The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2834: Xuanwu ruins

"Yes!" Leng Han smiled: "One of the purposes of our establishment of this adventure group is to help Zhou Peng become the Holy Lord of the Holy Land."

Musen’s heart flashed a bit. However, she is also very impressed with Zhou Peng's vision and luck. Not to mention that today's Star Adventures is booming, it is the personal help of Zhou Zi, who is also unable to compete with Zhou Peng.

"I don't know where to go!" Said the four seas and said a little depressed.

Listening to this sentence, even Musen could not help but laugh. Traveling around the world, the whole starlight mainland knows that everyone else is in dispute, only he hides. But now Musen seems to have been hiding in the world. Nowadays, the cultivation of the four seas is already the blue-grade late five products. This is not a problem for young people, but it has already surpassed most of the older generation. Even if this monk is placed in the Temple of Heaven, he can become an elder.

Tang did not, Fuhua language and Curtain Dingxiang looked at each other, and Tang did not smile and said:

"My father and I have said it, let me study the refiner around the purple smoke. When the purple smoke leaves, I will go back."

The curtain Dingxiang and Fuhuayu heard it, and they all smiled, saying that their father had said the same thing to them. Musen’s listening is a joy in his heart. So, not only will Zhou Peng’s five people leave the Star Adventures in the future, but Xu Ziyan will also leave. Once these people leave, the Star Adventures is just an ordinary adventure group. It’s gone. So Xiaoxiao said to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Zongshi, are you leaving the Star Adventures? Have you considered coming to our Adventurers Alliance?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and shook his head: "I came out just to experience, waiting for the end of the experience. I naturally want to return to the division."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan’s smile on his face does not decrease: “Mu Mengzhu, your new rule to lower the level of the adventure group, but not very authentic!”

Musen’s rare face was reddish: “This...hehe... I will ban the rule when I go back. However, your Star Adventures will not always do the task? What kind of adventure group?”

“It will be done!” The cold interface said: “The cultivation of this period has ended, and the next step is to go out and do the task.”

Musen nodded and sank a bit to Xu Ziyan: "Xu Zongshi, your star adventure group is really good. Can you please set up such a formation for the adventurer's paradise?"

Xu Ziyan slightly thought about it: "Mu Mengzhu, you know that I came out this time for the experience. This adventurer's paradise is really too big. It is time-consuming and laborious to lay such a formation. I don't have that time."

Musen’s face showed a disappointment: “You said it is good. This adventurer’s paradise is too big. Because it is too big, there are monsters invading from time to time. And here can be regarded as an adventurer. The fundamental place of the alliance, if Xu Zongshi is willing to help, everything is fine."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and thought: "I can't shoot, but my disciples can shoot. But they are still in a low state, and they can't lay out the formation of the Star Adventures. If you like, I can let them. Set up a fallen leaf for the adventurer's paradise. Presumably you can block those monsters."

"Great!" Musen said excitedly: "Thank you Xu Zong!"

Xu Ziyan puts his hand in the hand: "The wood lord does not have to thank, this is business."

"Yes! This is business!" Mussen laughed cheerfully: "Please also ask Xu Zongshi to offer!"

Xu Ziyan took out a jade slip. Delivered some messages and handed them to Musen Road:

"Mu Mengzhu, here is the material needed for the array, which needs you to provide to the Star Adventure Group."

"This is what it should be!" Musen took over the jade, and the gods explored it again. He found that the material adventurer alliance had it, and he let go of his heart. The jade will be collected:

"I will send these materials to the Star Adventures in the shortest possible time."

“Yeah!” Xu Ziyan nodded. “It may take a year before and after the deployment of this array. Now that we are a business partner, we will give you a special price. Five hundred billion yuan.”

Zhou Peng and others are in the heart of a convulsion, this is still a preferential price, what price will not be concessions? What do you do for the Star Adventures in the year of earning 500 billion yuan? Sitting at home waiting for the temple to feed.

However, Musen did not hesitate. The 500-billion-dollar fairy crystal is a high price for others. It seems to be a little more in the adventurer league. So I quickly nodded:

"No problem, I will send it to the Star Adventures with the materials. But, can you tell me the effect of this fallen leaf?"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "The leaf stalks as long as the name suggests is a fascination. Entering this large array, the entrance is full of colorful leaves, and the ban on the gods, so the monks will be lost in this big array. Those leaves are also lethal, and they are threatening to the big monks below the purple level, but the layers of threats are different. There is no threat to the purple-level monks, and those leaves are not attacking the purple-level monks. There will be no harm.

