The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2850: Endless

Musen led the squad of his men to run smoothly, shattering one by one, and the ten-party squad on the side of the Star Adventures was even more fierce, like a meat grinder, constantly keeping those傀儡 傀儡 。.

Although the monks of the Hai people will not fight, they have the largest number of people, and they are very anomalous. They also have a life-threatening power. The original quiet space is roaring at this time, and various fairy scorpions burst in the air.

Although these flaws are boundless, the pressure on the three parties is actually not great. Because everyone knows that these cockroaches can't be endless, there is always a moment of being killed. The time before the killing of the scorpion is the time when the three parties show their strength.

The tripartite joint exploration of the basaltic remains will eventually lead to conflicts for a certain treasure at a certain moment. If you show the momentum of the single leader in this battle of killing, you will surely suppress the other two parties, psychologically. The other two sides cause stress. When the conflict arises in the future, it will make the other party feel jealous.

"The number of these cockroaches is really quite a lot. Although they will not release the sacred scorpion, they will cause a lot of trouble with their powerful body."

The black dragon smashed a shackle and smiled and said to the sea people beside him:

"The body of our sea people is originally stronger than the human race. Even if it is close to this war, it is not afraid. Only those people will be miserable. Especially the Star Adventure Group, their strength is the lowest among the three parties, I am afraid this loss will not There will be less."

The man next to him was also smiling: "I have seen that the purple smoke is not pleasing to the eye, and everything puts them in front. Everything makes her search. It is estimated that after the end of the battle, they will be at least three points in casualties. two."

Black Dragon is also very upset about Xu Ziyan's behavior, can make the Star Adventure Group lose, and finally let the Star Adventures rely on the Haizu, then he will have a greater voice. But stopped the words. He still shook his head:

"There will be so many casualties, it should be half of the casualties!"

"The patriarch, you said that we will not save them when we arrive?"

"Everyone else will die. If they die, they will die. Instead, they will reduce our enemies. But the purple smoke must be saved. It is best that the people of this Star Adventure Group are dead. We control Xu Ziyan and let him join us. Haizu."

Black Dragon said, looking at the side of Xu Ziyan...

"How could this be……"

Black Dragon stunned and stared at the Star Adventures. In his vision, every monk in the Star Adventures is not in a hurry, and his feet are constantly moving. Not a monk is moving, but all the monks are moving. And it's not a messy movement, full of a rhythm. It is the fighting power that this rhythm broke out that makes Black Dragon feel shocked.

More than 4,000 monks constantly shifted and changed positions, and they formed a world full of killing. Although this world is very incomplete, it can only be counted as a prototype, but it is full of killing, so that each enters the rudimentary world. The cockroach breaks instantly.

The strength of these shackles is not strong. It’s just a matter of reliance, but when these cockroaches simply can’t be close, these quantitative advantages no longer exist. Just like a person facing a myriad of wasps, but there is a secret network to isolate those wasps, and this network can continue to kill the wasp, it would be terrible.

This ten-party killing is not to miss any corner, and a battlefield against the ten-party killing is simply impenetrable, so that there is no chance for each one to rush to them.

Self-cultivation is high, and every monk has a wealth of adventure experience. Then the ten parties will kill each monk. When the power is superimposed and released, the Black Dragon even has a feeling that a big monk who has just broken through the purple level may not be safe if he is caught in the encirclement of the Star Adventure Group.

Then I looked at Musen and looked over. Seeing that Musen’s side also formed a certain rhythm, the monks kept moving and changing positions. Without fear of those shackles, they will be killed and cleanly.

Musen’s people were originally more than the monks of the Star Adventures, and they were also higher than the Star Adventures. The only difference is that the lore is not as good as the ten. However, this lore is obviously rehearsed by those of Musen. At this time, it works very well, just like a huge precision machine. It is not a bad adventure in the power.

The look of the Black Dragon is a stay. When did the Terran get this powerful tactic? How does this conflict with the Terran in the Xuanwu relics, is it not in a weak position?

"Oh ah..."

Among the sea people, there were monks who made a screaming voice. The sea people who did not understand the slightest battles were fighting each other. In the face of endless shackles, they began to suffer casualties. Although the number of casualties is small, it is not a good sign. Black Dragon immediately closed his eyes and began to focus on the shackles.

