The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2865: Black dragon

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But they were only able to watch Xu Ziyan's only accepting one of them, and dare not have the slightest words. If you angered Xu Ziyan here and drove them all out of the cloud baby, then they can only have one dead end. However, they are thinking about both of them. After waiting to leave the ruins of Xuanwu, they must find ways to force Xu Ziyan to hand over some of the big demon bodies.

After Xu Ziyan killed 18 big demons, he began to sit on the cloud baby and swallowed the drug to adjust his interest. The more than 4,000 monks of the Star Mercenary Group will protect the purple smoke in the middle. Black Dragon and Musen looked at each other and simply sat down on the cloud baby and adjusted their interest. To be honest, the two of them really want to ask Xu Ziyan what they want to do next?

In the eyes of both of them, Xu Ziyan is the big demon who can kill the purple layer. It is impossible to kill the purple demon. Since you can't kill the big demon of the purple-level second floor, everyone should sit down and discuss it for a while, how to lead the big demon below, how to enter the palace.

After half a day.

Xu Ziyan exhaled slowly and opened his eyes. Her mental energy has been supplemented. Hearing the exhalation of Xu Ziyan, Musen and Black Dragon also opened their eyes. The two of them actually had already adjusted their interest, but they were waiting for Xu Ziyan to wake up. At this time, seeing Xu Ziyan woke up, two people stood up from the cloud baby and looked at Xu Ziyan.

Then I saw the ten-party killing cracked open a gap, Xu Ziyan's body figure came out and stood on the edge of the cloud baby. Looking down. The footsteps of the Mussen and the Black Dragon towards Xu Ziyan was a meal, because the two of them saw Xu Ziyan starting a void painting, and the energy displayed by the void paintings clearly exceeded the power of their two purple and two layers.

"Is this... is it a purple three-layered void painting?"

Black Dragon and Musen looked at each other in shock and then stared at Xu Ziyan. They want to see what Xu Ziyan wants to do?

As a result, they saw it clearly, but the shock in their hearts could not be added. In less than an hour, Xu Ziyan killed seven purple-level two-layered monsters and collected them. Then I went back to the ten-party killing and adjusted the interest rate.

This time, the two great monks are even more jealous of Xu Ziyan. Just killing the purple layer before does not make them have too many taboos, let alone they will not give Xu Ziyan the opportunity to release the void symbol, even if Xu Ziyan has that chance, they will not care, they are purple level two Big monk. This is double insurance, so that they are jealous of Xu Ziyan, but they are not afraid.

But it is different now.

Xu Ziyan was able to use the Void Paint to kill the purple demon. Doesn't that mean killing both of them?

This... double insurance becomes single insurance?

The two people are hesitating at this time, waiting to leave the basaltic remains, do you still have to force Xu Ziyan to hand over some of the big demon corpses?

Another time passed, Musen and Black Dragon had not made a decision in their hearts, and they saw Xu Ziyan standing on the edge of the cloud baby. Black Dragon and Musen saw their hearts twitch. Is she still thinking about killing the purple three-tiered big demon? If she can kill the big three-layered demon of purple, then her power of the gods has reached the purple level four layers?

Musen’s heart suddenly jumped, and he suddenly thought of Xu Ziyan, but he once had a punch with the Black Dragon. What does it prove?

That proves that Xu Ziyan has reached the purple level in the strength of the body, and now the power of the gods has reached the purple level, and her Yuanli repair has now reached the late stage of the blue level, although it has not reached the late stage of the blue level. Jiu Pinfeng peak, but according to the cultivation speed of Xu Ziyan, it can be imagined that it will not take long. Doesn't this mean that as long as Xu Zixiu's Yuanli repairing reaches the peak of the blue grade nine products, then it will take a long time to enter the purple grade?

And... maybe it will soon catch up with his realm of Musen?

At this time, I already felt the energy of Xu Ziyan’s void painting. Although he couldn’t see how many layers of purple, he knew that he could kill the purple demon. It is a lot stronger. This should be the purple-level four-layer void design. Musen was shocked.

"That... the power of the **** of Xu Ziyan actually reached the four layers of purple..."

Xu Ziyan looked at the big demon below. I couldn’t help but sigh. Today is still cheaper, if these big demon have a sense of ambition, I am afraid I have already escaped. However, it was erased by Xuanwu, and it was branded to kill the island. Only stay on the island and wait for them to kill them one by one.

