The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2838: Flying monster

Musen and the three half-step purple-level monks did not appear on the class A. When they heard the footsteps, the people on the deck looked at Xu Ziyan and saw that it was Xu Ziyan, and they all nodded to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan also smiled and responded, looking at the back of Xu Ziyan, who was walking toward Zhou Peng and others. A blue-level late monk’s monk flashed a trace of surprise, and whispered to the monk next to him:

"The Xu Master has broken through."

"Yes! It's so enchanting!"

"Ziyan!" Looking at Xu Ziyan coming over, Zhou Peng said with a smile: "We have finally caught up with you."

Xu Ziyan smiled and turned his head to look at the back. His face could not help but show a trace of surprise:

"The boat is still behind us?"

"Yeah!" Tour the four seas: "Their courage is really big enough."

Zhou Peng coldly said: "If they follow, I am afraid I will not have to go back. I have already seen the blue-level monsters."

Zhou Peng’s voice just fell, and everyone felt that the sky suddenly darkened, as if an infinite cloud was flying towards this side. The monks turned their heads and saw an infinite flying monster beating towards them.


The monk of the whistle sounded the alarm, and one monk immediately rushed out of the room. Musen took the three-and-a-half-step purple-level monk and stood on the deck in an instant.

The sun above the sea surface is not covered by the slightest obscurity, and it is more magnificent under the mapping of the sea. But at this moment, this piece of magnificence is disappearing, because the boundless flying monsters cut off the sun shining in the air.

Xu Ziyan slightly narrowed his eyes and looked into the air. I feel that they are different from the monsters on land. Their bodies exude a more ferocious atmosphere, and a pair of eyes are less intelligent and more crazy.

"It’s a blue-level flying monster!" said the sea and looked at the air.

"These monsters are not simple!" Xu Ziyan walked to the side of Musen and said softly.

Musen’s look is dignified: “The monsters in the sea are different from those on the land. Can you tell me that the master is also here?”

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly: "One less wisdom. More crazy."

"Not bad!" Musen looked at Xu Ziyan, and his eyes showed a hint of appreciation. He did not expect Xu Ziyan to be young, and there would be such insights. At this time, even he was curious about Xu Ziyan's two legendary masters. What kind of person can teach such outstanding disciples?

"It is precisely because they are a bit of wisdom, a little more crazy, only to make these sea monsters more powerful. Under the same realm, the land of the monster is not the opponent of the sea monster."

Having said that, Musen turned his head to look at the fairy boat road behind them:

"I really don't know how to live!"

At this time, those flying monsters have surrounded the fairy boat in the sky and constantly slammed toward the fairy boat. The plaid on the fairy boat flickered, but anyone can see that the collapse of the striated shield is only a matter of time.


The fairy boat began to release the scabbard, and a monster was hit and fell from the air, and the **** smell floated in the space. But it is these **** smells that make the sea monsters more crazy, and the canyon is not visible outside. Completely buried in the flying monster.


Suddenly bursting out of the bright beasts, the sound of rumbling was deafening, and the fairy boat rushed out from the monsters, swooping down to Musen’s tide, and arguing for a request for wood. The purpose of the rescue of Sen and others.

Mussen’s mouth sneered with a sneer: “At full speed, the **** smell here will attract more monsters. We must leave here immediately.”


The speed of the sea ship suddenly increased and it flew toward the front. The monk on the fairy boat should feel the thoughts of Musen, and suddenly increased the speed and chased it toward the sea boat. Their meaning is very obvious, that is, they want to stick to the sea boat and drag the wood and others into the water. This is their only chance.

but. The fairy boat has already angered the beast, but it was instantly enveloped by the boundless monsters. Xu Ziyan looked at the fairy boat and shook his head gently. This is the evil result of the greedy heart. Without that strength, it must be greedy. There will be no results other than death.


The smudge shield of the fairy boat collapsed. Then the fairy boat was torn by the endless monsters, and the monks inside had not waited to struggle. All of them were eaten by the monsters.

The people on the sea boat took back their eyes, and the monsters in the air did not attack the sea ships, flying in groups, which made the monks on the sea boat breathe a sigh of relief. Although they are not afraid of these monsters, after all, those monsters are only the beginning of the blue level, even the plaid defense on this sea boat may not be able to break, but if there is a long battle here, it will attract more monsters, maybe There are powerful monsters, but this is not the result that Musen and Xu Ziyan want to see.

