The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2835: Intercept

I am very grateful to the three elders (588), the elders (588), the Xiaobai deputy (300), the Jinniu Philippine _ classmates (200), the elves (200), the tears of the Qing dynasty (100) ), Yin Hao classmates (100), black tea house 2014 classmates (100), book friends 121227012437624 classmates (100) of the reward!


Xuanwu relics!

Xu Ziyan only slightly thought about it, and turned his eyes to cold and other humanities:

"What do you think?"

"Go! Of course!" Cold and cold first said: "Everyone in the regiment has gone, and after practicing it, it is time to pull out and experience it."

"Not bad!" Zhou Peng and the four people in the world are all excited to nod.

When Xu Ziyan saw everyone agree, he looked at Musen Road: "Mu Mengzhu, we should talk about the issue of interest distribution now."

"Two eight divided, I am eight you two!" Musen said simply.

Xu Ziyan shook his head faintly: "Without me, you won't get much in the Xuanwu ruins. I want the Mu League master to invite the Star Adventures, but also to see my identity as a master."

"Three-seven division, I am seven of you, can not be more." Musen condensed.

"The sixty-four division, you six and four, can not be less!" Xu Ziyan said, his eyes are full of firmness: "If you do not agree, we will not participate in this matter."

"Good!" Musen just thought for a moment and then nodded. "But this is only limited to the treasures we have discovered together. If everyone is gone in the ruins, then the things they get are personal."

"Good!" Xu Ziyan also nodded quickly.

"That's the decision!" Musen condensed: "I have to prepare here. After three days, I will send the materials of the sacred array and the 500 billion celestial crystals to the Star Adventure Group. Two months later we will be in the East China Sea. Meet in Capricorn City."

"it is good!"

"The old man said goodbye!"

Xu Ziyan and others sent Musen to the gate and then returned to the room. Cold and cold will open:

"Everyone, we are making a big splash at the auction this time, I am afraid that it will not be too quiet on the way back."

"Afraid of what?" The four seas of the sea said with confidence: "The big deal, reward them with a symbol."

Xu Ziyan could not help but smile: "Four seas, that is not a strong wind. It is not easy to make such a symbol."

"I... didn't say that I was throwing at random..." The four seas laughed and muttered, and everyone got a sneer. However, their fears have disappeared. Each of them has a symbol of a half-step purple level that can be killed. What else is it?

"Then we will leave tomorrow!" said cold and cold smile.

Everyone nodded and whispered a few words, and everyone returned to their room. Xu Ziyan sat kneeling on the bed. Thinking in my heart.

Nowadays, his own cultivation has reached the peak of the blue mid-late period, and the sword technique that he has been creating has already become perfect, and he only slowly fills up in actual combat.

That sword technique is a sword technique that she created by breaking a sword, a sword meaning in the land of Fengzu, and a sword that is understood in the underground world of the starry continent. Xu Ziyan felt that this sword had been shot and had surpassed any sword skill she knew.

"Give it a name!" Xu Ziyan frowned and frowned, thinking of the sword technique in his mind:

"Lonely! Good. Just called the silence! This sword is out, it is so dead!"

"If someone is intercepted on the way home, just try this style!"

The second day.

Xu Ziyan and others left the adventurer's paradise and walked on the street of Adventurer's Paradise. They felt that countless eyes converge on them, and they saw countless monks rushing out of the adventurer's paradise. Xu Ziyan and others were intercepted on their way home.

Of course, there are also impatient, directly blocking the Xu Ziyan and others on the street of Adventurer's Paradise. At this time, one person stood in the middle of the street and stopped in front of Xu Ziyan and others. This is a monk of the late blue peak. If it is placed on the mainland, it is the peak of the late Tianzun. The most popular Zhou Peng and You Sihai are only the blue-grade late five products, which is equivalent to the dignity period. It is not the peak of the late stage of the land. How can the other party put the stars in the adventure group? ?

"Hand over the storage rings on your body and let you go!" The blue-level late peak said proudly, in his opinion, he only wanted the storage ring of the Star Adventures, and did not want their lives. Kind enough.

In the cold and cold eyes, there is a sarcasm. In his opinion, if they were put in the past, they are not the opponents of each other, but now they will fight. If they set up a dozens of killings, they may not Can't get rid of each other. He just wanted to open the order, but he saw Xu Ziyan said with enthusiasm:

"let me try!"

