The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2836: set off

Tang did not calculate it in his heart, and then extended a palm to say: "Five ships."

"Five? Can you hold all the monks of our Star Adventures?"


"That's good, no, in the days to come, you will be responsible for refining the fairy boat."

"No problem!" Tang said with a smile.

"Get ready to fight!"

Xu Ziyan suddenly opened her mouth, and her gods have been released. In the first time, she saw that there were nearly a thousand monks from all directions, and there were many monks in the late blue peaks among these monks.

When I heard Xu Ziyan’s words, everyone immediately set up a 10-party killing in the air and looked around. Soon, I saw a figure that surrounded them. Zhou Peng picked an eyebrow:

"Many people!"

"The strength is not weak!" The four seas opened their mouths and laughed.

"Let's try the limit of the ten-party killing, not throwing out the symbol to go out." Cold and condensed.

Everyone took out the fairy, and the momentum of the body broke out to the extreme. At this time, nearly a thousand monks have surrounded them in the middle, and a blue-level late monk opposite the Star Adventures group said:

"Leave the storage ring and roll it!"

The answer to him was a cold and violent scream: "Kill!"

In the perception of the nearby thousand monks, Xu Ziyan and other people's body shape suddenly disappeared, turned into eleven murderous, and then the eleven murderous temperament merged together, as the heavens and the earth smashed the general spread to the opposite side.

The face of the blue-level late peak monk is a change, offering a fairy, and shouting at the monk behind him:



The two sides collided. There was a vortex filled with tiny space cracks in the space. This vortex shrouded the dozens of monks in the late blue peaks and dragged them toward the middle of the vortex, in the middle of the space crack vortex. The cracks in the space are dense and sharp, and the dogs are staggered. The monks who were dragged into the middle of the space crack vortex were instantly smashed by the interlaced space blades.

In less than a quarter of an hour, more than a dozen monks were strangled. Let the surrounding monks see the knot. The repairs of Xu Ziyan and others have been clearly seen by them, but they did not think that such a dozen monks who were not highly cultivated formed a strange battlefield, and they would be repaired higher than them, and the number of them was higher than them. A group of monks killed.

And this is not the most surprising thing for them. What surprised them most is that after the Star Adventures strangled the dozen monks, they did not immediately leave. Instead, they forced the monks to the past, and the space vortex in the air The speed is circling towards them.

"Boom it!"

A monk shouted loudly. Nearly a thousand monks immediately dispersed, away from the whirlpool, and attacked Xu Ziyan and others from a long distance. However, most of their attacks were swallowed up by space cracks, and only a small part of them allowed the ten parties to feel the pressure.

Although it is only a small part, Xu Ziyan and others know how long it takes for eleven people to persist. I am afraid that this ten-party killing will collapse in less than a quarter of an hour. After all, the strength and number of the two sides are far from each other.


The cold and cold screamed, and then everyone controlled the ten-party killing and flew in the direction of the city. But the nearly thousand monks saw the Star Adventures to escape. Not by the spirit, they all realized that as long as the pressure of the Star Adventures was given for a while, the battle would collapse. Therefore, they all intercepted in front of the Star Adventure Group, while retreating and keeping away from the Ten Squares, they continued to bombard the Ten Commandments.

"Oh, why is this? Greed has blinded your eyes!"

A sigh came from the vortex of space, and the voice of Xu Ziyan spread in the sky. Then the monks who intercepted the Star Adventures saw a symbol flying out of the space vortex.


The world is shaking, and the space is rippling.

The symbol disappeared, but there was a dense gold pistol in the air. Each golden pistol had two long guns. The sharp tip of the gun released a huge power. Looking up, there are tens of thousands of golden rifles.

"go with!"


Thousands of golden long shots spurt away, breaking the space and leaving a space crack. In an instant, it spurred to the opposite of the monk. The monks’ faces were panicked and they were sacrificed to resist.


There is a golden glare in the sky. The sound of infinite roar is deaf. Ten thousand gold guns are like a golden river, ruthlessly drowning.

In the past, the golden light was scattered, and the ten-party killings controlled by Xu Ziyan and others were swept like the wind, leaving less than three hundred monks with a stunned look behind them. Only in such an instant, nearly a thousand monks fell more than six hundred. This is simply an unacceptable result, and this result is only caused by eleven monks who have been repaired as general.


The wind blew, and the remaining monks suddenly woke up, the confusion in the eyes turned into fear, and the extreme fear turned into a shouting voice, and nearly three hundred monks fled like frightened birds.

