The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2965: Mustard control continent

The lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the Kuitian heart are a move. They have seen the power of the world in the ancestors. If they can accommodate a group of monks, they can extract their power when there is a crisis, but it is not necessary. Taking advantage of the power of the world, for a moment, his eyes flashed in a vague way.

The faces of Cangwu and Zuoyan were all uncertain, and finally the sky shook his head firmly:


He did not explain the reason, he believes that even if he does not explain, Xu Ziyan will understand. However, his refusal, the scene immediately became tense, not only the Tianshi stone, the mainland's monks are nervous, the Xuxis behind the purple smokers are also nervous, there is a trend of great warfare.

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and Cangwu and Zuoyan both looked at Xu Ziyan nervously, for fear that Xu Ziyan suddenly waved his hand and spit out a "kill" word in his mouth.

Xu Ziyan spit out a sigh of relief, and there was a hint of helplessness on his face: "There is a last resort left, but this method will kill many people. Maybe we will have monks in these holy monks. Fallen."

The surrounding monks looked a tight one, and even Xu Ziyan said that this way would be very dangerous, and they could not help them seriously.

Xu Ziyan glanced at the sky and left rock road: "You know, if we take this mainland monk into the body space, the appearance can shuttle the space, and instantly pass through the outer wild animal field to the continent where we live. We will not have any casualties at all. Another method will definitely cause casualties. If you are not lucky, it will cause great casualties."

"what way?"

Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept across the surrounding monks and monks: “We, the holy monks, joined forces to narrow the continent. Then escorted the mainland to leave this space.”

The monks around are a glimpse. If they don't say it from the mouth of Xu Ziyan, they will definitely regard this as a joke or treat that person as a madman.

Reduce the entire continent?

What kind of joke?

In fact, this is also the inspiration that Xu Ziyan caused from the location of the Golden War. But the place was small at the beginning, just a village. If Xu Ziyan is to shrink a village now, she can do it. But to narrow down a continent, the difficulty is not that big.

Zuo Yan and Cangwu are completely dumbfounded. Condensing a space is not something that anyone can do, and it requires a deep understanding of the spatial properties.

Not to mention them, it is the Yanshan soul, the lord, the devil, the demon and the Kuidian can not do this. They may be able to cast a big force to transfer a continent or a planet, but that is a hard shift. Moreover, in the absence of interference, it will cause serious damage to the planet or the mainland. They can't do it like the situation today, because there are countless wild animals outside, and they won't give them time to transfer. It is even more impossible to shrink the continent because they do not have time attributes.

The look of Yanshan Soul and others has become extremely dignified. They do not doubt that Xu Ziyan can narrow the continent because they all know that Xu Ziyan has a deep understanding of the spatial attributes. But there is no doubt once this is done. They will take on a lot of pressure.

On the one hand, when they are shrinking the continent, they need to join forces. This is nothing. Just working, there is no danger. But escorting such a continent to the Upper Yuan dynasty, it is impossible to cross the space, and fly back all the way, the wild beasts encountered during the period will make the return path a path of killing. As Xu Ziyan said, if there are wild animals with high realm, these holy monks are not without the possibility of corruption.

"Ziyan!" This time, even the Yanshan soul is hesitant, with his temper, to manage those people to live and die. It’s time to make up the Tianshi.

Xu Ziyan shook his head gently. There is a firm color in the eyes. Yanshan soul's face appeared helpless, looking at the monks and other monks, the face of the monks and other monks also showed helplessness, and now Xu Ziyan's strength is the strongest. And only she was able to get the Tianshi Stone, Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan joined forces. They have no room for opposition at all.

They can ignore Xu Ziyan and return directly to the mainland, but it will undoubtedly offend Xu Ziyan completely. If Xu Ziyan is really like what she said before, she will not take the Tianshi, but the whole Taixu Moved into the Tianshi space, when the catastrophe came, who are they crying for?

First look at how Xu Ziyan should do it?

In the Five Sacred Hearts, Xu Ziyan is really and speechless, but they also know that this is because Xu Ziyan is too young and has not yet reached the point of numbness.

"We can not take the Tianshi first, and first narrow the continent, so that when it is reduced, it will not be attacked by the wild beast.

I need everyone to send me the power of the body so that I can shrink the continent. ”

“How far can it be reduced?” asked the singer.

