The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2844: Cooperation

"Okay!" Xiaomumu suddenly smiled. "I didn't break the line before. I saw that it was very interesting after I saw it. I asked him for the inheritance. Now I have self-taught, this will be my first." A break is a historical moment."

Xu Ziyan heard it, and his heart was even more depressed.

"Small wood, you can't do it!"

"Yes! Definitely!" Xiaomumu is very excited.

However, Xu Ziyan thinks how Xiaomumu is not reliable. Only this time when she saw the movement of the Haizu, she took back the gods and looked at the sea.

"Black dragon is coming!" The voice of Musen sounded in the ear.

Xu Ziyan nodded, and as Musen stood up from the ground, he greeted the black dragon. When the black dragon came to the front, Musen smiled in the first two steps:

"Haha, the black dragon patriarch, now is the crux of the exploration of the ruins, how do you have leisure time to visit me and so on?"

There is a trace of irony in the eyes of Black Dragon: "How can the Wood League owner not mine, but sit here, like waiting?"

The meaning of the Black Dragon is very obvious, that is, you are not here waiting for me to come to the door, want to share a piece of cake? However, after Musse’s face is more, it may not be thinner than the dragon skin. Hearing and laughing, he said:

"We are taking a break and preparing to return."

Black Dragon naturally knows that Musen is telling lies, they can't give up the relics and return. However, he was really afraid to talk to Musen, and then Musen really went away. After all, human beings have a deep understanding of the patterns. Until now, the Black Dragon thought that there was a pattern in it, because he did not know that there were still formations in the world. Only his heart is also angry, as a dragon king. When was it so crowded?

"If the Mu League master really wants to return, the old dragon should be sitting for you."

"There is a Dragon King." Musen was full of confidence and looked at the Dragon King with a smile.

The dragon king’s momentum was not vented, and there was a bitter bitterness on his face: “The wood lord. We don’t have to talk to each other. I want to work with you this time.”

“Cooperation?” Musen said faintly: “You can’t get in, what qualifications are there to cooperate with us?”

The Black Dragon calmed down at this time and waved his hand: "Mu Sen, you don't have to be so proud. I am here to guard. You can't get into the hole at all, you can only look at your eyes. Or you want to say you can Go back and ask the Lord of the Temple and the Holy Land to come, but are you sure you want to do this? Are you sure you want to share the treasure here with them?"

Musen was silent, and he certainly was not willing to share with the Lord of the Temple and the Holy Land. In this way, he could not get much treasure at all, because in the presence of the Lord of the Temple and the Holy Land, he was completely weak.

Black Dragon looked at Xu Ziyan. Slightly frowned, she didn't know the woman in front of her. As a black dragon king, he also traveled to the mainland, and he also knows the famous monks. But the woman in front of her is completely strange. And he is sure that this woman must not be Musen's men, because she actually stood shoulder to shoulder with Musen, which proves that her status and Musen are not bad. However, this woman only has the repair of the late nine products of the blue class. How can it stand side by side with Musen of the purple grade?

"Mu Mengzhu. This is?"

Musen looked at Xu Ziyan and then smiled and said: "This is the deputy head of the Star Adventure Group, Xu Ziyan."

Black Dragon’s face immediately showed a contemptuous color, and a low-risk adventure group had no good communication. However, because there is still doubt in my heart, I still asked.

"He Xu, how do you think about cooperation?"

Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "I just look at it, don't talk."

Xu Ziyan naturally will not agree to the cooperation of the other side. Among the three parties, the Star Adventure Group has the lowest strength, and it is not as good as Tibetan mastiff. So she gave the negotiations to Musen. Anyway, I left my own division. They can't get in. Musen is very happy with Xu Ziyan’s answer. At the same time, he will not actively expose the identity of Xu Ziyan’s actor, lest the Haizu abandon them and only cooperate with Xu Ziyan.

However, the words of Xu Ziyan made the black dragon very depressed. There was a rise in anger in my heart. Looking at Xu Zi flue coldly:

"Since I don't talk, I don't have to watch it here. If you step back, I will talk about cooperation with Mu Meng."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes are a glimpse. She is not unable to retreat, because in the end, whether it is a black dragon or Musen, she still wants to ask her. But she can't retreat. Once she retreats, she is weak. Even if they cooperate in the future, they will only regard themselves as a master and a master of the road, and will not recognize her strength, and naturally will not recognize the strength of the Star Adventure Group. When the Star Adventures can't even drink the soup, it's not bad to be able to lick the slag. Only when Musen and Black Dragon are scrupulous at the beginning will they make room for themselves. Therefore, Xu Ziyan also looks directly at the Black Dragon Road:

"I don't talk, but this ruin must have me."

