The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2833: Gradually harmonious

I am very grateful to Jie Ji (200), Gu Liangxi (200), and the teahouse 2014 classmates (100) for their reward!


Zhou Peng smiled faintly: "I understand my father, he will not do such a thing."

Zhou Peng’s meaning is also very clear. What kind of person is my father? The purple-level eight-story master, want to find the trouble of your adventurer alliance, just hit it, how to trouble?

Musen's eyes swept across the sea, Tang did not, the curtain Dingxiang and Fuhua language, seeing their eyes also reveal the same meaning, the heart is somewhat unhappy.

"What do you mean? Are the five powers looking down on the Alliance of Adventurers?"

But his look is still calm: "Zhou Gongzi, I am not looking at you, you are not your father. If your fathers really want to be like this?"

Zhou Peng said faintly: "Mu Mengzhu, you are going to promise us again. We can promise you, but the things that have been targeted at us always give us an explanation of the Star Adventures."

"Give you an account?" The anger in Mussen's heart could no longer be suppressed. Although he saw the face of the Holy Lord, the Heavenly Palace, Tang Zhu, Rune and the staff, it was not good to kill the five people in front, but There is nothing remarkable about teaching them a meal. What do these juniors regard themselves as? Even dare to be so arrogant in front of yourself?


Musen’s power of the gods spread out indoors and oppressed everyone. There was a sigh of relief in his eyes. He must sit on the ground with oppression. Plant the seeds of fear in their hearts.


From the eyebrows of Xu Ziyan, the power of the gods was transmitted, and a defensive barrier was formed in front of everyone. The power of the gods, like the tide of the sea, was like a collision on a strong cliff and was bounced back. Xu Ziyan also gave a lesson to Musen, and the power of the Yuanshen swayed a bit and made the force of the earthquake more intense. Musen’s face was pale, and there was a surge in the sea. This is still the mercy of Xu Ziyan, otherwise his knowledge of the sea will be hurt.

Musen carefully retracted the power of the gods, and looked at Xu Ziyan full of shock and incredulity. At this time, he suddenly remembered the breakthrough of Xu Ziyan. Originally, Xu Ziyan was only the first six products of the blue class, but now it is the peak of the late mid-ninth of the blue class. There is only one reason for such a breakthrough, that is, Xu Ziyan took the Shengyuan fruit.


Shengyuan fruit can only increase the strength of the body, and it is not the purple-level monk who takes the sacred fruit and only blasts and dies. After Xu Ziyan took the Shengyuan fruit, he not only did not explode but died, and the cultivation was greatly improved. Then there is only one explanation. Xu Ziyan not only enters the purple level of the body strength, but also the Yuanshen also enters the purple level, which allows her to take the Shengyuan fruit to improve.

This... is also an alternative purple-level monk!

Musen’s mood at this time was very complicated. The other party was an alternative purple-level monk, and the other party was still a master. I am afraid that I am really on the purple-level second-level master, and Xu Ziyan has the ability to protect himself at least. I am on the purple smoke. There may be advantages, but the advantages are definitely not too great.

As a result, Musen will have to rethink, and it is impossible to disband the Star Adventures with a strong method as before.


Even if you use any method, as long as these people do not agree to disband the adventure group, he seems to have no way. Could it be that the five forces have inserted a nail into the adventure world?

Musen calmed down and began to rethink this matter. And Xu Ziyan and others do not speak. Zhou Peng and others know that Xu Ziyan and Musen have just silently compared each other, and they look at the faces of two people. Or Xu Ziyan has the upper hand. On the one hand, these monks felt the mystery of Xu Ziyan, and on the other hand put down the hanging heart. In the face of a purple-level monk, it is false to say that the heart is not nervous.

"No!" Musen suddenly jumped in his heart: "The Star Adventures does not seem to be the nail of the five major forces to insert into the adventure world. Just now Zhou Peng has said that the Star Adventures has nothing to do with the five forces.


If it is later, the five major forces will make the Star Adventures a nail. ”

Musen’s surface is very calm, but his heart is thinking about it.

"Just Peng asked me to give them a statement. This is to raise the conditions. If I give compensation, can I get their promise?"

At this time, Musen has not had the arrogance before. Even though Zhou Peng has five major forces behind the five people, but Zhou Peng five people are juniors after all, and the cultivation is also low, Musen can completely blame them, how can they accept Zhou Peng What are the conditions? But now Xu Ziyan stood up. The original Fudao and Dandao masters could be equal to him. Now he is told that Xu Ziyan turned out to be an alternative purple-level monk, which made his ideas change dramatically. I have completely placed the Star Adventure Group in the same position as myself. Even in this position, he feels that he can still press the Star Adventure Group, but he can also talk to the Star Adventure Group relatively fairly. He will not feel himself. Lost identity.

