The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 2972: Black Sea

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Like this kind of battle on the edge of life and death lasted for forty days, I am afraid that any monk here may not be able to meet once in a lifetime, so this experience is extremely precious to them.

Therefore, even Xu Ziyan was reluctant to enter the body space, wasting this opportunity, while taking the Xiandan, while holding the veins to absorb, kneeling in the heaven and earth avenue.

Time passed by in silence.

One month, two months, six months, one year...

During the year, many monks broke through, that is, the monks who did not break through and believed that they would break through in the near future.

After Xu Jinyang’s repairs, it took a year to break through to a half-step holy level. The body exudes a strong breath. Let the surrounding monks show the color of awe and envy.

Xu Tianwo Ling Xiao, Lang Yue, Jin Invincible and Magical Devils have stagnated in the peak of Tian Zun's later stage. They have reached a bottleneck. This is not a question of cultivation, but a question of their own qualifications. Root, it is impossible to make further breakthroughs.

Xu Xingfan’s body exudes a sacred atmosphere, and he sees the door to sanctification.

The heart, the destiny, the left Pengming, the city, the ink **** machine, the sky without shadow, the Hua Gu Ren, Jin Ge, Xuan Daozi's cultivation reached the peak of Tian Zun.

Light moon dance, Ling Yijian. Ximen jade, intoxicated flower, fire dance, Gongzi forging, Xu Lin, Ximen Gale, Di Yi,

Song Wanzhong, a thousand cups drunk. Cold and clear, Sha Qianli, Pu Songhe, iron heavy, snow flew, Zheng Hongzhen's repair to reach the late Tianzun.

The earth is still the peak of the late Tianzun. The ontology is still the strength of the Holy Level. He is also in a bottleneck state now, and needs to make up the roots. Only through this battle, but his body strength has been raised to the peak of the holy level.

There is no growth in the repair of the sword, but the momentum of the body has become more and more stable. It was originally like a sword with the same handle, but now it is like a sword in the middle. Repeated forty days of killing. Let him have a deeper understanding of the kendo, and after the year of digestion. The temperament of the whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes.

All the non-classified monks have already awakened, but the eleven holy monks are still in the process. This battle is almost a battle of the great monks of the Holy Order. As a holy monk, they have learned more.

Another month passed.

Xu Ziyun first woke up, and her cultivation was upgraded to the second level of the Holy Class. Then take the Wanli to upgrade to the third level of the Holy Level. Xiaolong also came one after another and will be upgraded to the third level of the Holy Class.

The accumulation of Zuoyan and Cangwu is completely enough after touching the Heavenly Way of the Upper Yuan Dynasty. The bottleneck began to loosen, and the two people will eventually be upgraded to the peak of the fifth level of the Holy Grade.

The repair of the Lord of the Lord was promoted to the eighth level of the Holy Order. And the lord, the demon Lord and the Quebec jumped to the beginning of the Holy Week and reached a realm they had never reached.

Yanshan soul also woke up, but the smell of his body is still the peak of the eighth grade. He did not break through, but he still suppressed the cultivation, but the power of the gods has already broken through to the middle of the holy nine.

The look of the Five Holy Spirits to the soul of Yanshan is a glimpse. In their opinion, how can the Yanshan Soul not break through? I couldn’t help but look at the Yanshan soul. In an instant, they felt that the spirit of Yanshan was suppressing the atmosphere of cultivation, and the scene of Yanshan soul occasionally petrified appeared in his mind, and his heart was a bit stunned.

I couldn’t help but look at Xu Ziyan, and I saw that Xu Ziyan’s breath was in the midst of ups and downs. Xu Ziyan wants to break through the needs of the Yuan is too much, her body is not a continent, but a universe. At this time, the eyes of the monks and other monks showed a shocking color. I saw that the powder of the veins had not passed her waist, showing how many crystal veins she absorbed.


The space around Xu Ziyan swayed, and the breath of Xu Ziyan finally climbed, but the magnitude of the climb was very small, only climbing to the peak of the seventy-sixth grade. This breakthrough is too small for the breakthrough of the lords, but when I think of the horrible power of Xu Ziyan, although it is only slightly improved, it is not a little bit of improvement.

Xu Ziyan opened his eyes and saw everyone looking at himself. He stood up from the ground and looked at the crowd. He then went to the holy masters such as the lord and the emperor:


"Tong Happiness!" The monks also resigned.

Xu Ziyan looked up and looked at the seal in the air: "Mountain Spirit, how long can seal this space?"

"A hundred years!" Yanshan soul looks dignified.