However, this fascination is still valid for the purple-level monks. Perhaps it seems that the purple-level monk who fell into the battle will go out very quickly, maybe he will not go out in his life, lost in the fallen leaves. And the main array of people can also attack each other. For example, a purple-level monk enters the defoliation, the wood lord can attack each other, and the other is difficult to find your trace, only fully defensive. ”

Musen listened with great eyes. If the adventurer's paradise had this large circle of deciduous, he would not be afraid of the five forces, and he would not be able to hide in the adventurer's paradise. Xu Ziyan’s heart is laughing, this method is also in the starry mainland. No one on the mainland knows the slightest way. If it is placed on the mainland, let alone the holy monk, the emperor may not be able to stop because The monks on the Upper Yuan dynasty know more or less the arrays, and this defoliation method is not a high-level formation. The monks on the Yuan dynasty are almost ineffective.

At this time, the atmosphere between the two sides has been very harmonious. Musen already knows that the backbone of the Star Adventures will leave sooner or later. This Star Adventures has no threat to him at all, and he also has a heart. This is because the Adventurers Alliance discovered a relic in the past, but there is a layer of ban in this ruin. A squad of the Adventurers Alliance sent only two people who were outside the wind to return the rest of the more than 200 martial arts. In the ruins, life and death do not know.

Who is sitting in front of him at this time?

Fudao Guru!

Originally, Musen planned to explore the ruins with Fumeng, but he never made up his mind. Because the runes of the runes are higher than him, the strength of the Fumeng is higher than that of the adventurers, and he is united with Fumeng, and he is afraid that he will suffer at that time. As for the Star Adventures, he also thought about it before, but the forces behind the Stars Adventure Group, he did not dare to levy the Star Adventure Group. Once the Star Adventures is levied, I am afraid that the five forces will know the ruins.

Now know that the Star Adventure Group has nothing to do with the five forces. Cooperation with the Star Adventures is undoubtedly the best choice. On the one hand, the Star Adventure Group is not as strong as the Adventurers League, and is not afraid of the Star Adventures. On the other hand, it is more important. With Xu Ziyan, the master of the road is more powerful than the rune.

Musen repeatedly meditated there, and the room was still silent. Everyone can see that Musen seems to be making decisions there, and the look of cold and cold people is gradually becoming dignified.

“Is there anything that Musen has for the Star Adventures?”

With this idea, everyone, including Xu Ziyan, has a slight uneasiness in his heart. At this time, Musen seems to have made a decision and looked up and swept through the crowd:

"Everyone, I have a secret to tell you, and please swear by the soul, no matter whether we cooperate or not, we must not disclose this secret."

Just not revealing the secret, Xu Ziyan and others did not have any resistance, they swear by the soul one by one, and then they looked at Musen with curiosity.

Musen’s look became serious: “Everyone, our Adventurers Alliance found a relic, and according to our analysis, it is probably the remains of the ancient mythical basaltic.”

Xu Ziyan is a jump in the heart. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the remains of Longzu and Fengzu were born. Is the ruins of Xuanwu in the mainland of the stars? Is it going to be born now?

If it is really a basaltic relic, Xu Ziyan cannot be uninterested. Presumably, it is also the remains of the beasts of the same level as the Longzu and Fengzu. The eyes of Xu Ziyan can't help but be excited.

"Mu Mengzhu, can you be sure?" Xu Ziyan asked.

"There is a certain certainty." Musen nodded. "It is in the depths of the East China Sea. At first, some adventurers went overseas to take risks and got a few water beads on a large island. According to records. The water scorpion beads are the formation of Xuanwu's mouth fluid, so I took more than 200 people to the big island. After careful investigation, the appearance of the whole island is like a huge basalt, and in the head of the basaltic With a big mouth open, the big mouth is the entrance to the interior. Just the two adventurers who stayed outside, the monks who entered the Xuanwu mouth never came back. The two monks waited for a long time. Had to return."

Speaking of this, Musen looked at Xu Ziyan and said: "I want to invite the Star Adventures to explore the Xuanwu relics with me. How is Xu Zongzhi?"

At this time, everyone understands that Musen is interested in the identity of Xu Ziyan and the strength of the other purple-level monks to invite the Star Adventure Group. In fact, they are all brought by Musen. However, even so, they are very excited in their hearts.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome)


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