The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2841: Near Xuanwu Island

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"No!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile.

"That's good!" Mussin's smile on his face converges: "Let everyone hurry to rest, it is estimated that we will encounter a bigger monster in front."

The look of Xu Ziyan is not condensed: "Really?"

Musen’s focus is on the head: “This attack seems to be an organized attack. They just stunned us. They just sent two blue-level late-stage monsters. I guess there should be half a step for the next monster. Purple grade."

"Organized? They? Who?" Xu Ziyan's eyes showed a shocking color.

"Hai!" Musen looked awe.


Xu Ziyan snorted and immediately became stunned. There are also sea people in the Upper Yuan Dynasty, and naturally there are also sea people. Just looking at Musse’s dignified look, Xu Ziyan also realized what it was, and the heart was a jump:

"You mean... Xuanwu Island..."

Musen’s focus is on the head: “Yes, it’s estimated that my people’s actions on Xuanwu Island have alarmed the sea people. The sea people want to stop us. And... maybe the sea people have entered Xuanwu Island at this time. ”

"Then we have to speed up!" Xu Ziyan said.

"Yes!" Musen nodded. "Hurry up and adjust, maybe we have to face more fierce monsters."

Speaking of this, I glanced at Xu Ziyan, and there was a shock in my eyes. Then smiled:

"Xu Zongshi is really a cultivator of genius. I hope that when I arrive at Xuanwu Island, I can break through again. The higher your cultivation, the better it will be for us."

Xu Ziyan nodded. Let the monks of the Star Adventures quickly clean up the battlefield, and then tell Musen's speculation that everyone will return to their room after returning to repair as soon as possible.

Sitting cross-legged in his room. Xu Ziyan thought carefully. Although Futang gave the Stars adventure group a lot of symbols, but the level is not high, and after just a battle, I am afraid that also released a lot of symbols. Now that the seas have come in, the sinister danger is greater than expected, and Xu Ziyan finally decided to equip these monks with some symbols.

Open the eyes of time, and the flag is projected on one side and hidden into the space. Formed a time array method. Then Xu Ziyan began to make Fuxi.

This time, he mainly produced blue-level symbols, and produced a large number of symbols from the early stage of the blue level to the middle stage. A small amount of purple-grade symbol was also produced, and now there are not many materials that can make purple-grade characters on Xu Ziyan. It is necessary to know that the material for making the purple-grade symbol must be purple-grade monster skin and blood, and the purple-grade monster skin and blood possessed by Xu Ziyan is the fusion beast of the one layer that is hunted in the wild.

In addition to the demon Lord in the Upper Yuan dynasty, there is no sacred monster, so Xu Ziyan is also very lack of materials to make super-features.

Perhaps the starlight continent is different from the heavenly road of the Shangyuan continent. There are quite a few holy monsters here, although the strongest is only the great wilderness, but there are some holy monsters in other places.

Xu Ziyan calculated it, and now the remaining demon skins are only enough for her to produce more than fifty super-features. These symbols will not be given to the stars of the adventure group monks, that is, cold and so on are not ready to give them, they have their own body. These symbols are also very important for Xu Ziyan. In the future, they will deal with the cards of the Chaos Beast. And because of the scarcity of the holy monsters, these super-features are used one less.

Put away the time array method, Xu Ziyan used the knowledge of God to call in the cold and other people, and handed some blue-level symbols to the cold and others. Let them distribute it to the Star Adventures. Cold and so on, excitedly took these symbols and left the room. Xu Ziyan pondered for a while, and finally pressed the temptation to cultivate in the time array method, closed his eyes and cultivated.

In the middle of the sea, the water system here is very rich. With the cultivation of Xu Ziyan, a trace of the water system was absorbed into the sea by Xu Ziyan.

Within the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan. Yuanshen sat cross-legged, constantly opening a small mouth and inhaling the silky water channel into the mouth to refine and refine. The water of the Yuanshen rippled, and the Yuanshen got a glimmer of growth.

As her power of the gods grows, the growth of Yuanli is even faster. At this time, Xu Ziyan not only absorbed the power of the star-light continent, but also swallowed the elixir, while at the same time placed a vein on her knees.

This is the first time she used the essence in the Starlight continent. She originally wanted to understand the heavens as the mainstay and enhance the cultivation as a supplement. However, now that she feels the threat of the sea, she has also taken out the meridians. With the help of the three, the accumulation of Xu Ziyan's strength is rapidly increasing.

Sure enough, the meridians are invincible, and Xu Ziyan, who usually takes a dozen days to get a breakthrough, has only used eight days to break through the seven products from the late stage of the blue stage to the seven items, which is equivalent to the early days of Tianzun.

