The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2837: Sea boat

I am very grateful to Xin Biao classmates (588), Jie Yi classmates (200), book friends 150325175015679 classmates (100), Fengqi Emperor classmates (100) for the reward!


In a short while, there were several fairy boats that skyrocketed and flew in the direction of the Star Adventures.

"Ziyan, someone is following us." Cold cold frowned slightly.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "This is what is expected. How can we not be noticed when our Star Adventures are so big? It doesn't matter. Come follow us."

"Do you say that Mussen will also be tracked?" Du Fu asked curiously.

Traveling around the world, shaking his head: "No. The adventurer's alliance is big, and thousands of people are drawn from all over the country. No one will notice it. I am afraid that one and a half months ago, the Alliance of Adventurers began to send people to Capricorn City. ""

Xu Ziyan spread the knowledge of the gods, and soon found that a total of nine Xianzhou boats followed them in the near future. Xu Ziyan took back the knowledge of God and stopped to take care of them. He began to sit cross-legged and entered to practice. Cold cold saw Xu Ziyan's move, could not help but smile:

"Ziyan, can't you take a break? Your repairs are now the same as me. Do you know that you will put a lot of pressure on us?"

Xu Ziyan sat down on the knees and looked at the cold and cold face. He smiled and said: "Then you have to work harder!"

"We have been working hard all the time?" Cold-faced helplessness.

"Cultivating!" Zhou Peng also sat down on his knees: "If you don't practice again, you will be caught up with purple smoke."

"Your cultivation will also be caught up by the purple smoke." Cold and cold said.

"Can't say that." Zhou Peng's old **** was saying: "Maybe my character is good, it broke out all of a sudden, and I also opened the purple smoke far away."

Xu Ziyan smiled. Closed his eyes and cultivated. The monks looked at each other and looked at each other with helpless smiles.

This time, Xu Ziyan did not practice for a long time. There are still some remnants in her body. The remnants of these sacred fruit fruits made Xu Ziyan's cultivation leaps and bounds. When the tenth day came, Xu Ziyan's body was lightly shocked and broke through.

Heaven and Earth Yuanli gathered toward the fairy boat. The cold cold ordered the fairy boat to land, and then everyone walked out of the fairy boat and gave the whole fairy boat to Xu Ziyan alone.

About a day's time, the rich heaven and earth Yuanli dissipated, and Xu Ziyan's repairs broke through to the blue-grade late four products, which is equivalent to the early stage of the land.

Cold and other people walked into the fairy boat, looking at Xu Ziyan one by one. Eventually, the cold sighed.

"Your cultivation is finally over me. I don't have to suffer from it in the future. Suddenly I feel so easy!"

Xu Ziyan could not help but smile. The fairy boat flew again. This time, Xu Ziyan did not practice again, but chatted with everyone, but these were monks. After a natural conversation, they returned to the exchange of cultivation.

Taking the time to let the purple smoke spread the knowledge, the look will not help. The Xianzhou, which has been following them all the time, has five ships left, and four of them have disappeared. Then whispered:

"There are four fewer boats in the back."

Everyone is a quiet. Cold and cold thought a little thought: "Now we have been flying for ten days, and the people following us should have already seen that we are going to go out to sea. The dangers overseas are quite large, I think they should not go to risk and go back."

Everyone heard the words and nodded, but I also decided in my heart that the five lucky boats in the back should not return.

Sure enough, on the fourteenth day, the Star Adventures arrived at Capricorn City. Just at the gate of Capricorn City, I saw a monk stepping forward:

“When is the Star Adventure Group?”

"Exactly!" Cold and step forward to the hand.

The monk immediately said: "If you do, you don't have to go to the city. You will come with me."

Cold cold nodded, once again sacrificed the fairy boat. Invite the monk to enter the fairy boat. Under the guidance of the monk, open to the cockroach.

"How is this Taoist name?"

Cold and cold exchanged with the monk, and Xu Ziyan released the gods again. Seeing that only three boats were coming over this time. Presumably, the two fairy boats finally confirmed that Xu Ziyan and others were going to sea. I also feared the dangers of overseas, and eventually did not follow the sea.

After recovering the gods, I was hearing the dialogue between the cold and the monk.

"Luo Daoyou. It turns out that you are one of the two monks who have never returned. The overseas is so dangerous. Luo Daoyou has only two people who can return safely and admire!"

Luo Ying shook his head and smiled: "Where is it so simple? I left two people, Qi Daoyou, and I drove back in the fairy boat. I don’t know how many attacks I have been on the road. I can’t wait until the end of the day. Broken, the two of us were also seriously injured. After several turns, we finally got a boat to return. To be honest, now both of us feel like dreaming, I didn’t expect to be able to come back alive. To say that we can Living back, it has nothing to do with our ability, but it is more of luck."