Cold and cold immediately closed his mouth, it is reasonable to say that Xu Ziyan, a blue-level mid-term peak to the last blue-level peak, is not enough for the other side to kill. But it is cold and cold, and now people can't figure out where the limit of Xu Ziyan is, and know that Xu Ziyan's body has stepped into the holy level, so Xu Ziyan wants to try, everyone is watching the lively mentality and looking at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan took out the virtual sword, there is no way, even if the body of Xu Ziyan is powerful, but it is only a defense, and there is no help with long-range attacks. And her current cultivation is only the peak of the blue mid-late period, and only the virtual sword can increase her power. Otherwise, even if her sword is absolutely unique, there is no need to try.

When the other party saw that it was just a blue-level mid-term peak, he snorted:

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

When the words fell, they shook hands and shouted at Xu Ziyan. In the air, they showed a huge fist, and Xu Ziyan was shrouded in it.

Xu Ziyan held too weak sword in both hands, and the body's power was frantically poured into the sword. The eleven kinds of attributes, the heavenly and the righteousness, and the eleventh attribute sword spirit in the Taixu sword merged, bursting out with dazzling light, and the power was filled all over the place.


Xu Ziyan raised the sword high with both hands. At the moment when the sword was lifted too much, the force in Xu Ziyan’s body was released, releasing the Meng Baoguang, Xu Ziyan’s body shape disappeared, and the Taixu sword merged into one. A big sword was inserted into the sky. Rumbled down.

Wherever passed, a silence...


The huge fist in the air shattered like a soap bubble. The sword of silence is spreading toward the peak of the blue stage.

The blue peak of the late peak is a change, and in a moment he sacrificed a knives and smashed the past with the sword.


This time it was no longer silent, but a huge roar, which made the monks watching the war deaf. The endless powers are raging, and the monks watching around can’t help but retreat.


Xu Ziyan's body shape has been three steps backwards, and each step has broken the ground under his feet. On the opposite side of the blue-level peak, it was just a shoulder shake, and there was an abnormal blush on his face, but there was no step back.

Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart, and it is impossible to kill himself with his own cultivation. Maybe you can enter the blue level later and you can kill each other with silence and too virtual sword. When I think of it, my mood is a bit bleak. To the cold and other people said:

"Set it up!"

Of course, the cold and other people are not arrogant to think that they can beat each other with their personal strength, so immediately set up the next ten party with Xu Ziyan.


Xu Ziyan naturally stood on the top of the ten-party killing. With one order, the ten-party killings crushed the blue-level late monk.

The blue-level late monk monk looked sharply. Although Xu Ziyan gave him a shock, he still had enough confidence to kill the other side. I missed my heart and I took a fairy knife. Going to the ten squares to kill.

In the middle of him and Xu Ziyan, the space collapsed. A huge space cracked rapidly toward Xu Ziyan and others.

The body shape of Xu Ziyan and others suddenly dispersed, and they swept away from the other side of the crack in the space. The crack in the space spread from the side of Xu Ziyan and others.

At the end of the blue stage, the monk's gaze suddenly shrank. In his perception, the figure of Xu Ziyan and others suddenly disappeared. Then he felt that he was locked by the ten murder.

In the eyes of the monks watching the war, the figure of the blue-level late monk also disappeared, disappearing into a tornado, and a huge tornado appeared in the center of the street.

Do not!

It was a space storm, and there was a small space crack around the storm. It was this small space crack that formed a huge space whirlwind. In less than twenty interest hours, the space whirlwind suddenly disappeared, and a strip of body appeared, falling on the street, it was the shape of Xu Ziyan and others, and the blue peak of the late stage disappeared, only in Xu Ziyan In the middle of the waiter left a pile of broken meat.

Cold and cold reached out, a storage ring on the ground was caught in his hand, his eyes swept to the next four, and then walked toward the front, the monks of the Star Adventures also walked, just They still maintain a mysterious battle between them, the pace is the same, full of heavenly rhythm, so that the surrounding monks are jealous, only to see the shape of Xu Ziyan and others disappeared at the end of the street.

In front of a flash window, Musen stood there looking at the direction of the Star Adventures, with a smile on his face.

"It’s really a terrifying battle. What is the origin of this purple smoke?"

Above the white clouds, Xu Ziyan and others walked around and looked around the Baiyun Road:

"Cold cold, we need to buy a few boats."

Cold and cold, I looked at Tang, and Tang did not indulge in it: "With my current strength, I can refine the fairy boat of Chinese products."

Cold cold thought about it: "Two months later we will arrive at Capricorn City. It takes nearly half a month for Zhongxiang's Xianzhou to arrive at Capricorn City from Ri Yaocheng. You can refine it in a month and a half. A fairy boat?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome)


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