Musen's gaze looked at Xu Ziyan, and there was a hint of curiosity in his eyes. He also made some understanding of Xu Ziyan. He knew that Xu Ziyan came out of the forest three years ago. It is said to have come from the ice sheet. At that time, Xu Ziyan did not have the slightest repair, but in less than three years, Xu Ziyan actually did. It has become the peak of the blue mid-late period. The most important thing is that she is still a Dandao and Fudao master. How did she cultivate?

Seeing the curious look of Musen, Xu Ziyan reported a good smile. From the depths of Xu Ziyan's heart, she did not have the slightest idea of ​​being an enemy. She came to the starry continent to understand the heavens, not to build a power here. The reason why the establishment of a risky group is that it is convenient for you to travel. Some monks who are familiar with the mainland of the stars introduce everything here. And she always wants to leave here. Since the establishment of the Star Adventures, she does not want to leave a powerful tyrannical enemy to the Star Adventures. Being able to get along with Musen is the best result.

Seeing Xu Ziyan's release of a kind smile, Mu Sen has a feeling in his heart. This star adventure group is not a nail of the five major forces. Before that, he thought more, so his heart is certain. As a purple-level monk, he did not want to be an enemy of a Dan Dao Taoist master. He had to force his own thoughts and had to start with the Star Adventures. However, although his mentality has changed at this time, he still believes that no matter from his own strength or the forces of the Adventurers Alliance, he can firmly suppress the purple smoke and the star adventure group, so there is still a trace of pride between them. Xu Ziyan said:

"Xu Zongshi, please answer my previous question. If the five major forces gave orders to the Star Adventures, let the Star Adventures stir up the wind in the Adventurers League, how about the Star Adventures?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Mu Mengzhu, this is Zhou Peng's thing, and Zhou Peng also asked you a question."

Musen’s look was a stagnation. He didn’t expect Xu Ziyan’s face to smile, but the words were tough. Then I slammed a channel:

"As long as your answers satisfy me, I will give you a satisfactory answer."

Xu Ziyan smiled and looked at Zhou Peng. Zhou Peng also knew that he couldn’t be too stiff with Mussen, so he said sincerely:

"Mu Mengzhu, if our father really gave that order, we will immediately withdraw from the Star Adventures. However, I believe that our father will not give that order."

There are promises and sarcasm in this statement. Commitment to the Star Adventures will definitely not become a nail of the five major forces, but also ridiculed Musen to think more, the five forces simply do not see the Alliance of Adventurers.

Musen can naturally hear it, although there is anger in his heart, but it matters a lot, and the people sitting here are small characters, but there is no one to provoke. Xu Ziyan does not need to say, is Zhou Peng five, he Musen really dare to kill here?

So, he held back the anger in his heart, and looked at the four seas, Tang, the Dingxiang and Fuhua language, and saw that all four people nodded, and his heart was not relaxed. At the same time, there is also a hint of curiosity in my heart.

“Did these juniors really set up an adventure group because of fun?”

"Good!" Musen nodded. "Since all of your juniors are so happy, the old man can't lose his identity. In the future, our Adventurers Alliance will split 10% of the acquisition business, and acquire the drug of your adventure group. And the fairy, of course we are also very interested in that formation."

Cold and cold eyes are bright, they all know that the Adventurers Alliance has to buy a large number of medicinal herbs, Fuxi and Xianju every year. Now, for the Star Adventure Group, it is definitely a big business. If you say something that is not good, it is that the strength of this business into a star adventure group may not be completed, and it needs to be expanded. In particular, it is necessary to recruit alchemists, refining rooms, and qualifiers. Of course, only eight people in the array are not enough, but this layout has no place to recruit.

So Xu Ziyan said: "The wood lord, we can pick up the business of the remedy, the scorpion and the fairy in the adventurer's alliance. The formation is not included. The sale of the array will be set separately in the future, and it is not a bid. We can have it, we have our consideration."

Musen sank and said: "Good!"

The atmosphere in the room was harmonious. Everyone started to pull the West for a while. Musen suddenly looked at Zhou Peng and five other people and asked:

"How many of you have stayed in the Star Adventures?"

Zhou Peng shook his head and said: "I will return to the Holy Land."


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome)


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