The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2864: Kill the big demon

Xu Ziyan and others stood on the top of the cloud baby and looked down. They saw thirty-one sea lions on the sea looking at the air and Xu Ziyan and others, from time to time, they made a low voice.

There are all kinds of Krakens, huge size, and all of them are flashing scales. As long as they look at it, they know that their defense level is definitely not inferior to the best innate treasure.

Xu Ziyan looked at these sea monsters, and sighed in his heart, what a good material! Their blood and skin can make super-features, and their scales can make a symbol that is used repeatedly. Just want to hunt these pirates where is it easy? I am afraid that they have not been hunted, but they have been hunted.


Xu Ziyan gently called the point cloud baby, Yun baby will fly to the island.


There was a snoring sound from below, and I saw that the thirty-one pirates also rushed toward the island.

Xu Ziyan took back his gaze and looked around. The first impression of Xu Ziyan was miserable! The Hai and Musen’s men were very embarrassed, and the damage was so great that the sea monks were attacked in the sea, and they were particularly attacked. Today there are only more than 3,000 monks left, and Musen and others are only being shackled. Next, there is not such a big loss, but there are only more than 3,000 people left. Today, the Star Adventure Group has the largest number of people, with more than 4,100 people.


Suddenly someone shouted with a surprise, and everyone rushed to follow the sound, but saw that Dingxiang was pointing at the island and shouting excitedly. The monks looked down at her fingers and saw a palace appearing in the center of the island.

Huge and brilliant!


The following snoring made the monks unable to look down, but saw the thirty-one pirates below to chase after them.

"They shouldn't go to the island?" Musen had a lingering fear.

No one is talking. All the monks watched the thirty pirates underneath nervously, although the situation sighed because they found that the thirty-one pirates eventually went to the island and chased the baby on the ground.

Soon the speed of the cloud baby came to the top of the palace. Xu Ziyan looked at the gate of the palace, and there was a smile on his face. The door was not easy to enter, and there was a pattern prohibition. When they cracked the pattern, the thirty-one sea monsters will arrive. In other words, if you want to enter this palace, you must first solve the thirty-one sea monsters.

But... how to solve it?


Thirty-one sea scorpions have been rumbling and rushing down, stopping under them, raising their heads and making fierce screams to Xu Ziyan and others in the air.

The monks above the cloud baby looked at the thirty-one big enchantress below, one of them was locked with a brow, and his face was very ugly. Seeing that the palace below is so huge and brilliant, there must be endless treasures inside. However, it was blocked by these thirty-one big demons, and one heart was depressed.

Xu Ziyan looked at the thirty enchanting scorpions below, but only thought about the blood and scales of these big devils. She has already seen that these big demons don’t know how many billions of years ago existed in ancient times, and It was not a real embarrassment, but was erased by the mind and forced to infuse an order. It is to guard this place.

These thirty-one big demons are very strong. If they are outside, Xu Ziyan has long fled with the stars and adventure groups. It is not these big demon opponents, but here these big demons have fatal weaknesses.

That is they can't fly.

Originally, this is also the weakness of Xu Ziyan. If they are not cloud babies, these people may have already died at this time, but now they are relying on the cloud baby to take advantage and be invincible.

The situation today is that only they play the thirty-one big demon, but the thirty-one big demon can't beat them. It’s not easy to just kill the holy demon. This is also the reason why Musen and Black Dragon frown.

But this is not a problem for Xu Ziyan. Just give her enough time to let her slowly draw a void, and it is easy to kill the thirty-one big demon. Xu Ziyan is now not a holy class. But the void paintings outlined by the gods are the real holy realm, and they are also the realm of the holy nine layers.

Of course, Xu Ziyan will not use the nine-layer power of the holy nine-layer power to deal with the thirty-one big demon below. For example, if you deal with a big demon on the first level, but use the nine-layered void design of the holy level, then the character goes down, the big demon on the first level is not left, and Xu Ziyan wants their blood. , leather and scales. That is all the treasures that make the super-features, but she looks at the eyes.

Xu Ziyan knows a little, and it is clear that among the thirty-one big demons, one is seven levels of holy level, five three levels are holy, seven are holy and two are eighteen.