The monks listened and listened, and their looks became dignified. After a hundred years, if these wild animals invaded the mainland, it was definitely a small disaster for the mainland.

"At the time, I will seal it again!" Yanshan soul laughed: "No need to be nervous."

The monks listened, and the mood was steep but loose. The sky went up a few steps: "Xu Daoyou, the heavens here are really too thick, just..."

Having said that, the sky looked around and said: "The environment here is very bad!"

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "The sky, here is just the corner of the Yuan Dynasty, a mysterious land called the Black Sea. The real Shangyuan continent, we must wait for us to get out of the Black Sea."

The sky and the left rock smelled the spirit, and Xu Ziyan took a step in the air and his body shape rose. The monks behind him also rushed to the ground and flew out of the shrinking Tianshi.

Xu Ziyan’s figure was in the air, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and his eyes were different. Not only was Xu Ziyan's eyes showing a different color, but the monks in the Upper Yuan Dynasty had different colors in their eyes. They looked around and looked at each other with a frown.

The monks of Zuoyan and Cangwu, etc., also slightly frowned. Although they didn’t know what happened, they felt that the surrounding environment seemed to be a little bad. They couldn’t help but look at Xu Ziyan and others. .


Suddenly, there was a fierce scream in the space, as if the billions of creatures were screaming, and Xu Ziyan and others were shocked, and they listened, but they couldn’t hear where the sound came from, as if The sound of screaming is everywhere, and it can't be found.

The sound of screaming straight through the soul, so that Xu Ziyan and other monks instinctively felt a little uncomfortable. A dangerous sign hit the hearts of the monks.

The consciousness of Xu Ziyan and other monks quickly spread out, and their look was changed. At this time, their knowledge can only be extended to less than ten miles. It is necessary to know that the consciousness of Xu Ziyan can cover more than half of the mainland. How can it still cover ten miles?

Is there any change in the Yuan Dynasty at this time?

Xu Ziyan, a pedestrian who came back and forth and added healing time, spent a total of nearly two years, and when they were healed in the shrinking Tianshi stone continent, they could not perceive what happened outside, if they were near two What happened during the year is not impossible.

But what made the Black Sea such a huge change?

Is it...

Xu Ziyan and other monks in the Yuan Dynasty are all in a tight heart.

Is it a change in the mainland?

As a result, Xu Ziyan and other monks were anxious in their hearts. Their roots were all on the mainland. If the foundations of the Upper Yuan dynasty were ruined, it would definitely be a huge blow to them.

Xu Ziyan and others have shook their minds and observed the surrounding environment. At this time, the sound of the screaming has disappeared, and everything around it is quiet. Xu Ziyan and others carefully perceive that there is no change in the Black Sea within the scope of the gods. It seems to be the same as when it came. However, Xu Ziyan and others know that it will never be so simple, otherwise their knowledge will not be restricted.


Suddenly, there were a burst of roaring colors from all directions. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul and other monks changed their faces. They are so familiar with this kind of voice. That is the sign that there is a big crack in the space.

Is the catastrophe on the Yuan Dynasty already coming?

Xu Ziyan and other monks stood quietly listening to the air, his face slightly relieved a little. Now they have a speculation about the catastrophe. It seems that there is a chaotic beast attacking. This sound is produced by the Chaos Beast attack. Once the huge cracks in the space of the catastrophe generated by the space, the sound of the roaring beasts will be heard, not the sound of this rumble. It seems that the catastrophe has not yet come.

It just makes them even more anxious, because at this time they can hear the rumbling sound more often than they ever heard. Without a heartbeat, the environment of the Black Sea will not change because of the vibration of this space?

"Let's go see!"

Kui Tian looked solemnly, and Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul and other monks nodded. Eleven sacred monks flew in the direction of eleven, and Xu Ziyan flew forward as the gods advanced. Soon, she felt that it was wrong. The surrounding Black Sea seemed to be disappearing. There was a different scene around her. Each scene was very strange to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan wants to carefully observe the scenes around these changes, but these scenes are changing too fast, like lightning, and flashing through, even if the purple smoke occasionally captures a trace of familiarity, it will also flash, let She can't react completely.

Xu Ziyan lived in shape, and she found that she was deep in this way and had a tendency to get lost here.

In the eyes of the blue flashing, Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Peng Peng, but the scene in front of the eyes still changed as old, which made Xu Ziyan's heart slightly tense.

"Small wood!"

"What?" Xiaomumu is playing with his fingers in the sea of ​​Xu Ziyan.

"Look at what is going on here?"


Ask for a pink ticket! Ask for a ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome)


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