It took less than an hour, and Xu Ziyan killed five purple-level three-layered demons. Then it was collected, and only the purple seven-layer black dragon was left on the ground. And Xu Ziyan returned to the ten party to kill and adjust interest rates.

When I saw Xu Ziyan, I didn’t come over and negotiate with them. The Black Dragon and Musen also looked at each other with a blank look, one by one:

"Does this purple smoke still want to kill the black dragon?"

"Do not!"

"This is absolutely impossible! Xu Ziyan can't have such a strong power of the gods. According to Xu Ziyan's previous practice, she wants to use the Void to kill the purple dragon of the seven-layer purple layer, and it is bound to have a purple-level eight-layer god. The power, how could she have the power of the purple eight-layer god?"

"I think more, I must think more! Xu Ziyan just wants to adjust the interest. I will come over to me later. We both negotiate how to lead the black dragon. It must be like this, I will immediately think about how to open it. Black Dragon's method..."


After an hour, when Xu Ziyan stood up again from the cloud baby, he still did not walk in the direction of both of them, and stood on the edge of the cloud baby...

"She... what are they doing?"

"Do she want to kill the purple dragon of the seven-layer purple?"

"How can this be?"

"Has her power of the gods already reached her eight layers?"

"No... this is absolutely impossible!"


Black Dragon and Musen couldn’t help but scream at this time, because they saw that Xu Ziyan had begun to sketch the void, and the power of the unfinished void paintings made them both feel trembling and gaze in the eyes. Showing a trace of fear, staring at the empty picture drawn by Xu Ziyan.

The void painting sketched by Xu Ziyan was very slow, and the face of Xu Ziyan became pale with time, and gradually the sarcasm was as transparent as transparent. But the power of the empty space in the air is getting stronger and stronger. All the monks on the cloud baby are shaking slightly, and can’t stand the pressure of the vanity on the top of the head, that is, Black Dragon and Musen. The purple-level seven-story black dragon below gave a low-pitched snoring, and the snoring sounded uneasy emotions. If it were not for his soul to be planted to guard the order here, I am afraid that I would have escaped at this time.


There was a cicada in the air, and the void painting was finally completed. The huge power was distributed around. Many monks sat on the cloud baby, and Musen and Black Dragon could not help but tremble. The space in the heart cannot be forbidden to spread out. At this time, the two of them have no doubts. If the void painting is thrown on himself, he must be degraded.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan snorted, and the empty space in the air fell to the bottom. The lines of the pattern flickered, and finally the radiance was released. The ray turned into a giant sword. The sword was ten meters wide and the sword was straight into the sky. The black dragon slammed down and the space was cracked.

"Oh..." All the monks couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief: "Is this the means of the Master of the Road?"

As the ally of the adventurer's alliance, Musen, who is also a purple-level monk, also saw the void paintings released by the coroner's lord's runes. It was once three hundred years ago, they went to a relic exploration together, at the time of the crisis. The text released the pinnacle of his emptiness.


The rune's peak hit is completely incompetent and Xu Ziyan is the same. It is simply a matter of difference. The feeling of giving Musen, even the fairy tales issued by the Lord of the Temple or the Lord of the Holy Land, is no different.

"This... Xu Ziyan is really terrible!"


The black dragon on the ground spurted a black column of light and sprayed it toward the giant sword that fell under the air. I want to intercept the sword. But the sword is like a large piece of paper. The black column of the barrel is cut from the middle, and then the head is broken. The black dragon is cut from the middle of the head and spreads forward. The front half was cut into two halves.


Xu Ziyan's body shape fell from the cloud baby, and waved his hand to the purple-level seven-layer black dragon, and his face showed a happy smile. This basalt remains is a lot of harvest, not to mention those herbal ores, not to mention the thunder crystal, only to say that the body of these thirty-one big demon is enough for her to make a lot of super-goods, which is already very satisfactory for her. Even if there is no treasure in the palace.

The monks above the cloud baby are all loose. On the one hand, the void painting dissipates, and the power that oppresses them disappears. Another convenience is that these big demons are finally eliminated, and they can enter the palace. If it wasn't for the purple painting of Xu Ziyan, the power could be too big, so that they had a feeling of collapse at this time, and they had already cheered up.

However, the look of the black dragon at this time was faint and indefinite. Eventually, he bit his teeth and jumped into the cloud baby. He fell in front of Xu Ziyan and bowed to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Zongshi, there is a request under, can you return the corpse of the next ancestor to our sea?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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