The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2849: Attack

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The monks of the Star Adventures are like locusts. They are fast and clean. It only takes a time or so, and there is no treasure left. At this time, Xu Ziyan patted the palm of the hand:

"Let's go behind!"

"Yes!" Cold and happy, with everyone ran to the end of the team.

"Xu Zongshi, what do you mean by this?" Black Dragon and Musen were stunned.

Xu Ziyan said sincerely: "The space has been cracked, you can go in."

Black Dragon's face is darker.

"Xu Zongshi, you can't do this. The people you just didn't go to the depth of 1,500 meters. There are still about ten meters left. You didn't touch the prohibition there. Who knows this? Is there a real crack in the space ban?"

"I can't say that!" Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "The teacher of the Mu League master did not touch the ban at 1500 meters? Doesn't the space collapse? No crash, it proves that I have cracked the space."

At the moment, what Xu Ziyan thought was that although I thought that this space has been stabilized, my border is not good enough. Who knows if the space is really stable? Who knows that Xiaomumu is not reliable? If it is not reliable, isn't it looking for death?

This dead person is still good for those who die.

"Xu Zongshi..." Musen was not calm this time.

"Don't say it!" Xu Ziyan immediately sighed: "The agreement we reached at the time was to completely listen to my command when cracking the ban. Before the wood lord had broken the rules. Do you still have to violate the promise?"

The face of Mussen and Black Dragon became very ugly.

"If you don't feel at ease, send a monk to see!"

Black Dragon and Musen thought for a moment, and secretly said: "Yes, it is a big deal to lose a monk."

So two people are staring at each other. That means you have to send a monk quickly. Xu Ziyan does not want to waste another time, toward the Black Dragon Road:

"You send a sea monk."

“Why are we sea people?” Black Dragon is not happy.

"The next time they are!" Xu Ziyan said immediately.

The black dragon nodded and pointed to a sea lane: "You go!"

The face of the sea was immediately ugly, and I took a look at that space. However, he did not dare to resist, swallowed a sip of water, and walked hard toward the front. All the monks looked nervously at the sea, and saw the seaman walking forward in one step. But in the ink, only a distance of 1,500 meters will soon come. The sea monk finally came there, his eyes closed, his teeth biting, and he stepped in. Then he stood there.

It’s been a long time. He opened his eyes and then looked back at the black dragon with surprise:

"The patriarch, nothing, really nothing!"

Black Dragon’s face is also a joy: “Go ahead a few more steps.”

The look of the sea was a stiff, then turned his head and walked carefully ahead. The more he walked, the more he walked, the more than a dozen steps, and turned excitedly. Before he even opened his mouth, he saw Black Dragon excitedly waving his hand:


Musen also hurriedly said: "Go!"

The double convenience rushed toward the front, Xu Ziyan did not move, waited until they all went in, the cold and other people behind came over.

"Ziyan, are we going to hurry?"

"No hurry! This ruin is unusual. Even if there are treasures, it is impossible to wait there and wait for people to collect it. There must be a ban. We will just follow it."

Cold and other people thought about it and felt that Xu Ziyan made sense. The group walked slowly behind and walked for about half a day. The front team stopped again. Xu Ziyan let the people of the Star Adventures wait in the back, and one walked toward the front. When I got to the front, I saw Black Dragon and Musen standing in front, in front of them. The four teachers studied what they were there.

"Xu Zongshi is coming!" This time Black Dragon and Musen were more polite to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan did not go to see the four teachers, but looked at the black dragon and asked: "Black Dragon patriarch. Purple smoke has something to ask."

"Please say!" Although the black dragon looks slightly, it is very refreshing.

"You used to say that the ancestors of the nobility once entered here."

"Not bad!" Black Dragon nodded.

Xu Ziyan frowned and said: "But we did not find the inner grade of the high level in that space?"

Black Dragon's face was black and scary, and turned directly to the head and did not take care of Xu Ziyan. Who can't help this change, in the face of others, ask the inner ancestors of the ancestors where to go, this is not because Xu Ziyan is still useful, Black Dragon can not wait to slap her. On the side of Musen, he smiled and said:

"Xu Zongshi, the inner ring and the storage ring that you picked up should be the monks who entered here after Xuanwu's death. Before the Xuanwu died, those who entered the monk should be directly swallowed by Xuanwu alone."

