The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2839: Sucking beast

I am very grateful to the book friends Luo Tian (588), the piglet classmate (100), the black tea house 2014 classmates (100), the Fengqi Emperor classmates (100) reward!


He really has the meaning of making the Star Adventures a cannon fodder, but it has not yet reached the extent that Xu Ziyan and Zhou Peng have five deep backgrounds and died in Xuanwu Island. They can retain these people and then weaken them to the maximum extent. The strength of the Stars Star Adventures, this was originally his plan.

But now I heard Xu Ziyan's hard answer, he knows that his plan is difficult to achieve, unless he is absolutely strong, even if Xu Ziyan and others dare to resist, do not hesitate to kill people to shock them. Only now he still hesitated in his heart, and then thought that he had not yet reached Xuanwu Island, he sank his mind, but only looked at Xu Ziyan faintly, with a faint warning in his eyes.

However, his gaze immediately followed, and he found that Xu Ziyan’s repairs had broken through, and he even reached the blue mid-term five products in ten days.

The qualification of this Xu Ziyan is really enchanting!

Pi Xiao meat did not smile to Xu Zi flue: "Xu Zong Shi repair is also refined!"

At this time, Xu Ziyan was also full of vigilance against Musen, and he smiled and said: "I am lucky!"

Then he bowed to Musen and said: "Ziyan has resigned."

The words fell a little toward the three and a half steps, turned and left. The four people in Musen looked at the back of Xu Ziyan's departure, and their eyes were very complicated. Zhang Xiaohua whispered:

"Lord, this purple smoke is really proud!"

Musen faintly smiled: "A Dan Dao and Fu Dao Master, naturally proud!"

"What about that?" Huang Quanyin said: "This monk is ultimately dependent on strength. Respect her, she is a master, do not respect her, he is just a chicken to be slaughtered!"

Xu Ziyan returned to the room. Call Zhou Peng and others to the room, and they are optimistic about the Star Adventure Group, whenever they are together. Forming a battle array, it must not be used as a cannon fodder by Musen. Cold eyes are a cold.

"Ziyan, Musen wants to treat us as cannon fodder?"

Xu Ziyan pondered and said: "It is not possible to say so completely. They just want to consume our strength and preserve their strength. This trip to Xuanwu Island, we must be vigilant, not able to separate, we must be very careful about Musen. ”

"How?" Zhou Peng’s gaze was sharp: "Does he dare to kill us?"

Xu Ziyan’s gaze condensed: “It’s not without this possibility. It depends on what kind of treasures are in the basaltic remains. If the treasures are general, Musen will not take this risk. If the treasures are amazing, then it’s hard to say. Maybe Will kill us all."

The eyes of everyone in the cabin are all condensed. Seeing the seriousness of everyone, Xu Ziyan laughed:

"Just let everyone be careful. If Musen doesn't feel comfortable, if you are comfortable, you may not be able to eat our Star Adventures."

Zhou Peng and others looked a move. I remembered that Xu Ziyan was able to fight against the purple-level nine-fold chaotic beast. Although it was with the Tiangong Palace and other people at that time, but now Musen is not a purple-level nine-heavy beast, and the heart has recovered confidence. . Curtain Ding Xiang asked:

"Ziyan, are you sure to let our Star Adventures retreat?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "If we really conflict with Musen and others, we may be able to escape from the hands of Musen and others. The Star Adventure Group may be..."

Xu Ziyan stopped, but the meaning of her words was revealed.

"And..." Xu Ziyan's face was dignified: "Even if we escape from Mussen's hands, we may not be able to survive. Don't forget, the waters here. Not land."

The atmosphere in the cabin was heavy. Everyone has a hint of uneasiness in their hearts. The four seas suddenly laughed:

"It doesn't matter, Xiu Xian was originally the road to the sky, and he has to pay for his life at any time. If Musen is not comfortable, if there is any coziness. Even if I can't kill him, I must bite him."

See the heroic look of the four seas. The uneasiness in the hearts of the people disappeared, and the war in the heart broke out. Xu Ziyan smiled:

"I don't think there will be anything happening before I go to Xuanwu Island. Everyone is alert."

Later, everyone studied various countermeasures and dispersed them. Xu Ziyan closed the hatch and once again entered the cultivation. Because he saw the hint of killing in the heart of Musen and others, Xu Ziyan was more eager to improve his cultivation.

Half a month later, Xu Ziyan, who was practicing, heard the groaning outside and the slamming sound. The gods quickly spread out and saw that there were countless flying monsters in the sky attacking the sea. A series of attacks bombarded the ribbed shield and swayed a circle.

