The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2863: Big demon

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"Ziyan, think about it." Leng Han and others will look forward to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan sighed in the heart, and did not know that the cloud baby could not. Yun Zi Xu Ziyan has not been used for a long time. Before entering the Starlight continent, she has been warming up in the chaotic gas in the purple smoke space. When Xu Ziyan took her out before entering the Starlight Continent, even the purple smoke was seen. I can't see her.

When I thought about it, I took the cloud baby out of the space fairy. When the cloud baby came out, it was still cute and sleeping in the air. It was only one foot in size and was seen by the curtain Dingxiang and Fuhua language. The child jumped to the front of the cloud baby at once, and all eyes were small stars.

"So cute!"

Two people called this, but they woke up the cloud baby. Yunbao opened his eyes in a confused way, and looked at the Huahua language and the curtain Dingxiang vividly. He found that he didn’t know it. When he looked at the side, he saw Xu Ziyan, his face was exposed, and Meng Meng’s Smile, "嗖" fluttered to the front of Xu Ziyan, calling:

"the host!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and stroked the cloud baby, and her eyes were a little lost. I saw the baby of the cloud reminding her of the Yuanyuan, and remembered the soul of Yanshan...

"I don't know how it is on the mainland today. How is the mountain spirit?"

On the mainland.


Too imaginary.

Yanshan soul kept refining a battle in the secret room. Suddenly his body was filled with a burst of squeaking sound, and he saw his feet become stones. Then rub it and rub it up.

Yanshan soul took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the thoughts of Xu Ziyan in his heart, took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The petrochemicals on the legs dissipated little by little.

"Call..." Yanshan soul spit out a long breath. The brow was screwed into a Sichuan word, and the mouth whispered: "Since the cultivation has been upgraded to the peak of the eighth grade of the Holy Grade, this is more and more unable to miss the purple smoke. I don't know what it will become when I face the purple smoke. Look like?"


"the host!"

Xu Ziyan has a clear eye. I saw the baby in the cloud looking at me in confusion, with a bitter smile on her face, and a sigh in her heart:

"I should go back!"

"Ziyan, what is this?" Fuhua language curiously looked at the cloud baby, but also reached out to touch the cloud baby, the other side of the screen Dingxiang also reached out to touch the cloud baby.

"I called her cloud baby!" Xu Ziyan smiled, then said to the cloud baby: "Can you fly here?"


The baby's body shape disappeared, and the hands of the two men of Ding Dingxiang and Fuhuayu were still in the air. Looking up at the head, I saw the baby in the air fluttering back and forth in the air, and then flew to the front of Xu Ziyan with a bang, and nodded:

"Can fly!"

"Good!" Xu Ziyan nodded: "Look if you can fly with me!"


The cloud baby nodded hard, and then he slammed into the foot of Xu Ziyan, and Xu Ziyan flew up.

The monks of the Star Adventures looked nervously at Xu Ziyan, and they saw Xu Ziyan’s figure flew up, and he flew high in the air on a foot. Fly back and forth in the air.

"Fly up!"

"Fly up!"


The monks of the Star Adventures cheered up and looked at Xu Ziyan in the air with excitement. The cloud baby held Xu Ziyan from the air, about one meter away from the ground, and then the body shape suddenly magnified into a white cloud. Xu Ziyan smiled at the monk of the Star Adventures:

"Come up!"

The monks of the Star Adventures were overjoyed and excitedly jumped into the white clouds. They had never seen such a magical thing. At this time, they were able to sit up and sit alone. Everyone was excited to the extreme, completely forgetting that they were where. One by one came to the cloud baby, or sat on it. Or squatting. But the same action is to reach out and touch the cloud baby, the face reveals the color of curiosity.

On the sea.

The monks above the sea and the seawater are watching the Star Adventures on the coast. When they see the failure of the four-sea sword, they see the failure of the Tang Dynasty. They all laughed loudly. The heart is refreshing. But when they saw the final cloud baby carrying the Star Adventures floating in the air, they all opened their mouths. Can put in a fist. Even Black Dragon and Musen are no exception.

"Come on, can't let the Star Adventures go to the island first!"

Black Dragon and Musen issued an order at the same time, but just when they had just issued an order that did not meet the three-party rate, they saw that the whole Wang Yang had set off a wave of waves.

"this is……"

Black Dragon and Musen were also shocked to discover that there were dozens of Krakens in the ocean, and each of these Krakens was holy. From the first level of the Holy Level to the third level of the Holy Level, there are more than 30.

