The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2964: Open and honest

The knowledge of Xiaomumu spread out. After a while, he said: "Now this small world is still unstable. We can't go in. Once we get in, it will be sent out."


Xu Ziyan stared at the light column, but with the parcel of the small world, the light column was covered with a mysterious veil, only to feel its mystery, solemn, but could not see if there was any Tianshi. Xu Ziyan opened the head of Peng Peng, but he was only able to see the situation in the small world, blocked by the small world, and could not see the situation in the light column. Xu Ziyan had to dissipate the head of Peng Peng and wait quietly.

On the side of the left rock and the sky, the gods are constantly rumored, and finally by the sky to Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Daoyou, can you ask a question?"

Xu Ziyan thought that the question would be asked by the sky, then nodded gently.

"Xu Daoyou, I and Zuoyan have been trapped in the realm of the fourth floor of the Holy Level. Can you tell me where the cave is? After the closure of the holy mountain, I want to visit you with Zuoyan."

Xu Ziyan was silent, and exchanged his eyes with the monks of Yanshan and the monks. When the sky saw that Xu Ziyan did not immediately agree, he hurriedly handed it again:

"Xu Daoyou, will prepare a gift in the next!"

At this time, Xu Ziyan had already communicated with Yanshan Soul, Xianzhu and others. Everyone felt that it was time to unveil the card. At this time, even if Zuoyan and Cangwu led the surrounding monks to resist, they would not have much problem with these holy monks. They have a full understanding of the strength of the world. So, Xu Ziyan whispered:

"Cang Haodao friends, we are not from this continent."

"Oh ah?"

Cangwu and Zuoyan looked at Xu Ziyan with astonishment. Then I swept my eyes over the Yanshan soul, the lord, the demon and other holy monks, and they all saw a slight nod. After the sky and the left rock were surprised, the heart was filled with ecstasy, and the voice of the sky trembled and asked:

" come from the outside world? Is there really a world for the monks to survive?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan nodded seriously.

"Not a world full of extraterrestrial demons?"

Xu Ziyan shook his head and smiled: "What you see through the light curtain is not an extraterrestrial demon, but a wild beast. And your continent is just trapped in a small world full of wild animals. In this wild animal Outside the small world, there is a vast world where there is a paradise for monks to practice."

"Greater than here?"


The sky wants to ask the outside cultivation environment and the realm of the monks? However, when I saw the monks such as Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul in front of me, they closed their mouths sensibly. I immediately asked:

"Can you come in and out at will?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

Although the sky has already thought of this, but after being confirmed by Xu Ziyan, the heart is still shocked. This light curtain protects them and also bans them. They never thought that there would be monks who could come in and out at will. For a time, my heart was hit hard. He stood there for a long time. In the end, there was an excitement in the face, and it was a ritual to the Xu Ziyan:

"Xu Daoyou, can you take us out of here?"

The actions of the sky caused the attention of the surrounding monks. Many monks looked at them and their hearts were full of shock. They don't understand why the double saints that have been worshipped by them will give a gift to Xu Ziyan, and they will continue to squat. No longer up.

Who is that woman?

The surrounding gradually calmed down, and slowly all the monks felt the strange atmosphere. They looked at each other and erected their ears to listen.

Xu Ziyan naturally feels the silence around her. At this time, she no longer avoids it. She hopes to give the monks here a choice. If we can avoid all the monks here, this is the most anticipated thing for Xu Ziyan.

Reaching for the help of Cangwu and Zuoyan, Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile:

"Cang Haodao, are you willing to leave here?"

The look of the sky was a little stagnation. Then there is a color of perseverance: "In order to pursue a higher realm. Everything is willing, please make a good friend."


There was a low-pitched discussion around.

"what does it mean?"

"What do you mean by double saints?"

"What does the woman’s departure mean?"

“Does the double holy want to leave here?”

"Can the woman take the double holy to leave here?"

"Hey, no cloud friends, what does that mean to leave? Is it leaving the continent?"


"But... how is this possible?"

"Hey. You found that no, the woman's repair is not visible to us!"

"She is... a holy monk?"

The voices of the crowds calmed down. A pair of eyes are looking at Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan took a look at the words:

"It’s no problem to take you out of here, but we have our purpose here too."

