The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2840: Big fish


On the other side of the deck, the monks also opened a plaque on their body. The time deck was radiant and defensive. The monks could attack with full force and once again launched a storm on the sucking beast.


The sea ship made a violent shock. At this time, it was not just Mussen’s face change, but the look of Xu Ziyan was also a great change. She thought that they just put down the sucking beast above the sea boat, but there should be countless sucking beasts under the sea that destroy the defensive shield below the sea.

"Xu Zongshi!" Musen shouted: "We must go out and kill the sucking beast below the sea."


"You are responsible for the safety of the seafarers on your side. We are responsible for this!" Musen said, and he did not wait for Xu Ziyan to agree.

"Zhang Xiaohua, you stay on the deck. Qingxiong, Huang Quan, each led a thousand monks to kill me."


Two thousand monks rushed out of the defensive shield under the leadership of Musen and two half-step purple, and fell to the bottom of the sea.


A burst of water, followed by the waves of the waves, the waves are mixed with a section of the body of the sucking beast.

"Zhou Peng, the four seas, each led five hundred monks to go down, don't swear by the shackles, when the plaques used up, they immediately withdrew and exchanged another thousand."


A thousand monks rushed down the sea under the leadership of Xu Ziyan, Zhou Peng and You Sihai. As soon as these monks sneaked into the sea, they began to throw their cockroaches on a scorpion.

The battle continues in a fierce battle. The bodies of the monsters floated around the sea, and the monks of the Star Adventures have changed the second batch. Those sucking beasts are being quickly destroyed.


From the bow and the stern, the sound of the world was heard.


In the sea of ​​the bow, three figures were picked up, it was Musen. Huang Quan and Qing Xiong. The three great monks stood in the air and looked into the distance.


In the direction of the stern, three people are standing in the air, it is Xu Ziyan, Tang is not instrumental and cold.

In the vision of these six people, the direction of the bow and the stern each has an empty wave that rushes from far and near to them. The huge waves are like the sky. On the top of the wave, each stood a blue-level late-wing peak of the sea monster, binocular venting madness, slammed toward the sea boat.

Seeing this, Mussen’s heart is a loose. He knows that these two monsters should be the head of the horror of the sea monsters. As long as the two monsters are killed, the crisis should be disintegrated soon.

Qingxiong looked back at Xu Ziyan and said to Musen: "Allies, do you want me to help them?"

Musen shook his head and said: "No. The monster can't hurt Xu Ziyan."

Musen’s heart is very clear. Xu Ziyan is an alternative purple-level monk. Although she does not know whether her body has reached several layers, he thinks that it is a layer, and at most two layers. But even a layer is not a blue-level late peak monster that can be hurt.

At this point, Xu Ziyan looked at the blue-level late peaks of the monsters but it was a headache. It’s not afraid of this monster, but because this monster is too big, it’s a big fish, it’s a big island, even if the purple smoke body is strong, want to kill this monster, then It takes a lot of effort.

At this time, Huang Quan, who was in the direction of the bow, had already rushed out. The half-step purple-level power was released, and the monster was given a momentum. But then it was violent. The sea was encouraged to kill the past with Huang Quan.


After a few rounds of collision, the body of the blue-level late peaks of the monsters collapsed and fell toward the sea. The huge waves of the sky also fell from the sky. Formed a huge whirlpool.

Musen showed a smile on his face and turned his head toward the stern.

"Ziyan. Let's try two!" Cold said suddenly.

Xu Ziyan eyes condensed, then nodded, anyway, there is himself in front, can also ensure that two people will not go wrong.


At the same time, the cold and the Tang dynasty sacrificed weapons. The ice shovel that was chilled out in the cold was like a meteor rushing toward the big fish, and the cold and cold continually swayed the fingertips. Shovel the sword to the handle.

The sledgehammer in the hands of Don't be able to zoom in on the way to the big fish, and the sky above the big fish has become obscured by the sky, as huge as a mountain.


The big fish saw the spurt of the ice screaming sword, and the fish must be drawn toward the hail sword, and the space was instantly pulled out of a series of cracks.

The cold fingers were a little farther away, and the hail sword flashed over the dragon's beard. The sound of "叮" was inserted on the head of the big fish, but the fish skin of the big fish was too hard, cold and cold. The hail sword can't even break the skin of the big fish. At that time, I was cold and cold, but I didn’t care.