Only Xu Ziyan’s face did not have a happy look. He glanced at the veins of his lap and sighed and collected the veins. This crystal vein has a huge effect on the promotion of Xu Ziyan's strength. It can make Xu Ziyan break through quickly, but Xu Ziyan found that when he used the crystal vein to cultivate, it suppressed the heavenly road of the starry continent and poured into her mind, as if it would form a The film is incompatible with the heavens of this world.

Xu Ziyan thought a little, and then he knew that this is different from the crystal. The crystal is just an ore, and the vein has a spirituality and a heaven. The crystal veins of Xu Ziyan are from the Upper Yuan Dynasty, and naturally they will resist the heavens of the Starlight continent.

Put away the crystal veins, Xu Ziyan began to absorb the heaven and earth Yuanli practice, and at the same time perceive the world's heavens, time spent in the silence, so Xu Ziyan accident, it has been ten days, and nothing The Wicked Beast came to intercept, and her cultivation gradually approached the blue-grade late eight products.

However, when Xu Ziyan felt that Musen had made a wrong judgment, he heard the alarm of the sea boat ringing. Xu Ziyan immediately received the work, and his figure appeared on the deck quickly.

Just appearing on the deck, I felt the oppression of Tianwei from the direction of the bow. Gazing at it, the waves have been connected to the sky, and a boundless big fish is opening its mouth and swallowing huge waves and pressing against the sea. The power makes Xu Ziyan feel that if the huge waves are slammed onto the sea boat, This sea boat will be photographed as powder.


Musen’s figure flew out of the ship and his body was in the air. His figure is very weak compared to the big fish in the distance, if you face a dust of a star.

But the power that came out of him was definitely more than that big fish. I saw Musen raise a palm and then patted it lightly. The huge waves of the sky were quiet, and after a moment, they slammed toward the sea. Falling. The entire sea surface collapsed, like a gap in the sea, a deep gap between the two. The big fish has lost its trace.

Xu Ziyan's heart is a glimpse, this is the first time she saw Musen's real shot, the purple level of power.


There was a roar in the depths of the sea. A huge figure rushed out. The huge fish head turned toward Musen, opened a big mouth and sucked, and a black hole formed in the air, wanting to engulf Musen.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze is a contraction. This big fish has a half-step purple level repair, but this is not to make Xu Ziyan surprised. The surprise is that the attack power of this big fish has reached the purple level. can.

Musen’s look was also slightly dignified, and a large hand stretched out to the black hole formed in the air. The sky immediately condensed a big hand and covered the black hole in his hand. Musen’s hand was held in front of him.


The black hole in the air was broken instantly, and the sky and the earth collapsed. The sea water rushed and formed a huge whirlpool. The half-step purple-sized fish gave a mourning, plunged into the sea and drove the waves toward the distance. Escape.

Musen did not pursue it, but looked at the big fish and looked away. Then he sighed softly and his body fell to the sea.

"Lord, why not kill it?" Zhang Xiaohua asked Musen inexplicably. Xu Ziyan’s gaze could not be overlooked.

Musen’s look shook his head solemnly: “It’s now certain that Xuanwu Island was discovered by the Haizu. If I didn’t expect it, the Haizu’s patriarch Black Dragon should have been on Xuanwu Island, and the big fish escaped. After going back, Black Dragon will not take the Haizu to intercept us, and the Black Dragon will wait for us in Xuanwu Island."

Xu Ziyan came to Musen’s side and asked: “Wu, the black lord, what is the black dragon?”

"It is said that it is the peak of the purple grade."

Xu Ziyan could not help but frown, and his heart said: "Can the Black Dragon break through to the purple level? In the upper Yuan, only the five-color dragon can break through to the holy level! What is going on here? It seems only here. After breaking through to the purple level, we can understand the difference between the two continents."

Xu Ziyan smashed the thoughts in his heart and continued to ask: "I only have a half-step purple level of cultivation for the big fish. Why can it play the power of the purple one?"

Mussen’s eyes also showed a dignified saying: “This is the sea, where the sea is here, and their power can increase.”

Xu Ziyan nodded and his heart was blank. Suddenly her heart moved, she had a feeling that the power released during the battle between Musen and the big fish did not seem to be the same as the monks on the same continent.

"Don't the monks on the starry continent be in the same realm as the monks of the mainland? Is this why the black dragon can be sanctified?

However, it seems that there is no difference between the blue level and the Upper Yuan Dynasty. After entering the purple level, the big monks here are weaker than the holy monks of the Upper Yuan Dynasty. Why? ”


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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