The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2843: Variance

I am very grateful to Mo Qianzhuo (1888), the Bridal Tea House 2014 classmate (100), and the rest of the 123 classmates (100)!


The demon slyly looked at the direction in which Xu Ziyan disappeared. His eyes were full of fear, and he whispered two voices. He didn’t even dare to call, and fled with his tail.

Musen, with more than 10,000 monks, still excavating herbs in step by step, and his eyes are excited. The herbs here are so rich that they are not only a wide variety, but also have a long age and a high grade. With so many herbs, I am afraid that they will not be able to pick them after picking them for a month. So he did not think that Xu Ziyan would run to his front to rush to dig herbs. He also used the knowledge of God to scan it occasionally, but the intensity of Xu Ziyan's knowledge was much higher than that of him. When he discovered his knowledge, he would instantly return to the right side of the site.

There were only forty-five herbs, and Xu Ziyan took less than a quarter of an hour to pick up the forty-five herbs. Then she was no longer interested in the remaining herbs. The gods once again covered the big island and explored the underground of the island. This made her discover some ore. In the end, she chose several kinds of ore that she did not have. After a half-month, Xu Ziyan was really idle. She did not go to the Star Adventure Group to pick the herbs. She couldn’t help much with her own strength, so she chose a rock to sit down. A pattern was placed around to hide the figure and cultivated.

So in the past ten days, the herbs on Xuanwu Island have been picked up by Musen, the Star Adventures and the Haizu, and they started playing ore again. And at this time. The repair of Xu Ziyan finally broke through to the late nine products of the blue class, which is equivalent to the late Tianzun.


A dragon screamed, Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and put away the flag. The figure flew up into the air and looked down. Then I saw that the seas quickly withdrew from the island and rushed in one direction.


Musen’s figure appeared beside Xu Ziyan’s body, and his eyes looked in the direction of the dragon. Xu Ziyan whispered:

"There is the entrance to the ruins?"

"Not bad!"

"Let's go see!"

Xu Ziyan’s figure flew slowly toward the other side. Musen and Xu Ziyan flew side by side. The speed of the two people flying was not fast, so as not to cause misunderstanding of the Hai people, and the remaining monks were still mining ore, and did not follow them.

The Hais looked up at them both, and their eyes were full of vigilance. Xu Ziyan and Musen stopped, indicating that they just looked at it, and then they stood in the air and looked over there.

Those Hai people saw Xu Ziyan and Musen stopped. Instead of paying attention to the two of them, they sneaked down the sea.

"The entrance is just below the sea," Musen said softly.

Xu Ziyan nodded and looked down. I saw countless sea people diving towards the water. However, there are still a large number of sea guards on the sea and the island. From time to time, they look at the Xu Ziyan and Musen in the air.

After a period of time, the actions of the sea people diving into the sea stopped. According to the eyes of Xu Ziyan and Musen, at least 30,000 Hai people entered the Xuanwu relics.

"Do we want to go over and see?" Musen's eyes showed a urgency.

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently: "Let's wait. We are now turning the war."

Musen’s eyes showed a trace of regret, but in the end, no action was taken, but Xu Ziyan stood in the air and looked down.

In fact, at this time, the consciousness of Xu Ziyan and Musen both spread out. There is a huge reef protruding from the water below the island. The reef is like a huge glans. The big mouth of the glans is A huge hole, the hole is quiet at this time, presumably that more than 30,000 sea people have entered the basaltic remains from there.

"Your people originally entered from there?" Xu Ziyan asked softly.

"Yeah!" Musen nodded gently.

"If you go in, you will never come out again?"

"Yeah!" Musen's face was a bit gloomy.

Xu Ziyan once again spread the knowledge of God. God came to the hole before. Exploring the gods, and then the look is a move, the gods are collected back and whispered:

"There is a ban on the gods inside the hole?"


Mussen’s face showed a smile. Seeing the smile on Musen's face, he knew that Musen was deliberately not telling himself. Xu Ziyan could not help but turn a blind eye. Musen smiled:

"Just kidding, don't mind. Hehe..."

"Don't mind!" Xu Ziyan said depressedly.

The two empty standing in the air are a bit boring, and they have a chat without a ride. At the same time, the eyes are tightly locked to the water below.

"Xu Zongshi, what kind of immortal you cultivated, how can you cultivate so fast? How many days? You are at the beginning of the blue-grade nine products. Isn't it a long time to be able to surpass the old man?"