Therefore, after seeing the monsters in the air leave, even Mu Sen and Xu Ziyan are relieved in their hearts. Looking at the boundless monsters disappeared into the sky, the sun shone down, and Xu Ziyan, who was in a relaxed mood, looked at Musen and asked:

"How long does it take to reach Xuanwu Island?"

"With more than a month, you can reach it in at most two months."

Xu Ziyan’s heart remembered the boundless monster, and there was a dignity in his heart:

"I hope to spend the next two months calmly!"

Mussen’s face showed a sense of self-confidence. As a big monk, he has his own self-confidence. How can a non-confident monk break through to the purple level? He smiled faintly:

"Xu Zongshi is worried, whether it is the defensive power of this sea boat or the strength of the ship's monks, it will enable us to safely reach Xuanwu Island."

In fact, although Musen is very concerned about the purple smoke, but the value of the emphasis is only the identity of Xu Ziyan. If Xu Ziyan does not have this identity, this time he will not invite Xu Ziyan, and give the Star Adventures a 40% share. For Xu Ziyan's cultivation is still a contempt for his heart, although Xu Ziyan is an alternative purple-level monk.


The reason why it is called the alternative purple level, it is not the real purple level, so when he saw the worry on Xu Ziyan's face, he couldn't help but shook his head. This is not a real purple-level monk, and the bottom is a lot worse.

Like him, Zhang Xiaohua, Qingxiong and Huang Quan.

To be honest, these three people still have a bit of hatred against Xu Ziyan in their hearts. No matter how uncomfortable they are with the cockroaches, they have fought each other, but the four of them are also sympathetic, but it is such a half-step purple level that was smashed by Xu Ziyan’s men.

This is too dead!

Not bad!

It seems too embarrassing to them! This is absolutely because the care of the birds has made Shi Xiaotian and others have a chance to kill the birds.

The purple scent of Xu Ziyan is very powerful. There are no other symbols in the starlight continent that can resist the symbol of Xu Ziyan. But there is no resistance, it does not mean that there is no other thing to resist.

Don't forget, the refinery of the Starlight continent is very clever. How can there be no high-level fairy for these half-step purple-level monks?

If the bird knows in advance that Shi Xiaotian and others have the power of the power, the scorpion will definitely sacrifice the defensive genius first, and will kill Shi Xiaotian four people without any harm. Therefore, the three of them are not only not impressed with Xu Ziyan, but also have a hatred and a hint of killing in their hearts.

If possible, they don't mind killing Xu Ziyan after the end of Xuanwu Island.

At this time, I saw Xu Ziyan’s face showing a trace of anxiety, and one heart could not help but show a trace of disdain.

Xu Ziyan is also a powerful one, relying on the foreign body is not enough, this is what extent, the heart is afraid. It’s awkward to die. Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaohua did not hide the disdain in his heart, and his eyes faintly sneered:

"Xu Zongshi, don't worry, if we are there, you can't die. However, the monks of your Stars Adventure Group will ask for more blessings."

"Yes!" Huang Quan said with a negative smile: "We are a cooperative relationship, not your babysitter."

Qingxiong’s face showed a stern color and said slowly: “Xu Zongshi, don’t blame us for not reminding you. If you are in danger, the Star Adventures will have one, and we will go out with us and want to make a fortune. There must be a sense of death."

Xu Ziyan glanced at Musen faintly. When he saw that Musen had no reaction, he faintly glanced at the three-step purple stage:

"I take 40% of the benefits, and I will get 40% of the power."

Musen’s look was awkward. He didn’t think that Xu Ziyan would be so tough at this time. It’s not that he is proud. On top of this sea boat, if he wants to destroy the Star Adventures, he feels easy. They have his purple-level two-tiered monk, Huang Quan, Zhang Xiaohua and Qingxiong, and there are 10,000 monks.

What is the Star Adventure Group?

If he wants to be unfavorable to the Star Adventures, he feels that he and the three half-step purple-level shots will not be used, and that the 10,000-year-old monk will be able to kill the Star Adventures. And on this sea, the star adventure group will be killed within the sea boat, who will know?

When they said that they were all eaten by the sea monsters, even the five forces had no way. After all, they had no evidence to prove that they had killed the Star Adventures.

Musen invited Xu Ziyan only to let Xu Ziyan crack some prohibitions, and did not rely too much on the meaning of Xu Ziyan. As for the Star Adventure Group, it was even a joke, and it also played a role as cannon fodder.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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