Black Dragon’s face showed impatience, and he did not look at Xu Ziyan at all, but said to Musen:

"Let your men step down!"

Musen shook his head and said: "She is not my man."

There was a sneer on the face of Black Dragon. As a proud dragon king, he no longer had to smack with Xu Zi, and turned his hand toward Xu Ziyan:


Musen stood on the side and did not shoot. In the beginning, he only gave a message to Shi Xiaotian and others to kill the half-step purple. He believed that Xu Ziyan had a card to resist this punch. He also wants to see how deep the Xu Ziyan's cards are. What's more, he also saw that Black Dragon did not come up with real strength, which is the strength of the early stage of the purple grade.


Musen’s look was a stiff one. He found that Xu Ziyan did not use any so-called cards at all, but directly punched the black dragon’s claws.


The two men clashed together, and both sides were shaken, and they did not step back. Both Black Dragon and Musen were shocked to see Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan had a faint look. She just used the strength of the level of the Holy Level. If she suddenly burst out the strength of the seventh level of the Holy Level, if the Black Dragon is completely unprepared, she might kill the old dragon. Of course, the dragons also have their cards, even if they can't kill each other, they will seriously hurt the other side. It’s just that the area is a sea, and Xu Ziyan naturally won’t do that. Not only will not do that, but also hide their own cards, so it just makes the same level as Black Dragon.

Black Dragon cautiously looked up and down a few purple smoke, and then nodded unexpectedly by Xu Ziyan:

“I admit that you are eligible to participate in the cooperation.”

In the face of the black dragon's happiness, Xu Ziyan was a little embarrassed, and he said, "Thank you."

The look of the Black Dragon became solemn: "Mu Sen, I know what you think in your heart. It is nothing more than that our sea people do not understand the way and need your help. However, your understanding of this basaltic remains is far less than us."

Musen’s heart is a jump. He believes that the black dragon’s words, as the patriarch of the sea, will have a deep understanding here. So Musen’s face immediately showed an intimate smile:

"Oh, Black Dragon patriarch, we are of course willing to cooperate with you. And cooperation is a small matter, friendship between us is a big event. Come, let's talk slowly."

Musen took out a table and three chairs from the storage ring. After the three were seated, he took out the teapot and the teacup again. He slammed a bullet and popped a flame. Soon the tea boiled up for the black dragon and Xu Ziyan. After tea, this smiled at the black dragon.

On one side, Xu Ziyan covered her face with a teacup. Her face showed a hint of flaws, which was completely unsuitable for the sudden change of Musen's look. I just refused to be a thousand miles away. At this time, like a friend I have not seen for many years, Xu Ziyan is very uncomfortable.

The black dragon was also made to laugh and laugh by Musen. The big hand swayed: "The wood lord, I can tell you what I know."

Musen’s look was immediately and his look became serious: “Please speak.”

"This Xuanwu Island is actually known to us by the Hai people, and it is listed as a forbidden place for the Hai people."

"Hai people forbidden?"

"Not bad!" Black Dragon nodded: "We passed down from generation to generation, warning the people not to approach this Xuanwu Island. In the record, this Xuanwu Island is a living Xuanwu."

"Live basalt?"

Xu Ziyan and Musen almost picked up from the chair. If this is a living Xuanwu, does it mean that they are sitting on the back of Xuanwu?

This is this... this is too dangerous!

"Yes! This is a real basaltic. Many of our ancestors of the sea have been swallowed up by this basaltic, including my strong ancestors. So this has become a forbidden place for the sea.

However, according to the ancestors, although this basaltic martial art is alive, it will not last long. Otherwise it won't stay here all the time. But no one knows how long it will live, so the seas are far from here.

Until a few days ago, I discovered that you humans have come here. The Hai people have not made it difficult for you to leave, because all the monks who enter here are considered to be ominous people, and naturally they are unwilling to have contact with you.

However, when this matter finally came to my ears, I checked a lot of information about the forbidden land and found that the signs of your human beings entering the forbidden land did not match the records, so I sent the sea people to the forbidden area. Exploring, it was finally determined that this basalt did not know how many billion years of death, so he took the sea to explore.

What I want to tell you is that there is not a ban on the incompetence of our sea people, and there are countless ancestors of the sea ancestors who were swallowed up by Xuanwu. Those ancestors may not have fallen in it. ”


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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