"No attribute Xianyu!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

“No attribute fairy?” Musen looked at Xu Ziyan with surprise: “That is the garbage fairy...”

His voice did not fall, and he saw the waves in the sea below, and the shape of the seas flew out from the inside. One by one was very embarrassed, and there were many sea people with injuries.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan and Musen immediately spread, and they saw that the sea turtles escaped from the inside of the hole in the water, and the eyes were full of fear.

Xu Ziyan and Musen collected the knowledge of the gods. The two men looked at each other and could not hide the shock in their hearts.

How long does it take to go in?

However, half a day's time, I escaped, and don't forget, there is a purple dragon with a purple grade in the ruins.


The black dragon rushed out of the sea and landed on the beach. Xu Ziyan and Musen both have words, just silently watching the bottom.

About a time later, all the seas escaped, and Xu Ziyan and Musen looked at each other and the shock in their eyes was thicker.

It’s just half a day, the seas have lost more than 5,000. What is the prohibition inside, will it be so dangerous?

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment, whispered to Musen and asked: "Do you still want to continue to explore the basaltic remains?"

Musen’s look also showed a bit of hesitation, but in the end he nodded. “It’s already here, and you can’t go empty-handed. If you don’t want to explore, you can stay on the island and don’t participate.”

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Let us see what is inside."

Musen’s eyes are bright, and without the participation of Xu Ziyan, he is really a bit timid, because only Xu Ziyan is the authority to break the prohibition.

"We should let our men stop mining the ore and let them rest immediately. I don't think it will take long for the black dragon to come to us." Musen said confidently.

Xu Ziyan nodded, and the two men's bodies suddenly separated. They crossed two tracks in the air and flew toward the monks on their own side.

Soon, the monks of both sides stopped mining, gathered together, and swayed on the ground. Xu Ziyan and Musen are also sitting on the ground. In fact, the two of them have no consumption at all. At this time, naturally, they are not adjusting their interest. They are silently observing the movements of the sea.

The day has passed.

The Haizu did not come to invite the Terran, and Xu Ziyan and Musen did not worry. They saw that the Haizu constantly entered and exited the hole. From time to time, they heard the sound of rumbling from the hole and escaped from the inside. The number of sea people who came out every time came out less than the number of people entering the sea. This proves that many sea people have died in it every time.

Xu Ziyan and Musen both erected their ears and listened. After listening to the day, Musen finally frowned slightly and said to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Zongshi, what is the voice of the rumbling voice that you heard?"

Xu Ziyan said with a certainty: "I don't think it is like the sound of a beast!"

"Not!" Musen shook his head slightly: "There is a vibrating sound of fighting, but in the end the sound of the rumble is not like the sound of fighting. It seems..."

Musen looked at Xu Ziyan, and the two said at the same time: "The sound of space collapse!"

After the two men looked at the same time, they were silent, and the face showed a dignified color. Half-sounding, Musen’s eyes revealed an incomprehensible color:

"But... if it is the sound of space collapse, how can it collapse repeatedly?"

Xu Ziyan gently spit out a breath: "That should be a space array."

"Array method?" Musen's gaze brightened: "Is the way you set up?"

Xu Ziyan showed a bitter smile on his face: "That is much more powerful than the one I have set up."

There is a glimmer of joy in Xu Ziyan’s eyes. There is no inheritance in this world. If there is nothing wrong with his speculation, then it is really a battle, and the sea people can’t crack it at all. When they come, they will come to look for them.

In the knowledge of the gods, I asked Xiaomumu in the sea: "Small wood, if you say that it is really a basaltic relic, is the formation in it natural?"

“No!” Xiaomumu shook his head and said: “It is generated by Xuanwu will. If this big island is really basalized.”

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a jump: “Do you mean that Xuanwu is still alive?”

"That may not be the case, that is, Xuanwu is dead, and its will can be turned into various kinds of dangers."

"Can you cross in?"

"No, it is not natural, but it is made by Xuanwu. But with my ability, I can point you to breaking the battle."

"You... can't you just cross the naturally occurring space barrier?"

"Have I said that?"

"That... you haven't said that you can break it?"

Xiaomumu turned a white-eyed road: "You used to look for one directly, and you haven't looked for me!"

"I..." Xu Ziyan was very depressed.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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