Xu Ziyan thought for a moment: "About the size of this holy mountain."

Xianzhu and others are thinking rapidly. Even if they shrink to the size of the holy mountain, they can't fit into any space fairy. It is shrinking, and it is actually a continent. If you give Yanshan soul time, it may not be able to refine a large space fairy, but it takes a long time, and only escorts the mainland to kill the way.


How easy is that?

A few sacred monks have a faint grace on their faces. Xu Ziyan was helpless at this time, but he could not give up the billions of monks.

After the continent was narrowed down, the monks of our upper territories formed a battlefield, and the monks who led the mainland formed a battle, and then we returned to the mainland on the fastest speed.

The sacred monks of the Yanshan spirit are also determined to be determined. Since they can’t convince Xu Ziyan, they only have to fight once. The look of the Five Saints became firm, and the eyes looked at Zuoyan and Cangwu. The look of Zuoyan and Cangwu has also become firm. This is already the best way to ask for too many monks such as Xu Ziyan. As for the other monks on this continent, they have no right to speak. The decisions made by the two great monasters on the two continents are only enforceable.

"Then let's get started!"

Xu Ziyan condensed, and other holy monks also nodded. Xu Ziyan sleeves waved, his body shape will rise to the sky, Yanshan soul, fairy master, magic master, demon Lord, Kui Tian, ​​Zuo Yan, Cangwu, take Wanli, Xiaolong and Xu Ziyun followed. All the monks above the holy mountain looked up at the eleven sacred monks who gradually disappeared, and the heart shook.

"The Upper Yuan Dynasty has so many sacred monks..."

This made them feel shocked and also yearn for. What kind of continent is that?

Above the high sky, Xu Ziyan is standing in the air, Yanshan Soul, Xianzhu, Mozhu, Demon Lord, Kuitian, Zuoyan, Cangwu, Wanli, Xiaolong and Xu Ziyun and other ten holy monks in Xu Ziyan Standing behind him stood in a row, each person put his hands on the back of the monk in front, sent his own strength into it, and finally sent it into the body of Xu Ziyan.

The space attribute of Xu Ziyan exudes, and the space of the right eye shows a mysterious vortex. Some space nodes appear in front of her eyes. Her hands are full of celestial fairy tales, and a lot of Yuan Li rushes out her hands. A space rune is condensed between the hands, and then it is directed to a space node.

To shrink a continent, there are too many spatial nodes needed, and the space that each spatial node needs is also an astronomical number. At this time, Xu Ziyan has not yet moved his body, but he is condensing a pattern with the help of ten holy monks such as Yanshan Soul.

At this time, all the monks on the mainland of Tianshi Stone were looking up at the sky. Whether they knew what Xu Ziyan and others were doing, they all saw the magnificent colors of the whole sky, and the colors are becoming more and more magnificent. , there is a tendency to block the entire sky.

Yuan Li consumes extremely quickly. In less than a quarter of an hour, the strength of the ten holy monks in Yanshan Spirit is consumed. If Xu Ziyan continues to extract, they will only have the power of the world. There was panic on the faces of the holy monks.


At this time, I saw Xu Ziyan take a step forward and get rid of them. Yanshan soul and others were shocked. Although they did not know the spatial attributes, they could see that the magnificent patterns in the sky were still not covered with a corner, and they lost their support. What should Xu Ziyan do?


At this time, Xu Ziyan began to use his own internal strength. The power in Dantian swarmed out and formed a pattern between his hands.

Yanshan soul and others are not surprised. Of course, they know from their own body output that Xu Ziyan used their power from the beginning, but did not use her own power. But they are worried that Xu Ziyan’s Yuan Li can condense enough streaks to fill the remaining corner?

Especially the left rock and the sky, the heart is full of worry. If Xu Ziyan can't fill the remaining corners, it proves that this reduction of the mainland failed, so the second plan is a failure, leaving only the first option. Bring all the monks into the body space and give up the continent. If the monks here do not agree, I am afraid that Xu Ziyan and others will take the Tianshi and leave.

This can not help but let them both feel anxious, and judging from their hearts, Xu Ziyan can not do this. How can one do this in a person's body?

Sure enough, they all saw that the breath of Xu Ziyan was rapidly weakening, which is a sign that Dan Tian Yuan Li was exhausted.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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