"Ha ha ha..."

There was a pleasant laugh behind them...

Ri Yaocheng.

Xu Ziyan and others have returned to the Star Adventure Group, but their prestige of the World War has spread rapidly. The status of the Star Adventure Group has risen sharply in the hearts of all parties. There are no more than 300 shops in the Sunshine City. The troubles have ushered in many orders, and wealth is accumulating rapidly.

The Star Adventures are calm, and most of the monks have entered the cultivation because they know that they will explore a very dangerous ruin two months later.

Dantang is accelerating the refining of medicinal herbs. On the one hand, it is sold to the shops of the Stars and Adventures Group in the Rizhao City. On the one hand, it is distributed to the monks of the Star Adventure Group in order to explore the remains. The same is true of Futang, and the Tangtang is refining the fairy boat every night under the leadership of Tang.

On the first day of Xu Ziyan’s return to the Star Adventures, eight disciples were recruited in front of them, and eight disciples were divided into four groups, one for each group. Then, the four puzzled maps were handed over to the four groups of disciples, and then a group of disciples were told. This leafy puzzle was laid for the adventurer's paradise, and the task was handed over to them.

These two disciples were ecstatic and finally able to complete a large array independently, and it was a large array for the adventurer's paradise. The other six arrays showed the envy of the eyes. Xu Ziyan looked at the six disciples there and smiled and said:

"Don't envy you, and comprehend the maps that I have passed to you. There will be many forces in the future to ask us to arrange for them. When you go, you will take turns. But remember, don't lose face to Master."

"Yes, Master!" The six people's looks were also excited.

"Let's go!"

Xu Ziyan swayed and ordered eight disciples to go down, and then she came to the square and practiced the sword skills she created while she was doing it:


Gradually, monks appeared around and quietly looked at Xu Ziyan.

One, two, three...

Xu Ziyan's understanding of the silence is more and more complete, and the surrounding monks are also seen as crazy, with different insights.

Time passed quickly in comprehension, and on the third day, Musen personally went to the door. Xu Ziyan woke up from the comprehension and introduced his two disciples to Musen, telling the adventurers that the leaves of the adventurers were responsible for the two, but the safety of the two divisions was the responsibility of the Adventurers Alliance.

Musen naturally promised, and then paid 500 billion of the best fairy crystal and cloth array materials, and chatted with Xu Ziyan and others for a while, the Xuanwu remains will leave.

Xu Ziyan is closed!

A month and a half of the time passed, and the monks of the Star Adventures went out on time. This retreat did not achieve much for the monks of the Star Adventures. No one except Xu Ziyan got a breakthrough, but only slightly improved their respective realms. There is still a long way to go.

As the only breakthrough, Xu Ziyan has entered the late stage of the blue-level, becoming the blue-level late three-product peak monk, equivalent to the peak of the late Ren. This repair is combined with her power and strength of the gods. She has already had the ability to protect herself in front of the blue-level late monk, not to mention her sword skill is almost complete, in the help of the Taixu sword. Next, maybe you can compete with the blue-level late peak monk.

Dantian and Futang distributed the medicinal herbs and Fuxi, and the ancestral hall also refining five lucky boats. The two divisions of the array have already gone to Adventurer’s Paradise.

This time, I went to explore the ruins of the Xuanwu. The four disciples of the Danfu dynasty were left behind to watch the Star Adventure Group. Of course, Xu Ziyan, the curtain Dingxiang, Tang and the Fuhua language will not stay. In addition, some monks were left in the 300 shops of Ri Yaocheng, so there were a total of 4,500 monks who went to the Xuanwu ruins.

After the crowd packed everything, they walked out of the Star Adventures and headed for the gates of the Sunshine City. Such a big action naturally caused the ideas of various adventure groups. They went around and inquired, but no one knew what the Star Adventures would do.

If you see the number of people in the Star Adventures team, you will know that this is the whole group of the Star Adventures. If there is no big goal, no one-level adventure group will be dispatched. This can not help but make these adventure groups curious, and slowly followed behind the Star Adventures.

When the group of Star Adventures came to the outside of the city, they released five lucky boats, and then four thousand five hundred monks entered the fairy boat. In the eyes of everyone, the five celestial boats slowly rose and then whizzed away.

"This...the Star Adventures have their own fairy boat?"

"Yeah... five ships..."

"What are they doing with such a big move?"

"Isn't it something that I found?"



Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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