The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2851: doubt

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Seven days and seven nights.

The monks' nerves are completely numb, although there is no such thing as the supplement of the medicinal herbs, but the continuous smother makes the spirit of each monk feel bored and bored to the extreme.

If these people are not long-time adventurers, the spirit of this time may have collapsed. Didn’t you see more and more monks casualties in those seas? That is the result of a psychological breakdown.

Suddenly, an excitement shouted from the sea side:


Everyone can follow the sounds, and the spirit can't help. In their vision, the original endless stream of enthusiasm can already see the margin.




Numerous monks were calling, and the numb face became vivid, and each one was full of energy, and the speed of releasing the fairy was accelerated, and the power was grandized.


The black dragon snorted and spurted a black mist from the air. The black mist filled the moment and covered the tens of thousands of shackles in the front. When the black fog dispersed, the tens of thousands of cockroaches had been eroded into pieces. Every piece of debris is pitted.

On the other side, Musen also showed great power and a sword came out. This sword plowed a gap in the front of the earth, and tens of thousands of smashes were broken.

Both monks saw the dawn of victory. At this time, there is no more scruples. The two big monks are like a game. You have a big move, and I am released with a big move. The dragonfly was quickly eliminated.

Xu Ziyan did not release the big move. With the repair of her late blue-grade nine products, and the creation of the sword, it is not necessarily impossible to release such a big move.

But the cost of such a big move is huge. I am afraid that Xu Ziyan’s repair of the late nine-grade blue-grade product will not be able to release a few moves. She has deep jealousy about Musen and Black Dragon, so she chose to save her strength and lead the ten parties to kill one by one.

In the case that two purple-level monks continue to release big moves, they will wipe out the cockroaches they face in less than an hour.


Then the mood of these two great monks was depressed, because no one in the Star Adventures released the big move, so there is still a lot of embarrassment in the big corner of the Star Adventures. And these shackles spread along the two sides of the big horn toward Mussen and the Black Dragon.

Although Mussen and Black Dragon are depressed, they can't say anything. Who made them both over-excited and even released the big move continuously?

There is nothing to say at this time. Only led the way to cover the past with the shackles. But at this time, the two of them are not so excited, knowing the preservation of strength. All of them are honestly killing you.

With the help of these two monks, all of them will be killed in less than two quarters of an hour.

The sea and Musen’s men immediately began to clean the station, so many embarrassing, and the vast majority of the sea, how many endogenous?

The monks of the Star Adventures also wanted to start cleaning the battlefield, but they suddenly heard Xu Ziyan say:

"Adjust your interest immediately!"

Today, the status of Xu Ziyan is very high in the Star Adventures. Since she laid a time frame for everyone to practice, Xu Ziyan's position in the Star Adventure Group has not been replaced. Therefore, when I heard Xu Ziyan’s words, although the monks were reluctant in their hearts, they were still sitting on the ground immediately, taking the medicine and starting to adjust the interest. It’s just that their interest rate adjustments are not focused, but they erect their ears and listen to the movements around them.

Soon, there was a buzz around.

"Mom*, why isn't there a Nedan?"

"Is it all smashed by us?"



Xu Ziyan’s mouth flicked a smile, and she had long noticed that there were no inner Danes in the body. When she killed the first cockroach. She found that there was no inner Dan in the broken cockroach. I don't know where Nei Dan was taken by Xuanwu, or directly to absorb, anyway, there is no inner Dan in the body. Because Xu Ziyan observed more than just a jealousy, but a lot. It was finally determined that there were no internal Danes in the body of these cockroaches, so he allowed the monks of the Star Adventures to enter the temper immediately.

At this time, the monks of the Star Adventures also understood why Xu Ziyan did not let them clean the battlefield. Instead, I immediately entered the interest rate adjustment, and I was filled with admiration for Xu Ziyan’s eyes.

Musen and Black Dragon looked at Xu Ziyan with a glance, and the two people had a bitter smile on their faces. From this point, it can be seen that Xu Ziyan is more careful than them, and he has no choice but to let his hands begin to adjust interest rates. The monk also entered the interest rate.

