The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2969: Battle of the Holy Order

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"not good!"

Xu Ziyan jumped in the heart and knew that this was his own pedestrian's rapid penetration of layers of wild animals that angered the most central laps of the holy sacred beasts, I am afraid they will soon chase them.

The worst strength of the upcoming holy-level wild beast will be the fifth level of the holy level. This level of wild beast is the fourth level of the holy level. The left rock and the sky will have certain difficulties, and then the real battle. Xu Ziyan immediately made a decision to the other ten holy monks and gods:

"Master, Zuo Yan, Cangwu, Xiaolong, Ziyun, you five fully support the mainland, the mountain spirit, the fairy, the devil, the demon, the Kui Tian, ​​we are six ready to meet the enemy."

Xu Ziyan, Yanshan Soul, Xianzhu, Demon Lord, Demon Lord and Quebec Six Holy Masters also released one hand holding the mainland. In the Wanli, Zuoyan, Cangwu, Xiaolong and Xu Ziyun, the five holy monks felt a sinking in their hands, and they both propped up the mainland on their heads and flew forward.

Xu Ziyan, Yanshan soul, fairy master, demon Lord, demon Lord and Kui Tian gazed toward the snoring, they saw the dense wild beasts slammed, and were strangled by the battlefield around the mainland, but at this time The array has also become a bit more difficult.

Xu Ziyan, six sacred monks, did not go to see the ordinary wild beasts, but looked at the wild beasts of more than a hundred feet. In particular, the length of a wild animal has almost reached two hundred feet. Xu Ziyan couldn't help but take a breath, it seems that their troubles this time are indeed a bit big.

The wild beast with a length of nearly two hundred feet exudes a violent scent of the holy nine layers, although only the strength of the body has reached the holy level. It is not a true holy level, but it is not something that can be dealt with by any holy monk.

In addition to the holy nine-layered beast, there are three holy eight-story, five holy seven-story. Five holy levels and six floors, and seven holy levels and five floors.

"That sacred nine layer is handed over to me! You quickly kill other holy sacred beasts, and then help me to kill the wild beast."

Xu Ziyan fell, and his body shape greeted the past with those holy animals. The five saints followed closely, with Xu Ziyan as the tip of the cone, arranged into a small cone array, under the bombardment of the fairy, like a sharp knife to tear the dense wild animal into the middle.


The distance between the six saints and the holy beasts is approaching. Although the numerous monks in the battle are in fierce battles, they all share a bit of energy to pay attention to the six saints. They all know that it is not them who really decide whether to die or not. It is six saints.


There was a purple cloud on Xu Zi’s cigarette head. It was a purple river composed of a million-handed sword.

"go with!"

A purple river rushed toward the sacred beast of the holy nine. The ridiculous animal raised two large heavenly hands and slammed the squirt that had been hit by the opposite side.


If the purple long river hits the hard cliffs, it will be smashed. Xu Ziyan eyes condensed.



The step-by-step sword that is equivalent to the initial power of the eighth level of the holy level bursts open, and the entire gray space is full of cracks. At the beginning, the sacred nine-layered wild animal was still stable, and both hands kept slamming the bursting sword, and all the power was resisted from the palms.

but. As time went by, more and more bursting swords, the body shape of the wild beast was no longer stable in the air, and began to recede toward the back.

At this time, Wu Sheng also played against other holy hands. Just a face-to-face, the Five Saints hit five holy sacred beasts, but they had no time to make up a blow to kill the five wild beasts, because other holy sacred beasts are going to the mainland.

They can't let those wild animals hit the past, otherwise they will not be able to stop the impact of these monsters with the strength of those battles. Therefore, the shape of the five saints flashed rapidly in the air. Quickly attacked a wild animal. Attract their attention.

Xu Ziyan saw this situation. The five sacred five-layered wild animals that were seriously injured did not care about their heavy injuries and flew to the mainland. This is an opportunity for Xu Ziyan to kill them. Those who have been seriously injured can not bear the blow of Xu Ziyan. And at this time, the five saints are very busy, and they are walking around the beasts. Attracting the rest of the wild beasts, Xu Ziyan, who only temporarily repelled the holy nine-layered wild beast, has a little spare time.


The last qi sword burst. The holy nine-layered wild beast has already receded far away, and there are already hundreds of miles away from Xu Ziyan. But the wild beast did not hurt at all. When he saw Xu Zi’s smoke sword exhausted, he immediately screamed fiercely and rushed in toward the purple smoke.

Suddenly, it instinctively is a figure.