Black Dragon and Musen are frowning thinking about how they can run away from these big demons, and they can kill these big devils without confidence. The method of rushing to run these big demons did not come up, but at this time, I suddenly felt that the surrounding forces began to vibrate violently, and when I turned around, I saw that the gods knew from the eyebrows of Xu Ziyan. Transmitted, sketched a set of voids in the air.

The look of Black Dragon and Musen's face is a glimpse. They can feel the power of purple level from the void picture that is being formed in the air, and it is the power of the purple level.

"This... Xu Ziyan's realm of realism has reached such a realm?"

Both Black Dragon and Musen looked at Xu Ziyan with a stunned look. Of course, they also saw that the purple-level two-layered void painting sketched by Xu Ziyan could not be touched, and it took a certain amount of time. This is not dangerous for their two big monks. If you are playing with Xu Ziyan, you will never give Xu Ziyan a void time.

But... this is the void character of the purple power! Even if it takes a little time, it is amazing enough. Moreover, it seems that Xu Ziyan sketches the purple-level two-layered void picture, and it seems that it takes less time to complete the six-interest time.

Xu Ziyan’s sleeves slammed and snorted: “Go!”

The void character turned into a beam of light that spurred toward the big demon below the holy level. The big demon underneath naturally feels the power of the void painting, and then sprays the magical power to intercept the light beam. Moreover, if the void character collides with the opponent’s dozens of supernatural powers, it will burst into anger and lose power. .

Xu Ziyan on the cloud baby slammed the finger, and saw the streamer gliding across the air, escaping the dozens of supernatural powers underneath, and then slamming toward the nearest sacred level.


There was a roar of anger at the bottom, and dozens of sacred spurs came from, but they were flashed by the streamer and spurred toward the other demon level. Repeated several times, and finally the streamer got into the big demon eye of the holy level.


Xu Ziyan sighed and saw the star adventure group monk above the cloud baby smashing the ten squares. The power of more than 4,000 monks passed to the cold body, and the cold cold waved the sword. When I saw it, I saw it suddenly slammed into the sky, and thousands of ice hammers fell to the bottom.

In fact, although the cold and cold gathered the power of the ten-party killing, but its power can not cause any threat to the big demon below, the distance between the two sides, even the magical power of those holy big demon can not reach the cloud baby How can the monk released by the monk on the cloud baby threaten the big demon? That is to say, Xu Ziyan's sacred nine-layered gods can control the void paintings to attack the ground, and the dense and cold ice hammer that is cold and cold is just creating chaos and obscuring the eyes and ears.

Sure enough, it was mixed in the glare of this ice cone, and Xu Ziyan offered a blue long scorpion, which was extended toward the attacked holy level.


The void painting in the heart of the big demon banged, blasting the head of the big demon, and the upper body was bombarded and flew up into the air. At this moment, the blue long scorpion rushed. To the enchantment of the big demon, Xu Ziyan was pulled over the cloud baby in an instant, and then it was collected into the storage ring.

Xu Ziyan stood on top of the cloud baby and began to sketch the second void. The things that Xu Ziyan did were naturally seen by the Black Dragon and Musen, but the two people could only watch, they also wanted to get the big demon below. The bodies, but their strength simply can not attack the big demon below. The distance between the two sides is really too far. However, this also shocked both of them, they could not attack the big demon on the ground, but Xu Ziyan was able to attack. Although it only controls the void picture, it proves that her gods are stronger than the two. And it should be far better than the two of them.

Xu Ziyan's cards were revealed one by one. This made it difficult for Xu Ziyan to see the light from the time he entered the Xuanwu relics. Although he did not completely put Xu Ziyan on the same level as them, it was not much different. At the time, the two of them had the advantage of being in the position of fighting with Xu Ziyan, and would not give Xu Ziyan a chance to draw a void. As long as they don't give Xu Ziyan a chance, they firmly believe that they can completely suppress Xu Ziyan and even kill Xu Ziyan. It’s just that they don’t dare to act against Xu Ziyan again because they are not sure if Xu Ziyan will have more powerful cards.

Xu Ziyan spent more than one hour killing 18 big monsters on the first level. This makes Musen and Black Dragon look jealous, but it is the 18 demon corpses of the purple layer, not to mention the eighteen, that is, one is the price.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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