The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2970: Critical point of collapse

The reason why Xu Ziyan detonated a 10,000-handed sword, it was a last resort, because the holy nine-layered wild beast that was flying by himself in the distance once again shocked.

This time, Xu Ziyan did not use the gas sword. She knew that the gas sword could only repel the wild beast for a short time, and could not cause any harm to the wild animal.

Holding the sword in his hand, his eyes twitched slightly, and he watched as the wild beast was approaching quickly. The huge and awkward face was fierce and pressing.


The Xujian sword in the hands of Xu Ziyan stabbed out to the wild beast. There was a pair of giant eyes in the sky. The eyes of the giant eyes opened, and the place was covered with silence. The dead silence spread to the wild animal.

The wild beast was in a dead silence, and the body began to crack and the blood was sprayed out.


There was a violent roar in the silence, and the wild animal was once again shocked toward Xu Ziyan. Although the speed was extremely slow, it was undoubtedly approaching.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a glimpse. Although the ruin caused damage to the wild beast, it did not seem to be fatal. The power in her dantian was consumed sharply.


Xu Ziyan continued to open the power of the acupoints, and the power of silence was once again violent. Just after the body of the wild beast, although the large pieces of flesh and blood were stripped from the body, they still approached Xu Ziyan fiercely.

Xu Ziyan did not dare to fight hard. If she consumed the power of the body, she would definitely be killed by this wild animal.

The giant eyes in the sky were closed, and the Xu Ziyan sword was closed. At the same time, there was another 10,000-handed sword on the head. Whistling and slamming the past to the opposite wild animal.



A series of air blasting blasts, this time there is damage to the monster, because the body of the monster has been destroyed by the silence, the burst of the sword is expanding its wounds. The wild animal was once again swept away by the purple smoke, this time far from the time of the bombing.

When the last qijian burst, the body of the wild beast had already fallen three hundred miles away.


The last 10,000-handed sword of Xu Ziyan’s body space was sacrificed into the air, but this time she was not attacking the holy nine-layered wild beast three hundred miles away. It is not to help the battle, but to the three holy eight-layered beasts and five holy seven-layered beasts.


Five seven-level wild beasts were immediately smashed by the blast of a 10,000-handed sword, and the three holy eight-layered beasts were also hurt. How could Wusheng miss such an opportunity?

At this moment, Wu Sheng broke out his strongest blow, the destruction of Yanshan soul killed a wild beast, and the other two wild beasts were killed by Sisheng.

Xu Ziyan’s figure flew backwards and shouted: “The mountain spirit, stop the wild animal.”

far away. The holy nine-layered beast is roaring. The soul of Yanshan, the lord, the demon Lord, the demon Lord and the head of the Kui Tianyi collar, greeted the wild animal.

Xu Ziyan's figure instantly appeared on the side of the mainland. After hiding in many battles, the holy monks such as Yanshan Soul greeted the sacred beast of the Holy 9th floor and also looked back at Xu Ziyan. I want to know what Xu Ziyan wants to do.

The monks in the battlefield also gave a little attention to Xu Ziyan. In their hearts, they felt that Xu Ziyan had repeatedly made five swords, and it must be a serious loss. It should be restored to the battlefield. This can’t help but let Their hearts are full of worry. Whether the Five Saints can stop the holy beasts of the Holy 9th floor, they don’t know, but they know that the pressure they are suffering now is very large. The swords of Xu Ziyan have smashed the vacuum zone of a group of wild animals. The powerful wild beast fills up. Their battles once again did not work well, and the formation began to be gradually flattened.


Wu Sheng and Xu Ziyan chose the same way, they could not fight me with the holy nine-layered beast. That is to find abuse. So they also released the fairy from the wild animal far away. The five immortals of the eight-level eight-story masters could not seriously hurt the wild beast. But it also slowed down the speed of the wild animal. This is because the wild animal was injured by the death of Xu Ziyan, and the defensive power was reduced. Otherwise, the five holy forces could only slow down the speed of the wild beast without hurting the wild beast.

Unless it is the Five Saints to take their pinch. But then they will consume a lot of body power like Xu Ziyan. And they are different from Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan still has three hundred and sixty-five points of power, so the five holy not to the most critical moment, is afraid to release a peak blow.