On the head of Xu Ziyan, there was a 10,000-handed purple sword. This not only made the wild animal instinctively surprised, but the monks who had a little energy to watch in the distance were also stunned.

"So the power of the sword, Xu Ziyan can ... release several times?"


In the sky, the purple river divides five tributaries, each consisting of five hundred-handed swords, like purple lightning, bombarding the five five-layered wild animals that have been seriously injured.

Only in an instant, the gas sword of the eight-level power of the holy level cuts the five wild beasts, and the broken limbs fall toward the ground. The 2,500-handed swords were also strangled to the remaining two holy and five-layered beasts. At the same time, the remaining seven thousand and five hundred qi swords at this time greeted the holy and nine-layered wild beast that had once again rushed toward it.

At the same time, the Five Sacred not only entangled those holy sacred beasts, but also seriously injured five holy six-layered wild animals.

In fact, the wild animals are very disadvantageous to the monks in the same realm, because they have no magical power and cannot attack from a distance, but the monks can attack them from a distance, and they have no wisdom, which makes them one passively beaten. The situation, not to mention the five saints are eight levels of the Holy Level. Only when these monks encounter monks who are lower than them, can they resist the attack of the monks by the strength of the body and rush to the front.

These unwise savage beasts are cruel and their character is naturally violent. He was attacked by the Five Saints. At this time, he had completely ignored the monks on the mainland. He just stared at the Five Saints. They only thought of one thought at this time, that is, tearing the Five Saints into pieces. But how can the five saints make them close? And there are only three wild beasts that are similar to the Five Holy Lands. The remaining wild animals are not as good as the Five Sacred, so a dozen of holy sacred beasts screamed fiercely while chasing the Five Holy.


The purple air squirt burst again, smashing the two holy five-layered beasts, and knocking back the holy and nine-layered wild beasts again.

However, Xu Ziyan’s heart was not happy at all. So many swords were bombarded on the body of the holy nine-layered monster. They just knocked it back, but did not hurt it. This made Xu Ziyan’s brow locked. stand up.

"The body of this wild beast is really hard!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart could not help but sigh. In her opinion, the physical strength of this wild beast can definitely reach the late stage of the holy nine. On the Xu Ziyan side, the master of the holy class is the strongest, that is, the peak of the eighth level of the holy level, even if the body of Yanshan soul has already broken through the nine levels of the holy level, in the view of Xu Ziyan, at most only the holy level nine The initial peak of the layer. If they fight with this wild animal, none of them can fight each other.

After Xu Ziyan killed seven holy five-layered beasts, the pressure of the five saints was also a little smaller. Finally, the five of them found a gap and killed five holy six-level wild animals. So the five faces they faced were only three levels of eight levels and five levels of seven levels.

The strength of these eight wild beasts is very close to that of the five saints. The strength of the body makes the five saints unable to easily reinvent them, and they are deadlocked together for a while.

However, the monks in the battlefield around the mainland have become much more difficult at this time. A large number of powerful tyrannical wild animals have come from far away. These wild animals are coming from the center. They do not have the speed of those holy desert animals. It was fast, so after a few days of fighting between the holy monks and the holy-level beasts such as Xu Ziyan, they came in with a lot of trouble.

As soon as these wild animals arrived, the battle of the monks immediately felt tremendous pressure. The battlefields began to be squashed and there was a tendency to collapse.


A battlefield collapsed, and the monks in the battlefield were quickly overwhelmed by the wild animals, and other battlefields were also flustered.

"Stabilize!" Tian Zun, who is in the center of the battlefield, screamed.


Xu Ziyan’s head appeared again with a 10,000-handed purple air sword. This time, he did not shoot at the far-reaching holy nine-layered wild beast. Instead, they whizzed toward the mainland. The 10,000-handed sword is like a smashing and smashing the wild beasts. Then the purple long river composed of the 10,000-handed qi sword suddenly rushes in all directions like a maiden flower, rushing into the dense wild animal group. .



There were violent roars in 10,000 places in the wild beasts, and 10,000 mushroom clouds were raised in the air, accompanied by countless broken limbs flying swords in all directions.

Ten thousand blasting sites are far away from the battlefield, but even so, the shockwaves caused the battlefields to sway and involuntarily retreat, and the faces of the monks were extremely shocked.

However, in the minds of these monks, there was an ecstasy. There was a blank zone between them and the wild animals. They rushed to swallow the elixir, and once again fought the battlefield and made an attack against the next wave of wild animals. They all understand that they must block the attack of the wild beasts, and they cannot take the energy of Xu Ziyan, because Xu Ziyan still faces a powerful wild animal.


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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