The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2862: Island

The Star Adventures are better here because they are not releasing defensive shields, but the defensive shields formed by the plaques. Even if their minds are in a illusion, the defensive shields on their bodies will not disappear.

Xu Ziyan, Black Dragon and Musen will naturally not be selected into this environment. The cultivation of the Holy Level is not affected by this soul attack. But if this situation continues, I am afraid that there will be three of them left in the end. Other monks will fall here, even if they are not necessarily able to retreat. Because if three of them can't get out of this fog, they will run out of power in the morning and evening and be killed by these foggy mosquitoes.

The eyes swept over the three-way monks, and Xu Ziyan’s heart could not help but sink. At this time the three-party monk was completely a lamb to be slaughtered. In addition to the monks of the Star Adventures, the defensive shields of the monks are in a state of annihilation. This is a monk struggling in waking and illusion. From time to time, there are defensive shields on the monks. Then it was killed by the foggy mosquito.

It is the monk's situation of the Star Adventures, which is also very bad. Their strength was originally low. At this time, many monks have been completely lost in the environment. If they are not protected, they are already dead. It’s just that there is time for the symbol, as long as these symbols last for a long time, the monks of the Star Adventures will die in large areas.

"Black Dragon!" Xu Ziyan anxiously shouted: "How can these foggy butterflies kill?"

"Can't kill!" Black Dragon's face bitterly said: "No one can kill them, even if you crush them, they will immediately gather together. All we can do is leave here as soon as possible."

"How to leave!" Xu Ziyan looked around.

"I don't know, we can only go in one direction."

Musen’s face was a change, looking at his hand: “What about them?”

"I don't know, how much you can live if you can live."


Xu Ziyan once again shattered the surrounding foggy mosquitoes. Looking at the star adventure group monks who have lost most of their minds at this time, they quickly think about it in their minds.

"Fog and soul mosquito! Soul mosquito! Soul..."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes were bright, and he took out the jade flute across the lips, and the chapter that extinguished the soul blew. The sound spreads around. Those foggy mosquitoes began to wobble now, and although they exploded, Xu Ziyan looked nervously at the explosive misty mosquitoes, fearing that they would once again condense into a misty mosquito.

However, what makes Xu Ziyan happy and shocked is that these misty soul mosquitoes have not condensed into a misty soul mosquito again this time, but they are condensed into crystal clear beads. Xu Ziyan instinctively felt that these beads should be a kind of treasure, and immediately presented a pagoda. When the space is enlarged and rotated, the windows on each floor of the pagoda are opened, and the beads are absorbed into it.

Black Dragon and Musen looked at Xu Ziyan’s eyes and flashed a sigh of relief. The two men hesitated. Although they didn’t know what the beads were, they knew that they should be a kind of treasure, and eventually they could not restrain the greed. heart. Each of them sacrificed a fairy, and went to compete with Xu Ziyan for those beads. Xu Ziyan’s gaze is a fierce one. It is reasonable to say that these beads are the spoils of Xu Ziyan. And it can be said that Xu Ziyan saved them, but now they are coming to compete with Xu Ziyan for these beads.

Xu Ziyan is not a person who can't be tolerant. It belongs to one's own thing. It is his own. If in the future, let Yanshan soul know that he has let others grab their own things, and let Yanshan soul laugh too much.

Xu Ziyan immediately controlled the temperament and vacated the range around Black Dragon and Musen. Immediately there was a dense misty mosquito that attacked the past with two big monks.

Black Dragon and Musen look is a stagnation, of course, my heart knows why there are foggy mosquitoes around me. Give them a choice now. Are you continuing to fight for those beads or give up?

The two who did not want to think about it immediately gave up the collection of the beads, and at the same time collected the fairyware that was sacrificed. However, Xu Ziyan did not drive those foggy mosquitoes for them. More and more foggy mosquitoes converge toward them, and they have a smile on both faces. Immediately once again, the space fairy was sacrificed, and the beads that had just been collected were poured out again, and then I sincerely looked at Xu Ziyan.

The beads were taken up by the pagodas that Xu Ziyan sacrificed, and then the melody spread, turning the dense misty mosquitoes around the black dragon and Musen into a bead, and the beads were like raindrops. The two of them fell around, but this time they did not dare to act.

