The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2968: Layer penetration

This is also... too horrible!

At this moment, they were slightly calmed by the panic of facing a lot of wild animals. At the same time, the heart is also more yearning for the mainland.

"go with!"

Xu Ziyan screamed, and the sword was like a purple river striking toward the opposite wild animal.


An infinite roar, a handle of the sword to cut the beast, the sword is like a huge purple monster to the road ahead of the road, the countless wild beast body fragmented, falling to the bottom.

Wan handles forward in the wild beasts. When he passes, he cuts the body of a wild beast, and the purple air lingers, and the group of wild animals are decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Eleven masters held the mainland and led the monks to plung into the wild beasts. Only in an instant, all the monks released the fairy tales together, and all kinds of celestial madness poured into madness, and the wild beast suffered a devastating blow. The entire gray air seemed to form a huge meat grinder, and all kinds of fairy stalks smashed the wild beasts constantly and quickly. This group of wild animals was in front of the monks and had no resistance.

At this time, Xu Ziyan recalled the swordsmanship and took them back into the body of the body. They only carried the mainland to fly in front, and the task of killing the beasts was given to those gods. The monk of the moment.

Although the speed of advancement has hardly slowed down, the surrounding wild animals have been easily killed by the monks, but all the monks, including the eleven holy monks, have no euphoria because they know this war. Once opened, it will attract other wild animals. The wild animals are not killing, and they will only be more and more. What worries them most is that there will be strong wild animals coming.

really. They seem to have fallen into a swamp formed by wild animals. Although they keep moving forward, they can't see the slightest light, and the surrounding are densely beasts. They smashed one layer after another, but surrounded by new layers of hands, and the surrounding beasts became stronger and stronger, and it was strong enough that the monks could not easily kill them.

In this way, in addition to the eleven sacred monks, all the monks’ powers are rapidly consumed. At this time, the benefits of the battlefield are reflected. The monks who make up the Tianshi continent realize the battle of the Yuanyuan. The array is amazing. They are very aware of the strength of the wild animals around them. If there is no battle, I am afraid that there should be monks in them now, and they will not occupy a big advantage.

But with the battlefield is different, the surrounding wild animals are no longer easy to kill like you, but they are not a threat to them. The only threat they have to consider is their power. Such endless beasts make their hearts completely unfounded and don't know when they can actually kill this area. Otherwise, the strength of their bodies will be exhausted in the morning and evening, and they will be torn into pieces by the wild animals.


There was a roar in the distance.


The snoring came from all directions, and when I heard these snoring, Xu Ziyan, who had never shot, and other sacred monks, changed his face. From these buzzing sounds, we can hear the strength of those wild beasts, the absolute holy animal, but we don’t know that they are holy layers.

It’s just this time, Xu Ziyan and others have already killed thousands of miles. But the fierce snoring has not yet fallen, and a strong breath has come from all directions.

The knowledge of the eleven holy monks spread out and saw that a total of twenty-six holy sacred beasts from all directions led a wild animal that could not see the head and rushed toward them.

The twenty-six holy monsters, each of which is more than ten feet long. The huge body flew quickly through the gray air. There is only crazy killing in the eyes, and no wisdom can be seen from it.

Xu Ziyan and other eleven holy monks have spread their knowledge, and their hearts are slightly loose. These twenty-six holy sacred beasts are all on the first level, and they have been seen after so long killings. The strength of the wild beast is fully embodied in the body, they do not have the magical power of the beast. They only have the power of the body. In other words, the so-called holy animal, only the strength of the body reached the holy level, and the true holy level has a big gap.

The simplest example is that they can only fight melee and not release the force attack from a distance because they have no magical power. Dealing with such twenty-six holy level beasts, let alone the holy monks, that is, if Tianzun gives them more and less, they can kill such a holy animal, but only Nowadays, there are wild animals around them. They don’t have to fight more.

However, this is not the slightest difficulty for Xu Ziyan and others. Eleven masters of the Holy Class also shot at the same time, and one of the celestial celestial blasts on the body of twenty-six holy sacred beasts. Those twenty-seven wild animals only turned into crumbs in an instant.


