I am very grateful to Susu's classmates (588), Pubao Kai Alto students (588), Jie Yi students (200), and Bridal Tea House 2014 classmates (100) for their reward!


"However, these ghosts are not a threat!"

Just as Black Dragon and Musen were bitter in their hearts, I was worried that I would not know how many monks would be lost this time, but I heard the faint voice of Xu Ziyan. I couldn’t help but wonder and looked forward to Xu Ziyan.

"Xu Zongshi, you may not understand these ghosts..."

When Mussen’s words were not finished, he glared at Xu Ziyan, and the other monks were not much better. The monks of the Star Adventures were also stunned.

I saw Xu Ziyan slamming the finger, then raised it high and pointed to the sky.

The rapid thunderclouds in the sky are gathering, just the time of three moments. In their air, there is a huge black cloud whirlpool. In the dark clouds, the thunder and lightning are swaying from time to time, like a golden snake.

"Great Thunder!"


The dense lightning is like a gold snake falling down. The power of the thunder is the nemesis of the ghosts, not to mention the bombardment of the thunder, or the sound of thunder, they will tremble and lose the ability to attack.


Thousands of thunder and lightning fell on a ghost, and that only one ghost disappeared. Where did the ghosts that were not hit still come to attack Xu Ziyan?

One by one fled quickly toward the distance, but it was less than ten moments, and there was nothing left in the surrounding ghosts. Escaped from the ground.

Musen looked at Xu Ziyan, and his heart was full of luck. Fortunately, he had invited Xu Ziyan to explore the Xuanwu relics. Fortunately, he had a sinister intention to the Star Adventures. But it did not show up, and did not act.


With the mystery of Xu Ziyan, I really don’t know what it will be like?

"I really didn't think she still has the ability to cultivate mines! This is not something that everyone can cultivate, and it is still cultivated to such an extent."

The Black Dragon also looked at Xu Ziyan with some fear. To know that their seas are the most afraid of lightning, and against the Lei attribute monks, psychologically weak.

"If you leave here, do you still have to be purple?"

The black dragon looked at Xu Ziyan, his eyes flashed a little.

"Let's go!" Xu Ziyan looked at the stunned monk around him.

"Oh oh..."

Black Dragon and Musen involuntarily agreed to move on. At this time, they were somewhat depressed and found that in their hearts, there were some defaults that Xu Ziyan became the leader of the current three-party monk.

This... I didn’t think so before!

When Black Dragon and Musen just entered the Xuanwu ruins, they once thought that they should be the leaders of the three-party alliance. That is to say, there are taboos between them. They believe that this leader is also produced in their two competitions. Although Xu Ziyan is not weak, he is completely uncompetitive in this respect.

It is not as good as the two of them. The number of monks in the Star Adventure Group is not as good as the two sides. What competitiveness does this purple smoke have?


Look now...

The number of monks in the three parties is almost the same, and everyone has no advantage in this regard. And Xu Ziyan is really not as good as the two of them?

At this time, Black Dragon and Musen have not dared to think so. Take those ghosts, you will not be as easy as Zi Zi.

Everyone is moving forward with all their heart and mind. On the way, it seems that those ghosts are not a group, but one after another, but the three-party monks are no longer afraid, because every time they see those ghosts approaching, Xu Ziyan is just a big wave. Thunderbolt scared these ghosts and fled, and disappeared in an instant.

The tripartite monks did not go after those ghosts. It would be nice to be able to scare away the ghosts. How can they still provoke them?

I walked for about an hour or so. They finally got out of this cold. But what happened to them was a forest.

If there is nothing in the forest, it is only the fog inside the forest, only to see the distance of about two meters, this time everyone has not dared to care. For such a misty place, there are taboos in my heart.

The black dragon stopped first. Looking at the fog in front, there is a hesitation between the looks. This trip to the Xuanwu ruins, the loss of the Haizu is too great, the 20,000 monks almost died 14,000, and now there are only these more than 6,000 monks, if they are to explore the road in front, he really does not know the final There will be a few monks left.

Moreover, they did not have the scorpion and the medicinal herbs, which made them feel lacking in their hearts. Now there is a lot of loss on the Mussen side. There are only 5,000 leftovers left by more than 10,000 monks. The loss is quite a lot, and there are also no remedies and plaques. The best place to go ahead is the Star Adventures.

However, before entering the Xuanwu relics, the three parties had agreed that Xu Ziyan was responsible for breaking the ban, and both Hai and Musen were responsible for exploring the road. Nowadays, Xu Ziyan’s ban on the ban has always been done well. Instead, the two sides have not done enough. At this time, let the Star Adventure Group take the responsibility to explore the road. Will this Star Adventure Group agree?