The hail sword spread out of the icy ice, and the sound of "squeaking" came from the ear. The surface of the big fish quickly spread with a layer of ice, covering...

Only in an instant, the big fish in the small island was frozen inside.


A series of cracks appeared in the air, and a black hole was formed. It was a mountain-sized giant hammer that fell to the frozen big fish under the imperial concubine of Tang.


The ice flakes collapsed, flesh and blood flew, and the big fish was finally defeated by the combination of cold and Tang.


It is just breaking the defense, causing the big fish to suffer minor injuries, but it does not hurt the root of the big fish at all, but makes the big fish more fierce. The ice shovel sword and sledgehammer smashed and rushed toward the three people of Xu Ziyan.


In the huge waves that followed the sky, the behemoth made a roar, and Xu Ziyan was in front of the behemoth, and his body was as small as the giant ant.

Xu Ziyan’s body suddenly flew out, almost like lightning, his body circling around the other side, slamming his palms, slamming his palms on the palm of his body, and palms slammed and palms rose. A pattern.

Instant Void Painter!


Xu Ziyan's body shape swiftly passed over the big fish, and all the way down the picture. Nowadays, the repair of Xu Ziyan is such a momentary emptiness, its power is naturally not as good as the emptiness of her paintings in the Upper Yuan, but it is enough to deal with a blue level rather than a purple level.


Xu Ziyan’s body shape flew toward the cold and Tang, and behind her, two fishmen were cutting the space and heading for Xu Zi’s cigarette. The power of cutting the space made no doubt, then Xu Ziyan was caught by the two dragons and was instantly cut into several segments.

"Purple smoke, be careful!"

Cold cold and Tang did not bother and shouted anxiously. At the other end of the ship, Musen, Huang Quan and Qingxiong also paid attention to the shape of Xu Ziyan flying and the two fish whiskers that were quickly rolled up behind him. The eyes of the three people are all curious, and they want to know how Xu Ziyan will respond.

Above the sea boat, the battle is now coming to an end. Zhou Peng and the monks of the Star Adventures, such as the Four Seas, are looking at Xu Ziyan nervously, and those of Musen’s men are a gloating expression. Xu Ziyan has long been dissatisfied. Nothing else, it’s always a disappointment for Xu Ziyan’s stance with Musen.


The two dragons that had been swiftly rolled up behind Xu Ziyan suddenly slammed into the body of the big fish. A large blood spurted out of the body of the big fish, like a thousand trees and pear blossoms...


Two large, whip-like fish had to fall from the air to the surface of the sea. The sea was instantly hit by two divides. The big fish made a sorrowful sorrow, and then the body was torn apart.


The cold body shape smashed out and joined the sea. It was only an instant. The cold and cold figure flew out at the bottom of the sea. He grinned and grinned. He was holding a head-sized demon, and flew over to Xu Ziyan.

"Ziyan, this water system is too pure!"

Xu Ziyan glanced at the cold hand in the cold hand and nodded: "This water system is suitable for you, although you are practicing the ice system, it is also the variation of the water system, it is still the water system. This demon, should let You have a breakthrough in a short time. After you get on the boat, you will quickly refine this demon."

Three people returned to the ship, and at this time Musen and others returned to the sea, and the sucking beast on the deck was completely destroyed. The human monk did not have a casualty. This is because the people on the side of Musen saw that the monks on the side of Xu Ziyan released the defensive symbols, so they also released the defensive symbols, and under the protection of the defensive symbols, they all killed all the sucking beasts.

The surrounding beasts also retired because of the death of the two blue-level late peaks of the monsters, and the sea boat was breaking the waves. Mussen looked at Xu Ziyan, his eyes sparkling with different colors, and Xu Ziyan’s instant empty space made him feel a trace of jealousy. He didn't know how much Xu Ziyan's void painting would reach, and whether he could release more power.

On the deck are the statues of monks who cleaned the battlefield. The Star Adventures and Mussen's monks are distinct. The middle of a sea boat is the boundary, each cleaning their own spoils. The original Musen monk also robbed the trophy of the Star Adventures, but when they saw the way Xu Ziyan killed the big fish, although he still felt that Musen could easily kill Xu Ziyan, but did not come back to take the Star Adventure. The spoils of the regiment.

Musen came from the crowd and smiled affectionately toward Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Zongshi, are there no casualties on your side?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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