If you angered Xu Ziyan again, Xu Ziyan no longer cares for both of them, leaving the Star Adventures alone, they are terrible. Therefore, although I am crazy in my heart, I dare not charge another one. Fortunately, they don’t know what the beads are for, and they’re better.

As for their men, they have just seen their two encounters. In this case, it is good to be able to save their lives. Where can they dare to think about it?

So without a monk, even the monks of the Star Adventures did not. Since Xu Ziyan did not let them help, they stood there honestly.

Xu Ziyan played the flames of the soul again and again, and countless foggy mosquitoes made a crystal clear beads. As the foggy mosquitoes decreased, the surrounding fog became gradually thinner. About three hours or so, there is no more foggy soul mosquito around, and there is no trace of fog, and the surrounding environment is clear.

Xu Ziyan stopped and reached for a trick, and then the pagoda was taken up, and the jade flute was also collected. Black Dragon and Musen’s lips squirmed, but they didn’t say anything. I thought I had got the thunderbolt and the lotus stand before, and Xu Ziyan didn't get anything before, and my heart was calmed down. If they know that Xu Ziyan got a thunder crystal before, I am afraid that these two big monks will be mad.

"Xu Zongshi, are we leaving immediately, or are we going to take a break?" Musen put down the beads in his heart, and his mind was calmed down, and his face smiled.

Xu Ziyan looked around and did not care for the bottom. He said: "We will leave here as soon as possible!"

"it is good!"

In fact, Black Dragon and Musen also refused to leave here as soon as possible, so the three-party monks immediately went to the front. On the way, the Mussen side and the Star Adventures team only used a few moments to complete the formation of the battle array. After so many dangers, there is no need to remind the purple smoke and Musen, and they will always keep on fighting. Array type.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept over the sea and Musen’s men, not only shaking his head gently, but just a short time ago, the casualties of Hai and Musen’s men were not small. The seas now have only more than 5,000 monks left, and there are only more than 4,000 monks left on the Musen side, almost the same as the Star Adventures.

The monks walked cautiously for two hours, and during this period they did not encounter any danger. Gradually they heard the sound, a kind of sound of the waves. After half an hour, what appeared in front of them was a vast ocean. The waves slap on the beach rhythmically, everything is so beautiful, there is no danger at all.

When everyone looked at it, they saw a black spot in the far distance.

"There should be a big island!" Musen condensed.

Black Dragon visually said: "The island should not be small."

Xu Ziyan looked at the front silently, and Black Dragon and Musen looked at each other. Musen suddenly smiled:

"It’s up to you to get here."

When the words fell, the hand lifted the sea boat, which was enlarged in the air and landed in the sea.

"Xu Zongshi, the black dragon patriarch, is one step ahead!"

Musen haha ​​laughed and jumped on the sea boat. The monks of the Adventurers League also looked at the sea and the star adventure group one by one, and laughed and jumped on the sea. The ship, then the ship sailed toward the island in the ocean.

“Ha ha ha...” The black dragon suddenly burst into laughter and said: “Our sea people saw the sea and saw the home. Where do they need the sea? Xu Zongshi, our sea people take the first step and wait for you on the big island. ,go!"


The black dragon snorted and jumped into a black dragon into the ocean in the air, encouraging the waves to swim forward. The seaers behind him showed their bodies and jumped into the sea, toward the front. Go swimming.

Cold and cold frowning: "Ziyan, since entering this space, it is impossible to fly. What do we do? Do you want to swim?"

"How to swim?" Zhou Peng said with some frustration: "If there is danger in the sea, are we not going to have a disadvantage in the sea, waiting to be killed?"

The four seas quietly sacrificed the flying sword, and then jumped onto the flying sword, but then fell down. Climbed up from the ground and shook his head:

"No, it seems that the ban on people is very strong. There is no problem with the sword, but you can't fly with the sword."

Tang did not raise a hand to sacrifice a fairy boat, the eyes of the monks were all bright, the fairy boat steadily floated in the air, and then Tang did not fly into the fairy boat.



The fairy boat fell to the ground, and Tang did not sneak out of the fairy boat, shook his head and collected the fairy boat.

The monks were a little dumbfounded, watching a sea boat in the ocean in the ocean and riding the wind and waves, countless sea monsters to encourage the wind and waves, only the monks of these stars and adventure groups stood on the shore.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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