The hearts of Cangwu and Zuoyan raised a strange feeling, and asked uncomfortably: "What... purpose?"

Xu Ziyan looked at the light column in the center: "We are coming for it."

"It? Holy column?"

"Not bad!" Xu Ziyan condensed: "We suspect that this light column is formed by the Tianshi, and Tianshi is very important to us. We must take it away. Of course, if it is not a Tianshi, we will leave quietly. And the monks who are willing to leave here, we are willing to take you away."

Cangwu and Zuoyan understood the meaning of Xu Ziyan’s words and his face became pale.

"What is Tianshi Stone?"

"A treasure that can make up the sky!"

"If the pillar is filled with Tianshi, do you have to take it away?"

"Yes!" Xu Ziyan took a deep breath and added: "I'm sorry."

When I heard this "I'm sorry," Cang and Zuo Yan's face was paler: "You... do you mean that once you remove the Tianshi, the mask that covers the entire continent will disappear?"



The surrounding monks are boiling, and each of them knows what it means after the light curtain that has shrouded the mainland disappears.

That means that countless wild animals will pounce on their continent. All of them will die. Maybe the double holy will be alive. Their eyes are staring nervously at the double holy, and hope that the double holy can kill these outsiders. But the look on the double holy face disappointed them, and then the heart raised a huge fear.

Because there is no anger on the face of Shuangsheng, there is no killing, and some are just bitter. Seeing the look of the double saints, the surrounding monks understand that they are not stupid. They understand that the revision of the monks such as Xu Ziyan must be higher than the double saints, and not only a little higher, otherwise the look of the twins will not So bitter.

Just once they want to understand, their hearts are even more fearful. The scene became a bit commotion. At this time, no one has ever paid attention to the things of the eight hundred lotus platforms. They all looked nervously at Xu Ziyan, waiting for the decision of Xu Ziyan.

Shuangsheng did not think that the monks who led the entire mainland could resist Xu Ziyan and others, but when they thought of the scene where Xu Ziyan and others would kill their ancestors, Xu Ziyan and others were definitely not facing an ancestor, but facing a world. But in the end it defeated the world.

Then, can you block Xu Ziyan by their two holy and four-tiered people?

Maybe they can stop Xu Ziyan. They will take away the Tianshi Stone this time, but they will welcome Xu Ziyan’s years of slaughter. When the next time the Holy Mountain is opened, I am afraid that there will be no more monks left on this continent. Xu Ziyan took them away.

The sky took a deep breath and the look became sad: "Xu Daoyou, can you think of the billions of monks on our continent?"

"Thinked!" Xu Ziyan's look is very serious.

The eyes of the sky are bright, maybe there are ways for Xu Ziyan to save them from death. I will go to Xu Ziyan’s hand:

"Please also advise."

"Leave this continent! We take all your monks out of here and go to our mainland. The cultivation environment there is much stronger than you. The territory is dozens of times larger than yours. The most important thing is that Heaven is better than you." It is complete here. It is where the monks should go, and only where the monks will continue to progress."

The hearts of the surrounding monks are all moving. In fact, the monks of this continent have a longing for heart. If it is a continent that does not see the outside world, these people will think that this world has only their continent, and there will be no thoughts. However, they can only see the outside world through the light curtain, but they can't go out. This has created countless legends circulating on this continent and letting them look forward to the outside world.

Of course, there are also monks who are afraid of the outside world. They are used to this place and are not willing to leave. But the situation at this time is very clear. They all understand that the double holy force is unable to stop Xu Ziyan and others from taking the Tianshi. They If you don't leave, you will only die.

“How to leave?” Cangwu asked questions that everyone cares about.

Xu Ziyan silently said: "We, the holy monks, have taken the monks of this continent into the body space and then took them away."

The look of the sky and the left rock is a change. They have experienced the inner world of the ancestors, and no one wants to enter the world of others. Even if they are the twins of this world, they have the worship of the world's monks, but let them enter their own body world, I am afraid there will be a large number of monks do not want.

Moreover, with their two holy levels and four layers of cultivation, the body world cultivated in it can not fit billions of monks, so the remaining monks must enter the body space of Xu Ziyan and others. How can those monks be willing?


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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