At this time, Musen was also observing the Star Adventure Group, and the performance of the Star Adventure Group also surprised Musen. He knows more about the Star Adventures than Black Dragon.

The Star Adventure Group has just been established for less than three years. He also knows that the Star Adventure Group has recently soared very quickly and is very strong. Especially the cold, the Zhou Peng, the four seas, the Tang dynasty, the curtain Dingxiang and the Fuhua language are the speed of the meteor.

However, Musen is still not able to afford the six juniors. It is not a good thing to cultivate too fast, which will make the foundation unsteady, the strength and repair are inconsistent, and seriously resist the cultivation. This is why some monks have clearly reached the critical point of breakthrough, but they still suppress and refuse to break through, just to make the realm more solid. The cold and cold six people are not breaking through the first order, but breaking through in less than three years. How can this realm be stabilized and how can the combat power be strong?

I am afraid that these six monks will not be said to be in the same realm, or that monks who are lower than their realm are likely to defeat them easily. This is the defect that only breaks through and does not know the realm of realism. Sometimes Musen is really curious, Zhou Peng, their father, can't possibly not know this shortcoming, but why still let their children be so noisy?


At this time, Musen knew that he was wrong, and he was wrongly wrong. Zhou Peng and other monks were not only in harmony with their cultivation, but also better than repairing, and they broke out with strong fighting power.

How can this be?

This is simply a subversion! Musen’s heart is full of incomprehensibility. Where does he know that the Stars Adventure Group is not a breakthrough in less than three years? They have spent hundreds of years in time array and then in time array. In the French practice, the ten-party killings have been practiced for decades. They have already solidified the realm of the realm, not to mention the fact that they also took the simplified version of the guideline made by Xu Ziyan.

Looking at the power of the Star Adventures, Musen has a feeling that the monks of the Star Adventures have not yet exploded all the strengths. If all the strengths are broken, their power will be stronger.

The most unclear to him is Xu Ziyan. In his opinion, Xu Ziyan is very relaxed and very relaxed. He didn't have a hand with Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan was able to make a move against the Black Dragon without falling into the wind. Now he is strolling in the boundless embarrassment, which makes him even see the purple smoke.

Moreover, he also knows that the Star Adventures also owns the symbols of Xu Ziyan, especially the ones that can kill half-step purple. Nowadays, the Star Adventure Group does not release a symbol of killing half-step purple, even an ordinary symbol is not thrown, which means that the Star Adventure Group still has a lot of spare power, only a few years, the stars adventure The regiment has such a heritage.

Looking back from the Star Adventures, I looked at my own hand and my heart was loose. There is no one casualty on this side of the party, but the reason for thinking about this result is because I learned the lore from the Star Adventures. If there is no lore, there will not be too many casualties, but there will be losses.

This can not help but make him raise a hint of jealousy for the Star Adventures. It seems that he wanted to use the Star Adventures as cannon fodder, and even the idea of ​​killing the Star Adventures here if there is a treasure, now it seems to be taken for granted. It is. The Star Adventures must be re-examined.

The mourning of death came from the ear, and the sound of the monks was dead by the sea. The strength of the monks on the other side of the sea is not worse than the strength of the monks under Musen. This makes Musen understand the importance of the lore.

They flocked to them like fear of the tides, and every monk became numb at this time, mechanically repeating the action of killing. It has been smashed for a day and a night, but it is still endless and there is no margin.

The three monks have fatigue on their faces, and the casualties of the Hai people are getting bigger and bigger. It is the two monks who have battles, such as Musen and Xu Ziyan, who have slowed down the speed of releasing Xian, and the power of Xian decline.

This is because the consumption of the body's strength, the day and night of the non-stop killing of these monks in the body's strength is consumed seven or eight.

The three-party monks have taken the medicinal herbs many times, which has caused the sea monks to begin to change color, because the sea people were originally weak in alchemy, they have not many medicinal drugs, and the grades are not high. Casualties are increasing. Although Musen and Xu Ziyan are well prepared, they look at this boundless embarrassment. They don't know when this situation will last until the time is enough.

Musen and Black Dragon don't want to release the big fairy that belongs to the purple level, but in that case, it will consume more power in the body. Moreover, it is not appropriate to release big moves in this situation. These shackles are not strong and can be killed without big moves, so the monks are in a difficult battle.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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