"Luck is also part of the skill." Cold and cold, said with a smile.

Luo Ying also shook his head and smiled. Suddenly he looked sharply: "The three lucky boats behind are the monks of your group?"

"No!" Cold and faintly said: "They have been following us from Rizhao City. There were nine lucky boats in the beginning. Now there are only three left. These three seem to be self-sustaining and do not want to follow. Go overseas."

Luo Ying's eyes flickered, and finally disappeared into the light: "Everything and other wood lords decided!"

Cold nodded, no longer mention this matter. Soon, there was a small island in front of everyone. Luo Ying directed the fairy boat to fall to the island.

Musen stood on the beach and smiled at Xu Ziyan. In his eyes, there was only Xu Ziyan. As for the Star Adventure Group, he could not enter his eyes. Even Zhou Peng and other five people were regarded as younger. However, Xu Ziyan is different, not to mention Dan Dao and Fu Da Gu Shi, that is, her strength also makes him respect, after all, Xu Ziyan is also an alternative purple-level monk.

Suddenly, his eyes twitched, and his eyelids could not help but twitch.

"This... Xu Ziyan is the fourth grade of the blue level?"

Immediately resumed the smile and marched toward Xu Ziyan: "Congratulations to Xu Zongshi to break through!"

"It’s not worth mentioning, it’s a far cry from the Mu League master!"

Xu Ziyan’s words fell, and the look of both of them was a glimpse. It was only when they remembered that they had said the same thing last time. Musen couldn’t help but laugh, and Xu Ziyan could not help but laugh.

Musen's gaze looked into the air, although there was only blue sky and white clouds in the place where his vision was, but Mussin's mouth was a hint of sneer.

"It seems that there are friends coming from afar!"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "They are from the Ziyao City. The Mu League masters are free to dispose of it."

Musen shook his head and said: "They like to follow them, I hope they can have a life back. Let's go."

Xu Ziyan nodded, and the Star Adventures took the fairy boat away. More than 4,000 people followed Musen and flew toward the other side of the island.

The size of the island is not large, and in less than a quarter of an hour everyone came to the other side of the island. The eyes of the monks of Xu Ziyan and other Star Adventures are just a change. I saw the huge sea boat moored in the sea, just like a small city.

Xu Ziyan looked at the sea boat: "The wood lord, it is a big deal!"

Musen’s face showed a smug look: “If you want to travel in the sea, you can’t rely on the fairy boat. Not only does the sea have a powerful monster, but also a powerful flying monster in the air. The fairy boat is for those monsters. It is no doubt like a toy, only such a large sea boat can safely drive in the ocean."

Having said that, Musen sighed: "It is such a sea boat that falls into the ocean every year."

At this time, Xu Ziyan knew in his heart why Musen dismissed the three lucky boats that followed. In his opinion, even if the three lucky boats followed here, they would not dare to go deeper.

The monks entered the sea boat under the leadership of Musen, and then saw the flashes on the sea boat, a huge mask shrouded the huge sea boat inside, the ship left the island, smooth and fast Go to the depths of the ocean.

Xu Ziyan looked back and saw three fairy boats appear in the air, but they did not follow up, but they did not leave there. Finally, two canals left, and a fairy boat continued to follow and flew over.

Mussen’s eyes are a glimpse, and the eyes are glimmering, and Zhang Xiaohua, standing aside, said faintly:

"act recklessly!"

On the side of the Huang Quanyin test said: "They should not be risk-takers, the adventurer saw the Mu League master has long since left. I am afraid that the sect or family monk."

Musen said faintly: "Don't care about them. Xu Zongshi, please inside!"

"Mu Mengzhu please!"

Into the restaurant of the sea boat, several people drank a few cups, talked and laughed for about half an hour, Xu Ziyan left to return to his room. From the woods to hear the monsters in the ocean, Xu Ziyan is more focused on cultivation. It is a point to be promoted. When the monsters are encountered in the future, they can be more protected.

In the next ten days, it has been calm, but every monk knows that this is because he has not yet penetrated the ocean. They have seen the green monsters these days.

After three days, Xu Ziyan finally got a breakthrough in the product, and became a blue-level late five-character monk, which is equivalent to the middle of the land, and really caught up with Zhou Peng and the four seas.

I took a shower in the room, put on a dress, then pushed the door out, wanted to relax, and wanted to know where I am now?

When I walked to the deck, I saw Zou Peng standing on the side of the ship and looking at the scenery. There were also some monks in the Adventurers League sitting or standing on the deck in twos and threes. Of course, unlike these relaxed monks, There are some monks who look serious and whistle.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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