Although there was no release of the peak strike, the holy monks were the holy monks. They released the fairy tales very quickly. Just after the rest of the time, nearly a thousand immortals were released uninterrupted, one by one. The bombardment was on the body of the wild animal, and the body shape of the wild animal was completely disappeared, and it was drowned by the brilliance of various fairy tales.

It’s just that the body of the wild beast is really strong. In that piece of glory, the huge head of the wild beast slowly stretches out, then the neck, the body...

In the end, those immortals were behind them and they came to the Five Holy Grail.


Five Saints had to release the fairy scorpion again, and gradually retreated, and the distance from the wild animal. The blood of the wild beast splashed, and the muscles did not fall off, but the breath was still strong, and it kept approaching the five holy.

At this time, all the monks, including the Five Saints, were inspired by the spirit, because they all saw what Xu Ziyan was doing there. At this time, Xu Ziyan is sticking out a finger in the sky.

The monks who make up the Tianshi continent will be counted. Who knows the monks of the Yuanyuan who do not know the realm of Xu Ziyan?

Just a few strokes, Xu Ziyan's unformed void paintings exude a strong atmosphere, and all the monks know that this should be the last resort of Xu Ziyan. Whether you can kill the wild beast depends on the power of this emptiness.

So they must win time for Xu Ziyan.

The five saints and all the monks were desperate, and the squashed array suddenly expanded, and countless centipedes spurted out and strangled the surrounding wild animals. Although the power of the fairy tales released by the Five Saints did not improve, it was faster and more dense, forcing the speed of the wild animal to approach again, and a large amount of blood was sprayed on the body.

At this time, Wusheng can only pin his hopes on Xu Ziyan. In fact, if there is only five saints in this space, they are also sure to slowly kill this holy nine-layered monster. But now there are not only five of them, but also countless monks and one continent.

Now that the wild animal is clearly beaten by the Five Holy Spirits, he has some indistinct directions, but instinctively approaches the front. Wu Sheng also tried to move, trying to attract the wild animal to another reverse, but the wild animal still rushed straight toward the Tianshi continent.

This forced the five saints to return to the original route, releasing the speed of the fairy tales to slow down the wild animals. Otherwise, if this wild animal is hit into the battlefield, those battles will collapse instantly. Those monks are not the opponents of this wild animal.

In this way, gradually the five saints were forced to the edge of the battle, and at this time they could no longer retreat. If you step back, you will fall into the battle. The holy wild animal roared a little bit closer.

Xu Ziyan's void painting is very slow, this is the most powerful void painting that she sketched after upgrading to the seventh level. The power of the gods in the sea is consumed rapidly.

Over time, the Holy Age beast has approached the Five Saints less than five miles, which means that it is less than five miles away from the battle to protect the mainland.

The look of the five saints became dignified, and every monk was very clear in his heart. I am afraid that there will be another two quarters of an hour, and the wild beast will come to the front. Looking back at Xu Ziyan, it is obvious that the time of two quarters of an hour is not enough for Xu Ziyan to outline the void.

Yanshan soul took a deep breath. At this time, he couldn’t care too much. The peerless hegemony in his hand slowly rose and then slammed forward.


The space is broken one by one, and the small cracks spread like the squats toward the front, and the entire front instantly becomes the ocean of space cracks, if the whole space is to be shattered.


The fine space cracks spread from the wild beasts, and it was not only the holy sacred beast that was impacted, but also many other wild animals around it that were destroyed and swept away.

However, the shattered bombardment on the body of the holy beast, but did not dismember the wild animal, but only made his injury more heavy, but also let it fly out.

All the monks were relieved with a sigh of relief. Although they did not kill the wild animals, they gave Xu Ziyan another time. The monks could not help but look at Xu Ziyan. I saw Xu Ziyan still sketching the void picture, this time has been sweaty, but they can not see how much the void character was completed.

This made all the monks very nervous, especially those monks in the battle. Even if the holy masters are not in the future, they will not be able to stop them, but if they want to escape, these wild animals will not stop them, even the holy animal can not stop. But they can't, but now they are already hard-supported. If they lose the leadership of the Holy Master, they will collapse instantly. Nowadays, it’s just because I saw the holy monk still fighting. Xu Ziyan still sketches the empty picture that they are expecting. They are sighing with a sigh of relief. If this breath is vented, they will soon be torn into pieces by the wild animal. .


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued~^~)

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