen’s sentence is very subtle, but the meaning is very clear. That is, the original five forces did not think that the Star Adventures made such a big move, and now they see the power of the Star Adventures gradually become. If this time, the five major forces have started their minds and let the Star Adventures become a nail into the Adventurers League. How are you going?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome)


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