At this time, Black Dragon also realized that he had lost the qualification to force Xu Ziyan. At the very least, there is no qualification to force Xu Ziyan now, because Xu Ziyan needs to break the ban. Therefore, it is only possible to discuss with Xu Ziyan.

The footsteps of Xu Ziyan had already come up in the ear, and the look on the face of Black Dragon looked at Xu Ziyan with some slyness:

"Xu Zongshi, can we talk about this in front of the road?"

"Yeah!" Musen also came over and said: "Xu Zongshi, both of us have suffered serious losses, and there is no remedy and Fuxi in the look. It is not suitable for exploring the road ahead. Can the Star Adventures work hard? ”

Xu Ziyan is naturally decisive, but she also knows that the three parties should be united at this time, and should preserve the strength of the three parties as much as possible, because I do not know what kind of danger will be encountered in the future. The three people discussed it, and finally Xu Ziyan promised to walk with the black dragon and Musen. But the Star Adventures are still behind.

The monks marched again, and the monks of Musen and Black Dragon walked in front. Xu Ziyan and Black Dragon and Musen walked in the middle of the team ahead. The Star Adventure Group was led by the cold and cold. The Musen side and the Star Adventures have always maintained a battle formation. Carefully walked into the fog.

Xu Ziyan first sensed it and found that the fog was not poisonous, which made her heart relieved. God knows to spread outside and observe everything around him.

Within the scope of Xu Ziyan's consciousness. It’s all foggy, but it seems to be just like this. There is no danger. Everyone has been traveling for half an hour. Everything is quiet. The leaves around the big trees are not shaking, not even a trace of wind.

But the monks did not relax a little, but they were even more nervous. This silence is really abnormal. It is impossible to be so dangerous. This silence can only be a sign of a greater unknown danger.

Xu Ziyan’s footsteps suddenly stopped. In her knowledge, she saw the fog that had been dead and suddenly suddenly rushed up, and then gathered together to gather together into a fist-sized giant mosquito.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Xu Ziyan stopped, the look of Black Dragon and Musen was changed. He stopped and asked for Xu Ziyan, while exploring in the knowledge of God.

And just in this moment. Their gods also saw the giant mosquitoes that were condensed in the fog. The black dragon face is a dramatic change:

"Fog and mosquitoes!"

Hearing the four words of the misty mosquito, Musen’s face was also a drastic change. Only Xu Ziyan had not heard of this name, and he could not help but ask:

"What is the foggy mosquito?"

The Black Dragon quickly explained: "That is a strange creature. It can make a soul attack in its mouth, and the stinger at the tail can kill the monk."

Then he shouted to the sea monks: "Get up the defensive shield."

When the sea people heard the words of the foggy mosquito, they had already propped up the defensive shield, and Musen also issued an order. In the cold and cold, the same command was issued, and all the monks supported the defensive shield.


A patch of misty mosquitoes appeared around the monks, and a humming sound came from the mouth. The sound of the humming sound is heartbreaking. Producing illusions, it seems that it is no longer a fog, but an environment where one's happiest time has ever been. The defensive shields on the monks began to disappear.

This is definitely not a stinger. I don't know what it is that can make a monk turn into a fog. This is really terrible.

Xu Ziyan shouted: "Release the defensive symbols."

Xu Ziyan’s loud drink is more than just a monk who has awakened the Star Adventure Group. Also awakened the newly indulged Black Dragon and Musen monks. One by one immediately attacked those foggy mosquitoes. The monks of the Star Adventures also immediately released a defensive symbol instead of a defensive shield that was condensed by Yuanli.

The surrounding area is still humming, and some monks are addicted to the illusion. The defensive shield on his body dissipated, and he saw a misty soul mosquito pricking into the body of a monk with his tail spurs. However, in less than a few moments, the monks would be black and then die. And after the death, the body quickly decomposed and turned into a fog, and the fog that saw them turned into a foggy soul.


There are also many foggy mosquitoes that hit the defensive shields, but they are bounced out, and then they circling around the monks and making a humming sound. The exiled monks tried to stay awake while maintaining the defensive shield while making a fierce attack toward the foggy mosquito.

However, at this time, the three monks were all at a disadvantage. They found that those foggy mosquitoes could not be killed at all, even if they were crushed, but they would soon condense a misty mosquito. The sore attack that made it impossible for the three-party monks to concentrate on fighting. From time to time, there are monks who are addicted to the environment, take the initiative to put up the defensive shield, and then be killed by the misty mosquito.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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