Black Dragon’s eyes are full of fear. The other party will never let him out because of his black dragon and the Kraken, and because they are in the water at this time, the first ones will deal with him.


Separated by the sea, a huge black dragon emerged from the inside, only to see that the head is twice as big as the Black Dragon. The smell of the body is strong enough to suffocate.

The face of Xu Ziyan standing on the cloud baby became dignified. She did not expect that there would be a seven-layered black dragon here.

"This is...the ancestors of the Emperor of the Sun..." Black Dragon looked at the black dragon in the water in shock, then rolled up and worshiped on the water:

"The younger generation of ink dances to see the ancestors!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a hop, which is really the ancestors of the Black Dragon. just……


The Emperor of Heaven suddenly screamed, without the slightest color in his eyes, swallowed the past toward the Black Dragon Dance. Xu Ziyan stood in the cloud and suddenly felt that what was wrong with the Emperor of Heaven, shouting to the black dragon in a daze:

"Black Dragon Patriarch. Your ancestors are already paralyzed!"


The black dragon heard the shout of Xu Ziyan, and hurriedly flashed to the side, but still a little slower, his body shape could not be controlled. Slowly leaning against the mouth of the Emperor of the Emperor, although the Black Dragon struggled, but did not change the situation.

At this time, the other 30 big demons also launched an attack against the Haizu. Only in an instant, there are countless sea people fallen.

All the sea people mourned at this time, and at this time they all regretted and regretted coming to explore the remains. Where is this treasure hunt, this is simply sending death.

Not only the sea people are desperate, but the Mussen and other people on the sea boat are also full of fear, just look at the head of the great Emperor of the Emperor. It makes people feel that they can't bear the pressure. As long as he has a big mouth, he can swallow the whole sea boat, and people can't even have a thought of rebellion.

At this time, the hearts of Black Dragon and Musen were remorseful, regretting that they should not abandon Xu Ziyan. If you don't abandon Xu Ziyan, at this time, at least Xu Ziyan can use the cloud to kill them.


At the beginning, they did not hesitate to abandon Xu Ziyan. Now Xu Ziyan will save them? If they are abandoned. Will they go to save the purple smoke?

"Go down!"

At this time, Xu Ziyan gave orders to the cloud baby. Her heart is very clear. This adventure can be described as a crisis. With its own, it may not be able to complete it. It must rely on the power of Black Dragon and Musen. It is absolutely impossible to let them die. it's here.

Yunbao quickly swooped down to the bottom, and Xu Ziyan also condensed thirty-one swords on his head. Nowadays, the strength of the purple-level eight-layer initials of Xu Ziyan is not able to instantly gather a large number of swords. But there are still no problems in condensing dozens of handles. Although Xu Ziyan is only the repair of the nine products in the late blue stage, the cohesiveness is only the power of the late nine products in the blue stage. However, what Xu Ziyan wants to do is not to kill those purple-level cockroaches, but to save people.


Thirty-one handles of the sword were shot into the mouth of thirty-one.



Thirty-one handles of the gas sword exploded. Although it did not blow up a cockroach, it interrupted the thirty-one smashing attack. No need to greet the purple smoke, the sea monsters who survived the death, each struggling to jump in the sea, jumped to the cloud baby, and then Xu Ziyan slammed thirty-one squatting attacks before the cloud baby quickly flew into the air.


At the same time, thirty-one sea scorpions screamed at the same time, and then they saw the sea water tumbling. Three hundred waves of sea surfers lifted up the sky and held up the sky to catch the cloud baby.

But what is the speed of the cloud baby that can be chased by the waves? The power of the cloud baby can naturally fly in the air, but the thirty-one sea monsters are only driving the waves, and when the waves finally reach the end, they then fall to the sea.


These sea monsters saw that they could not catch up with the cloud baby, but the body could not help but fall down. They immediately stared at the sea boat in Wang Yangzhong, forcibly twisting the huge body in midair and hitting the sea with the ship. .


Thirty-one sea scorpions smashed into the sea, and then rolled and fell into the sea. The defensive shield on the ship was shattered and crushed countless monks.

"Xu Zongshi, help!"

Musen yelled up, but before he shouted, the cloud baby had already swept down with the thirty-one, and Musen saw his heart rejoicing, immediately abandoned the sea boat and greeted him without death. The monk jumped up to the cloud baby, and then the cloud baby flew into the air, and the roar of the Kraken came from below, and the sound of the waves screamed.

Looking down, I saw thirty waves coming from the sky, but in the end I still didn't catch up with the cloud baby. For a time, the sound of the waves was deafening.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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