The two of them consumed a lot, but many of them, because the two of them had been crazy to release the big move. At this time, they felt that there was a burst of weakness in the body.

Of course, Xu Ziyan was the first to recover. On the one hand, she did not enlarge her move. On the other hand, she entered the interest rate earlier than others, not to mention that she swallowed the super-discipline.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and first looked at the Star Adventures. He saw no monk casualties and his heart was happy. Then looking towards Musen, there was no other monk casualty, but when she looked at the sea, she found that the loss of the sea was not small, even more than a thousand. The original 20,000 seas are now less than 19,000.

It took about half a day to start, and the monks began to adjust their interest rates. The Star Adventures entered the levy as soon as possible, and the medicinal herbs used by the Star Adventures were not super-products, but they were much stronger than Musen, so when Musen and the Haizu monks still When not waking up from the interest rate adjustment, the Star Adventure Group has already adjusted the interest rate.

Xu Ziyan immediately began to walk with the monks of the Star Adventures. There is no end here, but there are many herbs in the field of vision. The Star Adventures is the first step to pick herbs. The monks of the Star Adventures are happily picking herbs, and Xu Ziyan is a lot calmer, although the herbs here are quite good both in terms of grade and age, but they are not very attractive for Xu Ziyan. . There are better herbs in her purple smoke space.

So she just swept her body quickly, just looking for the variety of herbs she didn't have, and she didn't have many varieties of herbs, so her figure quickly disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

Monks such as Mussen and Black Dragon also wanted to come, and there was some depression between the faces because they knew that the Star Adventures had already taken action one step earlier, so they also left to start urging their monks to start picking herbs, while their eyes were on the Star Adventures. Searching for it, then the eyes are shrinking, because they found that Xu Ziyan disappeared.

Xu Ziyan was standing at the foot of a mountain at this time, but she felt that it was not like a mountain, but it was like a big island. Xu Ziyan could not help but frown slightly.

Was it once a big island on the sea that was swallowed up by Xuanwu?

Xu Ziyan’s body shape came to the big island in an instant, and he saw the dusty houses and the broken houses, but he could still see the glory.

A castle-like palace in the middle of the special Big Island.

Xu Ziyan’s figure stood in front of the gate of the castle. The door was broken, many walls collapsed, and the palace was damaged.

Xu Ziyan’s figure quickly swept through the rooms, and the palace was full of wreckage. Compared to the basalt when the Xuanwu swallowed the big island, the vibration was basically damaged. There was almost no complete door and a wall. It collapsed, and it was convenient for Xu Ziyan to go.

Xu Ziyan did not even look at it at all. Anything that was a fairy, a jade bottle, or a jade slip, was collected.

However, Xu Ziyan felt that he would not have any big gains. Just look at the scale of the castle and you will know that it is not a big force.

When Black Dragon and Musen came to the foot of the mountain, they saw Xu Ziyan coming down from above, and there was a depression on the faces of the two people. Musen’s face squeezed a smile:

"Hou Zongshi must have gained a lot?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "This island should have been swallowed up by Xuanwu. Just look at the scale of the island and know that there is no value."

The shape of Black Dragon and Musen disappeared instantly at the foot of the mountain, but instantly appeared at the foot of the mountain, and the depression on the face was much less. As Xu Ziyan said, such a scale does not have any amazing treasures. So the two of them just went up and looked back. There is no need to search again. Xu Ziyan has come down. Is such a small-scale place, Xu Ziyan still missing something?

The three people immediately divided into three directions to go to find the opportunity, but only after two hours or so, all three returned to the place where the monks picked the herbs.

There is no relic in this space, and the space is not large. Xu Ziyan also picked up the herbs he did not have, and chose a place to practice his knees.

Musen and Black Dragon looked at Xu Ziyan, they naturally would not see the herbs here like Xu Ziyan. The herbs here are still very precious for them, so they also joined the ranks of picking herbs.

Tens of thousands of monks are like grasshoppers. There is no herbal medicine left in the past. After three days, everyone gathered together and their eyes were a little dazed. Because they have searched all the places in this space, there is no channel to lead to him, except for the way back. Is the world of Xuanwu only so small?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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