A wild animal without wisdom is annoying. If it is a wise behemoth, seeing the holy monsters are killed by the moment, I am afraid that I have already scared my courage, and I have escaped without a life. But these wild animals did not have the slightest fear, and they still flew over to the monks.

After Xu Ziyan and other eleven holy monks issued a fairy singer, they no longer took out, and the battle was handed over to the surrounding battlefield, and at the same time they served an elixir, although there was no loss in their chances. But they have to keep their peaks whenever possible.

Sure enough, when they smashed a thousand miles after another layer, the excited screams came from all directions again. The momentum brought by this screaming was stronger, the space in the distance was shaking, and Xu Ziyan and others could feel it. It is approaching a group of powerful wild animals.

The monks in the battlefield swallowed the elixir from time to time. They were all very aware of the situation at this time, so no monk would wait for his body to consume the seven hundred and eighty-eight when he took the elixir. This time No one is jealous. When they only consume 20% of their own strength, they will immediately take the elixir to quickly restore their monks and try to keep their monks at a high standard.

A huge figure appeared, a total of twenty-one huge figures, each of which is more than fifteen feet, followed by countless large and small wild animals behind them. There is only one breath in these wild animals, that is, bloodthirsty and killing.

Xu Ziyan and others were swept away and their faces became dignified.

This is not because the strength of these twenty huge wild animals in front of them threatens them. Instead, they firmly believe that they can easily kill these twenty powerful wild animals, because these twenty powerful wild animals are nothing but The strength of the second level of the holy level, and they are only the strength of the body to reach the second level of the holy level, not to mention the purple smoke, they are only the holy layer of Xu Ziyun can kill them, but Xu Ziyun will spend more time. As long as she releases enough Xianyu to bombard the wild beast on the second level of the sacred beast before she slams into the front of her, she can completely kill the wild beast.

Xu Ziyan, the worry of these holy masters, is the future.

At this point they have already seen it, this is a similarly distributed area of ​​strength. The wild animals in the middle are the strongest, and then distributed outwards and circles. Each level of the wild animal has its own territory. When they came, they were riding a cloud baby, and they did not alarm these wild animals, but at this time they were hard.

So they are hard in a circle, even if they avoid the most central scope, but they will not encounter the holy beasts of the holy level, and this is only the purple purple smoke they are actively avoiding the most central position, just They want to avoid, but they may not be able to avoid it. There is such a big movement here. Who knows if the wild animals that have been avoided will take the initiative?

We must know that there are countless wild beasts coming from far away. This space has been closed for so long. It should not have been this level of battle for a long time, and the sensation caused by it is probably spreading to the distance. The longer the time is delayed, the more the wild beasts will be surrounded, and the more powerful beasts will be alarmed.

Nearly, twenty-one holy-level two-layered wild animals quickly approached, and eleven holy monks released the fairy tales again, killing twenty-one holy-level two-layered wild animals, and the team did not stop. Crashing toward the front.

The battlefields of the surrounding monks are not just attached to the mainland. The range of activities of the battlefield is very large. It circling through the gray space, killing a wild animal and advancing toward the front.


The fierce snoring came again. At this time, the monks had already prepared themselves. This should be that they had already reached the third lap area, and they should be the holy beasts of the Holy Level. Xu Ziyan has already calculated that their route should only be able to enter the fourth lap, and then they will rush over, and will not follow the fifth lap of the wild beast area. As long as the wild animals in the fifth lap area do not take care of them, they will be smooth sailing. When the ground passes through the center, there will be no more problems in the next journey.

There are twelve sacred three-layered beasts. For the ridiculous beasts of this level, even if they only have three levels of the body strength, but the sacred layer of Xu Ziyun can kill, so she simply Do not take the shot, and single-mindedly hold the mainland. The other ten holy monks once again released the fairy tales and killed the twelve holy and three-layered wild animals.


The huge team held the mainland through the third circle and crashed into the fourth circle. Going all the way. In the fourth lap area, although the strength of the wild beast is strong, but under the command of the holy monks such as Xu Ziyan, they are still rushing out safely. So far, the hearts of the monks are relieved, but just this tone is not finished. At that time, I heard the roar from the distance, not a wave of roar, but a layer of roar.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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