"Isn't that all said that they are all digested by basalt and have no residue left?"

"This is hard to say!"

Musen’s face showed a hint of dignity, and the black dragon was silent. Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and his heart was realized. If Xuanwu wants those sea people to live, it may not be impossible.

"Xu Zongshi, you still have to look at this prohibition!"

"it is good!"

Xu Ziyan nodded lightly and walked to the front. The four clerk immediately retreated to the side and looked at Xu Ziyan with respect and respect. Xu Ziyan opened the 鲲鹏目, and then handed the matter to Xiaomumu, Xiaomumu just took a look at the road:

"Master, this is a space barrier, it is easy, and you can break open with your own abilities."

Xu Ziyan heard it. Immediately opened the eyes of space, and soon found six spatial nodes. With both hands turned over, the air condenses six gas swords and the sleeves are glimpsed.

"go with!"

The six-handed sword was lasing toward six spatial nodes.



The space barrier in front of it was broken. Showing the world inside.

One world is presented in their field of vision, green grass and ancient trees. Black Dragon and Musen's face are all happy, but they still hold back without action. Instead, ask Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Zongshi, is there no danger?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "I don't know. But the ban is broken."

The Black Dragon just hesitated a little, then he said: "Go!"

The seas rushed toward the inside, and the black dragon was in the middle. At this time, Musen also made more than 10,000 monks set up as a blockbuster, marching toward it. Xu Ziyan returned to the Star Adventures group and formed a group of ten parties to kill, and walked to the end.

It was not long before entering the world, and the monks in front gave a cheer. Then the team of the Alliance of the Seas and the Adventurers is separated, each going in one direction. When Xu Ziyan looked at him, he saw that there were many kinds of herbal medicines in this world, and it was one piece. Xu Ziyan immediately took the Star Adventure Group and flew in one direction and began to pick various herbs.

I haven't waited for a quarter of an hour to hear the exclamation of the most pre-existing seas:

"Dangerous. Prepare to fight."

At the same time, there was an exclamation from Musen. Xu Ziyan looked up and saw a dark cloud spreading from a distance, but this dark cloud was not floating in the sky, but was close to the ground, and that figure was surrounded by three teams.

"Yes!" There was a monk on the other side of the sea who shouted: "Xuanwu has practiced the engulfed monks!"

The eyes of Xu Ziyan are shrinking, and the eyes are blue and flickering. In the eyes of Yan Peng, she saw that there are some sea people, some are human races, but the number of human races is very small. Binocular without god. And repair is not very high. No one is above the blue level, and all are blue. At first glance, the soul and the body are all swallowed up by Xuanwu, and they are refined into a skeleton by secret methods.

It’s just that they are too many, almost boundless. Surrounded by such boundless envy. Not to mention Xu Ziyan, that is, the black dragon and Mussen eyes of the purple grade two products also showed a hint of caution.

After the tripartite monks discovered the boundless embarrassment. Immediately close to each other, while taking out the fairy, the cloth became a big triangle, the Star Adventure Group, the Alliance of Sea and Adventurers each held a big horn. Any monk here is better than those who are taller, but the number of cockroaches is too much. Everyone knows the truth that ants bite dead, and there is a slight tension in their hearts.

So I haven't waited for those who are close to each other. The monks of these monks have already been sent out, and they have begun to attack those cockroaches from a distance, and there has been a violent roar around them.

After a wave of attacks, all the monks face ugly. These cockroaches seem to have only the strength of the blue level, but the body is very hardened by the basalt, and has reached the early stage of the blue level. Moreover, these cockroaches did not know the fear at all, even if the head was smashed, but they still struck with two legs, unless they were unloaded. This undoubtedly increases the consumption, and it is still not a small consumption.


Although those are afraid of being broken, they have more and more approaching, and getting closer. Soon it fell to the front.

However, these three forces are also strong, there is no blue-level monk, not to mention the sea, that is, the two sides of the human race, since it is an adventurer, then the cultivation can not be high, but the combat experience is not rich. Therefore, under the heavy pressure, there is still a rush of release of a fairy.

At this time, the three monks have already retreated to the center and formed a large triangle. This avoids the enemy's back and the situation is beneficial.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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