Xu Ziyan took back the knowledge of God. At this time, she was at the moment of breakthrough, and the attack of the beast outside did not seem to pose a threat, so Xu Ziyan still rushed to the full.

The noise and percussion outside was not simple for a moment. For the whole half of the day, not only did the impact not break, but it became more and more intense. Just in this constant crash, Xu Ziyan broke through and broke through to the late six products of the blue class, which is equivalent to the peak of the late Zun.

Opened his eyes, stood up, and quickly walked to the front of the hatch to open the hatch, and his body swept toward the deck. When I came to the deck and looked around, I saw that there were monks on the deck, and the more than 4,000 monks of the Star Adventures were at the stern of the stern. The Mussen monk was near the half of the bow. The shape of Xu Ziyan quickly appeared in the cold and other people.

"Cold cold, what is the situation?"

"Nothing!" Seeing Xu Ziyan coming out, the cold heart is also certain: "Mu Sen divides the sea boat into two parts from the middle, and the side of the stern is defended by us, and the side of the bow is defended by them."

Xu Ziyan looked around and saw that the monks of the more than 4,000-star adventure group had formed countless small battles, and nodded and set their sights on the outside of the ship.

At this time, outside the sea boat, countless flying monsters are attacking the sea ship, but their attacks are fierce and dense, but the defensive shields are flowing and do not move.

Xu Ziyan gently breathed a sigh of relief: "These beasts can't break the defensive shield."

I heard that Xu Ziyan said that Zhou Peng and others are all in the heart. Looking at the dense, can not see the marginal monsters, the heart is not nervous that is false. If the defensive shield is broken, more than 10,000 people on the ship will eventually know that there will be several lives.


Suddenly there was a huge roar, and the sea water was sprayed out of the sea like a fountain. The entire ship was shaken and shaken. The face of Mussen in the distance is a change:

"No, there are monsters coming from the bottom of the sea."

Xu Ziyan walked to the side of the ship and looked down. He saw that there was a huge behemoth approaching the sea boat in the sea around the sea boat. In the distance, there were countless sea monsters that made the waves rush to the sea boat. come.


A tentacle stretched out from the sea, sucked on the defensive shield, and then saw that one only contracted with the tentacles.


A monster with only a few tentacles rushed over the defensive shield, squatting there, and the tentacles spread tightly against the defensive shield.

"No, this is a sucking beast!"

Xu Ziyan’s look is also a move. Although she has never heard of the sucking beast, at this time she saw that the defensive shield was slowly dimming, and then she thought of Mussen’s sentence, and her heart would be awkward. These tentacle-sucking beasts are supernatural powers that absorb all kinds of spiritual powers. They are now absorbing the power of the defensive shields. When these spiritual powers are absorbed, it is the time when the defensive shields are broken.

"Xu Zongshi!" And at this time, Musen's voice passed anxiously: "We must kill these sucking beasts."

"Understand!" Xu Ziyan whispered back. At this time, neither side had the slightest choice, only desperately.

"Run at full speed!" Musen shouted: "Ready to remove the defensive shield."


The sea boat was driving at full speed, and the monks on the deck were ready for the battle. Xu Ziyan also took out the virtual sword and looked up at the sucking beasts on the defensive shield.


The defensive shroud dissipated, and the densely sucking beast fell from the air, and then the defensive shield was once again formed, again separating the sea boat from the outside world.


All the monks smashed toward the sucking beast on the deck. The Star Adventures team put together the ten-party killings, and the ones were smashed together by the sucking spirits. The ten squares were like a single twist. The meat machine, the violent light illuminates the waters of Hessen.

On the other side of the sea boat, the monks also put on the lore, although the power of the loneliness is not as good as the ten, but their cultivation is higher than the stars, and the number is also the star adventure group. More than twice, so it is also fast killing a sucking beast.


The defensive shield was put away again, and a densely-sucking beast was dropped in the sky. The first batch of sucking beasts have not been wiped out, and the second batch has fallen. This is also a no-brainer. If you don't put those sucking beasts in, the entire defensive shield will collapse. Only by constantly putting in the sucking spirits can the pressure of the defensive shield be relieved.

The wind screamed, the turbid waves were empty, and the whole sea was like a side purgatory, and the sea boat was tightly locked in the middle.

On the deck, the monks' sacking began to get tough.


The monks of the Star Adventures have opened a defensive symbol on their bodies. This time before they left, everyone received a lot of symbols from Futang, although the level is not high, but the number is better.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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